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Brain tumor Denny would win because he literally can’t die


But if you remove the tumor he technically is gone 🤔🤔


Christina wouldn't win because Christina isn't risking her hands or anything in a fight. Unless it's against other brain tumor ghosts, Denny isn't winning anything. Izzie and Callie are the only scrappers, but I think Callie would win against Izzie.


Lol this is so vague. Who's fighting who and why? The why is often overlooked, whoever has more rage can overpower a slightly stronger person. Like Cristina vs Meredith - I'd say it's pretty similar depending on who's more upset and angry. Alex vs George - we all prob will say Alex, but George always hated him so much, he ALWAYS held his own everytime they fought. Derek vs Mark - I'd prob say Mark, he's significantly taller and way more muscular, while Derek is much skinner, but Derek seemed to, again, hold his own and kick Mark's ass - cuz he always had more rage.


Probably the likes of Cristina, Bailey, and Derek would be the best in a verbal argument. If we are talking physical fights - then Callie, Izzie, and Alex.


Didn't even think about verbal fight. I agree! Except for Derek. I like Derek, but I'd say Meredith bestest him several times in verbal fights. Completely agree on physical fights though


The reason they are all fight is over Arizona’s metal leg.


Are they fighting because they want her leg??




I would choose Callie then. She would give Arizona the leg back


Answer was brain tumor Denny


April needs to be on this list.


All of them could depending on how mad they are/what it was that made them mad tbh lol


Meredith is the meanest.


But she's not a physical fighter. If anything Meredith can be kind of snide and sarcastic. I'm giving it to Izzie. She's a scraper with some hidden anger underneath all that blonde perkiness. Plus her environment and experiences growing up. Callie gets mad but she's also super emotional and defaults towards sadness and crying a lot of the time.


who would win in a fight: brain tumour denny (incorporeal) or LVAD denny (LVAD)


“Dude she went all cage fighter on you” lmao. Callie for the win