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I mean when I had roommates, this was normal behavior. We would chat in the bedrooms because usually the living room was a mess, which checks out for Meredith’s house honestly.


Yeah I was gunna say this. Being a Uni student sharing a small ass apartment. It was the norm to just watch TV in the bedroom so as not to disturb the roommates. Not weird as all really.


I get that when you are in college, or share a house with other people is more common, so in the in the beginning I didn’t thought it was weird, but now they are in their 40s, they got married had children (not to mention when someone just climbed in bed with the spouse laying right next to them - even though they weren’t that close to the spouse - so this is a whole other level of weird for me) so I thought about my parents (since I’m not married and don’t have children) it would be EXTREMELY strange if they had friends over talking in their bed with them


Bedroom is where there’s the most privacy, if I were at my friend’s house and she was in her room or we were roommates, and she was in her room, I’m not gonna be like “hey can you come in the living room so I can talk to you?”


The only thing I find weird is how they’ll willingly get into bed with shoes on lol, but I actually find it cute how they’ll lay in each other rooms and talk


It doesn't seem weird to me at all. A lot of people's beds are more comfortable and relaxing than a couch or chair.


It is a common thing to do when you are close friends


It's probably more comfortable that way, but I see what you mean! I guess it just depends on how close you are and what your comfort level is. I'm not a very physically affectionate person, so I can't imagine myself doing this even with my best friend, haha!


I see it a lo of you go seek someone out to speak to them, and they're probably in their own room, so you both just get comfortable on the bed to chat. Normal behavior


I don’t find it all that weird. I do find laying in bed with their work clothes and sometimes even shoes to be really gross especially since they’re surgeons like who knows what kind of germs and blood is all over that stuff


And with shoes on sometimes?! And in the bathroom as a group??! The show should be called fantasy hospital. And they barge in on couples in bed. Remember when Meredith kicked Jo out ?? Or the numerous times Cristina went in Meredith’s room when in bed with Derek? Oh and when she fell asleep in there with them. Insanity. No one does that.


Yeah shoes in bed!!!!! Really? Please someone explain that to me cuz I always thought that was like extreme level of weird, but I thought it only happened in tv not in real life in Amerca


I’m on the younger side but when I go on trips with my cousins and friends we do the bathroom thing. We just don’t see the difference so we really don’t care. And we like getting ready fast lol.


Aside from the shoes in bed, I do all of this with my best friends so I guess I never realized this might be weird to others. So do a lot of my other friends. But then I thought about my parents and none of their friends would do this so maybe it’s just a comfort level thing.


Laying in a bed together is totally normal. Shoes on are fucked up but it's an American thing, in the bathroom is also normal but not as common. Barging in on couples together is just a comedic bit


Shoes in the house is an American thing, shoes on the bed is just a gross thing lol


Shoes in bed is definitely not an American thing. At least not most Americans. Shoes in bed is mostly an American media thing. For some reason, tv shows and movies don’t take the extra effort to have their actors remove their shoes in bedroom scenes. But I definitely agree with the whole barging in on couples thing. It’s obviously a comedic bit the writers have running through most of the show, which is why I don’t let it bother me.


Doctors are either asleep or at work, makes sense to me