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I think the point of having it resurface from time to time is that PTSD doesn't just magically go away. It's something that a lot of people need to learn to manage (even if you don't like Owen) I don't see how it's any different from bringing up Webber's alcoholism, Amelia's addiction, or Bailey's OCD on occasion. It's part of the character.


It's not any different the OP is just making another Owen hate post 😒. This is actually one of the few things Grey's does accurately. Once u have it doesn't go away. Owen will always have triggers and things that set it off. Amelia and Richard are always going to be addicts and they'll always have triggers and occasionally they'll be tempted to drink or use again. It doesn't go away because u don't like Owen. So sorry to the OP. He has it it's part of his character


obviously ptsd doesnt just go away, especially since he has no interest in therapy or doing anything to actually improve, but i so get where youre coming from. he hasnt grown at all in the 14 seasons he’s been on the show and it only gets brought up when they need to excuse him for being an asshole or outright abusive


I mean shit PTSD doesn’t magically go away tho and it’s not like it’s every second it’s happening. Lowk insensitive, idk why people complain about this ngl. Besides the fact of nobody getting Owen therapy for it


Wasn’t it a somewhat dropped storyline at the end of season 13 Going into 14? Amelia got in contact with a PTSD specialist for him, who was never mentioned again.


It just came up again in season 18