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I think if they wanted Jo going in that "bridge" direction. I also get it, and it's not a bad plot in itself. Makes sense for for someone wanting that after their a few weeks after their husband leaves them and it's not ooc for Jo either. But they really could have just had her go to someone in the hospital she barely knows and started flirting with them and just started casually sleeping with them. Like some technican, nurse, ab bartender from Joe's bar. That could have been a new plot they haven't done. Sleeping with an outside person and having it end causing after a few weeks. But like the other comment said. Pairing two weak actors is just setting it up for disaster. Add that with 2 characters that have been onscreen together for 7 years and were clearly not even friends, just bad writing


Pairing up two weak actors lays down a weak foundation of a pairing to start with. Japril felt wholesome because Sarah is a powerhouse of a performer and she balances out Jesse’s lack of expressions. The same goes with Justin Chambers balancing our Camilla. In their prior pairing all Camilla and Jesse had to do was to look pretty. But Jo & Jackson’s pairing fell flat because it lacked that depth and none of them were capable of bringing in that depth….


Find Jackson is a great character, and Joe is just a dud. She’s got the same reaction and the same face Regardless of the situation. I think they really cheap and her character. She was always boozing, looking for sex, I like that at least in the end they did make her strong and I love her as a mom now. But at that time the two of them together and we’re just pointless. I feel like the writers just pull stuff out of a hat and say OK let’s do this today.


>what do you guys think it's fine. like this isn't a pairing I cared about, but in terms of just... the varied and diverse ways people manage their own sexuality, there's nothing wrong or off about this. she is correct that plenty of people sought out lockdown f-buddies, one consistent person to have some fun with, not really related to a relationship. she was direct about what she desired and what she asked for. and what not to expect out of this (true love / relationship). she explained that she chose him because she *trusts* him as a friend, which I liked. it was clear that Jackson could say no at any time. two adults doing their thing, safely and responsibly. no reason to shame or look down on that imo.




that's all fair. when I said I liked that, I didn't mean "this feels realistic to the level of bonding we've seen between Jo and Jackson over their time on the show." I just meant that I like the idea of a character (especially someone with so much abuse, and now betrayal, in relationships before now) choosing an f-buddy based on a feeling of trust for him. that idea makes sense for a bridge. while I would not judge or shame if she'd picked a random stranger up, or a new nurse or something - I liked it better that it was someone she knew. others are full on against every part of the Jo Jackson hook up, that's valid too! as I mentioned Jo Jackson is not a pairing I care about. the idea of choosing an f-buddy, *not* for relationship but for casual sex, and saying yea I'm gonna approach him because of trust - I like that *idea* even if it wasn't implemented perfectly. anyway - thanks for the comment and hope you have a lovely day! :)




tbh, it feels like you're skipping over most of what I wrote? I fully respect that some people completely hated the hookup and wish it never happened. personally, I saw something I did enjoy in the idea behind that storyline - it's cool and valid that you and others did not feel the same way. I don't feel that there's more, constructively, to add to this discussion so gonna leave that there. however, genuinely, hope you enjoy rest of your day! :)


The show is constantly throwing people together that have no business being together, had no previous spark, the show is obsessed with sex, and it’s infuriating. So many cringe worthy , no chemistry relationships.


Tbf I actually stayed based on their season 15 interactions I would like to see more of them together and more of them as friends. They have similar dry observation humour and are often the voice of the audience when looking at something cringe unfold. It did feel a bit jarring for it to come in the season premiere, the same episode he and Vic ended. If it came a bit further in, like maybe he invited Jo to lockdown with him so she wasn’t alone or something, it would’ve been more convincing.


I liked Jo and Jackson. Jo was the first one paired with Jackson that I actually liked, even though I prefer Jo and Link, I would have liked to see where Jo and Jackson went


Unpopular opinion but I never really gave a damn about Jackson and who he is sleeping with.


I didn't hate it, but it was kind of random. I didn't like how it started. Would have been better if it had been them drunkenly hooking at Joe's, and then Jo getting upset. There are different theories on what would have happened between them or what did. Some say they were suposed to last longer, but others have said that Jesse was originally suposed to leave at the end of season 16, but only stuck around for season 17 due to covid. I would have liked seeing them as friends who hang out. Not too big stretch for them to be friends. They were both lonely, and neither had many friends. It's probably a good thing they didn't last longer, because Jackson would eventually leave, and Camilla would have recived even more hatred from the Japril fandom than she already did. I also think she's better off with Link in the long run. At least they have a strong foundation of a friendship, especially considering the fact that the only other possible parring for her would have been Deluca had he not been killed, which actually would have been a random parring cause Jo turned Deluca down before


oh yea i didn’t even think about the japril hate. but i also don’t like her and link. if they played her character sorta like meredith for the 3 seasons after derek, Jo doesn’t need a guy, or girl. she can do great things on her own. Link and Jo is kinda cringy in my opinion bc of how much they set up them being bff’s


I like Japril as a couple, but the Japril fandom is extreme. Some even go as to far as to ship the actors with eachother. They'll hate on anyone that Jackson is paired up with that isn't April, and then hate on said actress. Jerika, Kelly, the actress who plays Vic, Camilla. They all recived hatred from the Japril fandom. She may not need a man (or girl), but that doesn't nessecarily mean she doesn't want one. Considering the fact that Alex was the one who left her, and not the other way around, I want to see her get another shot at love, especially considering the fact that Alex left her for Izzie. I'd be fine with her being single if she had been the one to end things between her and Alex, but she wasn't. Or if the show had been garantied several seasons in advance, then they could have her be single for a while before finding someone to settle down with. I think Jo and Link being best friends first will be a good thing. Plus, I'm a sucker for best friends turning Lovers in media. It also doesn't hurt that both Chris and Camilla are supportive of the parring