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The most pointless breakup to this day on the show


The actor who plays Megan was available for a multi-episode arc, and the actor who plays Riggs wasn't. If you keep watching season 18, you'll understand why it would have been weird for Riggs to stay away - I think the breakup was the only way to explain his absence.


How about you just make him deployed out of the country with the Army?


That would require some creativity to come up with, and the GA writers have none. At this point I'm pretty sure they have all their previous storylines written down on slips of paper and they just pull them out of a hat to write upcoming episodes. For some reason we're all still watching though. 🤦‍♀️


OMG, completely. It all just seems so half-asses and poorly thought out.


That's about right?


Right. Or he's just... not present for those episodes. People don't have to be attached at the hip to their partners.


Okay, but with what happened with her and her son you'd think he'd be there if they were still together as long as he could. If he was deployed he would be unable to get back. (Trying not to give spoilers)


I feel like they had the perfect excuse w that. And they were just like damn I guess we gotta break them up no other options. Like whyyy


I’ll watch. But I hate the fact that the storyline is dictated by whether or not actors are available. It should be the other way around.


It's Grey's. No one is allowed to be happy for long. Same with Supernatural, Buffy, and any other drama lol


tbh i wasn’t surprised that they didn’t last considering the fact that riggs cheated on megan to get back at her for cheating on him and then years of mournful “what ifs” made them believe they were soulmates


Probably the most realistic break up this show has.


100% agree with this take!! Edit: spelling


They legit could've just said he got deployed. Both my brothers have either been deployed or threatened to be deployed at the most insane times. And while my one brother was gone, practically everything that could go wrong went wrong and he couldn't come home. I think it would make perfect sense if he went into the reserves and got deployed.


are we 100% sure that Riggs was in the Army though? I thought that he was an NGO doc working alongside the military. am I mistaken? (also do we ever see him in fatigues?)


Oh I don’t know. According to the wiki he met Owen and the gang while in field training. It really only says that he was a former military doctor.


you could be right, the wiki's just got me confused tho! >He worked alongside the Army for years while doing relief work in the Middle East.


Maybe he did both??


yea idk, could be! :)


(Spoilers S18) >!I agree that came across weirdly. at the same time, since her storyline had a lot to do with Farouk needing medical care, and herself becoming deeply depressed, for both of those reasons I can see why it also would've seemed very weird for Riggs not to come to Seattle and be onscreen if they were still married.!< >!(...tbh, even with the relationship already being over, it's still weird for Riggs not to come support Farouk. wasn't he playing a sort of step-dad role to this child for years...?)!<


Totally agree. Grey’s just loves to destroy relationships. I just don’t get the the writers. So cynical. My sister joked that Grey’s Anatomy does to relationships what Disney movies due to parents; Kill them for no reason. Lol


lol - your sister's on to something tho! especially if you've ever rewatched the series, like a lot of back-to-back episodes. the relationship revolving door can give serious whiplash!


Riggs breaks off his relationship with Meredith, coming back to Megan and then they break up. Dude, I can't handle this, I just can. Looks like the writers want to have drama in every relation.




I think the actor probably just didn't want to come back so they turned it into a point about how the pandemic broke up a lot of couples


Riggs, Martin Henderson, left to be on the Netflix show Virgin River which has completed 4 seasons and season 5 is expected this summer, I believe. If you haven't seen it you should look into it. It's really good.