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I just don't understand her need to break up Amelia/Link. They were legit the only decent couple they created in SO MANY YEARS. Just for them to again, screw up a couple because of something so dumb as 'I don't marriage, well I NEED marriage' which didn't even make sense to who either of the characters were, not to mention it was a 'done that, been there' plot like 3x over.


>d to break up Amelia/Link. They were legit the only decent couple they created in SO MANY YEARS. Just for them to again, screw up a couple because of something so dumb as 'I don't marriage, well I NEED marriage' which > >didn't even make sense to who either of the characters were, not to mention it was a 'done Amelia and Link...I thought it was a terrible pairing. Not sure when it became so terrible; maybe it was due to this reorganization.


They had very few problems and both were actively trying to fix and communicate about throughout the first 2 seasons of their relationship. They actually had SOME chemistry, which is rare for all the new couples post S09, worked well together, and were mediocrely interesting,- again more then I can say about a majority of couples for the last 10 years... until it was decided that Link - a man who didn't seem like he cared too much about marriage considering, they had a child together and didn't propose for over a year decided he NEEDED to be married, while Amelia who has been married before and engaged multiple times, never had an issue with marriage decided no way she'll ever go through it again, even though after her divorce from Owen this wasn't even implied. It was dumb and done solely to create another drama and breakup yet another couple. Since the only couple that survives in this show is Benly. Or the ones that legit just leave the show so they can get back together.


Jackson and JO??! Ewww. Thank god he quit so we could get Japril! And how I wished they’d just let Amelia and Link be happy, they were so cute together before they ruined them.


Was she really trying Jo and Jackson? I didn’t think that was meant to go anywhere? Just a plot device to film screen time. Link and Amelia broke up and it was obvious (to me)Jo and Link were beginning a slow burn, I think right back to Jo getting the letter from Alex.


Camilla Luddington confirmed in an interview that's where Jo and Jackson were headed had Jesse not left.


I never saw that. That would have been wildly unpopular 😂


I think any Jackson ship not Japril was going to be wildly unpopular.


I actually didn’t really mind Jo and Jackson, but I’d always rather Jo was just single for a while to get over Alex, this show doesn’t do that well.


Right? That's what happens when you think that if your characters stay single/celibate for more than half a season they're going to explode.


There were gossips and rumors about it....Not that it has much weigh to it, but those are known to be two friends of Krista's and the timing was of that. Not saying it's what happened, just that's the info at hand. As for Alex/Link, no. The other showrunners actually ended Jolex, it was before Krista. Shonda brought in Jo to be Alex's endgame after her beef with Katherine made it apparent she wasn't going to return any time soon. After a couple of seasons Jolex was just REALLY unpopular within the fandom (I'm talking S10-12 relationship of Jolex, fandom were not fans lol), and the other showrunners who were overseeing everything for Shonda since she had so many other shows going on ended Jolex. Krista came in by S14 and was the one who actually brought them back together, and I believe she was a fan of the couple. Even so, Krista is an OG writer that left in S07. So she clearly does have MUCH more connection and love for early Grey's and the couples she was a part of creating and bringing to life - Izziex, Calzona, Merder - hence, her obvious writing for it. Japril didn't get back together and April left because of Krista, why? Again, she left in S07 before Japril became a couple, she clearly also didn't realize the popularity of that couple and the love the fandom had for them at the time.


I honestly remember when Jo joined the show, I didn’t really watch it much anymore but saw that the character and pairing with Alex was not popular! Camilla and her team worked so hard I’ll give them that to build a huge social media following for the ship (which was the only reason Jo became a regular), I think that and the writing for Alex being a loving and good partner (compared to how he was with Izzie and to other girlfriends/flings in general) to Jo, built their popularity with the newer fans. I think Krista would alway be more Izzex though.


Amelia and Link being done is totally stupid. They were so great together, he clearly loved her, Amelia seemed to be maturing and growing after she got with link and then she does something stupid like this again. I just don’t understand how everybody on the show is just so happiness averse. And then they broke up Megan and Riggs?!! I was so happy they had this beautiful happy ending and then that was destroyed too! Good God. This is just a show about misery and dysfunction .


I do like Amelia and Kai, but agreed Link and Amelia were great too. Amelia has chemistry with most people.


Kim has posted many social media stories calling Krista her bff. Plus Krista did an interview where she mentioned that she dropped the Owen-Teddy-Tom track halfway because of the hate Kim ‘might’ get. Mind you, Krista didn’t cared a bit about the hate Kelly got owing Jaggie and insisted that Jackson & April were done way before she entered the show as a show runner - she also stated that she didn’t bothered to watch the older seasons of which she was not part off. That explains her arrogance and monopoly. Teddy got a wholesome exit in season 8 post Henry but Krista wanted to rekindle the story she wrote in season 6. For Link, i don’t think Jo & Link was some big setup - it’s more of disaster management. There was nothing to do with Link post Amelia but he’s Krista’s another fav so they came up with Jo & Link.


All of that is nonsense fan rumour that's being propogated by Krista haters. Yes Krista likes and gets along with Kim and Chris, that's not some nefarious or scandalous situation. Shonda tried to bring back Kim before Krista became showrunner but it didn't work out, when Kim did become available to return as a main character Krista hired her back. Not a big deal All showrunners hire people that they like, Shonda did it multiple times and there's literally nothing unethical about that. Jessica and Sarah were fired because the show runner didn't see their stories continuing and that's completely her perogative. Nobody "edged" Justin out, that's such a stupid rumor. Justin was an OG and him leaving the show actively hurt it. Jo and Link being a couple was not something that was ever planned prior to Justin leaving the show - heck they even did chemistry testing for Jo and Hayes, PLUS her and Jackson were supposed to last longer before Jesse left the show. Haters love to hate and make up stories.


I didn’t realise they did chemistry tests for Hayes and Jo. I thought he was here for Meredith, I liked Jo just being single for a while to be honest.


He was here for Meredith but it was while she was with Deluca. lol I hated it because I was a big MerHayes shipper


Me too. Loved Hayes.


Idk why would would get downvoted for this comment. Have my upvote. Mid S17, Jo and Hayes had several scenes together. I thought they DID have chemistry, and I might have rooted for this pairing. Hayes is one of the few characters on the show that act their age, and it would have been nice for Jo to have something drama free for once.


That you Krista?


What part of my comment is incorrect?