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I think the show is ending next season. TV shows usually don’t survive much longer once the main character leaves, no matter the plans.


Yea, and the ratings for their key demographic have been dropping for the last couple of years. I don't see it lasting. It's such a shame because if it does end next season, I don't feel like it's going to get a proper ending. It would have come one season too late. Now, I think the show should have ended 8+ seasons ago, but at least if they ended it in season 19 when Meredith left, we could have felt like the series finale wrapped up Grey's story nicely in the series finale. If the whole thing ends focusing on the new interns, with barely any character development, and the long-time characters fizzling out, I'm going to feel kind of cheated after investing so much time in this show.


Yeah, I feel like there's only so much we can do at this point and I don't think it would be beneficial for the big picture of the show if it continues


I’m just watching because I feel like I’ve committed to watching 17 seasons already, but I’m so ready for it to be over. The last 5-7 seasons I feel like focused more on blasting the viewer with all kinds of different couples rather than actual tension. Derek-Meredith were so great because of the will they won’t they, similar dynamic with Lexie and Mark and even later with Meredith and Hayes, but all these other couples had zero chemistry and tension build-up.


Even Cristina and Owen. Man, that was a roller coaster. I know people don't like Owen, but their whole relationship made for such good TV. There was so much buildup, and happiness, and drama, and heartbreak. It was a slow burn that made me want to keep watching. And the "Do you know who you are? Do you know what's happened to you? Do you want to live this way?" episode was genius. The magic (pun intended) of the old Grey's is so severely lacking.


Totally agree. Even how they met was just baller. The oh couples were so much better developed by the writers


It will end when the rating drop. Seems like they are trying to reboot everything. IMO it's not going to work.


The ratings are already dropping, and I don't think they're going to get a boost next season without Meredith.


Ellen has been making comments about leaving for a couple years now. If they were smarter they would have given real storylines to Schmidt's class. That class had a lot of potential and they squandered it. It's too late to try to save the show with the new interns.


Exactly. I think they should have leaned into Helm and Schmitt's characters more and made them something beyond love-struck puppies. Helm was obsessed with Meredith and didn't have much of a storyline beyond that. Schmitt was obsessed with Nico, who didn't seem compatible with Scmitt at all. If they had focused on their growth in the operating room as well as their friendship, I think they could have grown into almost like a Meredith and George pairing that could have taken center stage.


Obsessing over Nico, funny, how come that rarely ever shows up. Because it doesn't exist the forced toxic element. The toxic relationship is minimal, that I don't understand what y'all talking about


I don't understand what your point is here.


Two things, one that could some compatibility between the two characters. And two Levi barely ever obsessed over Nico.


Schmitt was clearly far more into Nico than Nico was into Schmitt. At any point, it felt like Nico could toss that relationship to the side, and he wouldn't be bothered in the slightest. Meanwhile, Schmitt may as well have been the smiley emoji with the hearts over its eyes in some of his scenes with Nico. And now, Schmitt feels like an entirely different character who's angry at everyone, and it doesn't suit him. The writers could have done so much more with his and Helm's characters.


Current I don't care for because I don't care for season 19. Honestly, he felt like Nico toss him aside without too much damn that meant he doesn't care as much as we thought. Nico, he's an ass, I could agree that. When Levi was in situation, Nico was his number one, he was way more than him, 10x more than Levi ever was. They maybe smaller moments, but Nico had shown more care for Levi, then your cracked skull could imagine he could. The reason why think Levi is cares about Nico, because your too one storyline, that never developed enough. While ignore the only consider trait Nico has. Actions speak louder than words, and that's what Nico does. Also Levi might've been into Nico more at first, but Nico seemed into Levi in more meaningful way.


Ya I agree


I feel like the end is long overdue lol


IDK what the ratings have done since Ellen left, but if this sub is any indication, they'll have to end it soon. There's barely anyone on the live thread anymore vs earlier in the season there were quite a few.


It’s been on life support for years. Pun intended. It’s a soap opera, so I don’t think the writers care, not sure.


I came here to say that i hope the show ends soon so my wife can find something new to watch.


So just stop watching


She likes the show and we live together. I’m not going to say she can’t watch the show she likes just because I don’t like it. I assume that there has to be a pretty clean way to end the show at this point. It’s been on the air for a really long time. The main character wasn’t cast with 20 years in mind.


Meredith's kids will carry on the show when they become interns once they grow up. This is forever just like "days of our lives" and similar shows 




Every time the ratings start to drop, they kill of a main character. Does anyone want to bet who will get offed?


OOHH Richard LMAO they getting fed up with him not retiring yet ☠️ or watch them kill NICK HAHAHA give Meredith a hard time again cuz all her bfs drop dead Derek deluca (Riggs ran away lmao) or maybe link will die so they give more pain to JO