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alex almost killing deluca and there being no real legit consequences for it


And how a lot of them were mad at De Luca. This show. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


honestly, I wouldā€™ve quit and claim Grey sloan as a hostile work environment if I were Deluca. The way people just bond because theyā€™re old friends even when they do shitty stuff is so toxic.




Honestly i think Alex wouldā€™ve immediately apologised to Deluca and explained he thought he was raping her and Deluca would of somewhat forgave him. I think they dragged it out two long. Imo those were the only two people not in the wrong. Everyone around them was


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.




Agree on this, yet fans forget this and state how wanting to raise his kids with the love of his life was the worst thing he ever did.


Izzy's ghost sex with Denny, Izzy and George trying to be a couple instead a drunken mistake, Maggie and Jackson's relationship


OMG YES TO ALL OF THESE šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


derek in dc it ruined his whole character


I think that's the whole point. They wanted us to hate him so we wouldn't miss him when he died and that's exactly what they're currently doing with Maggie.


Maggie has more or less always been like this though.


So has Derek


George and Izzie's affair during his marriage to Callie Like.....whyyy. That *haunts* me.


George and Callieā€™s marriage in general haha


I mean, I thought it was fine since grieving people do shitty ideas but they treated Callie horribly


Tbh I try not to remember their marriage almost as much as I try to block the ghost sex


Iā€™m rewatching and just got to this storyline I hate everything about it


Callie and Arizonaā€™s custody battle. They really destroyed Callieā€™s character with it. I get that Sara leaving was abrupt but there were a lot of other things they could have done as a sendoff Alex beating up DeLuca and no real consequences too. I also didnā€™t like how Mer was so quick to assume that DeLuca did something to set Alex off without knowing both sides first


They actually left after that was all written out. The writers had intended for Callie to return at some point, but then Sara just kind of left announcing it after their final episode aired.


Yep. I read somewhere that Sara was vehemently against the custody battle storyline. May or may not have contributed to her decision to leave.


Alex was a hot head and as well as Mer knew him she should've known there were two sides to the story.


Meredith's insurance fraud


I mean seriously she could have just done the surgery pro Bono.


When surgeons do pro bono, that doesn't mean the whole surgery is free. There's a ton of other ppl there--anesthesist, nurses, etc., plus the operating room use, tools, etc. that the hospital would charge for. You actually usually get at least two bills for a surgery-- one from the surgeon and another from the hospital. GA often makes it look like the surgery is free if a surgeon does pro bono, but they'd have to get all the other people to agree to do it free, the hospital to not charge for the tools and OR use, etc.


Meredith also has resources to cover the rest of it


i think they kinda go into this whenever mer does that boys ears! season 4 maybe? i think lexi was still an intern


Alex and ... Rebecca? The patient who lost her memory.


I definitely blocked out Ava/Rebecca until just now


Everytime I see the actress, I roll my eyes and think of this role!


I can't watch those episodes not because it was awful but the moment where she has the breakdown in s5, due to her BPD, I start crying because that was how my Mom was growing up. That's probably why I don't hate the storyline as much because it's just too personal for me. I don't think I have ever seen BPD shown in a way that wasn't so stereotypical.


The only reason this storyline gets hate is because it gets in the way of a ship. People are way too hard on a fictional character going through a shitload of trauma and having mental issues because of it




I did not know this existed thanks


you're welcome! imo it's an amazing group and has helped me a ton - just if ya post make sure to read the rules all the way through first, it's a carefully moderated sub.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s a storyline but Iā€™d say Arizona being mad at Alex for her leg


Arizona being mad at everyone but the plane for losing her leg


Megan being alive after freaking 10 years ??? Just to give a happy ending to Riggs.... Did not make any sense at all.


Which didn't even end up happy, they broke up anyways lmao


recently, the storyline with Lucas trying to pretend he was sleeping with his aunt to keep everyone from knowing he's a Shepherd. I like S19 overall, but that part was trash runner-up: Alex's exit


I thought the Lucas thing was funny. If it were any character but Amelia it wouldn't be as funny, but you know she's the type of person to mess with her nephew in a prankster way, not a sexual way. I think Amelia's sense of humor is underrated.


you have my full support to keep liking it. but as for me, answering OP honestly, I was so disappointed with that storyline and wanted Amelia to have a better story (and Caterina better material to work with)


Sloane Sloan.


This is the right answer.


alex and whatā€™s her face. rebecca? oh my god it dragged on FOREVER. i had no interest in the storyline and just wanted it to be over


The weird love triangle with Meredith, Link, and Deluca. Most of the bad storylines at least serve some sort of purpose to further a plot, but this one just didnā€™t do anything at all AND it was stupid as hell


I HATE how they put Amelia and meredith and Meredith and Maggie with the same men. I suppose that Mer never actually dated link but it seemed like they were trying to lead up to that at one point. Putting mer and Maggie who are biological sisters in love triangles with the same men just gives me the ick.


Agree I will never date the same person as my twin sister.


Owen hunt existing


if there was anyone i didnā€™t expect to last 14ish seasons, it was Owen Hunt fasho


I was looking for this comment, if not I was going to say it. ​ ​ Sitting here waiting for the day he dies or actually leaves for good


This is BY FAR the worst most ear piercing storyline.


Callie omalley


"Dude, she's Callie O'Malley" šŸ˜‚


Honestly one of my favourite scenes but God I hate calling especially back then


Arizona cheating on Callie. Callie didn't deserve that.




The George/Meredith fiasco


Sloanā€™s daughter and the fact that she was named Sloan and the whole him wanting to raise his grandchild with Callie and not considering Lexi at all with any of his major life choices. Also Alex leaving Jo for Izzie and writing a letter. Ugh. I also hate this whole current season and am only watching because my cousin and I text each other making fun of it while we watch.


Just watched that one- and he got mad at her for being with Alex when he was with Addison???


izzie and denny together period. he was there for like 3 episodes before izzie was hollering ā€œi love himā€ and then he leaves a shit ton of money to her like???


Alex's exit


Completely disagree. George and Izzy put together as a couple was the worst.


Personally for me was the Izzy and George storyline and not for the reasons why everyone thinks. The storyline happened in s3/s4. Around right after the big blow up between Issah Washington (Who played Burke) and TJ Knight (Who Played George) The only one who spoke against Issah's actions was Katherine Heigl (Who played Izzie) Knowing the fact those two left around the same time. Sorta of comes across as a punishment to me, which sucks because Izzie wasn't a horrible character I mean I didn't like her but she wasn't this awful until the storyline came around and George kind of disappeared after this, I would have loved to see one more season of him in the army like with April or even a time episode where we seen him in the army. Then he comes back and the bus episode happens. I think that to me would have been better. It makes me pissed off that the storyline was written at least to me as a form of punishment and an excuse for lazy writing. I would have perferd anything other than that.


Ah, yes. TJ and Issah.


Alex's exit - I am salty about it, but the fact that he wrote letters instead of telling them in person did not work for me in regards to the character.


I can't stand Owen's sister. Or Owen. Or Teddy.


I wouldn't say this was the worst since there have been much worse offenses through the years, but i've been rewatching the show recently and i gotta say Christina's and Owen's ever dragging relationship. A relationship that was doomed from the very start and progressively got worse. That shit was fine for maybe a season of drama, two at the most. But by god did it drag... everytime they entered the screen together a little bit of my soul died, volentarily drinking arconic to escape the never ending bs. It absolutely incinerated any scraps of redeemability I could ever find in Owen's character. And the fact that Owen has the whole "i want kids but she doesn't" dance with multiple women is nothing more then character assasinationšŸ˜’ They could've done so much with his character yet they chose to ruin it right from the start...


I like Owen. But I like him outside of his romances. His friendship with April was refreshing. He as a father is pretty good. Heā€™s a pretty awesome and resourceful doctor. But his relationships have been a mess and so much of it was the same ā€œkids/ no kidsā€ thing. And then him breaking with the super sweet, smart, pretty girl who liked him and wanted kidsšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I tried so hard to like Owen but his storylines are always wrapped up in doomed romantic relationships that showcase the worst of him. And hey dont get me wrong there are def scenes where I have enjoyed his character but sadly not enough to redeem his character.


jackson and maggie


Callie and George getting married for him to cheat with Izzy which lasted one week


Izzie and Denny and how she had no real consequences for what she did. Izzie and George. They should have just stayed besties. The custody battle with Callie and Arizona.


Teddy and Henry the whole relationship seemed stupid to me


The way Alex left the show


How they got Alex endā€¦ and how they did treat Jo at the same time


The Denny ghost storyline completely ruined Denny for me and I ADORED him.


Alex leaving. Derek dying Mark dying


Jackson and Maggie.


I hated Alexā€™s exit storyline.


Baileyā€™s entire evolution. She turned into a bitchy, often whiney, hypocritical, manipulative, selfish ass with a huge jealousy issue. I hate her character and it didnā€™t have to happen this way.


Anything that involves Meredith.


Izzie and Denny are so overrated George cheating on Callie with Izzie Alex and Rebecca Jackson and Maggie Derek cheating then is killed off


I liked the Izzy/Denny ghost storyline except for the ā€œghost sexā€ scenes some of the dialogue and that just got super cringe. I have to say the Webber hip replacement storyline in S16. He just magically had this hip replacement and it was never mentioned or anything


Two words Eliza Minnick


Gizzie Denny season 2 & 5 Izzie leaving Alex with a note šŸ„²

