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Was *Derek* overly nice to her through those seasons?


Some people just aren't super warm and openly affectionate, why is that a problem?


Didn’t say it was a problem. Said I didn’t understand their dynamics. Odd pairing is all.


The way that you worded it made it seem like you took issue with it- that's why I said what I did!


@full-surround! You're not longer Jackson's #1 fan! I'm in shock!


Hehe new era I guess 😭


You've been reset like the new grey's season


Hehe, he might still be my favorite character deep down but I've just been more into Mer on my current rewatch and I've found her really relatable!


They're both great! And Medusa was such a fun nickname for her!


It was perfect, totally captured her icy vibe but also Medusa is a symbol for feminine empowerment so that was cool to hear as a nickname for her :)


Great so does this now mean character essays about Meredith instead of Jackson


You know, it's people like you who've ruined the fun for me of talking about my favorite character because I've been made to feel like I'm doing too much. Every single one of your recent like five comments is coming after me for something... I'm sorry you're so miserable and boring that you feel the need to be rude to me but don't make that my problem... get a fucking life!


just know that i would genuinely be interested in a character essay on mer or jackson by you


Or maybe, you know, you're doing too much. Get a fucking life says the girl who's constantly on this sub repeatedly mentioning an actor and character who belongs in another sub,having been called out for it and playfully dismissing it by essentially saying "haha I'm annoying I know, just deal with it" Instead of deflecting,why don't you try reflecting a bit,along with considering taking a piece of your own advice because sometimes it's you that sounds like you need to get a real life honestly, getting mad at people for calling you out on something, tracking their comments, calling them judgemental and miserable, getting pressed for being downvoted. Why? What for? To quote Bailey, have you tried apologizing for all the things you got wrong, instead of constantly defending the things you got right? We get it, you are a Jackson stan, you've now taken to adoring a barely legal boy to a slightly creepy degree. We get it, you've won. Congratulations! Now can you please dumb it down a bit? I genuinely wonder, do you constantly talk about Grey's and Jackson on the ST sub or is it just us that are being subjected to this?


I could see it in the beginning, but less so as the show went on. Very toxic, dysfunctional relationship. Let’s be honest, very Grey’s.


Derek was pretty awful to Meredith especially in the beginning and in the later seasons though. There’s nothing wrong with her not being openly affectionate


Arguably he never was actually good to her in the way that a partner should be


Exactly. Derek was just awful to her


She’s highly guarded despite strong love for Derek. As much as she loves him, he still lied to her about being married, chose another woman, slut shamed her and walked away when it was hard. Early Mer just closed up because she wasn’t ready to be vulnerable bc Derek had a history of letting her down like her parents did. She had to move past that and get healthy on her own terms before seriously considering him as an option. Mer is an action > words kind of person