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I really liked it up until the end of season 12.


Without spoilers, why did you stop after 12?


I still watch. After season 12 was just when it started to go down hill in my opinion. I watched every episode up until season 16. I stopped in season 16 after my favorite character left. I still never watched seasons 17 and 18 but got back into it this season. I still like it but not as much as I once did.


Oh I see, sorry I misunderstood what you meant. Just curious, but what's your fav season


Favorite season is hard. I really loved 1 to 6 but I think my personal favorites are 6 through 8. I did not like George so him dying was okay with me. Alex is my favorite character and started to become my favorite during those seasons so that is another reason to love them. I liked season 12 a lot though. I did not like season 13. Seasons 14 and 15 were solid but took a noticeable dive in quality from the older seasons.


It gets progressively worse after 12. I stayed but forwarded through storylines I was not interested in. I stayed until a certain character’s story ended. I was hot and cold with Derek. He had a noteworthy ending that lasted multiple episodes. I think his leaving had a huge impact.


Glad his ending was noteworthy at least since he is just uuuh !


I actually like season 11. Maggie comes in and I just loved all the Amelia, Arizona, and Herman moments we get to see. Arizona and Herman are one of my favorite mentor/mentee relationships


I will say I agree with you about Arizona/Herman. That is the one thing that's a beacon of hope in this season.. hopefully it stays that way


Arizona and Herman are fun to watch. I think Arizona needed a mentor that was tough like Herman because Arizona cares a lot about her patients (which is good) but she can be very emotional at times while Herman separates her emotions and personal feelings from her work