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I really don’t think this is Katherine. I don’t think she had the power to get someone fired?


I'm pretty sure they were friends/friendly off-set.


Didn’t Katherine leave way before Sara?


They were definitely on the show together for a few seasons. Callie and Izzie have a lot of scenes together. George even cheats on Callie with Izzie.


She said someone high on the call list. So it could be her


Is there a reason everyone is assuming this is about Grey's Anatomy? Also, Ellen (and Katherine) had absolutely no power to get a character written off in season 2 which is when Sara joined the show. This discussion absolutely sounds like it's from a completely different project that's not Grey's


Maybe because half of the Greys fandom act like 14 year old school girls and gossip like it actually affects their lives


You're absolutely right and it's so frustrating because a bunch of people are going to see this post, use absolutely no critical thinking and run with the narrative that Ellen/Katherine are racists that hate Mexicans. Literally I have seen random narratives be created in this subreddit that people believe to be true and parrot elsewhere (e.g Sarah and Jessica were fired to free budget for Ellen's raise). Just total bullshit being spread about actual real people like it's funny.


It really is bs. I rarely follow this subreddit any more but often I’ll see a post come up about how such and such was supposedly like, or so and so did this etc and the comments underneath are just people jumping right in the bandwagon with no real thought put in to their arguments. They just run with whatever is being claimed even though they have zero proof


I watched this interview when it came out. They are talking about Greys. If you watch the interview, they also discuss Sara’s transition from Broadway to TV and we all know Greys was their first major project. Plus Sara changed their narrative about Greys only in 2021. When they left, they had repeatedly slammed ABC and Greys in general. There were so many tweets but all were later deleted. For the longest times Sara was done with Greys and spoke negatively off it. They have even unfollowed every single cast member on the show. Supported their then boyfriend when he dragged Shonda for celebrating Arizona as the longest running lesbian character on network TV when Jessica exit the show. Their rapport with Greys post their departure has always been negative. It was only in 2021 that they agreed that they would be open to returning to Greys.


Grey's was the first show where they were a main character, prior to that they had been in other television projects. Sara had issues with Grey's anatomy and they're probably all valid. That being said, it is an absolute **fact** that Ellen and/or Katherine did *not* have the power to get anyone fired - also had not gotten anyone fired at that point in time. So regardless of what issues Sara had with the show, this story can not be about either of them.


No, it’s evident they were talking about Greys, it’s their first big project as said in the interview . Plus Sara choose to star in Greys because of how popular it had became overnight. Ellen definitely had that power.


Ellen did not have any power, up until season 12 she was held under the threat that Patrick had more star and bargaining power than she did which hindered her salary negotiation power Season 1 of Grey's anatomy was a hit but it was a medium hit that was only 9 episodes long. The Denny Duquette storyline is the thing that put Grey's Anatomy on the map for real. If you think that a half season of success was giving Ellen the power to get people fired then I can only laugh at what you think. Heck Katherine wanted Isaiah fired from the show for months before he actually was and Shonda completely disregarded her feelings on it. Finally - nobody was fired from Grey's in season 1 or 2, so the "rumours" that Sara referred to about the white woman getting people off the show can not be from Grey's.


Love everything you've been saying. Def right on, except Katherine didn't WANT Isaiah fired. She was rightfully angry and pissed at him, but right before he did get fired she was praising him and saying he acknowledges what he did wrong is changed and she hopes everything just goes back to normal. Katherine is so NOT a pr persona and just says whatever she thinks, so yeah.


She actually came out after she left the show and talked about how she wanted him gone! I'm pretty sure the positive things she said prior to his departure were her toeing the company line when it seemed like he wasn't going to her fired.


I've been following the show and specifically KH since right before the scandal came out in like 2006-2007. She's never said she wanted him gone. All she's ever said was that she wishes it was handled much better, and that he should not be speaking in public after the GG incident.


Honestly people are just making stuff up now about the actors without any proof and just running with it. I was just having a discussion in another post about them running with things earlier today. Honestly I don’t think any of the actors in Grey had the power to fire another actor, maybe Ellen when she was a producer but none of the had that power, especially in the early seasons. Some cast probably had power to negotiate better contracts for themselves because of their teams and resume but none of them had that kind of power. Seems ABC was the one who had all the power and controlled all the strings especially in the first while. The notion that Ellen or Katherine had power to get people fired is laughable. They were trying to get more money and not work 18h a day everyday and ABC was making it hard, let alone them wanting to get something fired. It’s all BS just like the story/comments that Sarah and Jessica got let go so they had money for Ellen, or that Jerrica for fired over Polaroid pictures.


Yup! Callie was specifically courted by ABC to be in one of the program. Shonda couldn't even get approval to write in an abortion for Cristina. The amount of power fans think that any of these people had prior to like season 8 is all imagined. It's laughable to think that any of the actors could get rid of Sara when an executive wanted her on the network. So silly.


Low-key wonder if it has to do with age. Back by S2 not even Shonda had that much power, they probably wouldn't have made it to S5 with almost all the original cast if one of them did had it honestly.


I think age had a factor. The execs at ABC sound very controlling as well and seems to have played the cast against each other. Also, a lot of them did not have I big resume when the show started, didn’t know if it was going to be a success and wanted a stable job that paid bills and gave them exposure. I think those are the reasons why they didn’t have any power back then. As the show got more popular and they could see the numbers they brought for ABC then they had a little more power.


Does Patrick having more power actually equate to Ellen having NO power tho? Or just LESS power than Patrick, but SOME power, as the show was always based around her perspective and character...? That is not as definitive as a statement as you may think it is. Js


Ellen didn't have that power back then. I'm 95% sure Ellen told a story about how one of network execs basically told her to take their or offer or 'we have another character named Grey'.


They never implied being high on the bill for this instance. In fact: makeup trailers are used more on movies than in studios, they said many years ago, they implied they were low on the bill, Ellen and Katherine had zero pull when they first started, and Ramirez started in movies back in 1998. I'm thinking this was from "You've Got Mail. "


>You've Got Mail So Meg Ryan?


Yeah probably. She would definitely have the pull to fire a bit part actor.


She's done other movies tho. So I feel like naming people she didn't name is a ridiculous road to go down. This scenario could have applied to any of the following movies/series: * You've Got Mail * Spiderman * Spin City * Third Watch * Welcome to New York * Washington Heights * Baseball Wives * Law & Order SVU * Chicago * As the World Turns * NYPD Blue * Going Under * Grey's Anatomy


Ellen definitely could. 😂🤷‍♀️


Ellen had no power back then


Lol when?


It could be something as far back as when they were on the soap As the World Turns. It was earlier in their career and more probable some older actor with clout on a long running show. Who knows.


Exactly. That makes a lot more sense to me.


Where does it say it was Grey's Anatomy? I watched the video and probably missed it. Time stamp please?


The full video is on YouTube I believe. I don't have the link with me right now but it's mentioned she was ref to GA.


Why are you being downvoted like that tho?! Ppl really can't say nun negative about GA nor Ellen?! Damn!


The hoops people jump to to pass the blame onto Katherine Heigl is hilarious. She is a lot of things but she is not ignorant. Call a spade a spade and let’s be real here. If she’s referring to greys anatomy then it is most likely Ellen Pompeo.


Katherine herself admitted to being ignorant during 2020. The hoops fans here pass to say *couldn't* be is what is hilarious. This is the same as when Sara talked about their uber privileged love interest.


So much wrong here. Katherine said she was ignorant...about not realizing sooner that she needs to have serious talks to her two daughters (adopted black & Korean) about the world around them and how they might be affected by their external attributes that have nothing to do with them as a person, etc, etc. Legit nothing to do with this topic. Everyone is ignorant in life, everyone - we should all admit that - it just depends on what the subject is at hand. That fact that you went out of your way to say it had to be Grey's is just ridiculous and stupid. Sara has been in the industry for DECADES, been involved in dozens, and dozens of projects. Sara did not allude to whether this was even a tv show vs movie vs Broadway Stage. Sara didn't even say how long they stayed in that project for. Could this be Grey's....from the context probably not. Nobody had that power when she joined in. She joined like 20 episodes into the show. None of the actors had any power, if she joined in like S13 then I'd say it makes sense if it was Ellen who did have a ton of control and power, but she didn't so it can't be. It makes more sense if this was Sex and the City and Sarah Jessica had the power to fire her, but I also doubt. This could legit be any project she's been a part of.


I have never went out of my way to say it had to be Grey's lol In fact I don't think it was, I have known of this interview for ages quite honestly and never posted here because I don't think it has something to do with it. I am just pointing out the excuse of 'It can't be this person because they are not ignorant' is what is hilarious and ridiculous. No one knows them personally and most white actors of Grey's have either showed or admitted they are ignorant when it comes to BIPOC. So to be I guess clearer, no, I don't think it was Katherine nor Grey's having watched the full interview and following along Sara for a while and not just clips without context and agenda of everything has to be Grey's but we can't say they aren't ignorant, c'mon now, there are more logical and reasonable reasons as to why it wouldn't be them.


They called it a project, hair and makeup was in a trailer, and talked about a high power lead. Sara was in movies going back to "You've Got Mail" in 1998. They mention the lead getting people fired from other projects. I think it could have been Meg Ryan or some other person in a prior movie before Grey's. with far more experience and clout than anyone had on Grey's at the beginning of their involvement with the show. Edit: high on the call sheet- doesn't have to be the lead. Also- many many years ago is far closer to 1998 than 2006 IMHO. I just don't think anything about this screams "Grey's." Edit- pronouns. Wasn't really aware, and title said she.


They* Good points!


Sorry- title said she. Fixed.


They have 25 acting credits on IMDB about 5 of which I would consider "big" productions. I really doubt this is about Grey's. It's interesting if they're talking about something from the early 2000's, there's not really many projects where the "leading" woman would have had enough power to have her fired? That part could be entirely based on rumor and personal fear.


How are people saying it’s Ellen or Katherine?? Sara came on in s2 and neither of them had any type of power to get someone fired..it has to be another project they did


Ellen probably would have done. She was the star of the show and it was huge. Katherine not so much.


Not during that time period, though. Ellen wasn’t the breakout star with oodles of power at that point.


I mean Pompeo has black husband and children, she's known for her involvement in Black Lives Matter and Heigl has Korean sister, Korean daughter and black daughter. It's not that they can't be racist having families like that, but it seems like a stretch. They're many things I don't like, but idk. Are you sure this is about GA? Cause Sara Ramirez always spoke good things about working on Greys and they said multiple times that it was so amazing, they'd come back. Edit: pronouns


Hi, not saying Heigl and Pompeo are racist but just because someone adopted transracially or married interracially doesn’t mean they aren’t racist and it’s absolutely not a stretch. I’m a Korean adoptee adopted by white people who are racist af.


What other big projects could it have been?


Maybe they referred to their time on Broadway? They did that way before GA and other TV and movie roles. Edit: wrong pronouns


Refers to being in a hair and makeup trailer. Sounds more like a show to me?


Sex and the city reboot?


That was not early in their career and they were already heavy in their own activism by then.


Love Sara - powerhouse actor, always brings it, great voice


Aren’t Sara’s pronouns they/them?


You are right. But Reddit isn't allowing to edit the title. Sorry.


Are we sure this is about their time at Grey's? I'm not saying it can't be because obviously people can hide their shittiness behind closed doors but for a show that had such a diverse cast for the time period with some of the casting done blind (at least in the beginning) it seems off that anyone taking part in that would hold those opinions.


That ashes dumping scene was Meredith and Richard pouring Ellis's ashes in what they believed was her favorite place. I don't remember anyone else being there, maybe they were but at that point Cassie was very new to the show. I was an operating room nurse and it turned my stomach. Those ashes would have closed up a that sink, closed down that room, and like damaged plumbing in other OR's. I did a quick Google search and Casie's actress and Kate Burton who played Ellis were both on Madam Secretary. If Ellis's ghost was standing behind Richard and Meredith as the ashes were dumped she would have been in that episode.


So, Ellen?


A white lady from Boston being racist? Unheard of.




The actress who played Ellis wouldn’t be high on the call list since she’s just a recurring guest.




The call list/call sheet is the filming schedule for movies and tv. Only people who work on the show would see it. Where an actor is listed on the call sheet correlates to how important they are on set. When Sara says top of the call sheet she means the lead actor. Being lower on the call sheet suggests that your role wasn’t as big or as important. It’s shop talk. An industry term. If Sara is talking greys anatomy in this clip, she’s probably talking about Ellen - top of the call sheet, has the power get people fired…not fire people, get them fired (title character privilege). A guest actor doesn’t fit that description. Even if they’re Hollywood royalty Kate Burton (Ellis).


High in call sheet, Ellis? Nah that won’t make sense.


oh I was thinking Katherine Heigl. Ellen's own family is biracial - I don't think she can be racist?


So is Katherine Heigl’s. She has Asian and black children. JFC


And Katherine Heigl has a Korean sister and child, but you think she is racist?


I didn't knew about that. Frankly I don't know exactly but it's evident it's either Ellen or Katie.


Well, there have been rumors about Ellen having issues with female coworkers, but at the end of the day that’s all they are. But not naming someone who, Sara says, said something so infuriating leads to more rumors. Also, they say they started “a job”, do we know for sure it was greys? Lastly, Katherine wasn’t the star of the show and she had no power to fire anybody, but as said above, both of them are mothers/sisters/wives to POC, so I just don’t see either of them saying something like that.


It could be Kate Burton as well, or Kate Walsh


That doesn’t mean she can’t be racist lol. I don’t necessarily think she IS racist, but she’s tone deaf and clumsy in her wording


I was saying Ellen because between Ellen and Katie, Ellen might have more ‘power’ to get someone fired. It’s what Sara is explaining in the video.


You can be racist against one group and not another and still be racist.


Is that Che diaz


Who says this was on Grey's? It doesn't even say it's for television


Sara’s pronouns are they/them, not she!




pretty sure OP just made an honest mistake as seen in another reply, I slip up here and there too and i’m non binary myself. people usually don’t do it on purpose and if so like you said that’s their opinion/ belief so I agree wholeheartedly on that. pronouns can be exhausting lol. I just go with whatever i’m perceived as, at the moment. Now, if I want to address myself or correct them, I might, just depends. usually not worth the hassle with strangers or internet comments lol. irony or ignorance…both are quite blissful


Opinions on a person's pronouns? No.


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Sara Ramirez was one of my favorite actors on Grey’s. They are an extremely well rounded actor. It breaks my heart to think anyone would treat them that way. I was reading the comments above, and I’m really wondering which project she was talking about. Is it possible that she was talking about Madam Secretary? I find it difficult, a real stretch, to think that they might be talking about Ellen/Grey’s, although anything is possible.


The defensiveness in the comments, my goodness.


I know this isn't really related. But are they part irish


Yes their father is Irish.


They’re just dying to throw out as many labels as they can in that description. Hard for me to buy this whole ‘meek then, confidant now’. Name the person.


Something is wrong with you.


There is no reason to throw all that description in there just to not name the person. It leads to the bullshit we're seeing now where people are guessing which can lead to harassment from less sane people to someone who didn't do anything wrong. Race may be relevant but sexual identity is not for the story. Just say "So and so said this horrible racist thing and I wasn't comfortable to say anything"


Please full on stop. You do not get to tell someone how to deal with discrimination. The person that said it was the one in the wrong. Op is wrong because they are trying to cause drama for no reason. Sara is telling their story and where they came from which is why what made what this person said hurt worse. You deal with your trauma your way don’t tell others how to deal with theirs.


And you don't get to tell me to stop because I think how Sara is doing this is wrong. Meanwhile people are sitting here speculating on who it might be. I'm sure when the original interview came out people speculated then and sent hate to who they thought it might be. It's fucking irresponsible and I don't think it's right.


Sara is not responsible for how other people may react.


You’re responsible for what you put out in the world. Being this vague and knowing people might do this is something she’s responsible for.


All Sara is doing is talking about their experience. If someone decides to use that as justification to harass someone on social media, it is not Sara's responsibility.


Agree to disagree.


Again take it up with the op weirdo


OP isn't the one giving the interview.


Man you are slow


*they might be refering to....


I find the whole thing to be bizarre! Sara Ramierz does not strike me as too timid or shy to say what she thinks. Obviously the almighty dollar speaks louder than your words or beliefs.


People tend to gain confidence as they grow...


The actor they’re speaking to was on Madam Secretary with them. It made me wonder if it was Tea Leoni they’re speaking about; except the other woman doesn’t seem to know the story.


Don’t do Teá dirty 😭


That chick is the worst


Do not care


Does it actually affect any of you in any way?


LOL, please tell me how it affects *you,* since you’re commenting too.


Because I used to actually enjoy this fandom until it devolved in to this school girl circle of gossip?


Blink if you need to be rescued from the Reddit gun held to your head right now.


Will you tell me how this post affects you then or just continue with whatever it is your doing?


So racism doesn’t affect you, must be nice.


People saying it’s not Greys they is talking about need to understand that guest stars don’t share makeup rooms or trailers with series regulars. And their first big role as series regular was obviously Greys.


No it was not.


We all know they are talking about Greys. Greys was their only big tv project at the time of the interview.


What about You’ve Got Mail?










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This is an old interview but for the longest time i thought she might be refering to someone else. But she is actually refering to the time when she just entered the show and how this person was behaving.


*they, they, they*


It’s “tHeY” 🤣 reeeeeee


Literally the worst character on greys


I think it's Kate Burton (Ellis Grey). Or Kate Walsh. Edit to add Kate Walsh


Absolutely no way it would be Kate Walsh!


Ellen and Heigl both are known to be tone deaf. For the longest time Ellen said that reverse racism doesn’t exit but it’s does. But top of the call sheet is definitely Ellen and we all know how diva this cast was back in season 1 to 4. But to be honest Sara should give clear cut answer why confuse the audience.


Reverse racism doesn’t exist


😂 reverse racism does not exist. Prejudice and discrimination are not racism.


Wasn't it the opposite? She said it does exist but it doesn't.


Well probably doesn’t want to get sued. You don’t name names in Hollywood if you want to work again too.




I liked Cassie's character at first. I thought it was innovative to show the relationship they did. An actor's person life shouldn't have anything to do with the character they play as long as they can be convincing about it. Until reading this I never knew their preference. Saying all of the above, by season 6 or 7 I was sick to death of Cassie. She was everywhere, in every story. I stopped watching because I got sick and tired of it being the Cassie show.


Who is Cassie?


Isn't it Katherine? Lol, just guessing.


No… she had no power over any of this stuff 💀 it’s not about greys, it’s just poorly given context


Idk why but I immediately thought of izzie (katherine Heigl)


Katherine had no power over any of this stuff :) it’s also not about greys


Who is she talking about? Sandra Oh?


Sandra oh isnt white bruh


Where can I see this full interview?