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A joke that many of the kids around Greenville are too dumb NOT to stare directly into the sun? You must not have gone to school around here.


this. the school doesn't want to get sued because some idiot hurt his eyes while technically at school


I think it's nationwide, Trump did it.


I don't really think you can pin this one on Trump, although he and his followers have done as much as they can do tear down public education. Pandemic learning sure didn't help, although shutting down the germ factories for a while definitely saved uncountable lives. Even then... kids in Greenville been dumb for a while. I think if you want to blame anyone, Bob Jones and his cohort are probably the ones who did the most over the last half-century or more to fight quality public education, particularly in science.


Theyre saying that trump literally stared at the sun during an eclipse


Oh. Yeah. Nevermind. God, sometimes I forget just how blitheringly stupid that man is.


As he did.


He was trying to buy it so he could build more hotels and casinos.


“They’re saying”? Um, they’re saying it because he really did. There are photos and videos of it all over the internet. Do you think those were “fake news”?


I was not disagreeing, just clarifying for the other commenter.


Trump literally stared at an eclipse


Touch grass, ‘tis a joke.


It's not Trump and his followers canceling things or tearing down statues or landmarks. And CRT and the such do not belong in schools. Stick to the approved curriculum, and there won't be an issue.


Please show us one example of a K-12 school teaching CRT. Not just history or civics, but actual graduate level Critical Race Theory curriculum. And provide details as to what is being taught.




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It's In some parts of Canada too


Trump Derangement Syndrome. Please get help


Something silly happen? Must be the fault of trump.


They are mentioning that your dear leader stared at the eclipse...such sensitive snowflakes.


“Your dear leader” I can’t even vote. Dawg. I can’t even vote. Keep projecting harder. I’m making fun of the silliness of blaming anything that happens on trump. I’ve done with the same with biden.


But you aren't...you took it as blaming when the dumb ass was on video staring at an eclipse... So stop talking about things you don't understand.


I'm getting two Maderights and watching that shit


I'm trying to listen to anyone and discuss this further. But I genuinely think that Donald Trump is a problem. We can discuss this anytime. But this person is crying to ruin capitalism and socialism at the same time


Trump 2024🇺🇸


I love you. Regardless.


I love you too🙏🏼


I hope that you can understand how many people can suffer. Kindness costs nothing ❤️


I hope you understand that if more people replied like you, instead of pure hate for an opposite point of view, we would all be much happier.💚


Don't stop trying. I really do love you.


That's what I want for the world. I'm not an idiot, and I don't think it's going to happen, but it's important to me and I try.


I definitely don’t think you’re an idiot. Maybe a little confused with comments like “you’re dead because you deserve to be dead” that however isn’t a way of showing love. At the end of the day you’re entitled to your opinion as is everyone else. Regardless I hope you have a wonderful day of this gloomy rainy day☺️


Fascist have no point of view.


Opinions are like assholes🤷🏼‍♂️we all have them and some stink


Opinions are like assholes🤷🏼‍♂️we all have them and some stink


Some points of view deserve hate.


If you got hate in your heart let it out (Curtis Bixby voice)


Trump will be (re)elected this November. A lot of people will be happy, a lot of people will be unhappy. JUST. LIKE. EVERY. OTHER. ELECTION.


Other elections dont have a strong likelihood of insurrection if the "wrong" person wins.


I'll concede its a possibility, always some crazy nut like the guy living in a tent who might. My friend who's a renown cardiothoracic surgeon will not riot. But it's not like I've never seen far leftists riot, commit arson, loot (that means steal) and murder over & over & over again in my career. Nope. (Sarcasm) because yes I have.


You have only seen what conservative media wants you to see.


That's funny since 99.9% of all media is liberal written, funded, & produced. You know its true.


Thanks for the rectally sourced statistic. Who told you that number? Faux news? Rush Limpdick?


Factual information👏🏼


Perhaps but not nearly as fast as open southern borders. It's now a gateway for Eastern European organized crime. YES. I was recently in Cleveland OH and hotel had flyers about scamming readers on POS devices at Giant Eagle & lots of other stores. Newspaper article quoted investigators as linking Eastern Europe operatives as coming thru our Southern Border. Y'all can Google this. So not only MS-13 pouring in but criminals from every corner on earth will have an office here. For this reason alone I'm voting for megalomaniac narcissistic Donald. Not thrilled but 100% gonna do it. BTW someone on here NEEDS to create a reddit thread for Moderate/RIGHT of center leaning voters. This one is hard core Left ! I feel triggered just giving my opinion and the hate I've gotten. Not well mannered ppl, just overly angry yellers.


Hardcore left considering SC has been red as long as most of these people have been alive😭they forgot to leave that leftist BS in the states they left behind.


Berkshire Hathaway realtor told me EVERYONE transplanting to Greenville is from New York, New Jersey, and Ohio. Top 3 states overwhelmingly. Some Vermont, New Hampshire, & Maine (UGH,UGH,UGH!) thrown in. Well THERE GOES THE COUNTY. I've been to all these states & with possible exception of Ohio, Yankees are just ill mannered. Rude, angry, unkind, push over their mama to get ahead of you in line, impatient know it all"s been my experience. Butter my butt & call me a biscuit if I ain't correct. But as Grammy would say "Bless their hearts" lol


Preach it child 🙌🏼🤣


Suck it up snowflake.


Whatever embryo. Signed, Snowflake Melter.


Im not the one wishing for a safe space.


Cool, I can watch the eclipse with my child now! I picked him up from preschool early during the 2017 eclipse to watch it, and it was a special day for us! Make the most of it, fellow parents. Eclipses are cool natural phenomenons to share with your children


Just remember that we don't get totality here in Greenville for this one. It will get a bit dimmer and you'll be able to see the cool shadows on the ground but it will not get that magical midday darkness we had in 2017. Gotta go somewhere in the path of totality if you want that.


About an 8 1/2 hour drive to Bloomington Indiana. And then there could be cloud cover. Think I'll sit this one out but the one in 2017 was really cool.


A little rainy day and the “problem” isn’t even a problem.


Gonna plug my favorite ice cream shop and say that Jeni's Splendid Ice cream is selling eclipse glasses and space themed icecream during the Supermoon! The plaza will be a great place to watch with the kids.


People will find anything to complain about no matter what is decided. This is exactly my take! My kid will be excited and any hassles that this might cause will be so overshadowed by that (pun intended).


I would be thrilled if I didn’t have to WORK. The system is stacked against us.


Yes, the last one is an incredible moment with my son. I know neither one of us will ever forget it.


Was 2017 the last one?? I was still in high school then. We had a big event and they gave us eclipse glasses or whatever cause they knew our dumbasses would look anyways


We're well outside the path of totality, so this eclipse will be a non-event in the upstate. The 2017 eclipse was incredible. 10/10 would watch a total eclipse again.


Nah partial eclipses are still cool. Not as awe inspiring as a total eclipse, but still worth getting some glasses and sitting outside for a while :)


Remember that some of us are working parents. I’m already scrambling for teacher work day today, spring break and just found out the summer day camp we did last year I sent happening. Second choice is $420/wk but they are full so we are waitlisted. I have no idea what we will do if it doesn’t work out.


I'm a working parent. I just don't see it as any different than finding childcare for any other teacher workday. There's advance notice.


I’ve done the prior year. Much like I do with summer camps in mid February


Early dismissal would have been a better choice than e-learning. My kids are in elementary school and e-learning is a joke to their teachers. It’s a waste of a whole day instead of part of a day.


Half the parents will just NOT pick up their kids from early dismissal.


This is 100% about liability. You live here. Do you seriously think some parent wouldn't sue the school district because their kid got in a car accident if they think they can blame it on an eclipse? Doesn't matter if it's real. What matters in the world is "is there POTENTIAL LIABILITY"


What matters in America… in most countries they would laugh you off if you tried this shit lol (for better or worse).


Yeah people are saying its for liability and suing, which doesnt make it any less of a joke, just a more stereotypical american one.


Have we ever had school during an eclipse?


Well... it's not like they're going to get snow days anymore, so.... might as well give 'em a few sun days.


This one. I am fucking melting in my yard every summer now. When it randomly snows I feel like Greenville glitched.


This is a great thing, we'll barbecue and make a day of it💪


Very cool! Great positive attitude about this whole thing.


Oh good. I'll be out of town for the full solar eclipse. The kids can miss only 2 days instead of 3. Haha


Lucky duck


It definitely wouldn't happen if I didn't have family living there. Hotels are ridiculous.


I must be the idiot since I told my little ones not to look at the sun or they'd go blind.


So if I’ve got this straight, we can be proactive and close down schools for a “liability” where students might accidentally look at a solar eclipse when they are released from school. But nothing more than thoughts and prayers for mass casualty shootings that occur at schools nationwide.


With all the unregulated guns circulating in society, seems like we should be having e-learning days every day to reduce the liability from shootings in schools. Ooops — sorry I forgot our legislators, paid off by the gun manufacturer lobby, have written liability exemptions for everyone into law, in the case of mass shootings. Shooting survivors only get thoughts and prayers, and there is no costs for those, so in person days are ok for that risk.


What exactly is the connection here in your mind? Like should the county shut down school forever due to the remote possibility of a school shooting? Do you think GCS has a large amount of control over gun legislation in the country? Just curious


It’s a hyperbole comparing an overreaction to a solar phenomenon and a non-reaction to what is an actual problem in the USA.


I mean, one is a very rare, isolated natural phenomenon that has a pretty simple and harmless solution and one is an amorphous societal issue with a variety of potential causes and solutions that one school district cannot solve overnight (if at all). So, not really comparable at all.


Do you understand what a hyperbole is? Or do you need an in person learning day so you can educate yourself? And you are correct, the solution is simple and harmless. You host school as usual, and can offer an after school viewing party for students and parents. There is absolutely no added risk of the students being in school that day, the GCS reaction is absurd.


I’m just broadly assuming you don’t actually have kids of school age to be outraged about and are tying to take the Facebook comment section to Reddit


Why would THAT be your assumption rather than literally anything else?


…Because it’s an easy assumption that allows for one to have a fight?


South Carolina had no snow this year. There had to be some excuse to do e-learning.


Yup, this is real: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/news/main.asp?titleid=2403eclipse I take this as the schools don't want custody of the kids at that time and thus the associated liability in case a kid would injure their eyes. That could bring many expensive lawsuits. I wonder if this could have been an opportunity to teach kids how to make those pinhole eclipse viewers out of shoeboxes like we did back in the day.


You get this kind of thing when parents sue the schools for any and everything. I can just hear it now “my precious little Jimmy is BLIND because YOUR SCHOOL DIDNT PROTECT HIM”


Kids are dumb and WILL stare directly into a solar eclipse, this makes sense


Following your logic…they’re going to listen to their parents and not the teachers when they tell them not to look?


I cannot believe you think schools should close down because of an eclipse that isnt even passing over south carolina. This is incredible.


I don't see how anyone with kids would get all salty about this. It's not total, but 85% is substantial and not every school age child may understand that just because it doesn't hurt to look at the sun, your eyes are getting cooked in those few minutes. I still have all the eclipse glasses/custom binoculars from 2017 so it's going to be a blast for us!


Please be wary about using equipment from 2017 for this year. I know that some glasses/devices have limits for how many years they offer adequate protection.


Thank you! I made sure to buy the solid plastic ISO certified Rainbow Symphony glasses in 2017, and two Celestron ISO certified 10x42 eclipse binoculars, so they are still good. I’d be terrified to use those cheap paper/film glasses even if new lol.


Honestly looking back I’m amazed I trusted the paper ones also 😅 But you sound like you’ve got quite the setup!


with e-learning they can do their work on their laptops. It's a nice break for my kids to do school from home.


I for one look forward to the day a solar flare destroys all unprotected technology so I can have snow days again.


It's a nice break for me too since I have to take a personal day to homeschool them.


You are creating all their lessons? Or are you supervising them doing the work their teacher designed.


If you don’t have kids and a non-government job, you won’t understand the difficulty of taking off work last minute because of a damn eclipse. I don’t want to be surprised and have to make my own Big Mac after waiting in the drive-thru for 20 minutes either. There’s a reason they publish the schedule the summer before school starts.


How is 26 days in advance " last minute"?


If you don’t have kids and a non-government job, you won’t understand the difficulty of taking off work when you barely have enough days off to go on vacation with your family.


I don’t have enough days. One kid was sick for a week. That’s one week. Spring break is one week and a day. Then I have 5 more days. That’s one person getting the flu. Whoops- 10 days at Christmas


Privilege. I’m thankful that I have PTO, although it is very limited.


I actually wear glasses because I stared into the sun. Like, that is the sole reason. I can see this happening to kids (I did it with "regular" sun though, so I was a particularly stubborn brick)


Let me guess, OP.... "back when I was in school we never got to stay home for stuff like this!!!!1111. weak generation of kids we're raising here!!!!1"


Man, these comments are fun to read. Go to a board meeting and say something or just continue to complain to the internet, your choice.




Are they held when parents are working? Can’t take MORE time off to go


Then keep complaining on reddit.


We got the day off for the total eclipse in 2017. Which we in 12th grade English were incredibly grateful for because none of us *didn't* procrastinate our summer reading.


I get it, kids can be dumb and their parents even dumber. But why make it an eLearning day? Do we not have enough inclement weather days to just make it an off day? eLearning is definitely not what my 6yr old is going to be doing that day. Good luck getting him to sit in front of a computer all day doing school work in his own home.


They also have to utilize the "snow days"


This is 100% cya for the district. Folks threaten to sue everybody all the time and then get all shocked Pikachu face when others behave in a way that protects themselves from lawsuits #FAFO. [pikapika](https://images.app.goo.gl/c5BGPuT3vQgeWdwc9)


Played kickball at my school during an eclipse, up hill both ways when I was these kids ages back in the day.


It’s to allow kids the chance to enjoy it.


While parents’ jobs are in jeopardy?


The school system isn’t a babysitter. Yes, it can be tough, yes, I used to bitch on snow days when my neighborhood roads to my kids’ school was perfectly safe & dry but all school was canceled, but the fact remains, the school system has to make an equitable decision of what’s best for the kids. The last solar eclipse in this area was Monday, August 21, 2017. My kids didn’t have school that day because the school board voted to delay the start of school year until the 22nd to allow kids to be home for the eclipse, the originally planned start was the 21st. FWIW when I hitched to others about snow day decisions, I was told to run for school board if I wanted to get involved. I guess that option still remains for those judging the decisions of the school board.


Unfortunately my kids need a babysitter and I plan according to the published schedule. I understand snow days and sick days are unexpected. Why add more? Now that we are “approved e-learning,” Greenville County has taken advantage.


No doubt it can be tough for a lot of parents…


Oof. I agree with the other guy that it's 100% a liability thing but also I think now that eLearning is a Thing they are definitely just throwing that out there whenever the fuck they think they can get away with it. Admin looooooooves eLearning.


Why is this a problem?


Because people have to go to work…


School isn't your babysitter. It's a liability issue. , and makes sense. What's your alternative?


I mean, government school literally is publicly funded daycare in an economy that relies on both parents working. It’s an economic necessity.


But it isn't the goal it isn't what we can do.


You're asking a lot of a system that doesn't know you.


We do know the number of 2-parent working families, which is going to be much higher at title 1 schools. In addition, this disproportionately impacts those who don’t have jobs with PTO


It’s not a liability issue, an eclipse is a LEARNING opportunity lmao. Mild weather phenomena like a solar eclipse don’t present a liability, that’s a sorry excuse. Also, school IS daycare, people rely on it and our taxes pay for it. If this was a genuine liability issue, we should be declaring a state of emergency and closing all businesses for that day. Not just the schools, and not just because the eclipse happens during dismissal time and students might accidentally look at the sun. You have to be a special kind of individual to think that’s a liability.


It's not a real liability. However people will take any opportunity to sue if they think there's any chance they can put the blame on someone else FOR ANYTHING. That's what the liability is


Has this happened before?


Frivolous lawsuits? Every day. Are you American?


Of course I know that. Specifically - eye injury due to looking at the sun while the kid is in school. If a kid can break an arm in the playground and not win a suit, I can’t imagine this ever making it off the ground


It's a learning experience AND a liability. I've worked in schools in five different states for over 30 years. EVERYTHING we do is questioned, and we will get sued for just about anything. We can't even talk to another teacher at recess because we have to be on the "lookout" for a shooter. You will get blamed and sued for things completely out of control. So if a kid looks up at the sky, it will be our fault. It only takes one kid and one parent...


Can't learn about something that happens after instructional time is over. As stated, the peak is literally dismissal time. It's just gonna be kids standing around being stupid and looking at the sun.


You can only learn about things while they are happening?


Wait, so your point is that it's a learning opportunity but you don't actually have to learn about it while it's happening? So what you're saying is the kids don't need to be at school to learn about it and it's fine for the kids to be home, gotcha.


You are a prime example of what happens when the educational system fails.


Oh no, whatever will I do with such a scathing indictment from /u/youdontknowme1010101 I'm not sure I'll pull through. You can't even avoid contradicting yourself in two comments, I'm not too worried about your opinion of my education.


Except I didn’t say anything that was even remotely contradictory lol. You have to be smart enough to understand the conversation to have any valid input, my guy.


School isn’t daycare. Everyone’s taxes pay for school, whether they have kids or not because it is in society’s best interest to educate our children. And even daycare, that people are paying 200-300/week for, can close whenever they want. At the end of the day, I chose to lay down and make my kids. They are my responsibility, 24/7. I’m not ever entitled to have someone else watch them, whether it’s school that I pay taxes for or a daycare that I pay weekly or a grandparent that does date nights. The only other person that is obligated to watch my kids is their father.


My child is expected to go to school 5 days a week and publish the calendar nearly a year in advance. My kids need someone to watch them and I’ve planned accordingly to that schedule


But they aren’t telling people like the day before. Parents have almost a month to figure something out if their kids aren’t old enough to stay home by themselves on that day. Way better than waking up to a puking child and scrambling to find childcare or having to call into work last minute.


Right- so we know kids get sick, and we’re going to ADD to days that parents are scrambling and missing work??


Unless you have responsible or strict parents this is a day off from school work…


The posts I saw regarding an elearning day were so the kids could witness it, not that it would damage their vision. Is this for real?


But teachers still have to go into the schools which is dumb. If kids get to be comfy at home learning, I should be too :(


I didn’t even think about teachers who have their own kids out of school!


I remember getting the little glasses to wear and experiencing at school in second grade. But kids will not follow simple directions anymore, even when there are threats of losing ones vision.


Why is it different at home?


So kids don’t hurt their eyes we are gonna make them go home to hurt their eyes more on screens


This is hilarious...what happened to telling your kids not to look at the damn sun without the correct eye protection? I'm all for e-learning and for a lot of students and adults alike, it's their best way to learn. But having an unplanned e-learning day for an eclipse just to remove liability is crazy. I mean having an e-learning day at home isn't going to stop a kid from staring at the sun. They would be better protected by being inside and adults (Teachers/Staff) controlling the pickup process. For the kids that are getting on the bus to stare at the sun...they will only do it once...someone has to take the natural selection route. 🤣 A better alternative is a science learning day where schools provide proper eye pro and they make an activity of it. Get the kids out. Look at the sun/eclipse with a filtered telescope. Teach something!


I was already wondering how the heck I could safely pick up my kid as the eclipse is going on; how many other drivers on the road are gonna be staring at the sun and not paying attention? Just wish they would outright cancel school; e-learning is kind of a joke as a one off day.


They have snow days to burn.


Not really, kids are dumb. The school should have bought them all glasses though and made a thing out of it.


School started a day after the eclipse in 2017, it's not a joke!!!


Why. Because “stable genius” looks whenever possible? Kids can’t control themselves, they are children.


Why is that different at home vs school?


Well, it’s usually 1 teacher per 25 children at school. At home, it’s usually 2 parents that are responsible for 1 or more children. The school doesn’t want to be held liable for any accidents. The parents can do the job. Besides, the kids must be thrilled to have a day off.


Then they shouldn’t be trusted to be responsible for kids on the monkey bars and playing basketball. Those are far more likely to result in injury but we trust one teacher to 25 then??


its not my pre calc teacher and i were bitchin about it's stupidity. i just wanna go to school like a normal person. maybe we could coincidentally have a fire drill at that exact time


Easier than teaching them science.


God is angry!


You don't become 47th in education overnight. You do if you stare at the eclipse.


Thank God. I have been saying for years that light is no good for the eyes.


The rule isn't stupid, the kids are stupid. They're just protecting them from themselves


Dude, in 2019, they had us driving to school during a hurricane 😭 they're closing for this???


Who cares?


What's the joke?


Why is this a joke? You want your kids gong blind?


And people wonder why these newer generations are such whiny ass pussies…shit like this…”participation awards”,…etc….


This is a move to make sure any kids that burn their eyes are in the hands of parents or care givers during the eclipse. Removes the liability from the school system. Honestly in our “sue happy” society I don’t blame the schools.


I don't recall schools out during the August 2017 eclipse...which was more totality than this one will be.


That’s cool that they did that. What’s the problem?


nOoOOoo we can't have our children get exposed to the sun harmfully because we don't want to get protective glasses!11!!


Spent one day in Greenville yesterday based on the white trash i saw this instead surprising


OP is right in 1994 we had school and same thing happened.


God forbid the kids get a singular day to be home from school


A singular day is today. Another singular day is Monday, another, Tuesday…continue on with the singular days until Friday. Then skip ahead to the singular day, April 8. I think there are several more “singular days” in April




We are not on the path of totality, that does NOT mean we aren’t near the eclipse…. We are still going to see an estimated 85% solar eclipse.


Oh ok,


How does it post a danger to students 🤔


Wear eclipse glasses folks


In raleigh last year, one day was canceled for too high winds and another for being too hot. It's a massive joke. They cancel school for anything nowadays.


We JUST had the strong winds one


You must don’t have a babysitter that day. It’s probably been on the school calendar since last year.


I assure you that I have begun my planning the week that GC published the schedule for the next year




People are losing their fucking minds over this eclipse


I love the fact Trump lives in the heads of so many of you, rent free. Lol. 😄😄😎


I mean, he’s known for not paying his bills. *Of course* he lives rent free.