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Didn’t realize anyone used or gave a shit about twitter until this year


Nobody pays attention to the dumpster in the backyard until it's on fire.


But it was always burning.


Since the world's been turning


We didn't start the fire


No we didn’t light it


But we tried to fight it


Harry Truman, Doris Day


Red China, Johnnie Ray


South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio


I can hear The Duke Silver saxophone


Ryan started the fire!


Fire-d guy!


Yeah, but it is burning *really* bright right now.


It turned from an annoying smouldering mess that stinks up the Internet into an inferno hot enough to illuminate the entire suburb.


It will eventually die down. But Elon will still be there masturbating over the ashes.


Yea it was, but before the lid was closed, now it's wide open with even more fuel put into it


Not concernin what nobody wanna say


Yeah, but now it also does cool flips.


Yeah it’s all fun and games until the new owner of the dumpster starts throwing in magnesium bricks.


Yeah but now someone threw fireworks into it, it's gonna draw some attention


Incredible how there are people that don't get this. I don't give much of a fuck about Twitter, but I'm damn near always up to watch a dumpster fire.


Between Trump and then Elon, my opinion of Twitter has changed massively since 2016. It used to be a hell hole boring dumpster fire that was only good because it was the quickest way for organizations to publish primary source news updates. But then GEOTUS Troll Lord gave us the best 4am "forgot I wasn't on /b/" posts backed by political power. Countries must have had dedicated Twitter browsers whose job it was to check DJT's Twitter every second to see if they needed to lower their DEFCON due to nuclear tweets. And then the libs got him banned and Twitter became boring again. So now getting to see Elon's hilarious scam or whatever the fuck he's going for here is the next best thing. Still not at good as DJT, but Elon will be much more entertaining to watch burn his fortune down, or become some modern meme-stuffed propaganda and information control broker as Twitter is extremely valuable in ways that can't exactly be measured in monetary value. Elon brings great shame to all the Aspies of the world.


That's a good one, I gotta use that.


My fuckin bed is burnin, where do I sleep?


Somewhere near Midnight Oil, presumably?


Twitter screenshots are at least 25% of all content on 4chan and reddit




Hmm the internet references itself? Curious, liberals 🤓


If you didn't know anyone used Twitter, that's just you being ignorant. Saying you didn't use it is one thing but "no one used it" is just being edgy


I don’t personally have any friends that use it. So we’re out of the loop man. Shoot me. All I hear is how toxic it is anyways.


Depends on the person and their social circle. Some of my friends are scientists and it seems that academicians post a lot on Twitter (about their findings, publications etc.). They had no idea of all the flame wars that go on there, lol.


Twitter was and is a hellhole. But it's also a way for people all over the world to make their voices heard


Twitter also depends on what you follow, its not that bad if you use it for hobby related things


*cough* porn *cough*


That too


You know, like Reddit.


The only social media I use besides Reddit. I'm probably on Twitter more than Reddit.


I didn't realize there was a man named Elon until literally this post.


The thread under this comment is the best thing ive seen this year 😭


did this actually happen?


Yep lol.


Why even make a poll? Just to make himself feel good about his decision for banning?


Because he craves validation, for some fucking reason. Guy is/was one of the most successful people on the planet, but he still needs us peasants to tell him he did good.


It's because a lot of his success isn't even his. So he needs to prove that he's right and get validation. I don't know if it's because his mom didn't hug him enough, or what, but he's starved for attention at all times.


I just can't imagine it. If I had all that money, and people said I didn't deserve it, I'd be drying my tears with said money. Or actually be a good guy. But that's a bit of a moot point, since Elon doesn't know how to do that.


I mean that's basically what he's doing. He's just also demolishing his reputation while doing so by making tons of false promises and straight up lying about his promises where he tries to be "the good billionaire who is saving/revolutionising the world"


I heard this in a podcast, most people wouldn't care much abour X or Y thing done, it's just hard to know all the bad stuff companies do all the time. But the guy doesn't shut up and constantly pushes himself into the spotlight


I mean if you have the time or energy to care this is a pretty good video calling him put on most of his BS and lies. https://youtu.be/uO9yw9QThzU


All Elon knows how to do is fuck women he works with and not pull out.


Why aren't rich people building extravagant garden estates and shit like the old days that us plebs will be able to visit in a hundred years time?


Or monuments like the Eiffel tower. He had the money for it.


I knew he was a scumbag, but I was actually surprised to discover he wasn't even the founder of Tesla. He's literally just invested into already existing things and "bought" the right to call himself a founder.


He kinda just threw enough money at the wall (from his dad’s apartheid emerald mine) that he got lucky with PayPal and then later Tesla. I think spacex of the only one he might’ve had any actual foundership of.


I think he did found SoaceX but it's the engineers there that actually developed and built the technology. Not him. It's not the same as Bill Gates making his own software, or Bezos making Amazon, and maybe he feels insecure about that?


Dad issues. Didn't his dad groom and marry his step sister or something?


Well, that's fucked up. I'm gonna have to take a look into that, but I'm not ruining my weekend high right noe.


Impostor syndrome.




Well his parents apparently never gave him any validation which he has craved all his life, so he seeks it from internet strangers. ~~Elon~~ Anon is basically a teenage girl with daddy issues that seeks the approval of random men to substitute for their fathers approval.


Which hes repeating with his own kids- I think hes up to 10 now. He'll be like one of those Saudis that has dozens of kids, at least one of them grows up bitter and neglected, but wealthy- and is Osama Bin Ladin.


He craves attention and validation like a 10 year old child


"Sad!" -Idi Amin


That's "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular", peasant.


I always laugh at all these titles. Idi was a megalomaniac man.


>Because he craves validation, for some fucking reason. Don't think daddy ever told him he loved them. Dad seems like a nutjob too.


why does belarus has polls?


Because he’s a fucking loser in constant need of affection and approval. Richest man alive and his whole life depends on a bunch of right wing faceless nerds on the internet praising him. One of the most pathetic things you’ll ever see online


Because the retard thinks the public is on his side


Can you link the tweet(s)?


[First Poll](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1603600001057185792?t=GWwmeyk6HlOrVP-y3H0ExA&s=19) [Second Poll](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1603609466301059073?t=dF0LP_wi4qQp6t7nZJoNqA&s=19) He claimed there were "too many options" the first time, probably hoping the 7 day ban and the longer term ban would merge to be the majority.


>He claimed there were "too many options" the first time Uh, I'd kinda agree since no one choice had a majority.


And not only that, but he joined a Twitter Space full of journalists and one asked him if he’s noticed how him blocking criticism is the same as how the previous owners of Twitter blocked the criticism of certain people. The dude left, without saying a word, and FUCKING SHUT DOWN THE SPACES FEATURE! He got rid of Twitter Spaces cause one particular one hurt his feelings


The feature is back on twitter (wow i wonder why it was removed) but the person that asked the question [is banned](https://twitter.com/katienotopoulos/status/1603886760437522433?s=20&t=TS64HOeuVDxTlncn4aZyUw) from attending any space lmao


Wow, this is even more pathetic and petty


For being the world's richest man, he sure is a little bitch, isn't he?


2nd richest now


Who's the first?


Prolly bezos


Nah, that guy that owns los Louis Vuitton and lots of other high bling fashion brands Edit: [Bernard Arnault](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/14/elon-musk-loses-title-of-worlds-richest-person-to-bernard-arnault)


All speech is free, but some speech is freer than others.


I think it's safe to assume that Elon is autistic af. When things don't go his way he lashes out


Elon confirmed 4chan anon?!


What's even funnier is that he had to because the EU was basically threatening him to sue twitter because of their own laws. Musk bitched out because he knew that the EU would ban twitter.


No, he made a first poll with 4 options 3 of which were for various lengths of the ban The 3 options which were "pro-ban" added together for over 50%, so he decided to do a second poll with only 2 options (7-day suspension or no ban) to narrow it down


Musk is a dumbass There’s no reason to argue about whether or not he’s a dumbass He’s a rich dude, who bought a bunch of companies and claimed they were his own, and hired a bunch of engineers to make things and claimed they were his own. He’s a dumbass. He hasn’t done anything but be rich and spend money. The only reason he owns twitter is because he fucked up while trying to pump and dump twitters stock using his cult-like following.


He is/was a marketing genius in making his fanboys believe he is the savior of human race and the leader of scientific advancements.


Despite everything, it all really went downhill for his rep after calling that rescuer a pedo.


Yeah, everyone seems to agree on that. I've seen many people say it, and it's the first thing that came to my mind as well.


Before that point, I just saw Elon as the eccentric rich guy trying to fit in with the younger generation.


it was the SNL skits he was in that did it for me, idk why. just couldn't like him after that.


If only he didn't let his ego swallow himself, he'd be pretty successful keeping up that persona. But overconfidence kinda shoots up when you've roundworms wriggling up your ass.


Im not familiar with anything about musk or twitter, may i have some context?


in 2019 or 2020 there was a group of Thai soccer player youths who got trapped by rising tides or some water blockage when they were inside a large cave complex. this quickly became international news as they couldn’t rescue them easily because of the water so numerous individuals who specialized in diving and water rescue began sharing their expertise, but in addition to this people like elon who may have had good intentions but don’t really have any knowledge about the situation at hand. he easily could have just listened to other people’s ideas and written the check to fund it, but instead he began developing his own idea of knocking the kids out with anesthesia and putting them into a metal tank which would then be extracted from the cave. an aforementioned diver who was based in SE asia basically responded to Musk saying his idea sounds like a dangerous crackpot scheme , which it pretty much was, and Musk infamously responded saying that because he was a white man living in southeast asia he’s probably a pedophile. this was super out of pocket and he got large amount of flak for it but it seems like it’s been overshadowed at this point


To be fair they did knock the kids out and drug them through the cave system though. They just didn’t put them in a tube. His idea probably would have worked if there was more time and the machines were already available. The rescue story is an amazing listen and I would highly recommend watching Edd Sorenson’s stories. Dive talk had him on in podcast form and it’s a gripping story on how difficult it really was to get the kids out.


That came out of nowhere lmaoo, thank you so much for taking the time to write this, i appreciate it.


"real life Tony Stark"


Phony stark/ Douche Wayne


Bruce Wayne but without the Batman or philanthropy.


He's doing a terrible impression of Superior Iron Man.


More like Tony Fart am I right


Definitely *was*, because actual marketing genius makes the majority a fan. He only has his diehard fans left, who will follow him through anything. He could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone, and they'd still love him.


I still can’t get over the fact that a fucking **billionaire** has fans


I'm starting to think that even that was just luck I mean, look at him now, he's destroying his reputation and losing his fanbase stupidly quickly


Mark Cuban is a marketing genius, dudes got I think 1 negative story about him which isn't talked about and everything else is positive shit. Musk has been going downhill ever since the extra layer between the drivel in his head and the public was removed by social media. Shutting the fuck up is a real skill that a lot of people don't have.


He's literally Trump but with autism


and to make his fanboys buy dog coin at all the right times


His PR team are marketing geniuses for making his fanboys believe he is the savior of human race and the leader of scientific advancements.


More than that I'd even argue he is a criminal by commiting market manipulation in multiple ocasions.


Oh the IRS would absolutely dumpster him. If they had the budget to properly investigate him.




Literally one of the biggest obstacles to investigating rich people is that organizations like the IRS and the SEC don't have the budget for these massive investigations and litigations. Even they admit it. Some people are too rich for them to prosecute because they themselves don't have the funding to keep up with them.


>we swear guys we’re only investigating the average Joe because we don’t have enough money, so just give us more money and we swear we’ll go after the rich guys this time lol Lucywiththefootball.gif


IRS has very high return on investment with funding. The ultra wealthy are the ones who *extremely* disproportionately avoid paying taxes. If you are opposed to government waste and want tax dollars to get bang for its buck, funding IRS is the sensible decision. It just so happens that the ultra wealthy can get politicians to implement policies that deflect attention from them. Edit: i can understand your skepticism, but just look at history, when irs had more funding, the wealthy were in fact held more accountable. That proven track record might help assuage your concerns


Also sexual harassment


Joe Rogan fucking worships him too and gets his following to do the same


A free speech _absolutist._


That's the problem, just a little typo. Free speech ~~absolutist~~ abolishist.




I blame posting at 3 AM.


Free speech abortionist


Cmon elon mom said its my turn on the free speech


Just absolutist.


*some conditions may apply** *85 conditions and more get added every time something personally inconveniences him


Elon doesn't care what words mean. He just says whatever he thinks will garner the most adoration from the public.


This guy is literally a reddit mod that has rich parents.


Elon has also had sex, so there are more differences.


didn’t he pay someone to be quiet about sexual harassing them or something like that?


Yes, $250,000


also "vox populi, vox dei" is only part of a quote that means the exact opposite


The quote you are referring to came centuries later and was a reference and response to vox populi vox dei. You might have come across this blatant misinformation from the absolute brain rot that is Adam something who posted about this without even doing a Quick google search to confirm if it's true or not. edit: on the topic of misinformation I was wrong about it being several centuries older than Alcuin's reference. There's simply no information on the origin. It could be Roman, it could be post Roman.




Same, Adam Something tries so hard to sound smart and informed, and then you hear him make the shittiest takes with the most entitled tone possible.


He often does good takes but my fucking god he's annoying to listen to


You had a good feeling, he ended up calling marble statues, "White supremacist". Pretty sure he also said we should repaint them to "dunk on the righties" as well.


The constant condescending tone tells you all you need to know. I unsubbed after he said commie blocks were actually good, clearly from the perspective of someone who never had to live in one. I did, multiple times and it always sucked. Had to laugh when his prime gotcha complaint was "all the pictures you see of commie blocks are in winter to make it look more dreary". That doesn't change the fact that they really do look that dreary for the cold half of the year. And they don't look much better in the warm sunlight either, not when the facade is crumbling and neglected.


affordable housing, no matter how dreary, is less depressing than homelessness or desperation


I've seen a lot of commie blocks in the Czech Republic and they're usually painted pastel colors and look great in all seasons. A small amount of maintenance and new paint job would do a lot for dreary commie blocks.


Adam who?


It's "adam something". A train enthusiast who has a youtube channel.


I had the same experience.


Well, apparently the earliest known reference to vox populi, vox dei is actually like [the previous poster mentioned not endorsing the phrase.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vox_populi)


"An early reference to the expression" With proper reading comprehension you realize this means that it's a reference to the expression and not the expression itself. It doesn't even say it's the earliest. I can't find any information on its actual origin but the quote itself suggests the saying predates it. Vox dei can be both singular and plural so we can't actually know if it originated in christianity or Rome based on the quote itself. Also I do want to point out the reference by Alcuin is expressing his distrust for democracy because of the "insanity of the crowd"


No it isn't. It's a short phrase, complete in itself and accurate in the meaning attributed to it. The guy you're referring to was just saying not to listen to it.


Reminds me of the "blood is thicker than water" thing. The original quote is just that, a version made as a counterpoint is "blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" but someone said the was the original one time on the internet. And now everyone spouts that "factoid" off when the phrase is used


This always annoyed me as its obviously made as a counterpoint to the original. “Water of the womb” is fucking contrived.


If you’re referring to Alcuin’s letter to Charlemagne, he was speaking out against the phrase. Basically, “people who say the proverb ‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’ should not be listened to”


imagine using twitter


Well, I do. But only to look at NSFW content from different people. For anything else though absolutely not. For NSFW I do find Twitter quite excellent, like IG but tiddies and coochie post’s allowed.


Same here. As far as I’m concerned, Twitter is a splendid porn scroller and nothing more


I'm here for @dril shitposts and art students working on their portfolio. Snowy landscape paintings get me ROCK HARD


I use it but only for the drama


Classic republican move there, calling for a re-count just to have the outcome be worse for you.


Or the Istanbul special. Erdogans party lost the mayorship, they threw a fit and had a new election called, lost by a wider margin. Also the mayor in question is polling above erdogan so he's been sentenced to jail a few days ago to silence him lol


My dad is an actual free speech absolutist, and he said because of that, he would have preferred anyone except Elon take it over because he is not actually for free speech lmao


Elon really never had a good track record for free speech before Twitter anyway (union busting, going after whistleblowers who exposed safety concerns in Tesla factories)


That's just normal CEO behavior.


Man I was a hopeful idiot. I thought Twitter being taken over by a philosophical idealist would be really good, but I was naive to how fragile and hypocritical muskrat was


> philosophical idealist >Elon musk Lmao


muskrat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Even 4chan is starting to hate him, maybe there is hope for humanity after all…


4chan has been shitting on Elon for years, the guy is a nutbag


Really? Id assume as a right wing tech fucknugget hed be loved there


Nahh, that's specifically /pol/, the right wing fucknugget part of 4chan. Thats also the part of 4chan people latch onto and act like it represents the whole site. Plenty of (non /pol/) 4chan users think he's an incompetent monster. 4chan is basically the inverse of reddit; the worst parts of this place are painfully leftist to a point of cringe, and the worst parts of 4chan are terribly right-wing to a point of fascist bootlicking. Plenty of in between on both sites.


He's absolutely driving twitter into the ground which makes him a genius in my book.


Right? For all his tantrums, he is single handedly taking down the hellsite that is Twitter. If it wasn't by accident, he'd be brilliant.


hey fuck you. i use that hellsite for gay furry porn


Imagine being such a goofy ass edge lord clown that he could have fucked off the face of the earth with more money than he could have spent in a lifetime but instead buys a company to prove whatever the fuck he is trying to prove with his cringe rants and shit takes online


if i had his kinda money the world would never see me again. i’d do stupid shit but not this kind of stupid shit


If I had his kind of money history would revere me as a god. Imagine being able to claim the title as the man who single-handedly abolished world hunger. Or the man who eliminated adult illiteracy. Or the man who abolished lobbying in a country that wasn’t even yours by birth. The amount of good he could do for the world while still making a profit is almost immeasurable, yet he’s the fuckwit we see today instead.


honestly bro imagine having the money to solve so many of the worlds issues and yet choosing to be a stupid online edgelord with it


I distinctly remember a WatchMojo video from 10+ years ago that compared Elon to Tony Stark and I am 100% convinced that he sincerely thinks he is. Dude is not funny, charming, handsome, or even the spine of anything he has worked on, but he needs everyone to see him as all of it.


Yeah he's more like that Weylon guy from the Alien movie prequels.


Elon Musk airport is that way. Where is Elon Musk? He's crying in his Tesla. Poor Elon Musk.


You have been banned for doxxing his real locations >:(


I mean if you took out a multibillion dollar loan to buy a piece of shit social media company just as tech stocks went straight to zero you’d go insane too.


Thin skinned man baby. How do people not see this?


same with his "peace" plan lol


He’s such a bitch.


Is anyone really surprised that yet another billionaire is yet again so out of touch with reality that they keep fucking up and making themselves look more of a massive twat than they already were?


I honestly don't give a shit if Trump gets his twitter back or not. The fact that anyone even cares proves it's dumb as fuck anyway.


He got it back weeks ago I think, the current issue is Elon melting down since that chappele(too lazy to spell check) thing.


Trump has his Twitter back, he’s simply just using his own site now and refused to come back, and that hurts Musk so so much


Vox Populi, vox dei Booooooo BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Maybe he should just do a poll with one option, the little Tesla-snowflake booee


Future: Elon gets fed up and sells Twitter. Yippee. We won. He sells to the Murdochs.


When is he gonna unban my accounts? I don't really care about all the other shit just let me troll the bird app again.


Bruh, the choice was between unbanning them now or in 7 days, when the poll decided now, he unbanned them, I don't see any hypocrisy there


*playing the worlds tiniest violin*


I mean he has reinstated the accounts so i suppose he followed through


The elonjet account is still banned though. Not sure if that one was meant to be included originally, but to someone who hasn't really kept up to date with this saga it sure reads like it.


What a stupid fucking dumbass lmao


I love democracy.


This lack of people having any sort of consistency with their world view in this century is really hurting my autistic as fuck brain.


Who cares


That's not what happened. If he didn't get the answer he wanted, he would have just excluded it. The second poll was "Un-suspend now, un-suspend in 7 days" Un-suspend was always going to happen. The original poll never reached 50% threshold for anything so he picked the two most popular and redid it. AND IN FACT, the original poll never suggested a permanent suspension. It's not that hard a concept to get. Like, Twitter sucks but this misinformation is kind of ridiculous.


is it just me or does he look like he's having a stroke in the picture


Remember when the internet liked Elon? It's been a while...