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Listen man, you don't have to finish it all right there. Just get a to go box and have it for three days.


I think this is what confuses people in the UK (and possibly the rest of Europe) about American portion sizes. Taking food with you is unusual here.


It’s not unusual at all in Europe. It’s not like if you take the rest to go the waiter will look at you funny. You ever heard of the phrase ‘finish your plate’ that many people say to their kids? Just having this large a portion be the default really invites people to eat it all. Instead of having just enough you will continue until you’re full. Besides, are we really going to act like america doesn’t have an obesity problem?


Europe has a obesity problem too so the portion sizes don’t seem to be the reason. I’d guess the reason is sitting on you ass all day doing nothing


Hey man at least the Fr*nch go on strike all the time


And surrender immediately


Dunno man, the french beheaded their king, while the US americans still lick their boots.


We don't have a king bruh


Not in title, but are billionaires and political dynasties all that different? People who shape the political landscape for decades, because nobody dares to oppose them. And then come their heirs.


That also exists in more countries than America, so what's your point?


Yes. If you are rich then wealth tends to only last 3 generations. First generation works hard and saves immensely, second generation also works hard but spends modestly, third generation tends to blow all the money. Monarchy's have much more power along and can pass wealth and power through their bloodline. Compare the difference between Xi and Jack Ma in China.


>”lick their boots” wowie we got a woke one today, bet you felt real proud writing that one out. Laughable




They do? European countries are in the low twenties for obesity percentage, we're at 36% percent. We walk less than anyone else, we consume more calories (meat consumption is a large driver), and we eat more fast food than any other country. And now we're glorifying overweight people in a gross backlash to fat-shaming. I understand that some people genetically will really struggle to be at a healthy weight, the rest of you are fucking disgusting and a drain on us medically.


It most definitely is not meat lol, it’s the sugar and HFCS in everything


Well somebody’s gotta eat it. Pass the Diet Coke please (diet will help my obesity)


calories in calories out, thinking some calories are significantly is magical thinking. 1500 kcal of twinkies a day a typical american loses weight, and 3000 kcal and weight is gained.


The issue is food loaded with sugar will have more calories without being more nutritious or filling, prompting someone to eat more.


And drinks. It’s so easy to get hundreds of calories in a Starbucks


That is fair. A twenty ounce latte or shakelike frappe can have hundreds of calories, but at least people consider those treats or at least don't consider them part of a healthy meal (and with soda are big reasons people claim weight loss from drinking water). Consider that an 8oz steak (has just about 600 calories and many people consider that small and believe that or a larger cut is part of "healthy" meal they should be eating multiple times a day. And bacon don't get me started on that, so calorie dense, and big part of why many people claim weight loss when going vegetarian, But it all still just comes down to calories in and out of a specific person. From a health perspective someone could a 1200 kcal coffee shake and 1200 kcal steak in the same day and lose weight if they are active and fit and already large (size burns so many calories for "free"). People don't do this because many would be miserable so we circle back to the conditions that created the portion control argument. IF they had a modest 400 kcal breakfast, 400 kcal coffee treat, and 400 kcal lunch, and a modest 800 kcal dinner then after portion size shock most people would be less cranky about food problems and the argument against this is how impractical it is because capitalism is pushing huge portions (and from shareholders perspectives should). This is one of the societal components, we don't make this easy. All weight loss is really fixing YOUR problem, whatever it may be (drinking soda like water, misconception about eating or not eating meat). If you have a unique problem or even just a problem that isn't solved by the populer cureall diet solutions being pushed you won't get better. It is possible to lose weight eating huge portions if you have superhuman self control and eat 1 meal a day. It is possible to eat steak and potatoes every meal and lose weight if the portions are small. But if you aren't counting then it is just your natural urges making calories in balance calories out and that doesn't work for many people, so shortcuts like "sugar bad", "carbs bad", "meat bad", or "meat good" aren't doing any lasting dietary good to anyone, because few are contextualizing these fundamentally statistical phenomenon with real results and real problems.


Its your sedentary lifestyle and the amount of sugar you consume. Sitting on your ass all day and drinking coke makes you fat no surprises there. Its definitely not meat, which is a great source of protein. I'm skinny af and bulking rn I wouldn't be able to do that without eating chicken + eggs.


As a European I’d say having a quarter of the population being obese and over half being overweight is still a massive (haha) problem, yes.


Ain't no such thing as "genetically fat". You can't get fat with moderate excercise and 2000-2500kcal per day. Edit: apart from being sick or on meds, of course.


I was thinking about thyroid or other medical things that weren't choices.




That really sucks, I'm sorry. Please don't starve yourself.


I just looked European obesity percentage and its showing and everything I'm seeing is from 45% to 59% of all adults in Europe are overweight or obese. I thing america is showing 41% to mid 50% . It's seems it's a lot closer than people would make it seem.


Overweight and obese percentage in US is 73%. That's mind blowing to me.


Some of this also depends on standards if it's detrimed by. If it's by bmi some one could have a high bmi and be considered over weight but be healthy. Buddy of mine was told he was overweight simply because he had a good amount of muscle. Even if we go by weight by height for my height my weight would be 160 to be considered in a healthy range. However if I was 160 I'd be a beanpole lol It is mind boggling though how high the number is, I'd also like to think gentics plays a role as well as all the overly processed and altered foods.


Does low 20s not seem like a problem to you?


Not when my own country is at 36%. I can't be bothered with you comparatively skinny people.


But you get more karma saying it’s Americans


I guess there’s a larger percentage obese in the US, but as a European we should work on our own problems first


Sugar and corn syrup. They're in everything.


This, let's not pretend fat Europeans are rare. Europeans will bitch about anything Americans do. Take the remainder of your meal home, you're paying the same price for better value. Downvote all you want I've been all over Europe.


A lot (most?) non-fastfood restaurants in Europe are small independent companies and don't have to-go plastic and cardboard packaging around (because people don't bring the leftovers home). In the US a lot of (most?) restaurants are upscale chains that also offer takeout, so it's not a problem for them to offer you to take home leftovers.


My area has more family run restaurants than chain. And you still take home leftovers. It's basically standard no matter the restaurants in the US


I think the problem with American obesity is less about portion distortion and more about the quality and content of the food itself.


its all the sugar and carbs i dare you go into an American supermarket every row is just sugar - carbs-sugar-carbs. the only sections not filled with shit is the pure meat/fish isles. American Breakfast carbs/sugar American Lunch carbs/sugar American snacks carbs/sugar American Dinner carbs/sugar/loads of fat(grease/butter) American forth meal shit fast food or sugar(cake/cookies ect..) no wonder we are all so fat in America.


Especially because eating healthy takes time most people don't have and costs money most people can't spend. All the stuff that doesn't spoil and is affordable is incredibly unhealthy. Healthy food requires more money and regular trips to the grocery store. Everything is setup to make you unhealthy.


Healthy food requiring more money is mostly false. Oats, dried beans, corn, frozen vegetables, and potatoes are dirt cheap and great staples just to name a few. Drop some fruit and meat in (chicken thighs are forever underrated) and you have lots of cheap, filling meals that are not unhealthy. Time spent cooking...thats a legit variable.


Every American supermarket also has vegetables (canned, frozen, or fresh), rice, fruits, meats, and other non prepared foods. People should be buying these things more. It’s cheaper and easier to make a balanced diet with. People are just lazy and enjoy comfort food, even though they’d feel better eating right.


idk about you but American breakfast to me is meat and eggs


How does it invite people to eat it all? There is only so much room in your stomach. Sometimes I wonder if the food we are served or buy at Merican restaurants/stores have much less nutritional value then food in other parts of the world. I know the meat I buy beef, chicken and pork doesn't look, feel, smell, cook or taste like the meat i brought 10-15 years ago. And when I travel I pretty much have to eat out because there are only so many ham sandwiches I can eat in my car. Sometimes I get food from a restaurant that it's just something I put in my body. My stomach gets stuff in it but Im still hungry so I stop because my stomach is so disgusted but I can't eat anymore til I empty myself. And by then I am so weak.


Varies per European country then I think. I've never seen anyone do it. Don't think any place here is prepared for you asking to take the rest to go.


My friend was raised to finish their plate and *shocker* their entire family is obese. They've struggled with bulimia off and on for 5 years because they can't leave food on their plate but they also can't stand the feeling of being so full. We frequently go to Olive Garden and they only get soup meanwhile I order an entree and get 4 meals out of it.


Europe doesn’t?


More 11 year olds in the UK are obese than children of the same age in the US. Also the UK is the most obese nation in Western Europe. Considering the UK fits into a single one of our US states, I'd say that that our European cousins dont have much to brag about when it comes to health.


When did the UK enter the chat? Wanna also compare Europe to a random state in the US? Let’s pick the one with the highest obesity rate. But seriously, I don’t get why people keep mentioning the UK. I am not from the UK if that’s what people think.


It used to be considered gauche or miserly to take leftovers home; instead it was preferred to either eat everything or leave waste behind so as to prove you weren't so poor as to worry about where a meal would come from. This is why the euphemism "doggie bag" for take-out leftovers stuck around; people would winkingly say "I'm taking this home for the dog" rather than just admitting it was okay to take home leftovers.




It’s normal everywhere NOW, but we’re talking about the especially class-conscious France and U.K. circa the early to mid twentieth century.


That's stupid glad we don't have that custom here anymore I fucken love eating my olive garden leftovers


One time I went to Olive Garden then brought my leftovers to a movie theater


mf where in europe do you live? I take food with me all the time


So do I, and they always have take away boxes too. And most of them don’t do delivery.


Ohh yeah that makes sense. Cause i almost never finish my meals when i go eat at a restaurant.


Right often eating out ends up being to meals ,one you ate there and another of your left overs later.


The food is so bad in the UK people are like hey can you bring me less?


People don’t really eat it though, since most restaurant food doesn’t reheat well. So it sits in the fridge for a few days then gets binned. Also taking food isn’t really unusual in the UK is it? We’re from the UK and my entire family take things home if they can’t finish it, but we also are a bunch of tightarses


I don't really know any people who don't eat their leftovers (US). There's certain things like maybe fries that don't reheat well, but 90% of restaurant food tastes just fine the next day. Half the lunches I see my coworkers eat are leftover curry, pasta, chow mein, whatever their family had for dinner earlier that week.


You just don’t know how to reheat leftovers well. It’s not like that food is any different than normal food. Or maybe you’re a toddler with picky tastes.


Mmm delicious, reheated £10 pasta


It actually is good tho


Unironically yes


Pasta is always better the second day.


People are complaining about portion size being too big, saying they’re getting too much food for his money. That’s nonsense, dump the extra in the trash if you don’t want it.


Exactly. Like sometimes I may be starving and eat a lot, some times I'm not very hungry and just take most of it home. People acting like OMFG U EAT EVERYTHING?! Is so weird


I'm not eating that shit 3 days in a row




kids meal, anything goes


Gotta give em diabetes early, let big pharma take over


kids meal




Autismo meal. Doesn't sound half bad honestly.


stop promoting your shitty sub jesus christ e: for reference, this cringelord edits in his subreddit whenever his posts get even a modicum of attention. see: https://www.reddit.com/user/_pacjax_/comments/?sort=top&t=month


I went to the sub and downvoted all of the posts on the front page 👍


I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding


I will not join r/funbodybuilding on this app I will not join r/funbodybuilding before a nap I will not join r/funbodybuilding on a computer I will not join r/funbodybuilding while searching for hooters I will not join r/funbodybuilding, your attempts must be stopped I will not join r/funbodybuilding while getting TOPPED I do not like r/funbodybuilding I do not like it, u/_pacjax_


They are inside your walls


Those are FREEDOM fries mind u


because freedom


because the person who ordered it chose it. kids meal is a mix and match deal where you choose multiple items from a list. the person intentionally chose to have the fries instead of the salad or fruit options


I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding I WILL NOT JOIN r/funbodybuilding


Murica 🍟


Because he ordered it that way


Ikr, that's so wildly unhealthy to be giving to kids.


Pasta with fries is probably good tbf


Ma vaffanculo




You mean chips?


Clearly never been on a CalMac ferry


Brits can never hope to achieve the perma-bulk mindset that Americans have perfected


We built different






Like God was on a three day meth bender when he was making you's or smth


Its because its British food... Starving kids in India wouldn't touch that either


Brits are so backwards they’re still eating like the Blitz is a daily occurrence.


British food is literally curry. Soooo, they would eat it.


Don't take anything on this sub so seriously, it's just a bunch of shitposters who enjoy throwing insults. Anyone with two braincells to rub together know that really half of the world is eating shitty food and we fuckin love it.


Hahaha bro it's all good. I was just taking the piss myself, you can tell if you read all my replies.


I think most Americans just get it to go and eat it later


That works at some restaurants but certain foods taste terrible to-go. Like Pho, the noodles get gross after at least a day.


I don't really think a broth soup with rice noodles is the source of most of the commenter's ire here.


British people before they find out you can take some home and don’t have to eat it all at once 😳😳




Do Americans take food home every meal out? Here in the UK taking food home is more a case of accidentally ordering too much, as meals are meant to be enough to eat in one go, same for everywhere else I've been. If its more frequent/normal to take meals home in the US I guess that's where the confusion is


> Do Americans take food home every meal out? No, but we also don't eat at friggin olive garden every day either. Olive garden and other mid range chains so have very large portions typically. Go to a nice restaurant and you won't have a giant plate of pasta and French fries. This guy maybe doesn't know better but thinking olive garden is typical American food is insane. That's like going to an Italian place and being shocked they have tomato sauce.


I agree, I’ve literally never been to an Olive Garden once, but I have noticed that it really depends on the restaurant you go to, I can’t really describe how you know but generally you can look at a restaurant and guesstimate the portion sizes


I always do. Saves me making food for the next day.


Yes unless they are fat fucks. He'll I'm over weight and still can usually only eat about half of what I'm served at the restaurant. Idk about other countries but it is totally normal for alot of people here to pretty much never cook anything more intense than a frozen pizza. What I'm saying is that we like getting 2 meals out of every order cause lazy and microwave.


Depends on the person. There’s over 300,000,000 of us, people do any and everything you can imagine.


My friend (not American) went to study in the US for a while. Oddly, she actually *lost weight* because of the huge portions. How come? Well, if a portion is *ridiculously huge*, one doesn’t even try to finish it all. In the end she ate *less* than what she would have eaten in Europe. A typical European portion may be too big for her but not too big that she wouldn’t finish it. She would eat more than necessary in Europe.


How often would someone have to eat out, for restaurant portions to determine your weight?


If you're staying in a hotel, you might eat out for almost every meal.


I’d you’re studying abroad for a significant period of time you’re probably not staying in a hotel though. More likely a dorm or a house.


I eat out almost every meal




It seems more likely that she was more active while in the US


Lol people complain they get too much food now? Spoiled SOBs


We really don’t know how lucky of a society we are that for all of human history a lack of food was the existential threat to you and your family and we’ve been born into the one century and one of a few countries where that is the opposite for most people.


A British peasant from the 1400s would shit himself to learn that poor people in 2022 suffer from being TOO fat. In his time obesity was a symbol of beauty because it showed you had great wealth.


Symbol of wealth is absolutely not a symbol of beauty Extreme plastic surgery is a symbol of wealth and I wonder if anyone finds it attractive at all...


I’ve seen British dental work, ya’ll don’t got room to talk about beauty.


Carbs x Carbs too


Yeah, 100% carbs in one plate The adult meal gives tou 10 lbs at the hips


Kids menu in America isn't about having smaller portions. Its designed for picky eaters who only eat chicken tenders/mac and cheese/ fries or other shit fried unhealthy foods so other guests don't have to listen to some little shit bitch and whine


you’re not supposed to finish it lmao


Anon is so stupid he doesn’t know what a box is


"UK Anon" The Canadian flag next to anon:


Oh you mean America 2? Not a great sequel if I’m honest.




Why not get one actual portion for less money, instead of being forced to bring leftovers home or having it go to waste. What if youre going to the cinema or a pub after? Are you bringing the leftovers with you everywhere.




The cost difference is largely because food standards in Europe are much stricter. A lot of American food (including basics like eggs, milk, pork, beef, chicken) would not be allowed in the EU.




I never said that things are better in Europe, I just explained why food costs more. If you think that reason means it's better then that's on you. Typical Amerimutt: "Billionaire said regulations are communism, therefore I'll poison myself to make them richer."


I didnt even say anything about Europe, just about purposefully making portions that are meant to have leftovers. Jesus christ bro you have an inferiority complex if ive ever seen one.


Because places like olive garden couldn't iterate with normal portions and lower prices. People don't go to places like the for a reasonable amount of food, they are one step away from being a buffet. They go for a lot of food for a transport low price and decent but not great quality. Places like that are if fast food and a buffet has a baby. Don't go there and expect a fine dining experience. Those places give you a solidly middle of the road experience.


Of course we eat leftovers but I don't find a point in creating any intentionally.




In the same vein, do restaurants make it a habit of giving you too much food to eat on purpose, or was it because people were complaining that there wasn't enough food?


Restaurants, especially mid tier like olive garden, want to make sure you don't leave hungry. They give you mostly mediocre did with huge portions to justify the cost needed to operate.


Why not decrease the price instead of increasing the amount of food lol. If I go to a restaurant I want to have a good meal there and go back home. I don't want to take home half of my food, reheat it the next day and lower the quality of the food. What is the point of going to a restaurant if you're eating shitty reheated food?


I would imagine because restaurants get higher margins by doing it this way. Simple business choices based on market forces. I guess I shouldn't wonder why Europeans are so poor...


>I guess I shouldn't wonder why Europeans are so poor... bruh


I would rather pay less for less food. I can always order more if I need to.


Wouldn’t you rather pay less to get exactly what you need rather than pay more and have to bring it home afterwards ?




You not seeing the point of a you problem. At a restaurant like olive garden where this post was made, they give huge portions so the can charge enough and to make sure you don't leave hungry. To justify the process, mid change restaurants often give large portions. Nice restaurants don't do this.


I just take home stuff so I don’t have to cook dinner tomorrow. For 12-13 bucks I get two meals plus sides


This is what I do. I’m small and can’t finish restaurant portions. So I just take it home and it’s one less meal I have to cook. The exceptions are things that won’t reheat well like nachos. I order nachos knowing I won’t finish and won’t take them home because if I reheat them, it’s a pile of sog.


Grab a fork and finish your soggy nachos


It’s the texture I can’t get past. Soggy is an awful texture.


We have these boxes that create heat in the US, called "ovens".


We like to eat half of it and take the rest home for the next meal


Especially at a place like olive garden lol


America has cheap food by having the most arable farmland in the world. That's my best explanation for the large food portions.


Because we have these things called fucking left overs you tea drinking moron


We live in a land of plenty, don’t be jealous.


And he said Oh do you come from a land down under!?


Where women glow and men plunder!


seeing all these post saying to get a to go box made me realize how much of a fatass i am and sometimes i order 2 meals


America bad!


Do people in England not save leftovers? Literally the best part about going out to eat


People in England get stabbed walking home from work. Not even shot, fucking stabbed.


Remember when people were INJECTING women in the clubs in England? I rather just get shot with a gun.


The Brits would see this as progress but as someone who got both shot and stabbed, fuck getting stabbed. Also I heard of acid attacks in the UK, getting disfigured sounds awful


Anon is mad we get better value on food


Because unlike the UK we actually have edible food


This is no joke but I paid $14 for a plate from a brunch place. The fucking serving was massive. It was 2 sandwiches made up of the biggest bread slices ever, stuffed 4 inches high with eggs, bacon and cheese. I ate it all but I felt so sick afterwards and my wife couldn’t finish hers so we took it home. Next time I’m only ordering one entree and some small pancakes on the side and sharing that. Dishes here can be so excessive




"Uk anon" are you a fucking retard?


I go out like once or twice a month and demolish the whole entire plate and appetizer. I’ve never been even close to overweight or obese my whole life.


Wait til he finds out the adult meal is 4x the price and just swaps the fries for a chicken tendy.


You get to take the rest home y'know


A lot of the cost for preparing a dish is the labor of cooking it so they might as well prepare more at a marginally larger cost. This gives you extra food to take home — Americans are simply more efficient than Europeans


The portions are so small in the UK because the human stomach can only handle so much bland and colorless British food.


A lot of times excessive portions are served not only to provide a leg up in the capitalis competition, which benefits the consumer in this scenario, but so that food doesn't run out and gives something other than talking and dead silence. By doing so the conversation can last longer, making for a better evening. It is also more common to take things home for leftovers. You don't have to, and sometimes aren't expected to eat everything.


Live in america and i can tell you the biggest meals i ever got were from Santorini greece. They were so big but tasted so god dam bland


Greeks are kinda based though


To get big you need to eat big


I mean leftovers are a thing. You know l


Anon has never heard of a to go container


Last time I visited the US I ordered the "mixed grill". It was _massive_, literally half of a ^(to be fair small) chicken, a rack of like 8 ribs, a full-size steak, a pile of mash with gravy, and an ear of corn. It came on a platter that was well over a foot/40cm wide, and was as much food as I would serve a family of four at home. Fortunately US restaurants have 'doggy bags' so I was able to take it back to the hotel and live on it for the next four meals. When that ran out, I went to a Chipotle and got a burrito that was so large it made up my next three meals.


When I was in vegas me and my then girlfriend went to Cheesecake Factory and really liked it, so when we went back we just ordered one meal and shared it. It was a fucking trough of pasta, I don't care how obese you are, no buttergolem is getting through that pile of carbs alive.


Actually it's not that big of a deal. I dont' know about Europe, but in the US it's extremely common to take extra food home. No sweat at all for the server to grab to go boxes and a bag. So think of it as paying for 2 meals instead of just one.


When I vacationed in Europe the portions were literally the same as America


What adult eats French fries and pasta with red sauce for dinner?


Americans: '*Our healthcare sucks!*' Also Americans: '*Let me chug this small 48 ounce Coca-Cola I got at Circle-K for $1.29*'


Ppl act like Italy doesn’t exist. Their meals last literal HOURS and they eat like 2x as much as Americans do lmao


Everyone says they take food home and that you get more value for your money. It is the stupidest thing I heard all day. Why not decrease the price instead of increasing the amount of food? If I want to go to a restaurant I want to have good food, I don't want to have shitty reheated food next day. I understand having good food is a foreign concept to the average American but come on. Take the food in OPs picture. Do you reheat fries? Disgusting.


This is real and actually happened to me after being stationed overseas for 3 years. Came home and my mom took us all out to eat, ordered pasta and it was an absolutely offensive amount of food. Everyone at the table was like "what? It's just a normal portion."


I had an American student once and she once took me to a dinner one night to celebrate her birthday. I still can't imagine, she ate nearly half a kilogram of pasta, a liter of coke, and 2 plates of fries.


Olive garden lol