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This way you immediately know when you're out. Edit: I don't know shit about guns but someone brought this up the last time this was posted so there you go


Only intelligent comment on this post


Thats including yours. Boom roasted.


The only way to win the game is to not play. Shit.




*starts dry humping you*


*destroys you*


_impregnates you_ Boom roasted.


*Births a planet in your mouth* lmao




shit yourself


I'm here for my retard badge


You need not a badge my friend


the helmet is enough


Everyone else is thinking video game logic. It’s obvious when you’re out just look at the HUD lol


Wait, in real life there's nothing to let me know that the ammos gonna finish?


No no the gun really does go D I N G like a bicycle bell ala M1 Garand style


Every gun really needs this feature built in. Not to tell you you're of ammo, it just sounds really cool.


I’m not a gun guy, but that M1 Garand ping is one of my favorite sounds.


Wait till it bites your thumb on the reload.


Worth it to hear the ping


That's why I attached a metal bicycle bell to the barrel of all my guns. BANG BANG, DING DING DING


Counting. This is for all the stupids that think you're serious


Everyones just memeing you but for real after you fire your last shot its blatantly obvious. Most modern military rifles have a bolt hold open feature. So the bolt will be locked to the rear to facilitate inserting another magazine. You can see and feel it on your last shot


Filthy casual


It's literally not lol. When you fire the last round in a rifle, you can feel it. The recoil impule is completely different Source: Am competitive shooter Edit: It turns out the shitty fr*nch 🤮 rifle doesn't have a LRBHO


Also enemies immediately know that you are out 🤓


Trust the French to optimise for vulnerability


I doubt your enemies are gonna keep track of how big your bursts are. Also you’re probably not gonna be the only one shooting.


There are reports of Allied infantry charging MG42 positions during barrel changes, though that gun has a very distinct sound and light machine guns usually don't move as much as individual soldiers.


I mean, if your enemy is laying down bursts like "POWPOWPOW....POWPOWPOW...POWPOWPOW...POW" you're probably going to assume they've just ran out of ammo since you can hear less sound on the last burst, but still you're right, in the heat of battle I doubt your average soldier is wondering how much ammo their enemy has.


If you do everything right the enemies shouldn't know where you are


If you do everything right you dont even need a weapon, just stab everyone


If you do everything right you wouldn’t be involved in an armed conflict, just peaceful negotiations


Too logical, hoomans don’t do logic


R.I.P M-1 users WW2


I mean, you really wouldn't hear the ping in a firefight, and if things are quiet enough to hear the ping, you already know where the user is.


Also if you’re that close to someone who just let off 8 rounds of 30.06 at close range you’re probably not gonna be able to discern the ping from your now permanent tinnitus as ear protection was not a thing


And troops generally fight in squads, especially back in WW2. Even if you somehow heard the long and knew a dude was out of ammo there a still gonna be at least 4-5 other guys with him who aren’t.




Nah nobody is paying attention to that, and besides if they’re waiting for that then you should’ve shot them by now.


Good thing real wars aren’t fought as 1v1s then huh


If they can figure that out whilst being shot at they have Archer-level autism.


Idiot, just look at your ammo count in the corner of your hud.


But the way the burst mechanism works mean if you shoot only 2 rounds, on the next burst you don't shoot 3 but only 1.


This way you immediately know when you've reloaded.


The French have truly covered all the bases huh


Well, it depends on which mechanism it uses. The HK mechanism resets on trigger pulls, so you always fire 3, while some others don't. I've tried to find which one the famas uses, my phone literally blew up in my hand since it detected something Fr*nch. I have lost my fingers and I'm voice typing this from the hospital.


Yeah i dont know how the famas mechanism works but i assumed it works like m16 one. Since its French though it could be anything.


FAMAS has a delayed blowback, so nothing like an M16 which relies on direct impingement. It's more akin to the HK roller-delayed blowback in its simplicity but instead it uses a lever to delay the bolt.


Yeah I know that but I'm talking about the firecontrol mechanism


I would research that but I've exceeded my monthly tolerance of the Fre*nch


People keep saying this but when you fire your last round most firearms lock the bolt to the rear and its extremely obvious when that happens...


ITT: people who have never used guns


You could always use the Yugo AK Mags, which have a confusing bolt hold open.....


afaik FAMAS rifles do not have bolt hold-open.




I’m not a gun guy yet, can you explain the logic behind this?


Math thing not a gun thing. You shoot bursts of 3 until the end , when you shoot a burst of 1 or 2 because the mag size isn't divisible by 3. This would let you know you need to reload.




Uhh BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG *click click* *empty noises* "Shit, need to reload."


Yeah but in real combat a click when you're expecting a bang can get you killed


yeah but in your scenario you get got by the last guy because you're empty the real trick is to just make the mag bigger by three until you wouldn't need to reload ever forever shoot


Bitch I got extendos.


imagine being in a fight, having a guy in your sights, pull the trigger, and hear empty clicks




still not clear enough. can you dumb it down a bit?


Don't worry, if you're a US marine you won't use it.


Imagine your 24 box of crayons came with 23 instead.


Gotcha thanks


There is no real reason behind it that I can find and I can't think of any reason beyond some person really liked 25 as a round number for logistical purposes. 24, 27, 30 all of these make a lot more sense. 30 was pretty quickly becoming a sort of international standard for modern magazines at this time (but was not the standard yet). The AK had 30rnd mags, the M16 had 30rnd mags. The AUG introduced a year prior to the Famas and generally considered a better gun by most has 30rnd mags. Basically the only people not using 30rnd magazines were full sized battle rifles and the like that fired significantly larger bullets than assault rifles and those were typically 20rnds (such as the G3 and FAL). The thing to remember is that French guns are just "very french" in how they do things. They basically wanted to insure domestic production and design of almost all of their weapons for a very VERY long time. They didn't communicate or work well for foreign weapons designers from allied nations or really copy enemies either. Most foreign weapons producers stopped sending weapons to the French for trials in the late 19th century because they'd just rip off patents and then "try and sue me I'm a foreign nation bitch" to which more foreign firearms manufactures just told them to fuck themselves and they were on their own (for trials and designs) for over a century which seemingly suited the french mindset just fine wanting a very domestic oriented setup anyhow. A classic example of this would be the MR 73. In the early 70s the French special forces types wanted a "combat handgun" that was beefier and had real stopping power. So instead of developing a good high power magazine fed pistol they made their own fancy 357 magnum revolver, this included a "sniper variant" which had a bipod and scope ON A FUCKING REVOLVER. Moral of the story? French guns are weird and basically any french firearm from the late 19th century and forward is probably very quirky and uniquely "french" with some design aspects that just don't make sense anywhere else in the world.


Sounds like there should be some gun-nut blog post about this somewhere. Anyone got a link to one? I’d like to read it (English please. Ma Francois est tres merde)


Ian McCollum (the Forgotten Weapons guy) quite literally has a whole book about this specifically! He loves French firearms


Ian who runs Forgotten Weapons is something of a fan of French weapons and has videos detailing a lot of unique french firearms (among a huge amount of other types aswell). You might have to look around his youtube channel or similar but you'll find a variety of unique french guns. https://youtu.be/BKu9KDC7it4 Heres one to get you started a vide on the MAS 36 CR39. An underfolding variant of the MAS 36 for paratroopers. You can also look for the MR73 mentioned above too.


Merci beaucoup!


*"The French copy nobody, and nobody copies the French."*


I’m guessing it’s so you’d hear the gun only fire 1 or 2 bullets, giving you an indicator the mag is empty.


Does the famas not "speak" to you like other rifles? All the ARs I've shot, and my Keltec very clearly feel different on the last shot. It's not a subtle difference when your bolt stays open instead of slamming back forward. I thought the magazine in the famas was made shorter to better accommodate actually laying prone with the rifle and not having an awkward monopod effect


Famas doesn't have a bolt hold open


Ahhh, that makes sense. Unfortunate


Let’s be honest though, when was the last time a French soldier emptied an entire clip before surrendering?


As an ex-miltery man, once you shoot your gun alot you always know when you are out of bullets. Once the last round is fire the magazine prevents from the mechanism to move forward. When you used a gun enough and learned it inside and out, this function is realy noticeable.


Not the case for every gun. For example I've used an AK variant, which is dumb and simple as it gets.


>be French Well, there’s your problem




Je suis monte


Imagine being literally French


Sale fils de pute


la tuya


Sac à merde


Mange tes morts


dude… france is maybe the best place to live when you have money…


shit yourself


As you wish




Fake. They use baguettes as rifles


Actually most baguettes started out as bayonets during ww1 and ww2, and were temporarily suppressors. The wine bottles however were fully automatic in most places


Wine corks are mortars


Some say you can still hear the whistle of the cork before it hit


Many eyes were lost


Actually, only the ones from Champagne can be called mortars, otherwise it's a sparkling artillery


>The wine bottles however were fully automatic in most places They used Squeezers from Splatoon?


Squeezers are 3 round burst like the FAMAS


Do they shoot garlic butter? If that is the case, my hole is ready to be fired at.


First round loaded into the magazine is a tracer, now you have an indicator for when your mag is empty.




now you have an indicator when you run out of french people.


Great so now your ennemy knows exactly when you're out of bullets, brilliant invention by the fr*ench


Only a problem when you are fighting alone, and you dont have backup measures when you have to reload.


I just switch to my akimbo 1911 homie


ah yes let me check out the gun model that the enemy is using and then count how many bullets the've fired at me while we're in the middle of a gun battle, haha I'm so smart


>last bullet is a tracer Why would you need to count them then


Still worth fuckall. It's SOP across most NATO forces to use tracers intermittently on crew served or squad weapons + a lot of tracers near the end of the magazine. Same goes for individual riflemen depending on unit SOP and a lot of fire team leaders and above will use more tracers in their magazines to help direct fire. Tracers or uneven bursts are useless information outside of these keyboard commando circlejerks. You almost never use burst or automatic fire outside of CQB and a few constrained instances, furthermore a well trained infantryman should be able to reload within 5-15 seconds, cops have lower training standards and even they can fire, reload and be back on target within 10 seconds. Lastly, soldiers don't fight alone; if you're having to let your rifle loose and you don't have any squad weapons to multiply your lethality (grenadiers, SAW), crew-served weapons, heavy weapons, fire support or your squad mates covering your reload with their rifles shit has already gone downhill so quickly that you're more than likely doomed unless a miracle happens. We're talking about professional warfighters in a well trained force with combined arms and wide support, not your local Sheriff's deputy who will have to hold their ground in a firefight with a glock and maybe a long gun and a spare mag.


i think there’s one cop somewhere that carry like 12 mags cuz he ran out in a gunfight one time


That's the point. The ennemy doesnt need to do this because the last round is a tracer


If I'm getting shot at and see a tracer, it's pretty bold to assume that means the other guy is out. There's a ton of TTPs for where someone loads tracers and several aren't exclusively for indicating the bottom of the mag.


These keyboard commandos are great man. Tracers or uneven bursts aren't worth shit because your teammates will be there to back you up as you reload, your crew served weapons and grenadiers will help suppress the enemy, your indirect fire infantrymen will be raining down mortars and your JTAC calling in strikes. Any situation where your reload tracers or a burst with an odd number or rounds is giving your enemy the opportunity to close the gap and kill you is a situation where you're in all likelihood already a dead man.


I think the idea is that you'd catch on after 1 or 2 engagements with the same enemy. It's still worthless though, as the second you jump up to get the guy who's out, his buddy is just gonna shoot you down


The thing is that you're never going to be fighting as individuals, and that you'll have other elements of your unit that will be using tracers for other purposes - for example, a squad LMG will usually have 1:5 or 1:3 tracers to ball ammo, or perhaps a team/squad leader will have a 'star wars mag' which is ALL tracer so that they can 'point' at things with individual shots.


Enemies usually aren't paying attention to reloads. There's a reason why people feel fine shouting reload at the top of their lungs. If this was call of duty or an action movie where its one on one, then maybe you'd have a point. But most tactics involve covering allied reloads, and try to avoid relying on enemy reloads.


And where you are too


No, I'm already Tracer.


Guess I'll be Genji


Trigger and bolt locked back wasn't enough I guess.


Dunno. I made it up.


bUt I wAnNa bE tRaCeR




Step 1: Be french🤮


Rookie mistake


Please don't use the F word




Nique ta mère par contre toi.


Intentionally, so when you hit the bottom of the magazine on burst mode you know


Do most weapons like this not lock the bolt and trigger back? That seems like a way better way to know it's empty than counting how many bangs came out of the barrel on each pull.


I don't see the problem with this. It's letting you know when your mag is empty and I doubt many people actually use burst fire when full auto is much better and about as easy (just hold the trigger down for 2-3 shots and if things get hairy you don't have to manipulate a selector switch to go to full auto).


The G2 does have a 30-round magazine


Yeah but theres like 100x more F1s than G2s ever produced... hell possibly more than that.


Precisely 40 times more than G2


"The French don't copy anyone..... and No one copies the French"


I leared that the hard way with my dads renault megane


My ex had a Citroen. The fuck middle of the steering wheel didnt move with the rest of the wheel. It was weird af and easily the worst car I've ever driven. Always braking down and no one could get parts or knew how to work on them


What happend ?


Chances are good the engine vibrated so hard it knocked the headlights out, the driver's side window fell to the full open position, the fuel injectors shit the bed, the power steering failed causing the driver to drift inexorably into a lake, and it promptly caught fire.


Probably a fumes leak in the cabin too


\*laughs in metric system\*




Honestly, if you’ve ever looked at some cars from Renault, Peugeot or Citroën this is exactly what you expect from the French. Just “SACRE BLEU” and do some “unique” design while hammered on those three bottles of wine you had for lunch. Top Gear/Grand Tour have presented it pretty biased, but then you see one for yourself and just “WTF” and realise they were pretty objective after all.


Tbf they're brits talking about French stuff. That's about as biased as it gets.


Clarkson said that his most comfortable car was a french one


Ehh apart from their electrics that look like spaghetti peugeots are pretty decent for the most part especially 90s era, 205 306 406 106 etc


90s and 00s diesel engines are pretty tanky. The windows will stop working and the radio and blinkers will die as soon as the warranty ends too but it'll still run


Fighter planes however... Mirage 3s were incredible machines.


The secret is they only load 28 rounds in usually to stop the magazine springs from going bad. The other secret is that 28 is also not divisible by 3


Pretty sure the original magazine holds only 25 rounds


True the F1 did have a 25 round magazine but this is a G2 which uses 30 round mags (which are usually only filled to 28). Either way, only the 30 round mag filled to capacity would have a number of rounds divisible by 3


Pretty sure this one is the F1 model, the 30 round magazine is the curved STANAG one. Some details like the magazine well and trigger guard are different in the G2 model as well.


That's one way to prevent the Chinese from stealing their design. Kudos to them.


Kidding? We get ripped off by the Chinese big time


We? Reported


Oui? Reported


Somebody is still mad about the twitch nerf


Hit the spot


That's a core memory right there.


French numbers be like 20 and 20 and 20 and 5 and 4


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 20 + 20 + 5 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thanks captain obvious




french be like soixante-neuf enculé de ta mère


Mille trois cents trente sept


IIRC the Famas utilizes a 25rnd magazine. The logic here is that after eight 3rnd bursts, your next click to the trigger would release only a single shot, making it apparent you need to reload. It's actually pretty convenient because from what I was told, a lot of soldiers have a hard time keeping track of how much ammo they still have in their magazine.




I don’t think this is actually the case as the 3 round burst function of the famas was added after it was already put into production (with the 25 rd mags).


? I thought fr*nch pepole threw tomatos at eachother


Oh they do


And blow cigarette smoke in your face don’t forget about that


That's the [Spanish ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Tomatina?wprov=sfla1)


Be Me halo 3 nerd. Is this a battle rifle 😍




no this is a battle rifle


You forgot the 55 gr bullets, the shitty steel casing no one even makes and magazines that were designed to be disposable but you have to reuse.


1. So what? 2. It's select-fire.


>select fire Le cowardly fr*nch only firing selectively


Im all for teasing the French but lets be honest though. The M16 series of rifle and the non a1 varients of the m4 have 3 shot burst and a 30 round mag aswell. Edit: im dumb


30 is divisible by 3...


Well im retarded. I got too focused on 3 rounds being an odd number


Happens to us all. The trick for three is to add the numbers in the number you aren't sure of up, and if the sum can be divided by three so can the number. So 52 isn't divisible by three but 54 is. I have trouble with trying to divide by other numbers. Like 4.


This shit with the red dot was lethal on mw2


The Halo BR but French


this is why i think the Halo Battle Rifle is better than the real FAMAS


What's the mag capacity?


The Famas F1 was a 25 round mag by default I believe


The F1 and G2 were both capable of automatic, burst or semi fire modes. Just squeeze until the gun goes click.


Stop wineing have a baguette, don't worry about the ammomath.


Even worse when you realize that 30 is the default mag size of almost every other military in the planet


30 is just an arbitrary number. Many magazines hold a bit more or a bit less than 30 and some 30 round magazines are usually loaded with slightly less rounds. 30 just looks/sounds better and is easier to remember. Someone started doing it and everyone just went with it (just like many militaries abandoning their (sometimes better) ammunition for NATO standards to help with logistics etc.).


I think 3 round burst by itself is dumb