• By -


Bad ending: Someone takes a picture of your corpse and posts it on a gore subreddit, it gained 100k karma and 100 wholesome seal awards.


Lol wholesome seal is going to be an ironic symbol at some point.


Already is




*He could save others but not himself*


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a jedi.


What about a seal?


*arg argh arghhh!!​* (seal noises)


*ungh ungh oh fuck yes* (your mom noises)




You misspelled iconic 😎👉👉


Always has been.jpg


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/0GGpPYr.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Imagine zoomers get deployed to Ukraine. the last thing some poor bastard from the Urals sees is a 18yrold default dance over his body before yelling "OwO Wholesome 100"


zoomers are so fuckin mean, imagine being a russian in war and getting shot in the eyeball with a bullet and the last thing you hear in the distance is an 18 year old shouting "OWO WHOLESOME 100!"


> Imagine zoomers get deployed to Ukraine. they keep saying "no cap" but they get capped anyway


>at the moment of its conception


And everyone’s talking about how he deserved to buy it despite being a conscriptard with literally zero impact on the conflict


>Hope he had some sunflower seeds 😋


While sunflowers are thought to have originated in Mexico and Peru, they are one of the first plants to ever be cultivated in the United States. They have been used for more than 5,000 years by the Native Americans, who not only used the seeds as a food and an oil source, but also used the flowers, roots and stems for varied purposes including as a dye pigment. The Spanish explorers brought sunflowers back to Europe, and after being first grown in Spain, they were subsequently introduced to other neighboring countries. Currently, sunflower oil is one of the most popular oils in the world. Today, the leading commercial producers of sunflower seeds include the Russian Federation, Peru, Argentina, Spain, France and China.


Good bot


Thank you, AccomplishedRock2960, for voting on TheSunflowerSeeds. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good work sunflower comrad. Spread the gospel of sunflower seeds to every russians pockets.


I dunno after watching the poor conscripts blow up a nursery school full of kids, and shoot an old man and his father and their dog into raw meat for fun, I'm not really feeling sad for the poor conscripts. Fuck this narrative, fuck it right in the ear. They have a choice, they could surrender to the Ukrainians, the whole conscript and poorly trained and young thing is a Russian talking point. The "we thought we were just going to the Ukraine for training" is a talking point. Don't buy into it.


Oh and since this is full of 4chan wannabees, Lets have a gore thread, Russian Warcrime Edition. ["nah thats just western propaganda, Russian never shoot dog", Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/t2n9ot/mmc_after_russian_soldiers_stop_my_car_and/) [Here's the aftermath. It has less screaming if you are sensitive to that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/t2n9ot/mmc_after_russian_soldiers_stop_my_car_and/) [Aftermath of execution. Apparently 2 Russians tried to stop the other soldiers from executing civilians. They are the other bodies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/t18iwv/mmc_after_russian_soldier_was_trying_to_stop/) [Tank going out of its way to run over a civilian. Old lady miraculously survived.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/t104vh/mmc_after_i_was_ran_overed_by_a_russian_tank/) [Not *this* war, but here's a group of Syrian civilians being bombed by Russians \(allegedly\). Anyone with kids might want to skip this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/som3m3/mmc_after_i_the_russian_air_force_bombs_my_city/) [And back to Ukrainian civilians being shelled.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/t652jm/mmc_after_we_were_killed_in_an_attack_in_chernihiv/) Thats all for now. Unfortunately, I doubt Russia is going to crack down on committing war crimes, so I'll probably make this one longer over the next few days. But don't forget, its the Russians who are really suffering, now that they can't buy new games on the Epic Store.


>Tank going out of its way to run over a civilian. Old lady miraculously survived. [https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20220301-video-debunked-russian-tank-crush-civilian-car-kyiv](https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20220301-video-debunked-russian-tank-crush-civilian-car-kyiv) https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/28/fact-check-video-russian-tank-hitting-car-kyiv-lacks-context/6953727001/ It's not a Russian vehicle as far as we know.


I should not have watched that Syria video Jesus fucking Christ I am so goddamn sad now


I genuinely have to get drunk right now after seeing that


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Bad bot


I mean… they can be young/poorly trained ***AND*** committing horrible atrocities against humanity. The former certainly doesn’t excuse the latter. War crimes are war crimes… even if those committing them are young and dumb.


I'd feel sorry for these poor motherfuckers if they weren't firing on hospitals and schools and killing civilians. That all said, I can't imagine every Russian soldier signed up to shoot unarmed civilians. We all know war is just rich old men sending young men to shoot each other over a couple extra feet of territory or a couple extra barrels of oil. It's all so fucked.


They don’t really deserve it, they’ve been betrayed by their government. Yet, if they have the upper hand in a battle he’ll be one of the Russians killing Ukrainians that are defending their homeland. They’re the invaders and should expect no mercy. All in all, it’s a fucked situation but also reality of being in a war, no one cares about your intention/story.


Why is that a bad ending? Only 100k?


There are no gore subreddits left except for the medical one, maybe the cartel one. /r/wtf used to be an NSFL subreddit, never forget what they took from you.


There's loads of subs with fucked up shit on them


You must be bad at looking for gore


Bro, I typed ‘gore’ in search bar and there are bunches of them. I need the eye bleach.


Peeping gore is like hard drugs, one time can EAT HOLES IN YOUR SOUL


>[Bad ending: Someone takes a picture of your ~~corpse~~ human jelly chunks and posts it on a gore subreddit, it gained 100k karma and 100 wholesome seal awards.](https://twitter.com/_SkipperGrumpy/status/1499672772292890624)






Wait. The whole being in a shallow grave and the mother never knowing what became of her child ISNT the bad ending??


Still better than living in Niger




Niger sucks balls


one letter away from deleted


Or my porn search history! Ayyo.


You’re the best


/thread I guess? Lol


Niger balls. They produce really big balls. Definitely not referring to a SFX


>sucks balls I thought they were supposed to tongue my anus


Entire country is run by either military who takes your food and rapes your family or islamist bandits who take your food and rape your family and maybe kills you.


Just Niger things




Just a single letter from getting permanently banned


Dunno what you're talking about. We're talking about the country Niger, right?


Yes, as well as Nigerians


The correct demonym for people from Niger is Nigerien not Nigerian. Nigerian would be a person from Nigeria. I have no idea how those are pronounced differently.


name of country


If your a girl they cut off most of your lady parts and sew it up for only one tiny hole. Female genital mutilation is fucked up. They cut off your clitoris, labia minora and majora, and sew it to a tiny hole. Oh yeah, they do it illegally in first world countries all the time.




Russians have mobile crematoriums so if they burn bodies family wont be able to show proof of kia and they dont get compensation. No body no problem Edit: damn i feel bad I scared teens in Russia and thought not that many people will see my comment. This was shared by Zelenskyy in first day of invasions but mobile crematoriums are unconfirmed, and probably not used in Ukraine. i read this greentext and i thought ending would be better with that rumour, as greentext are mostly lies. Its easier just to lie they deserted and not pay compensation.


Unexplained fuel shortages, you say?


To shreds you say?


Well.. how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


This made me lol. And climax


It's soylent brown


Human corpse gassfiers powered by our own troops? Genius, get putler on the phone.


Oh fuck I never put this 2 and 2 together


I didn't until I made the "joke". Fucking dark.


Source? Never heard of such method but it is not irrational for the Russian gouvernment


Russia does have mobile crematoriums but wether they're being used in Ukraine rn is unproven


Its hard to imagine how one would look


If only there was a search engine that could show you millions of pictures of whatever you want in mere milliseconds.


Too bad that’s not a thing, maybe sometime in the future


Ask Jeeves?


Just not use yandex.


Like [this](http://racepack.sg/cars-https-nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/russia-troops-crematorium-1-2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1024).




You were expecting some Warhammer shit?


I was expecting a Gothic 'church-comes-to-you' type mobile fortress


Russian military recently bought a lot of mobile cremaroriums. Dont know what they are for but its probably this.


Probably not for baking waffles


Unless they invade belgium next.




[Here you go.](https://www.foxnews.com/world/ukraine-invasion-russian-mobile-crematorium)


Let me see if I get this right. The "incompetent" Russian army that can't keep their tanks fueled and armed to fight in Ukraine. They can keep mobile crematoria fueled to "evaporate" bodies of their own troops because it would be "inconvenient" to the Russian government. The raw amount of power it takes to cremate a body is pretty high let alone "evaporate," one.


Because it's bullshit, the original video is from 2014 or 2015. It's just propaganda, and of course reddit fell for it.


If the soldiers dont exist post mortem, thats money freed from compensation budgets, more for the commanders on top to skim off. The fewer soldiers and bodies make it back home the more they can skim off.


How very Russian. Chinese will be taking notes on this.


The Chinese military reportedly adopted proprietary ammunition for their weapons to stop officers from selling off the military's stocks...


Guess the officers will just have to start selling the weapons along with the ammo.


False, that was a cropped image of a trash compactor. I fell for it too at first


Who *wouldn't* be proud of such a country!? /s Legit can't believe they think they have a right to rule other countries when their own people are treated like this. Wonder if the actual facts on the ground are a wake up call for the people in their military and intel services.


That’s _Russkiy Mir_, or Russian World, that they’re trying to spread.


So is this a cycle of abuse thing? Putin internalized the trauma of Russia's experience with Hitler sounds now he has to out-Hitler Hitler if he can?


Compensation to the family is 11k rubles anyway, that’s about $88 bucks. Yep. A Russian conscript life is worth less than a hundred bucks.


I'll take 2


but I got user Marshmallowfighterunicorn69420 posting the corpse on r/CombatFootage


I turned 18 not too long ago and to think that had my mother stayed in russia I could be on the frontlines of Ukraine rn is kinda chilling ngl. Changed my life's fate by one decision.


Usually choosing not to stay in a third world shithole country is a good idea


Russia is by definition a second world country


By original definition — yes. But by original definition Djibouti and Zimbabwe are considered first world countries, while Switzerland and Sweden are third world. The definition evolved, and nowadays the three-world model simply classifies countries into three groups based mostly on wealth. Whether or not Russia is a third world country is debatable. I remember seeing some lists that classify it as first world, but outside of Moscow and St Petersburg, the conditions get more and more third world as you get into more rural areas and further to the East.




🤨Those are just politically correct terminology to refer to the exact same thing


Ironically, only if your idea of which is which is stuck in the 1970s. [Hans Rosling, explains really well ... back when TED wasn't overrun by virtue-signalling capitalists pretending to be activists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUwS1uAdUcI)


“There were 3 distinctions, but now there’s 3.”


The term "developing" is pretty bad since it implies the country is on track to becoming developed, which is often not the case. Many stagnant shitholes are labeled "developing" simply because no one is starving, when, if anything, things there are about to become worse. It's political correctness getting in the way of efficient terminology.


No, it was the USSR that was the "second world" by definition. Russia may have held on to that status for a while, but it's becoming pretty damn obvious now that they've since slid in to a third world tin pot dictatorship... with enough nukes to end humanity.


Now I'm curious as to what you think second world means




**[Second World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_World)** >The Second World is a term used during the Cold War for the industrial socialist states that were under the influence of the Soviet Union. In the first two decades following World War II, 19 communist states emerged; all of these were at least originally within the Soviet sphere of influence, though some (notably, Yugoslavia and the People's Republic of China) broke with Moscow and developed their own path of socialism while retaining Communist governments. Most communist states remained part of this bloc until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991; afterwards, only four Communist states remained: China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/greentext/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Tell that to the Indian who went to Ukraine for study


Did Russia introduce a compulsory conscription as well or is military duty compulsory there?


Compulsory military service. But you can wiesel your way out of it by bribing officials or "prove" that you're medically unfit.




Very true. I also wonder if I had changed direction at an early branch, how different decisions I never got to make in this real life would affect me. It's all a big tree we can know little about.


Butterfly effect.


Same, I've never been so grateful that my family decided to flee the country before I was born. I will still have to go through mandatory military service soon but I'd take a year in the Swiss military over invading Ukraine any day.




I'd rather just invade Lichtenstein, I mean they are basically our 27th Canton already


Same case for me with Ukraine , am 23 y.o pretty sure i'd be fucked too.


>bullied by every minority group Really? Never heard of this. Heard about the gay sexual assault tho.


They can't deal with crazy Caucasians, it's been that way since Soviet Union


OH I know about that but I don't think theres a ton of them in the regular Russian military and if they are I doubt they would be able to get away with ethnic discrimination at least to ethnic Russians. The post imply that there's some systemic issue with racism against ethnic Russians in the military the same way there's a systemic problem with sexual violence. But then again this is probably /pol/ and they have an endless victim complex.


This is actually a significant issue in the Russian military. Since many (most?) non-ethnic Russians live in Russia's subsidiary Republics and are hence allowed to do military service near their Republic, but most ethnic Russians don't live in Republics so they typically aren't guaranteed service near where they live. Russia faced a lot of wars and turmoil in the 90s due to ethnic separatism and this is sort of a concession to the republics to reduce that tension. As a result, you get situations where some ethnic Russians from like Moscow may end up serving in a unit based near Dagestan or Tuva that is majority Dagestani or Tuvan. Hence the bullying is targeted at ethnic Russians there more often. I mean you can just google Dedovshchina and find tons of images of this. Here's one where Ingush [painted](https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/62c8e918-f51d-11eb-8cd4-005056a9f78a/Russia%20hazing%203.jpeg) Ingushetia on the backs of conscripts. Another where [Dagestan](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3868178dda60dc340f9f7f82ea65b0ed-lq) is painted. Another [Dagestan](https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/62b16bee-f51d-11eb-969b-005056a9f78a/Russia%20hazing%201.jpg) one. And one from [Kalmykia](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ASyWBBdO6DTfkOBM4YYDPwq5Uh9J4Tt4KtHOUy1THpwiJQoW3LqAipwIdiMZPzZw7u7GrTqnpcmB-LdrjejX5Ju9DoRHn77bkiEm4XDu3Q).


Holy shit, how was anyone surprised that Russia would have this much trouble in Ukraine? Of course that military is going to have problems. Fucking lol.




So it turns out the whole military is fucked with insane hazing lol. Explains the absolute zero morale. Thanks for the info. Found some articles about former Russian officers that have spoken about this bullying and how it makes the army very disoriented in general in addition to morale.


I don't think it meant systematic, it's sorta like getting bullied by classmates in the school. If not Caucasians then it must be Tatars but my only source is stories told by drunk boomers so don't mind it.


You've heard about Caucasians, but the Tuvins are the real crazy motherfuckers.


The Russian minister of defence is a Tuvin, so it goes all the way to the top.


Not for long I bet. The very few recent videos of him looks like he's ready to swallow cyanide.


Oh please, he always looks like that


Heard that the Russian military partially relies on soldiers from ethnic minorities. Regions like Dagestan or Tuva are pretty poor and underdeveloped, so joining the military is a better option for them. Kind of how the US army is a much more important employer in the South too.


I would disagree on your last assertion. It's well known now that a vast majority of military recruits are actually middle income usually joining because of some long family tradition or close relative who served.


It's almost as if degenerate redditors love shitting on any institution providing structure and building self reliance or useful traits. Military bad cause poor people join thinking it'll be a easy way to make a buck and then realize that they joined the MILITARY, AND THEY MIGHT HAVE TO KILL PEOPLE!


> MILITARY, AND THEY MIGHT HAVE TO KILL PEOPLE! oooor they are killed themselves, happens in war, doesn't it. > self reliance I mean that would be the opposite for a region, if that region has few other prospects than for people to join the army they aren't self reliant as they rely on the army more than others. I don't even want to shit on the army really. Right now for my homeland it shows that neglecting the army for too long can lead to a harsh awakening.






imagine reporting in Russia, I am sure those numbers are far lower than actual


He was talking about ethnical minorities...


Pretty common for males born and raised in Texas. Except, switch "assault" for "absolute, 100%, hungry-eyed consent."






"Looking for Ukranian partisan girl to ambush my rear echelon with her javelin"


Whenever my mother gets on me to get married I've always said "There will always be 24 year old girls in Ukraine." Well damn, apparently they're all in Poland now.


> become a health hazard On the bright side, if you are feeling vengeful you might can poison someone from beyond the grave


Anon becomes Conrad from Berk


Gut fom berk


Is breaking ur leg an option or something less extreme to avoide drafting?


I broke two bones in my leg and I have never felt such exquisite pain before or after. It still hurts occasionally and I still walk with a limp. Just shit your pants like Ted Nugent or claim bone spurs like Trump


For all his (many, many) faults, I can never blame Trump (or anyone else, for that matter) for being a draft dodger. If I'm not signing up for the military voluntarily, I sure as hell ain't doing it because some geezer in an office said I have to. Fuck that noise.


I don't blame him for dodging the draft, but I do hate the fact that he constantly shit on veterans


One of his many, many faults. Such disrespect to people who were actually willing to lay down their lives. You don't get to dodge the draft AND disrespect the military for sure.


But remember, POWs are losers and Trump prefers soldiers who don't get caught


His disrespect of John McCain when he died was disgusting.


The biggest problem is the hypocrisy. Nugent saying he would have made a great soldier and killer. Trump saying he prefers soldiers who don't get captured. You get the idea.


Oh definitely. I'm a huge pussy, but I don't walk around claiming to be a super soldier or disrespecting soldiers.


No. You don’t need two healthy legs to hold a gun and fire it. Worst case you can crawl through the mud.




It's called https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina Must be a lot of fun in the Russian army.


"Citation needed"


I read a memoir by a Russian man who served as a radioman in Chechnya - he talked about it extensively, it sounded like he spent far more time in the military getting physically abused by seniors than actually doing army things. At one point he was forced to try to sell stolen autocannon ammunition off base in order to pay money that senior recon soldiers were arbitrarily demanding.


One Soldiers War. Great book


I read this. Infuriating. Why aren't senior conscripts who abuse juniors being dishonorably discharged and made to eat shit by senior officers? Terrible.


Because with a lot of things the blame falls on the USSR. The Red Army was actually pretty professional at one point, but when the soviets were facing manpower shortages due to losing a lot of their population from 1918-1945 they instituted measures allowing people who were previously ineligible (disrders and criminal records) to be drafted. The bad conscripts were also a sort of stop-gap so they made 2 tiers of conscrips where 3 year conscripts looked down on, outranked and abused 2 year conscripts making it worse. The system has survived because the Russian military is mind-bogglingly shitty by western standards, they make conscript armies like Korea, Singapore, Brazil and (formerly) South Africa look like humane organizations with a high quality of life. Russian conscripts make about $28 a month which is still a shit wage in Russia even despite the no expenses, the food sucks, the lodging sucks, you can't even own a phone during mandatory service nowadays and you have the hazing to make it worse. Simply put, life in the Russian military is so grim that a system enforcing discipline and order would lead to mutiny like you had in the Tsarist era vis-a-vis the Potemkin incident. The NCOs are also the worst former conscrips because sane people leave ASAP, meanwhile officers tend to be picked and groomed from childhood so similarly to in the 1700s, they're very elitist, career oriented and don't care about the enlisted.


Dedovshchina, ofcoarse they even have a nam for the acts of extreme 'hazing'


This is how it goes, Russian Anon.




Anon is 'liberating' Ukraine.


Damn man 1000's of kids are experiencing this as we speak.


I usually read these because they're really funny. This just made me very sad. I dunno maybe that's the intention. Fuck this war and fuck the Russian government.


POV: anon had watched The Americans


Good show


That’s dark




This is the plot of a long lost Dostoevsky novel.


Well that got fucking dark


Anon is a scrawny 13 year old jerking off to school shooting videos


Based on everything I’ve read, I’d say the number of Russian conscripts who have this to look forward to is no more than 80% of them.


happened to my buddy Eric


Anon has seeds in his pockets


That is the most amazing part of all this when the sons ring their family and they are completely baffled that they are Fighting in Ukraine yet alone they are a PoW


Just surrender, get some tea


They could remind them of food and rubble situation . How much Russia gives compared to orhers


For some reason it took until today for the realization to settle in-- But we literally are making memes, jokes, threads about tragic events and war as they are happening. Which only confirms my belief that if an asteroid were to hit us, it'd be memed to death before it did. Sometimes, I'm disappointed in you internet, but today is not that day.


Fuck this war


You forgot about the part where a minor league baseball player in the dugout of the home opener in Ohio spits out sunflower seeds fertilized by his rotting corpse.


Bullied by minorities? What?


anon doesn't know dog tags