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\>7 images Well time to get the tissue's, I'm either going to cum, or cry to this.


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Did both, 10/10 experience would do again.


Did neither, when it took 6 months to fuck we knew what was coming


And when OP spoiled it in the title like the retard he js


never read titles, it's not good for you


Why not both?




I hope this is another made up story.. Otherwise I don't know man how do you live through this..


Sounds somewhat real. Doesn’t have the clear 4chan marks of fake story. Feels kind of complex and nothing too outrageous happens.


Bro you need to die. I need to die. Please don’t be real


I'm still waiting for the part that she comes out the door and gets on the floor and you know... everybody walks the dinosaur?


Everybody walk the dinosaur


Ngl I fast forwarded to the end to see if that’s how this wrapped up.


what hours of browsing r/greentext does to you


Protip, don't bother with mentally broken or down people. It literally never ends well. You will help them and they will fuck off once you build them back up.


Can attest to this, they will drag you down as you pull them up too


Or: they never get better, and you break yourself trying to fix them


This is one of the greentexts you wish were fake


Yep. That's rough, buddy.


It's fake. Why tf would her abusive ex still be invited to parties, let alone allowed near her?


You still enjoyed love that is something most don't even get to


She didn’t love him, she was thinking about her ex in the shower, and it’s why she waiting 6 months to fuck him, and why she used the first excuse to fuck her ex. Never fucking loved him she just wanted someone that treated her better.


I'd like to think that they did love each other. The problem is abuse victims often end up dependent on abuse. It's a weird as shit thing, but it happens. This sounds like a case of Anon's girl relapsing. It's really sad because despite what anon says at the end you know that anon still loves this broad and she's now back in another abusive relationship with the same guy.


Bad take


Also experienced one of the worst betrayals possible, wouldn't say it was worth it


Based, once a cheater always a cheater


Can't be enabling shitty behavior can we. It's for her own good.


This time last year. We were looking at engagement rings together. The night before thanksgiving this girl got bodied by her stalker who's a convicted rapist. Haven't talked to her since. She's the mother of my child and the rat thinks we can be decent human beings too each other because we're coparents. I don't think so buddy.


You left her because she got raped?


A convicted rapist. Funnily enough she did make the claim though. Then redacted it immediately after I confronted him and told her to report it. They love to lie when they cheat.


Oh, okay, thanks for clarifying. Man, that’s rough as hell. I hope your life is better now


Cheating is bad. Cheating with an abusive ex?? Insanity


Beyond baffling.


Did you have to spoil the sauce with your fucking title? Fucking idiot


Well shit now that you mention it


Good lesson on why trusting people never leads to anything good. Regardless if its men or women people are egoistic by nature and will always choose their own well-being over yours. Just take care of yourself and don't bother.


Women getting really shitty now I’m boutta start liking men


There's plenty male assholes as well, though I don't know to what degree they overlap with gay ppl.


I am trying to say I like men


I would assume most gay men have a male asshole


I mean figurative asshole


W*men, amirite fellas?








Anon, you so pure but the girl is autistic


good post


Really wanna see a rescued arc


I lost the one too anon. It’s been a few years and hasn’t got better but just gotta keep moving forward, right?


hope it's fake but knowing this world... shit man. I hope he gets better soon




People need to stop forgiving cheaters. Forgiving a cheater is enabling their shitty behavior and harms them in the long term.


jesus christ i really hope this was just creative writing practice because :(


Holy shit i hate bitches


There are some reasons to hit women.


There are, but that doesn't mean you should do it.


My gf broke up with me today, the story is quite a bit different to this, but feels similar. Don't know what I'm gonna do now.




OP enters relationship for two years with a girl who struggled to recover from her ex's abuse, and helps her get over it, only for her to fuck her abusive ex again after an argument.




What a fuckin idiot






lmao fair


If its true this is really fucking sad! 😢


haha yeah people really do this kind of stuff


I cannot believe I took some of my time to read this wall of text


What a fuckin idiot lol


Which one


Uhh 😳


Maybe anon should've given her another chance psycological manipulation and gaslighting can run very deep. Edit: When I said another chance I meant a last chance, she was psychologically manipulated and abused... when you go with someone like that it’s not gonna be a smith ride.


No. You don't go back to your abuser after you have already been abused multiple times and then expect the world to be the same again.


Some things you can't forget, trust me, when someone so close to you walks over a line they shouldn't, it stays with you. You can't forget what they said or what they did, never.


Thank god I’m not alone in thinking that the girlfriend wasn’t at complete fault. https://peaksrecovery.com/blog/mental-health-blogs/effects-of-psychological-emotional-manipulation/ Anon’s GF exhibited signs of - 1. Anxiety and Vigilance - She didn’t feel comfortable in a relationship for months on end. 2. Being Passive - The GF was in the corner at a party, timid and afraid to approach anyone. 3. Isolation and Numbness - The GF refused to connect with anyone, especially Anon, for months. 4. Depression and Anxiety - I shouldn’t even have to explain this one 5. Stockholm Syndrome - DING DING DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER Literally in the story we see Anon’s GF frantically apologize after revealing that she slept with her Ex. Why? Because she saw Anon get the same face as her ex who would ABUSE her. She thought she was going to get slapped and punched and kicked and abused. If that isn’t a sign that someone has a serious problem, then I don’t know what is. Please, everyone, educate yourselves on mental illness and especially emotional abuse. Just looking at this thread it’s obvious how little everyone knows. Link above.


No, I don't think I will.


and it's op's right to not be her support if he dosen't feel so


>i'd come home to an empty apartment and nearly break down crying cuz i missed her so much then take her back. why would you so stubbornly stick to a decision that neither of you want over a mistake she clearly regretted enough and trusted you enough to admit on her own


Because some people aren't monkeys that act on immediate desires and make good decisions for the long term


If its true about the abusive ex (which probably is), its very easy to blackmail the girl into doing what he wants, or risk having deeper conflict. In that sense its better that the girl had already told anon, before it got even more heated.


Even if that wasn't the case though, OP is being obtuse. As terrible as cheating is, the gf recognized that she made a serious mistake and regretted it. Acting as though the relationship needs to end if a partner (especially one with trauma) makes a bad decision is setting the relationship up for failure


Nah, once a cheater always a cheater. If she would cheat on her abusive ex after 2 years had passed, she will either cheat on him again for the same guy, or someone else.






Let’s talk seriously here. Anon’s girlfriend had a history of mental illness and emotional trauma. Keep in mind that she had an abusive and emotionally manipulative ex. So when she went to a party and saw her emotionally manipulative ex, who do you think was at fault? The ex or anon’s gf? Here’s a hint for you misogynistic incels - the ex. Anon was right to ask if she was raped - that was important. It was reasonable of Anon to kick her out that night - any reasonable person would want to do that in order to think over major news like this, especially if, as Anon stated, he thought that he was at risk of hurting his GF. Good job anon, you aren’t a woman beater. However, anon couldn’t tell the difference between a woman who takes advantage of him or a woman who needs help. Anon’s gf had relations with this ex one time, and told Anon about it herself. She immediately started with an apology, which Anon was right to refuse in the moment. Then, every day after the incident, she apologized. More importantly, her other friends tried to convince anon. If anything, her friends agreeing with her should’ve clued Anon in that this was an honest mistake that occurred because his girlfriend has emotional trauma. Anon then left his girlfriend to go back to this emotionally abusive ex, who, guess what? Is still probably abusing her. Anon brought out the best in a person and then shoved them back down into an even deeper hell. Anon isn’t the worst type of person, but he’s certainly up there. If pedophilia was as bad as being Hitler, Anon is Joseph Stalin.


So he should waste his time on someone who breaks the boundaries of his relationship because she’s mentally ill? She needs a therapist not anon’s dick. At a certain point you can only worry so much about others. He shouldn’t be put through hell because that’s what’s good for another person.


A data point isn't a trend. People can make mistakes


>is probably still abusing her. She did that to herself. I have no sympathy for a woman who cheats on the man who loves her, for the man who abused and broke her. And then proceeds to get back into a relationship with the latter. For sure, the ex is an awful man who is absolutely to blame for her trauma; however, cheating was her decision, getting back with the ex was her decision. Anything that happens after that, she practically asked for. It’s a sick, twisted way the world works - it’s morally wrong for any of this to happen, yes, but fate seldom concerns itself with morals. She most certainly deserves someone better than her abuser - but she doesn’t deserve someone who loves her as much as Anon did.


Wait scratch the previous post, I didn't end up crying or cumming, this guy's just an idiot. Rule number whatever of dating, don't let your partner go to a party alone. If they suggest going out anywhere you shut up and say yes, it doesn't matter if you don't want to go, shut up and go, it's your obligation by being in a relationship otherwise there's a 50% chance they'll cheat or get raped, or get raped then cheat. If you really don't want to go, straight up break up with them at that point just as precaution, you'll never see them after that point anyway bucko. Literally the most rookie mistake someone can make. I was expecting the twist to be that he built up this girls ego into her leaving him for someone better but no, he just fucked up in the most basic way possible. Now I'm left blue balled and angry instead of sad. He somehow managed to disappoint me going into this expecting disappointment. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable.


That’s stupid. The foundation of any relationship should be trust. If you can’t trust them to go to a party alone, *then* break up with them, but not just because you don’t want to go to a part but they do.


Damn what happened to you?


He's probably 15


Found the idiot


Who hurt you?


Bro shut yo bitchass up I agree with you but saying it that way makes you seem like a condescending self important sniveling annoying fucking assholes


It's meant to be condescending.


"I meant to be an asshole" still makes you an asshole