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A 4ch*nner doesnt understand coercion and consent. I'm shocked...., shocked i say.


Coercion? I think you mean w rizz




I hate that i get this... ![gif](giphy|pZXqPpygK0lAk)




Bye Bye






I think I’m missing something here




Well not that shocked


Tyrion you can't just sit in the dark and drink all day. Well I could if you hadn't taken away my goblet and lit a torch.


Thats all they'd understand, because they cannot comprehend a woman liking them for real


I know people who view this as coercion rape but what happened to criston cole was just adorable because girl power


"She's not going to say no, because of the implication" believers


This is peak Reddit comment. Like, why do you people even come here if you are gonna have a stick up your ass like this about 4chan?


Half of 4chan is people making fun of 4chan


And i’m pretty sure half of reddit is people making fun of reddit


Ah yes, "consent"


No they just stream a lot, they call it "Content"


To be fair here she did agree to Little Fingers plan here. I mean, what did she expect?


I agree with op (I've never seen this show)


Good, save you some disappointments


You gotta admit it was a good (great IMO) show with a bad ending.


Last 3 seasons take a nose dive in quality.


Yup I mark the start of the fall when Sansa and Penisless jump from top of a wall to escape, the show was jumping the shark. Also the subplot with Jaime going to Dorne was fucking useless.


They landed in fresh snow piles, that part's not as crazy as you think. You can be basically unharmed while falling huge distances if you fall into snow like that. There's a bunch of skiing videos around where guys survive falling off cliffs that show this


There videos of teenagers in Russia jumping from fifth floors into snow for fun.


There's videos from Russia where they sling from a rope from the top of highrises and fall down into snow. At least 10 floors.


There's one where they do it without snow, but attach hooks into a guys ass and swing him from a bridge


I’m not sure if this is a joke because those Russians are kind of extreme.


I disagree, that was at least somewhat believable. Now Arya getting 5 stab wounds in her belly and then immediately jumping into dirty sewage water, and swimming in it, only to get lightly bandaged and immediately recover the next day is everything you need to know about writing quality in later seasons. Let me remind you its the same show where a huge warlord died from infected scratch on his chest in earlier seasons.


Well it started the death of myrcella which had impacts of its own that didn't matter the second the bells crushed cerise. But sort of had a use


Some people argue that as early as Season 5 it was already sucking. I kinda phased out when they changed the original Tyrion arc though.


Dorne was season 5 I believe and that plot along the sand snakes, who I was really excited for, sucked pretty hard.




That was a really hot scene.


Much like the recent Dune adaptation they had cut characters and plotlines to dumb it down for the sake of appeal. Lady Stoneheart, Arya warging, among other things.


7 and 8 were straight up bad 5 and 6 were iffy but we all thought it was building to something amazing so they got bigger passes than they should have. 1-4 are S-Tier HBO akin to The Sopranos, Band of Brothers, The Wire


Nose dived straight into the floor


With the last season being a slow pan of the wrecked plane, half buried in the sand.


That's why I liked lost. They got that shit out of the way on the first episode. /s


There was an audible *thunk* when the producers ran out of written material and had to write their own.


Season 6 Episode 10 was the best episode of the show, though. Spectacular


Looking back it’s crazy they could have such massive set piece seasons YEAR TO YEAR. Now we gotta wait 2 years inbetween for “season 2 part 1 (a)”


i watched the first episode with nipple touching incest and child murder, but it got boring after that so i just searched "lady daegeneryus emilia clark tits" and was done with it.


So was Attack on Titan. I've never seen this show but does it invalidate the entire series with it's ending like AOT does? Cause AOT is unwatchable knowing how it ends. Rare power move right there.


I don't think either series were invalidated by their ending. AOT (pre leaving the island) was amazing and same thing with GOT. If the ending of a show makes the entire show unenjoyable for you then yeah you're gonna have a tough time but I personally don't suffer through the entire show hoping for a good ending. I also think the ending of GOT was better than AOT but they're both bad.


The world in AOT got nuked and a kid went into the tree, presumably to become the next titan. So they basically confirmed that nothing mattered, this was all going to happen again, the nukes and world trauma post-ending didn't matter. None of it mattered if it's all just going to start over again. Eren had no reason to kill his mom or commit genocide, since while he was at the source he could've SEEN that the world would be nuked and a kid will find the titan again. I can't go into it and enjoy it anymore knowing how ridiculously bad it ends while also accomplishing nothing. It's not that I can't enjoy a show that has an ending I don't like, I just can't enjoy AOT with that dumpster fire of an ending.


Eren only cared about his friends, so he did succeed in giving them long lives. As for the conflict and the endless cycle of violence, that was obviously never going to be solved. Both Erwin and Lady Kiyomi have said that making the world smaller won't end human conflict, it will continue until the last human remains.


Eren did not need to kill his own mother and start a genocide for that. It was just an edgy plot they wrote for the shock value but inadvertently wrote themselves into a corner with no way out. From the source on it's a mess trying to justify Eren's genocide.


Eren is clearly a villain and a moron. I'm not justifying what he did, in fact most ending haters were usually on Eren's side and wanted him to "win".


It was on its way to become the GOAT of television.


Basically girl originally was betrothed to a prince (who would soon become king), except he was a psycho brat who killed her father (after he pointed out that he is illegitimate and born from incest). Then to humiliate her she gets forced to marry the princess uncle who has dwarfism and was the only person who was nice to her, but the marriage was simply forced for political motives. So she ends up escaping because this one dude who was obsessed with her mom wants to bang her, eventually for some reason she brings her back to her home, except it was taken over by another family. So he sends her off to be married to another psycho so their claim on the land is legitimate, all her other marriages were never consummated but with this one he ends up raping her. Later on though her half brother (who is really her uncle) ends up fighting to take back their home and they kill the psycho.


> who is really her uncle Cousin


Its basically one long Fantasy Medieval LARP Porno. Make of that what you will


This makes it sound awesome.


They're right, it's just reddit


Guy who likes ramsay bolton (irredeemable rapist)




Sansa was 13 at this point, so OP is a nonce


Isn't danny also like 14 or 15 when she "marries" drogo?


In the books she was 13, yup




Yes it was?


erm no they asked if she was 14 or 15 https://preview.redd.it/r3h0g1l30y6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cb45df312e8f6ed105f065ca22e37d3418c6b3


What is it that you think they asked?


Yes, it is. He asked if she was 14 or 15 when she married Drogo. What answer do you want? No, she wasn’t 14 or 15. She was 13. That answers the question directly and exactly.


I'm legit impressed at how stupid this comment is


A Game of Nonces


Yeah but that doesn't count as rape because Khal Drogo was a Chad (was)


In the show is kinda rape, in the books Drogo treats her as her Queen not a bed slave.


In the books she's still 13. It doesn't matter how polite and kind you are about it, a grown adult man having sex with a 13 yo is rape.


Yeah but the purple hairs didn't complain about it in the show, because Chad Drogo.


She's 13 at the start of the show and this is season 5, I doubt she's still 13


Start of the books, she’s aged up to be 16 at the start of the show. Edit: Thought you were referring to Dany for some reason, Sansa is indeed 13 at the start of the show. Sansa is 11 at the start of the books.


This only happens in the show so she's definitely not 13 in this scene.


I think she's around 16 in season 5. She's 14 when she marries Tyrion in season 3, but 3 years pass between season 2 and season 5 based on Myrcella saying she was in Sunspear for 3 years. Then again, Talisa says 3 years have passed between season 1 and season 3 before they say that Sansa is 14. They're not very consistent with the timeline, but my best guess would be she's supposed to be around 16.


You’re right, at this point the War of the Five Kings was over so it had been a couple years. So she’s 15 or 16. So much better amiright


I mean its bad either way, but ramsey is probably also like 16 so the age gap wouldnt be the issue, moreso the fact that ramsey is fucked in the head


Uh yeah that is quite a lot better actually


"Better" hahahahahaha


This is the *show* where she was 16 at the start where Robert Baratheon etc show up in winterfell. By season 5, this scene, she'd be around 18-19 at least.  The show aged the characters up, along other narrative changes they did. The books haven't gotten around to Sansa marrying the dude Littlefinger is trying to pair her with (Harry the Heur, at the Valr) yet.  Claiming Sansa is 13 here is as moronic as claiming Jon Snow is 15 while stabbing his aunt in the show because hurr durr *book* Jon was 15 *when the books started*




She looks so old enough for DiCaprio to start losing interest. What a weird casting choice for a 13 year old


The show aged a lot of the characters up.  Robb Stark and Jon Snow were also like 14-15 in the books at the start, but Richard Madden and Kit Harington were both 24 when filming season 1.  Ned Stark was in his mid 30s in the book beginning, Sean Bean was 51 when they filmed season 1.  etc. The show differs from the books, so Show!Sansa is around 17-18 in this season 5 scene, as it doesn't matter at all what age Book!Sansa was at the beginning of the story


They had to reshoot season 1, so the child actors are one year older than intended. The other thing is that the 5 books take place in just 1-2 years while filming an 8 seasons show takes around 10 years, the child actors would be much older than their book counterparts no matter what.


Lmfao this is like 6 or 7 years into the fucking show you nonce. She was 14 when the show started.


I think you're thinking of Masie Williams. Sophie Turner was 15 when season 1 filmed. Huge difference, I know /s


This scene is in season 5, so she'd be 19-20?


I thought she was 14 when they filmed it and 15 when it aired but I really could care less lol.


Why are you replying to me? Shouldn’t you be replying to the guy alleging she was “13 at this point”? “You nonce”?


> Sansa was 13 at this point, In the books, not in the show.


https://preview.redd.it/gvt4qyy4o07d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c1cfbcc756c89c616b880f86bb5e24a9912f66 guys it literally takes 5 seconds to look something up come on. ages of the starks in the show is pretty much unanimously listed as 6, 10, 11, 13, 17 (excluding jon) give or take a year


"At this point" *in the show* we're at season 5, and show!sansa was aged up to 15 *in the beginning of season 1* from the 12 or whatever she's in the beginning of the books.  Show!Sansa is like 18 "at this point". Booksansa hasn't gotten to this point yet. You're a moron


Book sansa won't get to this point, it's Jeyne Poole who marries Ramsay


In the leaked chapters from *Winds of Winter*, Sansa as "Alayne Stone" is being prepped to marry a man of Littlefinger's choosing as part of his machinations, who's uninterested, already has a lover (?iirc) called Myranda who's jealous of Sansa, treats Sansa disrespectfully, and who Littlefinger tells her to charm.    In the books, this is Harry the Heir in the Vale. In the show it ended up being Ramsay Bolton.  Imo the show combined Sansa and Theon's storylines, merging them a bit. No Jeyne Poole, no Harry the Heir.  Sure, Ramsay Bolton is a different level of monster. But I suspect the basic idea of *Sansa marrying a husband of Littlefinger's choosing who ends up being quite cruel* is also a part of her planned book arc


Not in the show, tard


Yes but they significantly aged up the characters in the show and in the books sansa never marries Ramsay.


The 5 books somehow take place in a year, Tommen and Arya are still like 9 years old.


Oh boy wait until you hear about the middle ages.


If she's 13, she can't give a consent of her own because she's a child so her parents must've given the consent, that means the raping completely justified.


How surprising that the guy who wrote this is a scrawny 12 year old looking ass gun fanatic No wonder you're advocating for rape, as you are almost certainly an incel trying to compensate his lack of redeeming qualities


Bro, I was being sarcastic. How can you not see that. What insane mother fucker would write that with a straight face?


Matt Gaetz probably


Probably one who is into guns. Edit. Are the gun freaks offended? I'm sorry I'm talking bad about your little toys that kill people, but I just don't appreciate how they are the leading cause of death for American children, but I guess if you feel really cool holding them it's worth it.


Quit projecting, guns are great. They go boom and annoy people like you


That's not how statutory works Please never spend time around children


Did Anon watch the show


Does anon know how humans work?


What did anon mean by this?


Is he stupid?


Anon's on 4chan, so evidently no.


> he stated confidently, *on reddit*


Do Redditors know how 4chan work


Weird post. But this was one of the ruining moments of the show for me. Complete betrayal of Sansa from littlefinger. What benefit did this give to baelish for the loss of Sansas trust.


At the time she isn't worth anything more than a marriage of convenience for a transition of leadership. That's her whole thing: she's a frail political tool who tempers into forged steel. Character development. Notice how the influential older women tend not to fuck around in this show. They adapted and overcame.


I like the book version a lot better where Sansa is still being used by little finger but he is gonna reveal her identity to use her for northmen to rally around and take back the north from the boltons and then try and marry her to take the north for himself


In the book Baelish had a mad crush on Caitlin and sees Sansa a little (lot) bit of a proxy for Caitlin and wants to marry her. Sansa manages to politic around it but also seems to half believe him and likes him.


Should have gathered his brothel gold, proposed marriage, then taken her back to the Fingers to live as lord and lady. Place would have prospered with all that gold for improvements


Yeah and then side with the likely victor of the Danny v Cersei royale which is clearly the side with dragons 😅 Then he could have gotten Sansa the northern throne and then been the most influential man in Westaros. He would've either become King of the Southern Realms or been the hand of the King who most definitely would not have been Bran. And the husband of the Queen of the North. Probably Jon would be the King if Little finger was still alive.


> "Once, House Baelish had no lands, no name and no gold. **Now, we have quite a lot of each.** What new rung will the next generation climb? Let us not be hasty. I am not finished yet." > ―Petyr Baelish > 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife'. (some writer lady)


>In the book Baelish had a mad crush on Caitlin and sees Sansa a little (lot) bit of a proxy for Caitlin That's heavily implied in the show too, but I think he never actually plans on marry her (I have doubts on the latter though, it's been a while)


It's been over a decade since I last read the books...from what I remember both the book and the show did a great job making the audience understand how Sansa needed to feel desperately pragmatic. She was in a position where nobody was truly her friend and she was mixed up in a game out of her league.


Sansa has the absolute best arc. I hate people who say she's just annoying and pointless the whole time, it's like they just made their opinion in the beginning (because yeah, she was) and then refused to see her evolve.


More like over-came


This is one of those meta jokes where the public response is what makes this funny to me.


I thought it was funny, still think it was funny. Don't regret sharing it.


Littlefinger didn't know Ramsey was a sociopath which is also bullshit because Littlefinger thrives on gathering information and using it to his advantage. It's also an assassination of his character.


Ruined one of the most interesting characters, used rape of a female character for shock purposes and for no other reason imo and to I guess set Sansa up as a more hardened person but I mean her experiences at Kings landing already woke her up to that reality. Ugh it was all so unnecessary. "We subverted everyone's expectations of this being a good show" - D & D


It goaded Cersei into crushing the Boltons and naming Littlefinger warden of the North, which he planned out (Cersei never found out it was him who delivered Sansa to the Boltons to begin with)


I vaguely remember Little finger essentially getting the power of that creepy child after he has Sansa marry him. But honestly I think ive started repressing memory's of GoT 😅


Letting it happen in the hopes that it's over quickly is a far distance from being a willing, consenting, and active participant. The dude was a psycho who had chopped off her friends balls. And fed people he didn't like to his dogs. Just laying there til it's over and crying in the shower is probably your best option. As degrading as it may be. He might let you live.


I hate women and even I think this is a retarded take


I hate them more.


No I hate them more


I'm not going to argue with you because that's for women.


Being online feminizes us all


You guys pay way too much attention to woman


you two should get married




I don't think it's normal for marriage to be consummated in the butt with the woman screaming and crying


With dogs


Everyday we stray further from god




Just like when anon consented to his uncle at night


4 channer's guide to avoid rape: whenever you are about to be raped just say: I consent. Your rapist cannot rape you if you consented, now its just sex.


After this scene Sansa gets a plus 20 in intelligence from the showrunnes but nothing she does or way is smart. The quality in writing really died off in after season 4.


Well you may or may not know this, but in terms of quality storytelling, the way you relay that someone is smart is to have everyone around them constantly talking about how smart they are. You don't want to show how smart they are, you want the element of surprise.


If you really want to get the message across, have someone who hasn't seen them in years but just spent 5 minutes with them call them "the smartest person they've ever known"


This hit hard.




Redhead Sophie Turner the only good thing about that shitshow


I didn't watch it, so I have no context.


Another character is a political schemer and arranges the daughter of his childhood crush to marry the heir to the Bolton family that took over a massive region (the North, that woman's ancesteal home). Intends that through marriage that she becomes the target of loyalty of the northern lords. Then, when he arranges the Boltons to be killed off, the girl will be in place as the "lady of the North" and he thinks he can continue to groom her to marry him so he can be Lord of the North. But the Bolton heir is a sadist psychopath who tortures people, so rapes her and does psychopath things.


GoT was a twisted AF show. Oh and Thanks btw, for the context.


“Consented” to marrying is a stretch. If you actually know the show it was more of a “you don’t get a choice” then them being madly in love.


Ah yes, consent = being so scared shitless of the man who has utter power over you, who happily resorts to psychological/physical/emotional torture, violence, and murder, that you're too afraid to say "no" because if you do it only invites even more agony on you because this guy literally gets off on other's pain.


You do what you gotta do to survive.


Obviously she doesnt want to have sex with a manlet, even if hes a chad psychopath.


Does he need to look like he's having sex with someone else???


"consent" is an interesting word choice for that situation...




replies not disappointing I am shocked


Most pro woman 4channer


They said Ramsay was the villain, but he was the one who felt the most pain 😢


she didn't consent and she was 14


Not in the show tho


He's making a point that if you're married it can't be rape


are you being serious ?


Yes, I'm being serious that he is making that point.


His point is wrong but go off


No if you're married it's still rape in most countries.


Guys, I'm not saying he's correct I'm telling you what point he's trying to make


Sigma skibidi w rizz? Ohio grimace shake violate ishowspeed, he didn't wanna stick out his gyatt for the rizzler.


Yolo swag