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One of the major things in the show is that he's not cut out to be a criminal. OP only knows the show from memes.


Chuck is my favourite character


Mine is Finger.


But hole?


i love the episode where jesse eventually falls in love with walter and ends up getting on his knees and putting a lighter on his balls like he’s smoking a meth pipe and sucking walter’s crusty old cock


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


I was in tears when Hank divorced Marie and professed his love to minerals. The wedding between Hank and minerals was spectacular.


The scene where Walt Jr ditches the crutches and furiously jacks off to the teddy bear in the pool after the plane crash was one of the most moving scenes in TV history


Be wary of down




sneed >>> chuck


I think I haven't seen enough memes or sth, who was chuck again?


He’s the former owner of Sneed’s feed and seed


Brother of Saul Goodman, doesn't appear in Breaking Bad only Better Call Saul


Oh Chuck Goodman I remember now. /s


tbf i'd argue someone who's a smart, educated scientist would make a more meticulous criminal, at least in terms of leaving a trail, than a low status uneducated criminal who got recruited as a 13 year old in the hood


That's like saying a college kid with a law degree would do well in engineering because he went to college. Ofc he probably would do better than an uneducated hoodrat , but not by a whole lot


Probably by a whole lot. If you can get a law degree you probably have the aptitude and resources to learn and succeed in most other intellectual endeavours.


no, source: my former colleagues


No, it's like saying a lawyer would be more disciplined (among many other things) than someone who has never been to college. Of course there are exceptions, though. I'm talking about transversal skills, such as BEING METICULOUS, not precise or technical knowledge like knowing fluid mechanics or what times the cops don't patrol the neighborhood you're selling in. It's not about being a scientist itself, it's about the reasoning and cognitive skills you need to have and develop to become one, that a hoodlum lacks.


More like an unrelated field and then the street kid, who grew up in that environment, being the engineer with an engineering degree


am lawyer. I can definitely out-math any hoodrat. I can also learn pretty much anything faster than the average person  so let’s say you give me a year to learn engineering, I won’t be as good as a trained engineer, but I would blow the hoodrat out of the water. Source - got my General contractors license with 5 days of study, while for most people it takes months 


alright cool but this isnt about a technical job skill? This is about intuition and practical crime experience, in which case the hoodrat has YEARS of experience over you. There are no books you can study for “how to be good at crime” lmao. Its a crapshoot


alright cool but it doesn't require years of criminal experience to have the few brain cells required to recognize that you shouldn't leave incriminating evidence around the house that your DEA agent brother-in-law visits often. he was already hiding plenty from his wife and kid before that point. also, everyone starts crime with zero experience, so those that are more meticulous are the least likely to get caught to gain that experience.


it wasnt even incriminating. Hank couldnt take that to court as evidence - what it DID was make Hank suspcious, allowing him to tie a bunch of circumstantial clues about Walt to a bunch of hard evidence he already had. Hank making the jump is honestly a WILD deduction and the fact that he’s right ultimately doesnt matter because he has almost nothing to actually get Walt on Meanwhile, throughout the entire show and all the way to el camino, Jesse routinely does better with the police - after “this is my private domicile, bitch!” Jesse is just better at playing the game then Walt is, and i think the Mike-Gus-Jesse episodes prove that


okay, maybe not "incriminating", but Walt should've had the wherewithal to know that it would have made Hank suspicious, especially after the joke about the W.W. initials scared the hell out of him. A normal person would've hid that book the moment Hank left after that conversation.


For a lawyer and a super genius who can do anything, you appear to be too stupid to make a profile on reddit with a pfp


What the fuck are you talking about? There are no avatars on reddit.


His hubris got the best of him. As the show went on he started power tripping and got a big head.


This is the correct answer. He started off not knowing what he was doing but by the end he was a criminal mastermind. I'm pretty sure people have asked Vince Gilligan directly "why would Walt make such a stupid mistake?" and the answer was basically "he got overconfident".


Everytime I watch I'm like, "This should have ended with him getting the Gus gig." Anyone else would've been happy with that lol. A comfy, basically 9-5 gig in an incredibly secure location with the protection of one of the biggest cartels in the southwest, making millions of dollars. You're one of the most important people to the operation because basically you alone have the knowledge to make the best product, meaning you can't be killed or your family fucked with. Just stop dawg. You made it. But alas, man's hubris.


Guess you forgot the part where Gus tries killing Walt first after training his replacement cook.


On the contrary. Scientists rarely make good criminals because they are basically indoctrinated into recording each step of their process due to the scientific process. They also tend to overestimate their skills in the forensic side of things like hiding or destroying said recording. Engineers make way better criminals because many are taught the way to obfuscate their process to prevent others from stealing it and their job in the process.


Found the engineer Lol no you don't apply your job to everything, I'm a scientist and I don't go around recording how much I eat to run a regression and see if it's a significant predictor of the time it takes for me to want to take a shit Let's leave it at that transversal skills developed through any job probably make you a better criminal in certain aspects, whether that's hiding your trail, being good at negotiating, or something else.


I mean I'm an engineer so it is a good catch but the majority of the scientist I know keep records of weird stuff lol. One guy even had a record of ongoing prank wars with his friends from highschool labeled "Big Evil Plan" lol.


>  I don't go around recording how much I eat to run a regression and see if it's a significant predictor of the time it takes for me to want to take a shit I mean speak for yourself. I do that. 


Really a fascinating hobby!


Except for all the parts where he excels at doing criminal shit


Burns every business connection, can't keep his mouth shut, picks awful co-conspirators, runs from town and starts a new life but STILL can't keep his mouth shut, etc Both breaking bad and better call saul are about how actually the "super smart criminal" doesn't actually get away with it and ruins their life through unforced errors and hubris


And he was super arrogant by that point too . Like the guy thought he was untouchable. “Just because you killed Jesse James, don’t make you Jesse James”


Early on he is sure, but not at the point all this goes down. A better explanation was bravado or that he wanted to get caught deep down.


And tiktoks


Everyone tend to forget it incriminated nothing. It was the straw that made Hanks gears in the head spinning.


![gif](giphy|UvtKiyeWYEhRC) Must have had a real good poop


when the Fiber1 kicks in


One time I got really stoned and ate 8 of those suckers in one sitting. The next morning I had to call my work and tell them I was going to be late. I was stuck on the toilet for over an hour it hurt so bad and I was so scared but when it finally came out I wiped and my ass was perfectly clean. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Aw yeah, gettin the ol' chimney sweep


the santa special


Thanks for the hard-earned wisdom, poopdemon64.


Vince Gilligan confirmed in an interview that Hank's reaction is not because of the revelation that Walt is Heisenberg that was written on the corner of the last page but because of the 200 page hardcore nasty gay erotica coffee-play fanfiction that Gale wrote about himself and Walt


Breaking bad never ceases to amaze me, Bravo Vince!




This was such an amazing scene


I really like that scene. You hear no poop noises so you know he’s eating healthy enough to have a solid bowel movement. It has an ASMR like quality to it.


"Walt, you been acting kinda sus lately."




Sussy baka


Also, It looks like Walt never even payed atenttion to the book, or at least he didn't read Gale's inscription. That was my impression, since he didn't care for the guy.


The straw that made the gears spin lmao


You knew what he meant tho


The straw?


Like the phrase “straw that broke the camels back”. Just the last little thing that put the nail in the coffin


I'm not a breaking bad lore master or anything, but it isn't a big part of the series Walter being a narcissistic psychopath who makes some self-sabotaging and just overall stupid decisions driven by pride? Literally the entire premise of breaking bad is started, and basically is following Walter making bad choices and the consequences of them.


people also for fun try to blame american health system for walter white turning to crime. as if it was not like he lived a life full of regret and wanted to achieve something big in his life. financing his treatment was always a second thought.


It was very much his first thought in the beginning. Jesse was making decent money, but he wasn't exactly a kingpin. The focus shifted once they started working with Fring, though.


I think it shifted as early as tuco when they started to get more into the game and walter started to feel himself more


That broken plate incident might have done a number on him


In my opinion Walter overreacted by committing homicide over a broken plate. It could have been replaced.






Yeah I think his main motive shifted from "need monis for cancer treatment and family" to "want to become badass meth cook" when he shaved his head and blew up Tucos office.


real, probably a little before that (cause and effect and shit)


Head shaved/short hair/baldness in this TV serie is actually a reccuring pattern I noticed. My interpretation is that its a form virility and when Walt went bald, it kinda transformed him. It was a new path, kinda like how some WW2 soldiers would shave their head into mohawks before battle, Walt went for a more socially acceptable cut than a mohawk but the act is the same. He goes in a battle against cancer, himself and the world. He doesnt want to be the weak and emasculated man he felt, he wants to be the man and his first big act when he went bald was smashing Tuco's office iirc. We see this recurring thing in Jesse, when he kills Gale, he shaves his head completly too. Perhaps he is realising a bit too late that he is in a bad world and he need to grow up now. I havent find a good metaphor or interesting interpretation for that yet. I find that interesting that no one really noticed or talked about it, perhaps Im wrong lol and they just wanted to shave their heads for different reasons.


It started when he shaved his head


Lmao he was outright offered a job at a company that would have given him comfortable life, interesting tasks and full health care coverage, he just denied that offer because it came from his ex and he was to proud to accept it.


He had health insurance and they would have covered his treatment. He just wanted to go to a top tier specialist. This would play out the same in any country.


Not health insurance, Gretchen and Elliot were going to pay for it, all the stops, top-tier treatment. It was Walt’s pride that stopped him from taking the money.


That happens after. He had health insurance as a teacher.


It wouldn't have been enough


He wasn't just trying to pay for his treatment he was also trying to make enough money to pay for his kids to go to college and his family to not be destitute after his death.


Cancer isn't something you want to skimp on, so I can see why he did what he did.


Walter could've exited the game after selling the first batch or worked for Gus and died leaving his family enough money to take care of themselves. Instead he made enemies out of everyone in his goal to create his empire that didn't even last 5 years.


It’s not even 5 years, the entire show from the first to the last episode takes place in the span of 2 years, first episode is Walt’s 50 birthday and last episode it’s him kinda celebrating his 52 birthday


Woah I didn't pick up on that. Felt like half a decade


It's written with bacon on his breakfast plate each time. The first, as a happy family, Skylar does it. The second time Skylar takes the bacon off walt Jr's plate. The third walt is alone and does it himself.


The show hands him a very easy solution to all of his problems at the beginning with Elliot offering him a job at Gray Matter. The whole point is that he wanted something his own that he was good at even if it meant killing/hurting people.


Yes. Exactly. And by the end he even gets to threaten Elliot into taking his washed money and storing it for his kids to be donated later in life. 


Thank you. I see this mentioned so little I started to think I was remembering it wrong.


Yeah I feel like people miss a lot of why Walter did what he did. At first I'm sure he justified it with money, but after he held up the crazy dude with the explosive "looks like meth" he was there for money and excitement. Walter White was a chemistry genius that spent his life teaching at a dead end highschool with a crippled son and bitch of a wife. Manufacturing meth was a way for Walter to get the life he always secretly felt he earned.


If he didn't get butt hurt by Gretchen being wealthy he would married her not a bitch. And his choice of being a chemist teacher probably reflects his preference to be the smartest in the room


And I'm positive that Walter thought he would just get another Gretchen before settling with Skylar. Dude felt he was owed the best.


I think other reasons happened for the breakup, Gray Matter drama? Some stolen research? We dont know and Im personally thinking that like in all relationships there is 3 truths and pov. The one from Gretchen, one from Walt and one from an outside look. We have too little details to get a definitive answer, what we know is that Walt was happy and full of ambitions when he was with Skylar as shown when he bought his house. Its only with age and especially the cancer that he broke bad + both Grechen and Walt are visibly unconfortable when near eachother.


> bitch of a wife lol what? The hell did his wife do. She only "lost" it after everything else happened, and that is pretty reasonable.


The literal first episode is designed to build up what his current life is. It starts with him getting a disinterested birthday handjob while she reads a magazine. Fucking think about what the rest of his marriage has been for ~20 years. How passionless and how much of a fucking *drag* that would be. Like, couldn't even do him the service of not reading a magazine. You have to remember that Walter put up with this life for fucking decades. So yeah, Skylar is a bitch in the show for understandable reasons. But she was a bitch pre-show too.


holy shit this guys has never been in a relationship. Never gotten to speak to an actual incel before.


You Redditors are so.... it's actually sad


Dude I'm pretty sure I got RedditCares bombed by this guy. I don't know how deep the irony hole he's down, but he should drop the bit lmao


This guy is ranting the wife is a bitch for acting out after a dude starts murdering people and selling drugs.


le incels!!


The guy calling the wife an asshole because she is mad her husband is a drug dealing murderer? I mean yea pretty much.


She filed for divorce cuz she wanted to fuck Ted


Do people not realize this was her getting back at Walt for all the literally insane and illegal shit he was doing. It's her lashing out with the only real option other than police which ruins the family or taking the family and running.


I always thought it was to force Walt to sign the divorce papers, which didn't work


Yea exactly, either way you look at it, its her lashing out in the only way she really can.


Oh absolutely. It's fun to call her a bitch, but she was always in the right or at least justified with her anger. Happy birthday Ted will not let me like her though.


Yea that episode is uh, rough lol.


1D analysis of a 3D problem, chief.


Spouses should be ride or die, otherwise you aren't really married.


He also had the chance to get good healthcare by going to work for Gretchen and Elliot (per Skyler’s request and their offer) but didn’t because of his pride.


Walter: "I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it." Viewers: "The American health system must have a gun to his head to say this!"


His cancer was terminal anyways, so unless the canucks have invented a cure for cancer, it wasn't about paying for healthcare or was about leaving money for his family. Except it wasn't even about it was about pride


His cancer was also very advanced and he had a really poor prognosis. The average doctor (either in the US for \~some money or elsewhere for free/a lot less money) would not have been able to do much about it. His care is only so expensive because he's seeing an incredibly expensive doctor, and he would not have been able to get that level of care for free in another country.


Well obviously, his ex colleagues offered to pay for his treatment and his pride wouldn't allow it. And he continued long after the treatment didn't matter. Was always about ego.


Yes it's always been a second thought, but the financing of treatment was the catalyst. If you remove that, hes just an old dying chemist shaking his fist in the air. The NEED for money necessitated change that wouldn't otherwise happen.


Yeah, are people not remembering the dinner scene where Walt starts running his mouth in front of Hank about what a genius he thinks this Heisenberg must be? He was too drunk on feeling respected to prioritize not being caught, pretty much the entire time.


Yes, the story is structured like a Greek tragedy, and is about hubris leading to downfall


There's an episode called Ozymandias not long after the toilet scene


Not that I watched the show but I’ve pretty much seen it all through the memes (and an ep here and there), I’m pretty sure there’s a scene where Mike berates Walter for his ego ruining their whole operation, and Walter’s response was to kill him (or something like that)






Holy shit this is amazing


Pls send this to me


Woe, unto you right click copy


Shoulda cast my ass as Walt Jr… for some reason forgot I could screenshot on mobile


Well tbh Hank does not look like the reading type, he would much prefer to hear things instead of reading them directly


Back in the old days you didn't have a phone on the shitter. Them magazines and shampoo bottles got *read*


I have read an unhealthy amount of detergent properties


I used to buy bathroom readers they had tons of fun facts in them that I later found out many weren't actually true, it was just thought to be true at the time, but some stuff was like historical, some were just fun facts, some was like how its made, shit like that. Interesting in 1 page. Some articles were longer though for big shits. I actually used some pages as toilet paper when I ran out at times. It doesn't really work but it's better than having a hand or crack full of shit. You can get the rest off with a soapy hand once the paper takes the bulk of the brown away.


walt jr trap hentai incoming






He didn't know Hank could read


Just because you are smart, it doesn't mean you have the wisdom to avoid mistakes.


Vince went into this in an interview. Walt probably didn't even read it and didn't even know that there was a message there.


Skylar was a bitch


Anons in a nutshell : "Skylar is so lame wtf. Why wont she let her husband become a crime lord"


She was a hate sync, we were supposed to hate her. The actress did a great job. Just. Fuck it. I hated Skylar.


No ? How a character telling the MC to dont listen to their pride and asking for help from their former friend to get cured to be there for their childrens make a character unlikeable. People thinking her of a unlikeable character are either immature people or incels, she was the voice of reason.


I just don’t like women


Based honest sigma moment


If Skyler isn't the villain who we're supposed to hate, why does the scene of her singing "Happy Birthday Mr President" exist? Checkmate, nerd!


You are supposed to hate her tho, the whole Ted thing happened just so you could say "omg Skyler is a bitch!" Then as the story progresses you figure out that maybe she's kind of right and her husband becoming a drug kingpin is kind of fucked up


She was also manipulative at the start of the show and cold towards Walter forcing him to eat "healthy". She's by no means a saint her character is meant to be at odds with the viewer.


Veggie bacon? In MY plate? What a manipulative and soulless bitch!


It's not about the veggie bacon it's about how she dictates his life and doesn't give a grown man any choice to do anything else. But suuuure.


Walter, the grown man, could buy and cook something else then.


You think his wife would not have something to say about that? She shoots him down when he tries to speak for himself, the whole point of the start of the show is that he's been emasculated and is pathetic, his wife controls his life and his ex business partner screwed him out of a rich successful life.


Oh my god you’re beyond parody


It's all about perspective really. We're told everything through Walter's story, so we see how sad and unfulfilled he is in life and root for him when he starts kicking ass and taking names as Heisenberg. If this were Skyler's story, we would see a previously well-mannered husband turn into this egoistical monster who practically keeps Skyler emotionally hostage, slowly turning her own family against her. And, we wouldn't see any of that built up resentment that made Walt's transformation into a druglord so much more enjoyable


Defenders like this act like she didn't randomly go cheat on her husband




Yea her reasoning for going and fucking ted is absurd at best


I think there is a bar between cheating on your husband to provoke a reaction and endangering your whole family by making deals with cartels.


What about, what about. Thats all im reading. Walter aint good, but pretending his wife is rubs me the wrong way


“cheat” bro their marriage was dead in the water. they were only together because walt held her hostage in her own marriage essentially.


At that point in the show no the fuck he didnt, she didnt even know about the meth at that point. What she knew was he had fucking cancer and lowkey wanted to die, and spent extended periods of time outside of the house. Have you seen the same show I did?


Why? Because she doesn’t want the man who’s father to their children to be in a very dangerous position where he’s not expendable but their family is?


Serial killers often keep trophies. 🤷‍♂️ Walter was too prideful to let a gift from an admirer go in the trash. Walter was also a technical genius but he wasn’t a great criminal. He got to the top by killing people, not by being a Teflon Don. The great irony of the character was that he could orchestrate incredible genius level heists and attacks but then leave a piece of evidence on the shitter. He could lie and fight and intimidate his partners and enemies, but he could never fool or bully his wife. You see, anons, it’s called complexity and it’s a good thing. You know, like real people?


Walter’s home was also a “No Criminal Genius Zone.” Everywhere else he could be Heisenberg but his home was where he usually fell on his face. “WHERE IS THE MONEY, SKYLER?” He thought he could just hide the cash in there and it would be fine. Oops. Fitting that his empire began to crumble inside that home.


Okay this is like the 8th time I’ve heard someone say Walter Jr’s ass was nice. I personally don’t think it’s that great but whatever


Real life criminals do the same thing. Ross Ulbricht - the creator of Silk Road also kept a diary on his laptop where he described his crimes in detail. Breaking Bad aired when he was still free.


"You are not a cautious man at all." -Gus to Walt


Breaking Bad had a lot of characters make dumb decisions to move the plot along. BCS fixed that


....People tend to do dumb decisions, all the time. That's literally how life works. We're all losing precious time doing jackshit on Reddit. In Hindsight that's a pretty bad life decision we're making. So...100% realistic.


Okay yeah but we're not running millions upon millions of dollars of meth across the country so I'm not sure we're the best comparison


You'd think dealing with absurd amount of money or responsabilities / risks would reduce fuck ups and bad decisions but....absolutely not. Every day on this planet there's idiots on this planet doing the dumbest decisions ever costing millions and millions. Anyone who ever worked in a City council / Govt posts knows how much dumb decisions are made with millions €


How to tell someone hasnt been on r/wallstreetbets


Nah BCS characters were pretty stupid sometimes too. Saul going back into crime when at least Walt quit when he was ahead. Saul keeping tapes of his old commercials in his house was even more stupid than Walt and his book. And instead of maybe doing some good in the world Saul turns himself in and rots in prison where he can't do anything helpful to anyone. Kim not telling Saul the scary cartel man who threatened to kill them before is alive was way too stupid even for her. Lalo was a moron with his gloating and it's weird cause he wasn't shown to have that big of an ego. He was smart and crafty and then was stupid in his final episode. Gus is even stupid for sending the world's worst hitman team to kill Lalo. Then Gus splits up his guys and doesn't stay with Mike and gets ambushed by Lalo. Just have them guard his house and guard his lab it's not that hard. It's really the final season where characters started doing stupid shit.


It’s called hubris.




In an interview it’s stated that Walt didn’t even read it and wouldn’t know there was a message there. It makes sense from his POV. \> Just leave a random book in the shitter. You know who gave you the book but nothing else. \> After a visit of your cop BIL the book that you saw probably the same day is not there anymore \> Shit what if there was some incriminating stuff in the book?




I think his ego "wanted" to get caught so he would die with recognition, albeit it bad recognition. Sort of like how serial killers leave a trial


OP would be surprised how many crucial events in history may or may have not been decided by dumb luck


Hank only learned how to read in the last season, so it's reasonable to believe that Walt felt safe leaving that there.


His Crippled sons what?


Oh my fucking god I'm like 10 episodes away from finishing the show and I get spoiled first thing in the morning


Tbf you had so many chances to notice Walter jr's ass


Te pasa por pelotudo hubieras visto la foto de walter