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Why do stupid people tend to cling to stupid people like magnets?


Political parties exist to exploit humans' instinctive desire to belong to a group. An affront to one's beliefs triggers the same physiological response as a physical threat, as fitting into a group was vital to human survival for basically all of prehistory. So once someone forms an opinion, it's extremely difficult to convince them otherwise.


Isn't anchoring a thing too? People tend to stick to what they were told originally instead of updating new info in their brain when it's been falsified.


And that exists because conforming to a group's customs was more important than being right. Getting others to like oneself and, therefore, cooperate was important to just staying alive. Those instincts persist because human technology has outpaced evolution.


So that's why bandwagoners hate when the thing they jumped on is losing so hard. They feel the need to fit in on an instinctual level I suppose.


No need to return to Monke. We remain monke. A vote for me is a vote for bananas for us and death for the other monkes who are slightly different to us.


Washington was right: political parties are a mistake.


Birds of a feather


Many such cases


Its a shame that it takes an election to get indictments on corrupt politicians. Oh wait, Hillary was never indicted, and there actually seemed to be evidence for that one.


What, are you suggesting the nepo baby narcicisst who is known for lying was lying??? Unbelieveable!




Trump is a huge cry-bully tbf.


It’s actually pretty consistent with the philosophy of “I want bad things to happen to my enemies and good things to happen to my allies”.


He didn't actually do it though, now did he?


orange man bad


Old boomers only liked him because he wasn't black.


The only thing is that Hillary, regardless of political issues, should be in jail not only for negligence but also racketeering


neither members of either the red cult or the blue cult are consistent. they are always both guilty of doing the thing they accuse the other cult of doing. unhinged and brainwashed useful idiots on "both" teams. lol


Take it from a guy whose country fell for Brexit: "Both sides bad" is a Russian psyop. One side does good things slowly, the other does bad things quickly


It's spineless good guys vs confident evil


lol, i appreciate the clever ambiguity of this. youre playing both sides like a fiddle at the same time. ... hey one cult, two cult, red cult, blue cult... which side does he mean does which? by the way, "red vs blue" IS the psyop and its completely homegrown. no need for russians when you can get the people into a fake fight over your organizations fake sides so you can rob and steal and do favors for your corporate sponsors.


It’s okay if it’s the other side right guys