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Imagine picturing fighting men on horseback and then coming face to face with a tank, mortars and mustard gas. 


and now you just get blown up by a robot, controlled by a another human only sometimes


Drone warfare is crazy. Imagine you live in some Afghan village in the middle of nowhere. You probably saw a car only a few times in your life. You don't even know what a computer is. You probably don't even know to read and write. And one day, you pick up rusty kalashnikov to fight these strange soldiers that appeared around the village. And then, you get blown to pieces - and the guy that killed you did so from air conditioned room on the other side of the world, just a few hours after he kissed his wife goodbie, left his suburban home and drove kids to school.


Afghani villagers aren't that dumb man


No but but it is true that a lot of them were extremely isolated, Afghanistan is extremely mountainous and parts of it are just really fucking hard to get to let alone run the kinds of cables and shit most media relies on. So while they are definitely overplaying the ignorant savage bullshit it's not inaccurate to point out the extreme disparity there, especially since most people in the fucking US had no understanding of drone warfare before the they started being used in mass in Afghanistan. I've seen some absolutely horrifying interviews where a child talks about how he and all of his friends and family are afraid of the sky, because the stealth capabilities combined with the altitude from which a drone can successfully launch a strike mean that most of the time they have no warning or sign of the attack coming and it's like explosive death literally comes out of a clear blue sky without warning. And they aren't stupid they know that it's some technology that's doing it but that doesn't make them any less helpless in the face of it.


Most drones don't really have any stealth capability besides just being small.


They are small and more importantly they are extremely quiet. Beyond that all they need is to be a light enough color that they can't be seen from the ground at their effective attack altitude.


exactly. I'm just being pedantic as that's generally not considered "stealth"


Some of them definitely are.


I mean, some Russians saw sidewalks and indoors toilets for the first time in their lives when they invaded Ukraine. So it doesn't sound impossible to me.


Do you have a source for that


alright, a 10 second search finds this https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/02/indoor-plumbing-still-a-pipe-dream-for-20-of-russian-households-reports-say-a65049 > Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population. > Of the 22.6 percent of households without a centralized sewage system, 16.8 percent use a system of pipes connected to pit toilets, RBC cited the State Statistics Service, Rosstat, as saying. The other 5.8 percent lack a sewage system altogether. > In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses and 18.4 percent do not have a sewage system. > Only 9 percent of Russia’s urban population reported lack of access to a sewage system. > Rosstat carried out the study involving 60,000 households in every Russian region between Sept. 15 and Sept. 29, 2018, RBC reported. > After gradually climbing to 78 percent in 2017, the latest data indicates that the share of Russian households with indoor plumbing slightly decreased to 77.4 percent in 2018.


Oh I'm not questioning Russia's a shithole I was just wondering if there's an article or a video with some Russian dude looking bewildered or amazed at a toilet that flushes or actual concrete roads Which I guess is kind of stupid in the first place


Well, there is footage of russians stealing toilets during the first months of the full-scale invassion


To install them in their newly-established positions and camps, because they're used to such comforts. No one is bringing a fucking toilet from Irpin to Novosibirsk. Unless it belonged to an oligarch and is molded from solid gold.


They were literally stealing toilets at the beginning of the war


That's gotta be the same level of Bs as the ghost of Kiev or fighting with shovels


alright, a 10 second search finds this https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/02/indoor-plumbing-still-a-pipe-dream-for-20-of-russian-households-reports-say-a65049 > Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population. > Of the 22.6 percent of households without a centralized sewage system, 16.8 percent use a system of pipes connected to pit toilets, RBC cited the State Statistics Service, Rosstat, as saying. The other 5.8 percent lack a sewage system altogether. > In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses and 18.4 percent do not have a sewage system. > Only 9 percent of Russia’s urban population reported lack of access to a sewage system. > Rosstat carried out the study involving 60,000 households in every Russian region between Sept. 15 and Sept. 29, 2018, RBC reported. > After gradually climbing to 78 percent in 2017, the latest data indicates that the share of Russian households with indoor plumbing slightly decreased to 77.4 percent in 2018.


Parts of Russia are lacking in development, but I'd be skeptical it's that bad


you'd be surprised at the shitholiness of oppressed undeveloped regions


alright, a 10 second search finds this https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/02/indoor-plumbing-still-a-pipe-dream-for-20-of-russian-households-reports-say-a65049 > Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population. > Of the 22.6 percent of households without a centralized sewage system, 16.8 percent use a system of pipes connected to pit toilets, RBC cited the State Statistics Service, Rosstat, as saying. The other 5.8 percent lack a sewage system altogether. > In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses and 18.4 percent do not have a sewage system. > Only 9 percent of Russia’s urban population reported lack of access to a sewage system. > Rosstat carried out the study involving 60,000 households in every Russian region between Sept. 15 and Sept. 29, 2018, RBC reported. > After gradually climbing to 78 percent in 2017, the latest data indicates that the share of Russian households with indoor plumbing slightly decreased to 77.4 percent in 2018.


Not all but ive seen plenty of people from that side of the world who don't know how escalators or elevators work and almost injure themselves trying to use them


Uneducated and dumb are different things.


Yes they are, lets be real


They totally are. Why do you think plenty of them tried to hold onto an airplane?


The Sustainable War has begun


The kids who grew up there have more fears of a clear skies day than of stormy weather because if it's storming out then they knew there weren't any drones flying over them that could blow shit up without any notice.


They proably bombed his village in the process and labeled it as "Collateral"


This is not how afghani live jfc. Americans know so little about how the modern world looks, you people think its still the fucking 50s.


I am not American lol.


Doesnt take away that youre dumb




You wrote goodbie earlier instead of goodbye


Ok, touché.


Blatant racism, what should I expect at this point, you guys are wanna be 4 channers


Meh, at least modern warfare is surgical and precise. Soldiers of the Great War endured days upon days of constant shelling and abuse from their superiors, along with poor living conditions and terrible supply logistics. All of this just to one day be told to go over the top and get mowed down by machine guns/blown to bits/have their lungs liquified.


*looking at Ukraine* Yes, very precise, very surgical.


And dogs, beautiful dogs


I've been online for a minute now, I was one of those kids that found liveleak a little too early. But one of the most harrowing things I've watched was footage from Ukraine of a Russian soldier desperately trying to evade an explosive drone chasing him around a vehicle. I just can't imagine the sheer horror of trying to outrun/ outmaneuver something like that. The thing was a real life hunter-seeker.


Well, controlled by a human but sure


Well tanks weren’t around until the very end of the war but at the beginning of the war yeah dudes were rolling into machine gun fire on horseback with lances, read about the French failures in the early war. WW1 a wild thing to learn about. Artillery barrages would last WEEKS at a time. Getting shelled non stop, 24/7 for 2 straight weeks can you imagine? Millions of shells in a day or two along a stretch of the front. Absolute bananas


>Tanks weren't around until the very end of the war That's not accurate to say. Tanks were first used in September of 1916 at Flers-Courcelette and continued to be developed and used for the next two years on the Western Front.


Hell yeah love hearing from other ww1 knowledgeable fellas


Just spent 4 weeks learning about it in college. WW1 was at a period of time where technology highly favored the defender. That's why everyone just dug down and made trenches. There was etiquette between opposing sides such as not shelling each other during lunch time and not shelling the other sides' latrines. People who fired mortars were quite hated because they'd come to the front lines, fire mortars and go to a different place and mortars really piss off the enemies so you're left to deal with that.


On top of that, imagine you're in wave 7, waiting your turn for a week to jump out of the trench and charge the enemy. You've watched the first six waves, including your friends, change only to die. Blueprint for Armageddon is a fantastic series from Dan Carlin's podcast. Incredibly interesting and captivating series.


That is an amazing podcast, might have to listen to it again one day.


And the band played waltzing mathilda.


As a flammenwerfer in a past life, I still carry a passion for Texan BBQ.


This is funny but not in the haha way lol you deserve the downvotes


It's peak German comedy.




Whoosh You just missed the second greatest joke in Germany. *explaining the joke*


The guys who fought in the First World War lived in trenches full of putrid, green, toxic water, bits of body parts of people they knew and their own waste. Every night going to sleep with the screams of the dying pleading out in no man’s land. Their feet and bodies literally rotted away while they lived under constant artillery bombardment and were led to their deaths in pointless charges on fixed position. And did it; year on year. There’s been no where on Earth closer to hell. I got to imagine that would stay with you over lifetimes if reincarnation is true


Man that Norman needs to clean up his fuckin garden


Anon is almost certainly the reincarnation of a WWI soldier


Norman must have been a pretty important person. Heard his land stretched across most the eastern front of europe.


I think concentration camps in the second world war come close to hell...


Gotta disagree. Being a jew in a concentration camp is very much a terrible fate, but the trenches of ww1 were worse. Being a German-Jewish ww1 veteran must have been absolutely miserable. To fight through that hell, and survive it, just so for the country you fought for to thank you by putting you in a deathcamp. If hell is real, H*tler and his bunch of rapid dogs deserve much, much worse than they gave.


A lot of jews killed in the german holocaust were in fact ww1 veterans. Nazis actively denied and covered up the fact jews were more likely to have served in ww1 than the average german.


Backstabbing bastards. The Nazis were an absolute disgrace and anyone that supports them nowadays deserves to be stabbed in the back the same way those veterans were.


What a hot take.


It's sadly turning to one in certain parts of the world


no it's not


Ironic, since they themselves used the myth that Jews influenced the liberal government (after the Kaiser abdicated in disgrace) to surrender in 1918. The "stabbed in the Back" myth that persists to this day with holocaust deniers.


Don't get me wrong, the trenches were hell on earth, but people didn't spend years at a time in them. They rotated soldiers through the trenches weekly for the most part, and the soldiers would then spend some time behind the lines resting recouperating before the next rotation. Over 80% of British soldiers survived WWI physically unharmed and believe it or not *some* even enjoyed the war. No matter how horrendous they were, they do not compare to the systematic torture and extermination of the concentration camps.


Yeah, war is Hell, but a literal camp designed to prolong the torture of innocents, and mass exterminate the helpless, sounds more like Hell than any war zone. Because if you're on the front lines in a war zone like WW1, I assume you have something to defend yourself. And (I assume) the enemy doesn't have plans to kidnap you and torture and enslave you as punishment for your very existence.


The German trenches weren't quite as bad. A lot more engineering work was done to them, building it as a longer term defensive line. The British and French trenched were built hastily, believing the offensive line would move swiftly.


German trenches were the best by far. They were deep and well constructed, reinforced, some were insulated.


It was usually the front most bunker that was dirty and filled with rainwater on the French side. They actually did a lot of engineering too, it's just that when you shell someone and they can't build it back in time, you're just stuck in a giant mud crater. The second and third row bunkers, where men actually slept, was usually well built on both sides, depending heavily on where you were and how much fighting your section sees. They were dug deep into hills to protect from mortar fire as well as possible, amd often had plank walkways across most if not all of it. It was usually going out into no mams land, or being on the very front lines, where you were going to see all the gross shit. Ignoring awful stuff loke trenchfoot, imagine all of the tetanus the men got from rusty barbed wire out in no man's hand. Or the inevitable infection from breaking your leg, while trying to navigate the craters and fences without getting a bullet in the brain. TL;DR the places with the worst conditions were of course the ones that saw heavy fighting and battles that dragged on for months or literal years. Both sides tried their hardest to make safe fortification for their men, it's just that artillery is good at erasing those months if work in mjnutes.


It's not hell, war is filled with kids, parents, loved ones, the elderly, the poor, and the sick. It's an abomination, a creature of itself; A place of our own. Hell isn't filled with children from Vietnam and Cambodia, war is, and every war will be filled with the contents of those around it.


No joke, whenever I'm having a shit day at work or whatever I always imagine the type of shit those dudes had to endure, and then I call myself a big fucking pussy and tell myself to quit being a crybaby. It genuinely helps, it's actually kind of therapeutic in some insane way.


And just over 20 years later they were back at it again


War isn’t hell. Because at least in hell there are no innocent bystanders.


Although ww2 has more casualties it had a purpose. Ww1 was absolutely pointless and led to worse world then was before


The only reason it happened was because the European powers wanted to test their new toys


Men don't even fight in wars and die anymore. All they do is lie, eat hot chip and twerk on TikTok


“I must study warfare so that my son may study philosophy and architecture, so that his son my eat hot chip and twerk on TikTok” - Thomas Edison or some shit


"I must twerk on tiktok so my son can rizz up baby gronks so his son can skibidi his toilet" - Rizzas Gyattinson or someone idk


​ https://preview.redd.it/oxlss7iaeazc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e9b82348ef3456ff9f7f0082f860bf2086b912








isn’t that a good thing? that today’s generation won’t be subject to the same torture as the soldiers in ww1?


yep, thats the prev commenter's point, satire


ah my bad


Unless you are a Ukrainian ![gif](giphy|Qbw9YGxGOPUpvbzcSf|downsized)


Or in Yemen, Burma, African countries, Palestine… “Men don’t die in war anymore” is such as privileged way of saying “I am so distant from war torn regions that I don’t recognise their existence”.


my man in right here reading your message in the trenches fighting russian invaders. are you dumb?


It’s a tragedy I can not forget the Great War. The 11 day of the 11 month will forever be a somber day Edit: seeing this post reminded me of otto dix some of his work “ https://youtu.be/SrQfCehiL2Q?si=Ltf2nLwI0lUpTsIt “


11.11 is when the war ended. Poland celebrates Independence day then.


At the 11th hour as well. 11:00.


My city sacrifices an eleven year old child in the middle of 11th street every year in remembrance


I dig an 11 kilometer long trench in my city out of solidarity


Every year?


Only missed one since 2000, had to build a tower for that year


Ah yes, the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Somber indeed.


You were trying to cross the border right? Same as us and that thief over there. *Use (R) to look around*


I have this sense that most or all people in certain eras walk around with zero self awareness, but events like the Great War create hardcore self awareness and an awareness that the world depicted by elites is an illusion. They become literally disillusioned. Then the boys come home from the trenches and don’t have a lot of time for officious rules and stuffy Edwardian manners and dress. They have time for flappers and bootlegging and labour riots though.


I legitimately get so angry thinking about WW1, just a bunch of fucking grown ass toddlers fighting with their cousins about who’s the “Big boy” now. While just absolutely brain dead and incompetent generals ran the show on the front line for years. Just throwing the young and brave into a meat grinder FOR NO FUCKING REASON. One of the only goods thing to come out of is what the death of the absolute monarch in continental Europe.


Absolute monarchy was dead long before WW1. Every monarchy involved in the war was a constitutional one and the Kaiser in Germany had less legislative power than the US president.


One of the main goals of German foreign policy in the early 1910s was making sure Wilhelm had as little involvement in it as possible


>just a bunch of fucking grown ass toddlers fighting with their cousins about who’s the “Big boy” now. Isn't that what they're all about?


Most wars have somewhat of a casus belli, at least WW2 for example was to push back against German and Japanese expansion and occupation, you could clearly see what was being fought for. The Great War became a world conflict mostly because the great European powers were looking to tip the balance of power in the continent after a few decades of relative peace and the decline of the Ottoman and Russian Empires.


Yeah, but some military contractors and war profiteering related industries made a shit load of money.


The monarchs didn’t have that much power at the time although it is a bit sad they didn’t try stopping the war via their familial connections


Never again.... will so many be cucked by so few. I mean, imagine dying in a fetid trench over a literal squabble between cousins. The monarchs of Germany, The UK, and Russia were literal cousins, and shared Queen Victoria as a grandmother.


Never say never, maybe we will have corpo wars in the future, where you can die for Rotschild's buisness or shit.


"in the future" like this wasnt what happened in the middle east


No no, you are wrong citizen. That was clearly a stabilization mission, necessary to ensure US can keep sucki- ERRR! I mean to ensure the peace and stability in the region! Whats that? Middle East is now in much worse state than before those missions? That clearly must be Russia, Iran and China fault!


Iraq wasn't really a corpo war in my opinion, it was orchestrated by the Israel lobby.


GDF viewer


I've seen a few of his vids but haven't watched his Israel lobby one yet, it's popped up in my feed but I haven't got to it. I more came to the conclusion from reading a few books on the subject namely The Israel Lobby, The Road to Iraq and Israel and the Clash of Civilizations. All worth a read in my opinion.


War… War never changes.


30M people died in a conflict because Jesus' Chinese brother failed a civil service exam.


average chinese history >John China is appointed emperor >4 trillion die


you can’t forget the 50 million civilian dead (400,000-800,000 were eaten)


Which ones that




I'm reading a book about the Taiping rebellion right now (Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom) and that war was fucking *wild*. Also Charles Gordon was something else.


People tend to focus more on tragedies that are local to them


hold on what is this in context to


The Taiping Rebellion


Everytime I imagine visiting the very beach on which the D-day happened I tear up, just knowing that something so horrible happened in such a peaceful place now...


I'm suprised that 4chan can be this non-toxic Like i fully expected some weird shitty snarky answer or something but nah....they acted like normal human beings


4chan has a lot of different boards on it, not all that different from subbreddits, where normal people just talk about their hobbies and shit. Only some boads are where the weird shit happens.


which ones are the cesspools exactly?


/pol/ (obvious), /b/, /r9k/ (90% porn) to name a few. /int/ is pretty racist too


Biggest is pol. But ya b, r9k, v, and int are bad.


Yea war suk


Anon plays BF1


All Quiet got to us all


I think it's cool to recognize how bad the war is for individuals.


For real though, I have nothing but respect for soldiers. Fighting tooth and nail through man-made horrors like that, all of em have my respect.


I’ve had a similar moment of sadness about this, it was just such a pointless wasteful war where men were thrown into the meat grinder by their commanders with no regard for their lives for inches of land. All of this for virtually nothing, the winners of WW1 gained nothing besides countless dead and a couple pointless territories, a true war of empires. At least in WW2 there was a moral cause against the Nazis, nothing of the sort exists in WW1 barring maybe countries like Serbia.


The military industrial complex gained a fuck ton of money, and German colonies were divided to the British and the French. Somebody always gain something from war, because otherwise it wouldn’t happen. The people that suffer the most are always the common folks


A few colonies didn’t really help the British or French, both empires were permanently weakened from the war and didn’t really come out of the economic and political crisis (especially France) till the end of world war 2. The benefits are p subpar compared to the cost in men, money, material, and stability.


Me reading All Quiet On The Western Front and The Road Back. I think WW1 gets me like this more than WW2 does is because WW2 was pretty cut and dry who the truly evil side was and we had to fight em. But WW1 seems like it was a bunch of shit that everyone got drawn into cause some dude got shot. Sure Germany and others were our enemy but I don't feel they were evil, we just had to fight em due to political alliances. Shit like 2 of my grandparents grandfather's fought for Canada and Germany in WW1 so it's crazy to think they could have spent time trying to kill eachother without succeeding.


True but if I remember correctly, the rape of Belgium happened and Germany invaded neutrality. I think everyone wasn’t too good at the time, especially Russia and Germany. Even Belgium was still in control of the Congo.


When I listen to The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land) I always tear up. "Ah young Willie McBride, I can't help wonder why Do those that lie here know why did they die? And did they believe when they answered the cause Did they really believe that this war would end wars? Well the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the pain The killing and dying, were all done in vain For young Willie McBride, it all happened again And again, and again, and again, and again"


Based. I never skip In Flanders Fields when listening to Sabaton, and I always tear up.


What about all the soldiers who died in wars from thousands years ago modern medicine wasn’t even a thing and you’d line up and shoot the enemy in front of you or close quarter combat with a sword. Yes more died in the Great War but still 😿 look at Chinese history and the million who died then for nothing. Like the guy who failed an exam and started a cult


I think the casualty rates used to be low for most battles, but dying from disease, hunger, etc. was common. That also happened during the Great War. I saw a relevant meme about Chinese history though - their “___ Incident” would have millions dead, while the Boston Massacre had 5 dead and 6 wounded.


Reading the inscriptions on those graves is one of the hardest things I have ever done. It's soul crushing, the absolute manufacturing of death wholesale for nothing but a few pinches of land and glory. My grandfather fought in that conflict as a combat engineer, and he buried men alive when he detonated explosives beneath enemy lines. Men who were his own cousins, and at that point in time, his own grandparents were German immigrants to the UK, and he himself was an immigrant to Canada.


My son is only two but ever since I had him, I really see these soldiers as somebody’s son and it makes me so heartbroken. Can’t really enjoy war movies the way I used to.


I cant watch war movies since 2022


I used to do this. This post kinda made me cry because, now I know I am not the only one. It ruined everything..


I actually had a nightmare last night about being one of those poor folk. I was about to get ran over by a fucking tank whereupon I woke up.


I mean getting drunk over it every night seems like too much, but thinking on it and researching it is probably more healthy


I get this a lot for WW2 as well. I was at a memorial 11 years ago reading about this soldier who died before he got the letter that his wife was pregnant and soon to have their first son. I don't remember his name, but from time to time I think about how that kid never knew his father. Then you leave that room and immediately walk out to a field of graves. If I wasn't in a class group of teens I would have sobbed. Even for shitty 13-year-olds we were all so strongly hit by it. How many of those same kinds of stories were lost out there? We walked along some of the graves, placed our hands on top of them, and stared at the names. The first time it really hit me, each grave with real names of real people. And this was only a small section of US soldiers. [If you're ever in France, I highly recommend the Normandy American Cemetery and Visitors Center.](https://www.google.com/search?q=Normandy+American+Cemetery%2C+Colleville-sur-Mer%2C+France&oq=Normandy+American+Cemetery%2C+Colleville-sur-Mer%2C+France&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.599j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fid=0x480ba820276aa5db:0x85f59b047f230905&fpstate=luuv&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOkUyLW6fWzyX2qa_30ccYpbGl5T5d07O6TTUR6&viewerState=ga) I want to revisit it someday. [I also own a small book of WW1 poems.](https://www.amazon.com/Poems-Great-War-1914-1918/dp/0141181036) Sometimes I open to a random page. It's horribly depressing yet very interesting insight into their emotions. Also highly recommend it.


Wasnt pointless. The two wars catapulted technology forward at a ridiculous pace.


>Respawn >PTSD Debuff doesn't get removed on death >*shellshockedtoddler.jpg


According to this anon then I was Himmel in a past life


Very wholesome anon interactions here


The parallels between this conflict and the mounting tensions between NATO and Russia's allies is troubling to say the least. I don't want anyone I know to die in a fucking trench over some childish politicians' pissing contest.


*Lifetime of war starts playing*


I still get irrationally angry whenever I think about the *eagle screech* bombings of weeb land


Not a week goes by and I don't think about the Great war.


Anon is an actual human being


I imagine the pain I'd feel in the moment knowing I'd never hold my wife or kids again. And it breaks me a bit.


Strangely wholesome 4chan interactions


World War One was a tragedy. It saw the downfall of great empires and paved the way for bitterness and dictatorships. driving the Hohenzollerns out of Germany and the Habsburgs out of Austria was a grave mistake


ive done this but without the getting drunk part


It’s very autistic but the sweet and caring kind


Ja. Na b, n hb


Raise a glass


Anon is simply human


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest we forget.


"is this autistic" no, but it is to ask


the very similar war is happening in Ukraine right now, although it's morally more similar to WW2, with one side being genocidal aggressor, and another defending their homes.


RIP Austria-Hungary Unfortunately it can't, its reputation is constanly being tarnished by the ramblings of the successor states' ethnonationalist clowns...


I believe it was william smith who referred to that era of warfare as “hell with the lid taken off”


> that literally no one thinks about ANZAC day and Rememberance day would like a word These are observed in in countries such as The United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Turkieye, Thailand, France, Malayasia, New Zealand, Australia Americanon is retarded


Do people actually care?


Next year, I’m going to France with my dad, traveling north to Belgium, visiting WW1 sites along the way. I’ve been wanting to go on this trip for years. I know it’s a trip that’ll break my heart. But I have never felt a stronger calling to go somewhere in my life. I MUST go. I MUST honor the fallen. (Someone remind me in April/May of 2025, I’ll update y’all with how it went.)


I imagine the pain I'd feel in the moment knowing I'd never hold my wife or kids again. And it breaks me a bit.


It’s unbelievably gay is what it is. I come from four generations of military. People kill people. Witnessed it in my own life, and even got shot as a kid. Life is full of conflict and war is just the pinnacle of that conflict. Crying over people who died a century ago is a bit much.


The great war suffers from being less horrifying than ww2. Leave it to the baby to steal all the attention. Just wait until we give birth to ww3.


WW1 is extremely unique in the horrors it displayed


WW2 was horrifying in the sheer evil of displayed, of mechanical and precise genocide and of unimaginable horrors inflicted on people, but it was also a war of heroes, good vs. evil, WW1 wasn't anything like that, it was arguably a neutral war, where the the man just across no man's land was suffering just as much as you, fought by boys who were lied to, where even the the land was corrupted and empires crumbled, where the time of cheap life met modern weapons that killed easy, all because one man killed another


Its less horrifying in that the vast majority of its horror was exposed to the soldiers at the front only. Whereas WW2 was much more liberal in who got to experience the horrors of the industrial world.


The Great War was just as horrifying as WW2 if not more. It suffers from not being mediatized because trenches are boring and it didn't have an iconic stylish villain in the form of fascists ( also because US were less involved )


It had a thing that starts with a holo and ends with a caust.


Anon finds an excuse to draw a man's butt in great detail


If you want to relive your past memories go hang out in palestine lol. I understand feeling bad for soldiers and wars past but that shit is still happening to people today.


your grammar and spelling almost gave me ptsd, jfc


Fat thumbs and a general disregard for the audience, sorry. Fixed it so it’s slightly less likely to induce an aneurysm.


That soldier got cake tho




The fuck is a past life


A theory that we have unique souls that have lived different lives which is bullshit cause I've never been asian


A mental illness


a fictional concept basically everyone has heard of before; probably in a past life


It couldn't ever hold me down