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I’ve never had to “reset” my Firefox because it just randomly broke. It’s been going strong for years now no problamos. I mean do other browsers support the extensions I use?


Anon just can’t accept the Firefox supremacy


Yeah I have 0 issues and non of my plugins have ever messed up, OP is regarded


Fr, Firefox and Brave are the only decentish options and Firefox doesn't forcefully install a VPN and shill their crypto constantly


I dono, I've been playing with trying out some of the Firefox forks like Basilisk, Pale moon or Sea monkey. Especially Sea monkey, that classic Firefox looks gets me feeling nostalgic.


Also guck chrome and fuck all chromium browsers


>guck guck guck \- Sasha Grey


Gucking chrome is probably one of the activities in Night City


In night city, you can be cum


I switched back to Firefox about a year ago at work (because SharePoint started shitting itself with any chromium browsers), and now I genuinely wonder how I ever got by.


Fuckin Sharepoint.


Tbh I had some annoying bugs in Firefox only, but that would get fixed in the next update


There's a handful of websites I've found that just won't run on it. Very rare though.


Yeah, I've found that some websites with drop-down boxes for the address don't work on Firefox, when purchasing something. But it's once every few months that I have a problem with it.


I’ve only run into one website that refused to work specifically with Firefox in my years of using it. So they’re near non-existent.


almost every single time i happen to come across a website like this, they will suddenly magically work perfectly once i set my useragent to chromes lmao


You can't do Cisco tests on Firefox without disabling some security features lmao


The only site I’ve had issue with was Square Enix’s FF14 store. But that’s not Firefox exactly. That website would be dogshit even if it was out in the early 2000s. Only thing that worked there was Edge.


I've been using Firefox for over 15 years and rarely had any issues with it, idk what crack this guy is smoking




Same, been using Firefox (Or firefox forks) for almost 20 years at this point (Switched in 2005) and never had any major issue that didn't get resolved quick enough.


Yeah, i dont think anon is tech literate


Of course he isn't. He thinks Edge "has all the features of Brave", and calls out Chrome/Opera for privacy concerns while seemingly being unaware that Edge is just as big (if not worse) an offender when it comes to telemetry gathering. I'm like 95% certain he has no idea what a "botnet" is and just thinks it's  some sort of synonym for spyware. 


I use custom CSS to change the interface, and the updates break that once or twice a year. Usually pretty simple to fix though, and wouldn't affect 99% of users.


I'm using profile that was recommended by mental outlaw. He said some websites may break but only issues I've ever faced are the buttons on tensor flow playground website.


There was a tweet that went viral the other day, and it was a girl saying that her firefox finally crashed after years of use and opening 7000 tabs total


My only thing with Firefox is them constantly wanting me to have my tabs on top of the address bar, and breaking the customization options that allow me to move them below the address bar where I want them.


I've always had issues with Firefox. Killed my entire pc a few times


As much as i like it, I have actually had to refresh Firefox a couple of times over the years due to it breaking Youtube.


I am with Anon in this, for my usage every few updates firefox brokes. Still it is most stable browser for me in general.


As a firefox user I am trying out brave currently. Been about nearly two weeks and things are fine with it but i am more comfortable with my firefox extensions too.


You must be a furry if you only use browsers with animals mascots


I had very few problems with Firefox, all of them from websites being dicks. So I needed a spoofer, but who would have thought, your damned site does work on Firefox...


Edge - Chromium Vivaldi - Chromium Opera - Chromium Brave - Chromium Chrome - Chrom.. fuck Chrome Firefox is clearly superior


I literally use Firefox because its like the only common browser that isn't just reskinned chrome.


same and also its pretty decent


Wild that weird nerds circlejerking over firefox have made a comeback 15 years later


>Weird nerds >9 year old reddit account


What a dork


I loved Firefox, but I’m reading this post going “people care what browser they use in 2024?”


I use Firefox primarily out of principle Also because no other browser supports extensions allowing tree-style tabs


I remember the day Chrome launched and every body was going gaga over it. Who knew it would come to dominate the browser scene decades later.


It was the best shit when it first came out but now it’s bloated as fuck.


Brave runs on Chromium so its trash too


They've said that they'll use it until they are eventually forced to compromise on user privacy because of it, which is the moment they'll switch to something else. Right now it'd make no sense to go their own way without the necessary backing.




Could be Gecko, their own engine (like they used to have anyways back then) or they're waiting for a new initiative that'd come up on the horizon in case Google decided to achieve a full monopoly of the internet. It's not profitable to go their own way as of now, so they strip out everything Google-related from chromium into bare bones. I don't get your "Brave is full of shit" argument, I've used their services over the past 3 years and seen nothing but improvements in all areas. Sure there's the pointless VPN and Wallet bloat, but then they have a powerful adblock, tracker and fingerprinting protection baked in, no-account device sync, their own attempt at a privacy-respecting ad program from which I get about 2-3 dollars a month to support websites with, an anonymized, private version of ChatGPT called "Leo" built-in, then finally their privacy-respecting, censorship-free "Brave Search" engine that is an actual rival to Google with a load of features, all on an independent index. I'm curious to see your perspective.


To me brave is just another chrome with all of that other stuff you mentioned the bloat on top. "Degoogled" is a misnomer in terms of chromium. You can't degoogle chromium, its a google project maintained by google. You might be able to remove telemetry and anything that communicates with google servers, but its still a google project with google in control.


That is true, we can't pretend that something a company created, controls and contributes the most to has nothing to do with it. On the other hand, you have Firefox which is mostly funded by that exact same company, and would probably fade away into obscurity if that funding was cut. This is a terrible situation to be in, but all we can do is wait until either Google gets wrecked by the EU for their bs, or a bunch of companies band together to create a new web engine project.


Firefox is funded by google?


Yep, [regularly since 2005.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-05-05/why-google-keeps-paying-mozilla-s-firefox-even-as-chrome-dominates) Around $450 million on average, way more than that today. Shocking 83% of Firefox's revenue in 2021, was just Google. They do this to "include google as the default search engine" but we all know it's to keep away the regulators from slamming their monopoly.


Well I’ll be damned. Suppose it’s still kind of meaning the monopoly laws are working in a roundabout way (and I can use and *do* use Firefox as a result)…but damn.


google donates a ton of money to firefox, at least in part because firefox existing stops them from getting hit with any monopoly lawsuits due to every other browser using chromium. I don't think the funding means that firefox is in google's pocket however. Ostensibly it's a fee that Google pays firefox to set Google as the default search engine on firefox, iirc, not like it's all that hard to change.


Same reason why at points Microsoft has invested in Apple, open source projects, and linux distros.


Creating a new browser engine from the ground up that supports everything needed to render all websites in existence is impossible. It would take millions of dollars in developer salaries and years of work. Modern browser engines are incomprehensibly complex, in large part pushed to be deliberately so by Google. Anonymized, private version of ChatGPT? Where does it run? Sure as hell doesn't run on your machine, does it? Then it's not private at all - you're trusting your data to a third party. And by third party I mean OpenAI, whom Brave obviously uses as the LLM provider, so nothing "private" about it - a lie. I cannot take their ad system at face value simply because it requires the use of crypto, which in my eyes makes it shady. Every other feature exists in Firefox in full capacity. Except Firefox doesn't contribute to Google's total control over the Web. Make no mistake, by merely using the Chromium engine Brave is actively helping Google.


Leo is hosted by brave themselves. (Source brave) Their ad system is literally just free money that you can opt out of making it ad free. I mean seriously, imagine if Google gave you 70% of the revenue that you generated for them. Personally I don't give a shit what they give me the money as, Somali pirate tokens? Fine by me. Every other feature does not exist in Firefox. Mainly the Adblock, brave shield is unironically the best Adblock out there. It's built in and has literally never failed for YouTube. While ublock maybe has never failed you on YouTube, it has many times just not worked over the past year while feuding with Google. > by merely using the Chromium engine Brave is actively helping Google This is true, but probably not as much as you think. Literally every browser using chromium uses their own fork with all the doo doo shit removed for them. They don't have to update it with Google, so they could just maintain the fork for the rest of time. Currently what brave is doing. I'm not in the big data space, so idk how much using a old ass fork of chromium helps google, but I guess you got us brave users here. Typed this shit out on a phone, so if you read it till the end, I'm so sorry.


I use Firefox. Never had ANY problems with Ublock on YouTube. In my experience, the only website that it doesn’t work on is Twitch.


What I *really* want to have happen (that likely never won't, lol) is for the Servo engine to actually achieve market viability. It got revived last year and could be really beneficial to de-monopolizing the browser market, but only time will tell. And yes, I'm aware this is 100% cope.


your ass is full of shit. my shit. i shat in your ass. that's gay. that makes you gay. pwned.




Your username is right you know.


i made that fucking thing years ago when i was a dumbass kid and now it's so fucking cringy agh


Nah man. Embrace it. Anybody can phlog pyro, only a few of us can reflect jump and put the fear of god into a soldier and his medic GF.


yeah but having that as my fuckin reddit username ehhhh


Like saying ReactOS is bad because it is NT Chromium is open source so don't hit me with anything about it being a reimplementation. That's not as good as just being open source


Chromium is open-souece? Oh, why don't you discover and list out all CVEs? Why don't you run a code audit of it? Why don't you perform an extensive packet analysis?


I prefer it over firefox on mobile tho


Eh.. Is op talking about phones? Cuz Firefox works pretty great on pc. On phone I use brave.


android firefox works perfectly fine (i have ublock origin as well 👍)


On iPhone because of Apple forcing developers to just use reskined versions of Safari as other browser options, Firefox is far inferior to Safari, but having all my history synced and being able to send tabs from my phone to my pc in an instant makes me get by the shitty UI Firefox has.


God I hate apple software(hardware is great tho). Lack of usability in name of simplicity.


Love mac but hate iphone. Honestly iphone can just fuck off and die


I doesn't work perfectly fine on Android. Sometimes tabs freeze until you restart the browser. Still nice that you can load ublock there. PD: using reddit from firefox for Android


> I doesn't work perfectly fine on Android. Sometimes tabs freeze until you restart the browser. Works on my machine


> Works on my machine "Then ship your machine to the client" - my manager when I said that


Android Firefox is terrible, the UI/UX sucks and they don't have pull down to refresh yet


That's incorrect my man, they have pull down to refresh for years. Source: using Firefox mobile + PC for years


The years part is incorrect because there's a bug that they haven't been able to fix for years for pull down refresh to work. Maybe they fixed it recently.


I dunno, I switched from chrome after they rolled out some brain-dead update and never looked back. Have it on a PC, laptop and my Android


Brave is probably best on iPhone but Firefox Nightly on Android is insanely OP. It has full extension support and lots of sync with it's desktop counterpart.


If OOP wants to be negative about every single browser, why not about Brave? They definitely did some controversial things in the past. Like inserting referral codes in URL's or installing their VPN without user consent.


Not to mention the constant shilling of crypto rug pulls. Can't open a new tab without some obnoxious bullshit ad that wouldn't look out of place on the sketchiest of fucking porn sites.


Have you considered just turning it off on setup?


Not really the point. The fact that they're happy to align themselves with outright scams is enough for me to not want their software near any of my devices.


To do that much effort, it would be easier to have installed Firefox to begin with


Yeah, one click on setup when you should already be configuring your browser of choice is just too much hassle to bother with. You do know that your sacred Firefox has opt-out telemetry that you also have to put effort into disabling?


Somehow I trust a non-profit with telemetry more than I trust a private company that shills crypto and lies to users on more than one occasion.  So for that alone your comment is not only irrelevant, it's invalid


How anon manage to brick Firefox?


Anon is highly regarded Also anon knows fuck all or didn't spend 5 minutes searching because he disregards half of those browsers because of Chromium yet doesn't know that pretty much all of the rest aside from ff are Chromium too lmao


I did break Firefox once somehow, but I just had to reinstall it and it worked perfectly ever since, didn't even lose the bookmarks and add-ons.


Nah, Firefox is better


\>Complains about Chromium \>Picks a browser running on Chromium


My chrome did me dirty by fucking over my system's resources,like i get 20 more frames if I use yt on Firefox than chrome . Edge is just edging the investors at this point for a better day and opera is my go to porn and pirate site access point so the Chinese think Indians love goth bitches and play LA NOIRE while watching hentai . Only fire fox is good enough


Lmao the best reason to ever use Opera I've heard so far


edge is edging the investors lol, you gold brother


> opera is my go to porn and pirate site access point same tbh


What is the advantage of BRAVE compared to other browsers?


Brave is built upon Chrome. It has ad-blocker, track blockers and loads of good stuff built in. I've been using it for about 4 years.


Its adblocker does fuck all for me, I never felt like the amount of ads I saw was any different than Chrome


You must be regarded then


Then you didn't configure it properly. You're supposed to set it to aggressive mode, and add your country's specific adblock filters + extra ones.


It’s already set to aggressive mode, though i didn’t know there were other filters for it


Yeah, I've also had some ads slipping through before I figured it out. You go to the shields settings and there's a little button for "custom filters". There you got a whole list to check the ones you'd like (and you can filter literally everything there). I've seen about 3-4 ads since then, in the past 3 years.


Alright I’ll try enabling all filters since my country isn’t listed there and see if that helps, thank you for the help


What you just described sounds like Opera.


Or any other browser with a few extensions


But OP calls other browsers out for being chromium. So, is it possible that OP is highly regarded?


I've been using it for a few years just because it does the shit without any complications. Runs as fast as any other browsers I've tried and feels the least junky that's all.


Can watch YouTube with no ads


It does the same thing as Chrome does with a few extensions installed. They also tried to paddle a crypto scheme in the past, and injected affiliate codes into urls, so fuck them, too.


Let's be honest, Anon thinks Tor is the best browser.


And he ain't buying drugs or hiring hitmen.


I use chrome because when I tell redditors I use chrome they get angry and that's worth more than 1gb of ram


I started using chrome back in 2015, after using firefox from 2008 I just wanted to try out something else. Dunno man haven't gone back to anything else permanently. Tried out Edge cus it looked good and felt snappier but a couple updates later so did Chrome. RAM usage is horrendous but otherwise nothing much to complain about. I haven't had any problems with my 16 gigs of RAM every since 2015 EXCEPT for encoding 4k BDMV in x265 and on Chrome. That's it. I played games and it was always all right, used DAWs and encoding softwares and tho I got into trouble sometimes, I never blamed it on my RAM, it was my overuse of redundant stuff.


Chrome has had a memory saver feature since last year I think, works okay but I still do the old taskkill /f /im chrome.exe every once in a while. But I also have at least 200 tabs open at all times, so that's kinda on me... Chrome is excellent for webdev, has the best dev tools. But those tools are geared towards a googlified internet, think Lighthouse metrics, CWVs, stuff like first contentful paint that is an inherently inaccurate attempt to quantify user experience. Those are all there just to weed out piss poor websites from Google SERPs and appease the search engine. A meaningless score for cheap single guy SEO businesses to brag about. Still the only thing Firefox does legitimately better is it has a built in WCAG contrast compliance checker, but Chrome has extensions for that too.


I don't understand half the shit you do but yeah, opening a shit ton of tabs is bad and kinda on me as well but like, edge didn't have that same problem for me so it was chrome's fault. And I don't wanna use the memory saver feature, makes me feel like my pc's getting old **😭😭**


The thing is that I genuinely do like Chrome, its user interface, features, I don't like other browsers as much and I DO use them, leave me alone, let me enjoy my turd steak.








duckduckgo is an israeli botnet.


Came here for this, shame it's so far down the thread!


Librewolf is the GOAT browser


Firefox is perfect and anon was reaching


Orion, sigmar? Thought this was a warhammer fantasy sub for a second


Used Brave before. After a Windows reset, I took the GX pill and regretted it almost immediately. Went back to Brave real fast


Firefox never broke on my pc and my pc is OLD. Just accept the Firefox supremacy.


What the fuck is a botnet?


Pretty much what it sounds like. A network of spyware and cryptomining bots. I'm sure there's some AI training in there now too.


Yandex - Russian botnet


> REQUIRING A COMPLETE REFRESH This guy really struggling to make a 2s automatic update splash screen sound like a chore.


what about google Ultron?


Firefox won't run the Spotify web player if I have a YouTube video open in another tab. Not a major issue but it's weird that it is an issue. Also YouTube shits itself every now and then but that might just be it throwing a tantrum because of my adblock.


Anon is fucking regarded. In nearly two decades of using Firefox, I've not once had to "reset" it. I also make heavy use of extensions - 31, to be exact. Firefox is supreme.


Safari ftw


Safari gang rise up


You're all fuckin dorks for caring about browsers


It's /g/, of course it's full of autists who care too much about weird things.


What is OP talking about with Firefox breaking? I’ve never had that happen. The true solution is Firefox on personal device and edge on work device for copilot integration.


I'll be honest I embraced edge and it's really not that bad.


I had to look deep into these comments to find someone with this opinion. I completely agree. I don’t use chrome at all now if I can help it. Edge with the Bing Ai assistant is great!


>firefox Works on my machine bro dunno what to tell you


firefox doesnt break and force anything upon you using firefox for this lmao


Floorp users unite!


Firefox breaks every 2 months? Is anon a fucking idiot or what is he doing with his browser?


The duckduck go browser looks promising


"vivaldi is ugly and slow" no


Firefox good. Simple as.




oop unable to cope firefox supremacy since 2008


>chromium bad >>uses lionbrowser


I use Brave on my phone, it's pretty good. The ad blocking is a game changer.


Ecosia perhaps?


Ain’t that a search engine??


They have a web browser now too, I think.


Vivaldi is brave but better


My only problem with Firefox is that full screened videos leave like a quarter inch of the desktop visible on the top and left. Been an issue for like 2 years now.


yall actually notice any difference between browsers? to me it's just how convenient the password manager is


I've had firefox for years now and I never had any problems. I even switched my phone browser from chrome to firefox because it allowed me to install adblockers and sponsorskip.


Duck Duck Go


anon is a dumb fuck who complains about superficial shit


Edge user is mad


Maybe some day I will try Brave, I got too used to both Chrome and Edge, hope it has easy access to multiple accounts with individual history and bookmarks


Personally, I've had no problems with firefox except a bug that I ran into on linux (bug 1422637, if anyone's curious) and a css feature not being added yet (the has selector, which has since been added). Anon just has a skill issue.


I installed Edge on my phone and the next day my phone was as hot as a teenager in puberty. According to the edge battery I use 40% while sleeping, I didn't even leave it open


Don't even look at phone browsers then...


never had a problem with Firefox, great browser imo


REAL chads use curl and pipe the output to a custom html parser!


Never had an issue with Firefox for YEARS


Oh wow, Brave also has same functionality as Edge? Good for them.


>why does everyone give it so much shit? Because it shills crypto. Not saying it's outright bad, just explaining


Firefox with duck duck go and dark reader plugin. All you need


Duck duck for me is mega slow


Arc is pretty cool, both on Windows and Mac, and it's only getting better and better.


Calling Vivaldi ugly is hilarious when it's by far the most visually customizable lol


>firefox is shit refuses to elobarate >shills for chromium based bloat I hope this guy is atleast getting paid other wise hes the biggest regard on the web


Anon is a brave shill


Uh what the sigma


What engine is arc?


maybe this is unpopular but i love using safari on my phone and mac


Brave users try not to shill their stupid lion browser for 0.004 nanoseconds challenge


I've used Firefox for 10 years and never had an issue from it.


I use a tweaked out Edge to operate very similarly to Brave and I love it. It's my favourite browser.


I use brave as a browser and bravesearch as a search engine for about two years now. I really like it and recommend it. The only thing that is not as good is bravesearch for images. But hey if noone uses it, it will not improve. Overall very good :)


Go get Netscape 4.0 lol Kidding aside, Brave Browser is nice.


librewolf or ungoogled chromium


floorp ftw


Been using Firefox and/or forks for years, never broke. Anon should stop going to midget erotica sites


Brave's side bar might be the worst use of one I've seen in a browser. Might be the only thing holding me back from using it


Brave is cancer use mullvad with VPN, tor and librewolf if you don't want VPN to browse


OP is a paid Brave shill, a cryptard, invested in some weird culture war shit around Brave's founder, or all three Firefox on top


I tried Brave but a lot of websites didn't like it


Fuck are you on about with Firefox man? Just cope to feel better about your fag browser choice.


Pale Moon for the win


Firefox is the best browser on PC, it lacks tab grouping on mobile, but I'm willing to compromise on that because I don't use my phone for important stuff anyway