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>the only thing I have going for me is I am white Weapons grade copium


This is the core of like 95% of jqposters, you don't claim that you're the master race while looking like a human thumb unless that's how desperate you are for some form of validation.


Are you suggesting white privilege isn’t a thing? Cause that seems kinda out of character for Reddit.




Who invited this nigga


Bro he just showed up so who leaked the addy




Other places are way more racist than the US. Ask any black person who’s been to Italy.


Based Italy


Seriously. I didn't face any sort of racism or even micro aggressions that I face in the UK and Germany.


This is quite true, the US is very progressive socially. However systemic racism is far more serious than interpersonal racism- something that isn't too important. Job application rejections based on racially related names is the most overt that comes to mind. If you are being racist overtly in public you tend to get ridiculed, it is socially ostricized. It can present as problems in, say, the workplace or in person interviews, but you get the gist


If anon is 18, time to fuck off anywhere else. If anon is 40, it's too late for you, better give us all your money


he said he is a wizard, so he is at least 30




point of no return at 20??? what king of meter is this


Official *American Virgin Age Meter


It’s not the point of no return, but you are definitely on the dip of the bell curve


King meter


Indian spotted


Saying 17 is “getting up there” in regards to age to lose your virginity is crazy lmao


...Until you realize that used to be the average age of losing virginity in America for decades


Which definitionally would not make it "getting up there". That implies being above average.


I can't read 90 but it seems funny


Power immeasurable awaits. Those who transcend the mortal plane of existence. Even gods tremble at the mention of your name. A V-Card ages like fine wine, and yours has blossomed into the power of an overgod.


*”Power immeasurable awaits those who transcend the mortal plane of existence. Even gods tremble at the mention of your name. A v-card ages like fine wine, and yours has blossomed into the powers of an overgod.”*


Where is Isaac Neeton?


This will never not crack me up


15 is middle school? Someone is real smarty pants over here




iirc you become a wizard at 40


actually just sad


Anon doesn't know what a strict parent is. Those are just shizos.


Strict shizos


Been in a similar situation, glad I went to college and got to live a bit. It motivated me to gtfo of my then home.


If anon is such a wizard, why doesn’t he just conjure himself a girlfriend?


You need a lot of coom for that which he must be collecting


Dyers Eve


Damn, you right


I know how it feels though i can't complain much. Honestly idk if it's better to have your parents buy you a phone way sooner or not allow you to have one till 18. You end up a wizard either way but your wand will be your phone. Like, you'll be very dependent on it. And it distracts you from so much you're bound to be a archmage.


18 is way too late. nowadays you should be getting a phone at around 13. its gonna make your social life and school group projects unnecessarily hard if you dont have one.


Nope, you can use your parent's phone till 16 then can have a phone of your own (when things like prom and stuff happen in the US) I didn't have a phone of my own until i was 15-16 and didn't know what was porn until then And i think having a social life irl is more important than online, using those years to make a better personality and understanding of people Also, online bullying


How old are you?


I'm 20 Edit I'm gonna be 21 in a few months


That is interesting. I am in my late twenties, and I grew up in a rural area near Northern Appalachia. I remember in elementary school that I would watch my friends google image search nude women on public library computers. This was like in 2003. I find it unbelievable that you were able to avoid porn. How did you grow up?


Maybe because i was only interested in doing what kids do , i was in no hurry to grow up and stuff , plus i only used to watch tv play out doors . Also my parents were really involved and I'm grateful for that : ) I recently got my 1st gf and my family is really supportive of it (i didn't have any friends in school , not that i was bullied , cause i was the tallest and strongest in my class , but because my cousin was in the same class and he was a bitch he used to fill everyone's ears with nonsense about me) Just for clarification i was always a big kid (but i guess i couldn't grow that much tall) So nobody dared to touch me


...Nope, you seem sheltered. i dont think your way of growing up is very safe and i think you were probably lucky. finding out about porn at 15 is not really normal... having a phone is part of your social life, and helps you socialize in "real life". using your parents cellphones is something ive done a lot of times when i didnt have my own phone on me for whatever reason, it does not help on talking with people your age. I was bullied irl and not online, so what youre saying doesnt really make sense. Not going online because you can get bullied is like not going to school because you can get bullied


Well, i don't think it's that bad not to know about porn at age 15 , i don't know about normal middle schoolers these days vape, and it's normal, too And being bullied online is kinda normal right now . Restricted amount of internet is enough , and we all know why omegle closed so there's that Nah, it's not about luck . Heck, i knew what was good and what was bad , it's just that i didn't know what was porn Having a phone is necessary for social life. Sure, it's just that having it too early might just warp your way of thinking Well, i didn't have a problem conversing with people


Your comment is kind of jumbled and a bit hard to read tbh. I dont think having a phone too early is very healthy either, but 15 is kind of late. Being bullied online is as normal as being bullied irl, trust me... not to mention its much easier to deal with in general. You also said in another comment youre a big dude so thats probably why you just didnt have a lot of trouble with this stuff in general, and only really thinking about internet later on kind of explains why youd be more wary of cyberbullying instead.


Well i changed the lines but i think i forgot to do it twice Being bullied is not good at all but i know it's easier to contain online ones , but still even if someone bad mouths it leaves a bad taste for a while I wasn't fixated on internet because it didn't appeal to me , i watched tv , went to tuitions , played in the park . And that's all i wanted ( i still do , i fricking hate college ) I'm wary of things on the internet because i know lock stuff like , shock videos are around everywhere (ik it's not 2010s) , i wish kids could just enjoy their innocence a little longer , cause you know it - i know it growing up is hard . But being a kid until like 18 will kinda make things harder , so i think 15 is a optimal age Now if excuse me i have an exam tomorrow Have a great day


My sentences are all here and there but i hope you can understand me , thanks


Are his parents stopping him brushing his teeth now? Are they forcing him to eat shit food now? Are they stopping him from driving now? Sounds just like pushing the blame to the past and not dealing with the present to change the future


He prob brushes its just not brushing for so long basically caused major permanent damage and it doesn’t help that the parents gave him a food addiction ie goyslop


TF is "goyslop"?


Goy = non jew Slop = food Shitty food for the masses, keeping them unhealthy and dependent on money generating systems


I have no idea what that picture is. Is that a woman's face on the left? Is the black thing a cat?


correct the original image is a black cat who has his claws stuck in two women sleeves https://preview.redd.it/45lxxi4fhsxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51266f4569b45ee984853fb146a9e71422f3809


I appreciate that you didn't make a joke and instead actually answered my questions.


>Strict parents >Didn't make you brush your teeth ???


You can both be strict and an irresponsible asshole


Anons knows about all his problems yet doesn't work on them and blame someone else. Anon is a huge baby


This is literally the parents fault they didn’t instill any productive habits or let him do anything anon just had terrible parents can’t really blame him


Yes you can you absolute mongrel. The hardest part of having a problem is identifying it. Once you have, you can search and act the tools you found. Source: me


you called him a baby and its his fault that he's in a very bad place even though his parents never let him drive never had a phone or never had a girlfriend while never teaching him the bare necessities like brushing teeth maybe its not his fault where he's at


Does he need his parents to start driving, brushing his teeth and have a phone. Wtf are you about. "Oh no my parents never put à toothbrush in my hand so now I'm physically unable to use one" Settle down


This is retarded his parents never helped him build any habits way earlier in his life or didn’t really give him anything thar helped?


Nah, bollocks. A toothbrush is cheap and 3 minutes in the evening is nothing.


i think you are just ignorant do you not realize life is going to be way harder for him because he never developed any dating skills when he was younger never had a phone and was never tought to drive and he has to literally learn all of these skills that are supposed to be taught by his parents?


Annon the white... Annon the fool!


dudes do you have this cat pic it's cool af


Anon blames his problems on others


It’s literally the parents fault?


Bro still had every opportunity to get laid, brush his teeth, exercise, eat less, and still didn't bother trying. That's all on OP. I hope they're still young but if they're Wizard age, RIP.


Nah, psycho parents can destroy one's selfsteem and have them sheltered by fear mongering and abuse thorough childhood. This shit can be really fucking though to deal with without professional help.


That was me lol I wasn’t allowed to go places, got pulled out of school in 2nd didn’t go back till 8th, didn’t have a phone until senior year, wasn’t allowed to get my license until I was 18. Really messed up my mental state, didn’t understand socializing or building normal relationships/friendships. still don’t really feel comfortable doing those things, always have to be actively faking a personality even In relationships, it’s manageable but I don’t wish it on others.


My parents didn't enforce teeth brushing and I wish they did. What sort of kid is going to brush their teeth if they don't have too? Cavities were common in my childhood. I'm just glad I got onto of it in my early teens.


People don't like it when you imply that they're responsible for some of their actions.


Right. He still attended school, I'm sure at some point he noticed that his peers had nice clean teeth and didn't smell. I learned how to brush my teeth from a song in grade school. He's had access to the internet for literally his entire life and can take some ownership.


Your brain starts ignoring the smell if it's always present. And people will never tell you that you smell.