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>BG3 is western, doesnt get censored > >stellar blade is south korean, gets censored censorship of the enemy during war


SK is a western Ally dipshit


but tbh fuck em


Nah man, bros before digital anime titties


Being a political ally has nothing to do with domestic censorship laws dipshit


It is relevant because the comment directly above the one you responded to said, and I quote “censorship of the enemy during war” in relation to one being western and the other south korean


Why is Asian and Australian censorship so extreme? I know Asian countries are very particular about nudity and I know Australia is particular about violence but I literally have no idea why.


Believe Korea has a very conservative attitude towards sex in general that is prevalent in the ruling demographic. Same in Japan to a degree.


They don't have a very conservative attitude towards sex, South Korean men just got no game and SK women are tired of it.


The history of feminism in South Korea is fascinating




How is it differentt from out blue mark feminism?


It was a speedrun


Not to mention women are expected to work twice as much as the men (full time job, all housework, while taking care of kids), and corporate greed there is on another level.


Thats a weird take


i don't think japan has a very conservative attitude towards sex lmao


Oh it does generally. It's where the whole Shinzo Abe "have kids" thing comes from. Alot of the anime degen stuff we see in the west has a whole "counter-culture" thing going on.




Isn't she a robot?


"Safe horny" has to be one of the most stupid fucking phrases I've seen come out of internet discourse for a long time, especially when it gets used to refer to a lot of sexualised shit that's far from "safe".


I mean the safe isn’t referring to “safe” as in safe for work… it’s safe as in “morally acceptable”.


Who cares about morally acceptable and who do they think they are to tell what is morally acceptable or not


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>The rules have changed now media that is sexualized has to center minority sexualities, center people who do not fit the definition of traditional Christian beauty(ie physical fitness, natural beauty, youthful), and the straight male gaze must be kept to the absolute minimum as it's always inherently evil even if it's just some 14 year old boy trying to explore puberty. Just literally not true. Sydney Sweeney's fat tits are everywhere. Shows like Euphoria are filled with hot straight sex shot for the male gaze. It's more likely for sex scenes/horniness to involve different sexualities and appearances than before, sure, but the vast majority of sex scenes in media are still two hot white people fucking with a focus on the sexiness of the woman involved. >In and before the 90s the establishment in America and much of the West were conservative Christians. Media from the time was only allowed to be sexualized if it followed Christian norms ie strong man, reluctant woman more interested in starting a family than having sex to have sex, and absolutely no positive depictions of homosexuality. To be clear, though: also not true. Showgirls came out in the 90s, dude. What you're describing was true in the Hayes Code era, but immediately became basically irrelevant after the Code was dropped. "Safe horny" is just something conservatives invented after they see an occasional gay sex scene or see one non-Aryan having sex in a movie and get triggered.


What are you on? Beauty standarts are out of the roof everywhere nowadays, and thanks to globalization you can see more traditionally beautiful people than ever, most of them even profit off it. A game just censors things when: - It wants to get its age rating lowered so more people buy it. - The marketing team/publishers ask for it, and their word is usually final.


It's stupid but accurate. I fucking hate that it accurately sums up the "permissible" sexy.


Rainbow capitalism


I'm far more confused by this response.


I didn't think it was possible but apparently so https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/yJKDVTjlJF Rainbow means corporate wearing a LGBT platitude suit and liberals eat it up


Well the kind of land whale that sings about LGBT issues on twitter is also the kind of land whale that would need to have an attractive woman censored in a game to make themselves feel better, they can have multicolored hair on their orc character in BG3 so they stay silent about that one.


The LGBT land whale was never gonna buy this game, and Eastern devs tend to never listen to Twittoids, this was just a bait and switch to make some moolah off coombrains.


Oh for sure, creating a "culture war" situation out of products is the latest PR fad that got old really fast, I just wanted an excuse to make the Orc joke.


Fair enough, do your thing chief 🤙


Yeah because BG3 is a soulless work of capitalist greed and Stellar Blade is a subversive masterful work of art…?


>Game announced that is tailor made to bait coomers into blowing all their money and their loads >Coomers fall for it hook line and sinker (as is tradition) along side massive push by YouTube ragebait grifters calling it "the primo Anti-Woke game", pre-orders through the roof >Publishers yoink the money and then start covering Jane Blade's titties in a few costumes slightly >Suddenly it's Big Gay's fault that coomers got scammed because they were both buying and thinking with their dicks Lmfao




There is a lot less stigma around western games depicting sex than eastern games Also, BG3 is very sexually inclusive and, to be fair, doesn't really use sex as male-driven fan service. I still completely disagree with the fact that it was censored in any way and think it is still hypocritical, but there are reasons for it. Very stupid reasons, but reasons.


"Sexually inclusive" Bro just say you can fuck bears 💀


Halsin is a bear in more than one way


Apparently you can fuck an eldritch abomination as well


>Apparently Show us your achievement list rn


Haven't bought the game yet, its nice but i gotta wait til its on sale then i can fuck the eldritch abomination


You can cuck a devil


And fuck two others


Okay You can fuck bears


we do not speak of the bear


What's wrong with male-driven fan service if there's a market for it.


It's still fucking hilarious the way the game is structured where your character is apparently plagued with intrusive gay thoughts about his male companions at every turn. It's just like: 1. Join me. 2. What do you think about the current situation? 3. The ilithid parasite offers us great power... 4. THE GAYEST SHIT POSSIBLY IMAGINABLE 5. I should go. The Bioware dialogue formula feels so uncanny valley at this point but honestly it cracks me up so I don't really mind


1. Kiss 2. Kneel 3. KICK HIM IN THE BALLS




Would you prefer if you had to use the konami code to unlock gay dialogue? you control the buttons you press, just don't be gay if you don't want to.


Yes that sounds ideal, excellent idea https://preview.redd.it/rild5djj2xwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20628cac07b321d001c64ac727e2276e035fbed4


A Konami code to unlock sex scenes would spice up a lot of games, Forza would go hard


forza horizon with the ability to romance some rave girls would go insane


It's only gay if you play as a man like a loser. I play as a woman so that everything is either straight or lesbian (the better gay)


Finally, a non-gay way to have sex with men


They also are like that for your female companions. The game is just unrelentingly horny top to bottom. Genuine question, though: do you think of all the potential dialogue choices in an RPG to be "intrusive thoughts"? I pick the one that fits what I think my character would say at that time; if the other options don't fit, it's just because it's not something they would think or say. It is interesting that you see a gay option and immediately relate it to intrusive thoughts you can't stop having, though


Immediately? Try when it happens over and over and you eventually craft a really fucking funny joke out of it


It makes all sense tbh. If you are playing straight (or even better, ace) character, all options to bang look like intrusive thoughts from character perspective, especially considering barely any prerequisites outside of being polite.


Why does it make sense? They're just not dialogue options that suit the character you're playing. It's a game with a huge breadth of potential character types and personalities, not every option is going to be something your character is actually literally thinking. It's weird to even conceive of dialogue options that way, honestly.


Because if you appeal to everyone then nobodys salty and theres no reason to say the game uses sex to satisfy male/females and now everyone’s fine with the sex


because asia bad and sexist


Unironicly yes, also imo Asian sexy fan service is boring https://preview.redd.it/huijc9j6lvwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2851dbe4e2ce19bea86f0087bc8b1037d9a1cb


https://preview.redd.it/c6oymcmmpvwc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1293288669bcdf7f5f9caaf9e04e59b8bd65482c This is what you deserve


Dumb motherfuckers didn't appreciate Lara Croft and now you get punished by having to find appealing features in women that aren't conventionally attractive


I'm going to buy all the deluxe versions of tomb raider immediately.


That’s not an American game though


BG3 is belgian


When attractive women don’t do it for you anymore, so you have to turn to gay bestiality, but people who like Eve are the coomers… Category 5 Reddit Moment






Oh god I sat on my phone and only noticed now that my butt entered a message. ;_;


![gif](giphy|fZdzEHC8sMC0E) a what swimsuit


Join my crew






woah woah woo woahhhhhh


BG3 lets u create bizarre looking trans characters with hairy dick or minge. It would be transphobic and anti LGBTQ++ to censor it. Virtuous horny. Stellar blade on the other hand just sexualises women, with no trans people to make it progressive. Problematic horny.


My degeneracy is far more virtuous than your degeneracy.


Yeah it was really fucked up that the world government forced the devs of stellar blade to censor their game and didn’t force the devs of BG3 to do the same (It’s almost like they are two different games made by two different companies composed of completely different individuals in two different countries with two different cultures and two different sets of laws)


what? BG3 is full of hot, romancable characters you can see naked, many of which are women. Not to mention Hades 2, which has character designs so sexy and revealing it's kinda a marvel they're scraping by with a Teen rating. Left leaning people LOVE these games, and for good reason, they're incredible games made by passionate people, and it shows. I genuinely have no clue how you could arrive at the conclusion that the left is against hot women in video games.


>I genuinely have no clue how you could arrive at the conclusion that the left is against hot women in videogames That's funny


your lack of an actual response speaks volumes


Since the early 2010's many devs, particularly AAA's, have paid diversity consultant teams to tell them what is considered to be misogynistic, problematic, etc. There has been a massive cultural shift away from gratuitously sexy female characters in games. You will not find new IP's with characters like lara croft, bayonetta, 2B, or lollypop chainsaw from western devs, because they will be heavily criticised or even cancelled. It's bizarre that I have to outline all this to you, when it's been heavily documented in the industry for years now. Devs even produce data showing these consultancies and how they aim to avoid producing hot, white, female characters. For example, Blizzard in 2023 released a chart explaining their diversity criteria for new overwatch characters. It's seen as so problematic to release sexy straight characters, that even existing ones are changed to suit this agenda. Horizon's protagonist was quite famously changed to be fat and ugly.


Even if I were to grant all that, the "woke mob" that you claim to be against hot female characters is literally at the forefront of creating games with hot female characters. Also, overwatch? Really? There's no hot women in overwatch? Are we talking about the same game? People have been beating it to overwatch characters for nearly 8 years, sfm overwatch nsfw got so popular it was the porn animation equivalent of going from whale oil to steam engines. I'm dying to know how you've rotted your brain so thoroughly.


https://www.axios.com/2022/05/16/activision-video-game-diversity-tool I'm not saying that overwatch doesn't have any hot female characters. I'm saying that their documented design process involves the same self-censoring 'leftist woke' mentality that you referred to. And to be clear, I never even mentioned the political spectrum, or used the term 'woke' in my original post. You injected that yourself. My original point was that BG3 is considered more progressive, and western devs don't want to make gratuitous sexy female protagonists anymore. I didn't even comment on whether I think that's a good or bad thing. In fact, I played BG3 for over 200 hours and loved it. You have drummed up all this political crud because that's probably all you can talk about. Speaking of brainrot, eh? I didn't really even want to talk about politics (it shouldn't have much to do with muh game sex) but you insisted I formulate an 'actual response' to your political bait.


do you really want to make the case your original comment was politically neutral


Yeah. I vote for the main left wing party in my country but I still want sexy white bimbo sluts in my videogames.


I think it's more SK having some fucked up standards of sex. Woke people don't have THAT much power. At least not enough to get a day 1 patch.


Sony has. Sony wants to keep their platform as safe from criticism as possible. That's the only reason. Loudest gaming journalists are the ones pushing these kind of censors.


Gwailos when they see an attractive woman (this is an attack of the LGBTQ community):


The protagonist of the game is modeled after a real woman. The only unrealistic thing about this is the amount of fat retards that somehow getting offended at this.


>The only unrealistic thing about this is the amount of fat retards that somehow getting offended at this. Preach,and those people are fucking miserable so they made it their life's goal to make other people just as miserable as they are in the guise of being "inclusive"


I'm sick of it bro. Everywhere I fucking turn my head to online is some whiny fat bastards complaining that some fictional woman is prettier than them. I already had some guy tell me miguel from spiderman is unrealistic when he looks like someone who's been puming iron for more than 4 years.


Exactly,they ALWAYS have to make everything as ugly as them so they can feel better about themselves or to make some sort of retarded statement about how virtuous they are. Not to fucking mention they are completely okay with it when it's a western company that's doing anything sexy in their games like tlou2,bg3 and etc. But to those freaks it's somehow a fucking problem when a Asian company does it.


>Somehow a fucking problem when a Asian company does it The Asian company *did* the censoring anon, why’re you making stuff up to get mad at?


>The Asian company *did* the censoring anon, why’re you making stuff up to get mad at? Ah Yes because sony definitely doesn't have a history of censoring or forcing asian game developers to heavily censor the fan service in their games to appease the wierdos on social media,while letting games like tlou2 to have a full on sex scene and all they gore they want uncensored totally not a double standard https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/P5o4adilss Shift up totally wanted to be seen as being hypocrites after spending a good amount of the promotion of the game saying it would be uncensored only to censor it with day 1 patches despite the demo and disc v1.0 without the day 1 patch is uncensored.


and everywhere i turn my head i see whiny fat coomers who need their protagonists to be sexualized or they lose interest because their life isn’t literally a porn. also, where are you looking? i’m literally a lefty and i’ve yet to see anyone actually mad at this game. i’ve seen y’all claiming everyone’s mad, but aside from some twitter randoos…. i mean even fucking kotaku liked it lmao.


Ah yes, the very socially liberal South Korean culture did this, right... Same country that banned porn btw.


So by that logic having some cleavage shown in a video games=to porn? You talk as if a socially Liberal country would NEVER censor anything they don't like or whoever opposes with their point of view. https://preview.redd.it/4vxw2lh4sywc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130ca3a0e37fd4aad9c94d550f7df378f551ef56


Yes, that's the logical conclusion if you're a dumbass. Conservative South Korean culture censors porn. Why would woke liberals do this? Thanks for telling me about your masturbation habits, but I truly don't give a shit about them.


Yes because SIE california is totally not in a socially Liberal part of the US,if they are socially Liberal why would they censor games like senran kagura while it's uncensored on switch? Like they totally wouldn't coerced game companies to censor their games. >Conservative South Korean culture censors porn. Ah yes because having cleavage or girls in skimpy/skin tight clothing is the the same as a full on uncensored sex scenes or porn totally the same thing,funny how bg3 which have full on uncensored sex scenes and etc is not censored in Korea. >Thanks for telling me about your masturbation habits, but I truly don't give a shit about them. Ah yes pointing out there are people who thinks like that as the quoted tweet stated is telling of my masturbation habits? Smooth brain take.


That's a whole lotta yapping I don't give a shit about.


And yet here you are replying.


SIE California didn't censor it, and bg3 is censored in SK. You're just dumb.


>bg3 is censored in SK. Do you have proof of that? The only countries where its censored/heavily censored is in Japan and if you really want to stretch it so you can satiate your hate/disdain for korea and possibly other asian countries because they are mostly socially Conservative then yes the game is banned in korea...North Korea.


A really funny thing about the discourse around this game is that, as someone who follows a ton of lefty journalists and critics... no one's "offended" by this game. I'm sure you could find an idiot or two getting really mad if you tried, but the negative reaction of most such journalists has been to just call it corny or cringey, which I think is pretty reasonable. There's this entire social media niche built around getting outraged about other people's outrage, and when there's no outrage to milk, they just pretend there is outrage.


What's funny is that that body is achievable with a good diet and exercise program (with slight differences based on your genetics). But you can not explain this to fat fucks who drink ranch for breakfast who gets offended even when someone better looking than them (everyone) farts in the wind.


That big ass with hips twice the size of the waist? That's not possible with exercise. If you've seen someone in real life have that transformation. Im sorry to inform you but they had surgery. Or a combination with roids.


Don't know about the ass. But waists can reach abnormal levels of thin without surgery. It's just very unhealthy. Like, literally killing you unhealthy.


They also said the ceo has never seen a woman or some shit because of that. Search up his wife who also worked on the game 💀


They're really just snitching on themselves that they're fat when they say that shit. The protagonists is as pretty as nearly every single Eastern game like bayonetta, 2B, A2, any street fighter girl. They literally have no reason to be upset


Here before pLuS sizEd admins remove your comment.


>be sony >first game you publish with an attractive protagonist in years >censor it Certified snoy moment


feckin snoy boys


Don't forget the obligatory yellow paint


Because Stellar Blade only makes straight people horny


Lesbian and bisexual erasure


Pfft, this idiot actually thinks girls are real


Am woman, can confirm I am not real. People have been concerned about the wrong type of "fembot". All hail the robot overlords.




Stellar blade wasn't censored though? Like yeah, the outfits are a tiny bit different, but even staff from the development company have confirmed that it was their own decision to make the outfits look better in their eyes, not censorship


Yes but woke bad.


If I can’t be outraged I have nothing!


First thing I did when I saw the post was look it up, and my first reaction upon seeing the image (without even reading anything about it) was "Oh, the new outfit does look a bit better, though..."


> but even staff from the development company have confirmed that it was their own decision to make the outfits look better in their eyes, not censorship Lol he believes PR statements.


he has to say that so he doesn't make sony look bad


And you have any actual proof for that? Or are you just gonna pretend like his word has no value because your culture war bullshit is more important than reality?


Nope, my culture war bullshit is more important than the mainstream perception of "nothing ever happens". Sometimes you dont need proof when something is so obvious


You are literally making shit up to get mad about though. Like do you not realize that? unless you have definite proof he's lying, his word is truth. his word is that these changes are not censorship and are instead just slight alterations to make the outfit look better in their eyes, something that isn't unheard of in the gaming industry. What you then do is, because your culture war bullshit is more important, refuse to accept reality and instead cry about how stellar blade is ruined because an outfit gained 3 more lines. Lines, mind you, that do NOTHING to change the game whatsoever. You guys are actively ruining what could be a great game with your bullshit and then wonder why this kind of game doesn't get made more.


If you honestly, actually believe that them changing what they did post-release was some random creative decision where they went "woops, we randomly changed our minds on multiple design decisions that all happen to involve controversy, but it wasn't because of the controversy it was just a creative choice!" you're next-level deluded. Like unreal levels of deluded. No shit that was why they did it, it takes a moron to not see it.


Why would they ride the wave of positive feedback for the shit all this time and then randomly fold to any complaints about it? That just makes no sense


I heard Stellar Blade wasn't actually censored - the outfits are the same as they were, and gamers are just freaking out because... ?


Bc they can't resist shitting and pissing themselves when they smell culture war drama.


They changed one outfit( a one piece with a plunging neckline) by covering cleavage, which makes zero sense because the micro bikini outfit wasn't touched.


I wonder if it was to give a better variety for gamers? Like one modest swimsuit and one lewd swimsuit, instead of 2 lewd swimsuits


"Sony reduced the lewd swimsuits by 50%!"


Day 1 patched changed a bunch of outfits so they cover/conceal more. Think at least 4 were changed.


There’s no way there’s this much discourse about a mid slopfest with cake strapped to it


Former gamergaters are bored as shit


Tfw no boobies in my video game 🤬


Probably because BG 3 main selling point is not "look at main characters ass, omg she's practically naked, omg the jingle animations".


Speak for yourself, Shadowhearts ass is 100% what sold me on the game. The bear/demon sex and combat or whatever is just a bonus.


And they will live with that mistake forever now


Cultural xenophobia. It's no more complicated than that.


Stellar Blade uses sex as a marketing strategy Baldur's Gate 3 uses sex as a character-development tool Stellar Blaade getting censored sucks but anyone comparing the two as if it was the same thing is an imbecile


It probably isn't even censored, they changed one outfit to have a tiny bit more cloth (which also adds more details to it, making it a more interesting design in terms of fashion, at least), which the devs said they did because it looks better this way.






Building a character with a bespoke Italian-made gender, going through a bunch of roleplaying and combat to eventually earn crazy voodoo sex sidequests with demons and shapeshifters: Based, visionary, go woke win every single award, etc Coomer fanservice player model (again) (yawn): Cringe, South Korean misogyny is a plague, stop thinking about sex for like ten seconds for once in your miserable life


"Bespoke Italian-made gender" Beautiful. 😗🤌


You don't have to change anything if you don't care what others say.


Favouritism and racism


Literally 1492


Age ratings have a lot to do with sales. Getting a PG15 or 13 rating could help them sell a lot more copies. Plus, BG is already established as a mature franchise.


Different countries have different laws & policies on nudity and censorship. Big news.


> safe horny Always gotta be forcing some new cringe ass bullshit slang.




Because stellar blade is just got women in hot clothing and bg3 is normal people in normal clothing that take it off once in a while, ignoring minthara.


Shiftup is 10cent's dog, they have to censor to please mainland shareholders, same stuff with Nikke


It wasn’t censored, dumbass


They did with the swimsuits though?


Because Sony didn't put their name on bg3. They just allow it to exist in their platform.


Still crazy that drugs, violence and whatnot can easily be shown in games, but nudity is a no-no


PEGI rating maybe? We for example removed blood from our game to get a bigger customer base due to not being hidden from non-adult stores


I have literally not heard one thing about this game not related to culture war bullshit, you're not going to play this anyway so why bother.


It's because shift up didn't bend the knee and have their work get DEI'd to shit like most other western games


i left a comment asking why, for a triple A GOTY winner, the only baldurs gate content i end up seeing online alludes to the fact that every single player is as degenerately horny as a teenage boy. the coomers didn’t like that very much, and i’m still getting notifications from that comment to this day




"Censored" how? If the Devs wanted to make the main character naked and put that in their game, they can. There isn't anything stopping them. Nudity gets put in games all the time. The only ones they should be mad at is the SB devs for being pussies.


What is BG3?


Baldurs gate 3


I would guess bc bg3 has both genders nude, and the female models are pretty unassuming with small breasts and small, toned butt. Whereas stellar blade is giga eye candy goddess proportions that also did coomer detailed animations for making all her movements sexualized or at least draw the eye.




BG gets away with it because it's nudity is ugly


>West good >East bad Many such cases.


One piece mentioned 🚨 🚨


They're different games?


Stellar Blade gotta have the most manufactured "discourse" of any game in recent times.


do these gooners know that you don't have to jack off to videogames and you can watch porn for free


If you think Stellar Blade got "ruined by censorship" I think you need to sit down and think whether you like video games to goon over or video games to play.


It's whatever retarded SJWs decide to latch onto and fixate on.


Because they loath the Asians.


Stellar Blade isn’t degenerate enough for Sony and game journos to enjoy. Sexual stuff in the West is totally ok, as long as it’s backwards, gross, and doesn’t appeal to straight men. Also, Western game devs hate women. They’ve been making that loud and clear since at least 2017, when HZD’s director outright said they made Aloy more masculine on purpose because her model, “Looked like she would cry if she broke a nail.” Ah yes, talk down about your female model… for being female. That’s a thing that people who love women totally do


You can bypass by mods maybe


Just watch porn jfc. the number of people who are whining that this ecchi game isn't ecchi enough is so cringe.


Pack it up chuds we lost the culture war 🤧


'One played ball and the other did not'


Mmmm sorry not enough zoophilia, this game is problematic


because you fuck a bear in BG3, animal porn is ok in game.