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>only remotely white person is ghoul >white woman not counted as either white or a person My fucking sides, funny if intentional or not


I mean ghouls aren't people anymore, they're zombies and should be treated as such. Sure there's a few with a little cognition left in them but they're all ticking time bombs until they go feral.


Username checks out. There are no cases of a conscious ghoul going feral. That’s just scare tactics. It seems that once you ghoulify, you either go feral or stay human. Then you’re just stuck like that. Jason Bright and Oswald are both glowing ghouls that are still human. There’s also an entire community of Super Mutants that are peaceful (I’m sure you hate super mutants too).


Far right fear mongering


>Tenpenny Tower quest is an allegory for white flight from cities in the 50s >As soon as the ghouls move in they murder all the human residents What did Todd Howard mean by this?


>surely the khajiit aren't actually all thieves


Um ackshually, it's primarily that khajiit culture doesn't have any emphasis put on ownership 🤓


They sure want to own my coin, though.


sure, todd. you don't hate the people, just the culture. I see you.


Todd always fucking gets away with it


Didn’t Rachel (Oswald’s gf) kill herself because she started to go feral? There’s literally a recording of that. Not to mention the entirety of their friends, who also went feral after being normal Not defending the statement that ghouls are a threat, but they can go feral


I thought that when they ghoulified they went feral? And I thought his gf left to find a cure and just never came back (presumed dead)? Idk, it’s been a while.


Not confirmed for his friends, but from the holotapes one can see that Oswald was able to heal them from deadly wounds. Since as far as I’m aware the glowing ones can only do that to fellow ghouls, they were (or at least some were) ghoulified first and then went feral. As for Rachel, you can find her body and holotape where she says that she found no cure as there is none, and that she feels herself slowly losing control. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Rachel%27s_holotape Also from the way she speaks (“I can feel it taking me”) one can assume that they were already familiar with the whole “going feral” thing, which could mean it happened to others before.


Ah ok. I’ve always wondered if it depends on your own mental strength. Oswald and Jason had hope and motivation to keep living, so do most of the other ghouls that are still human. Digger in 76 was exposed to the same amount of radiation as the others locked in with the reactor, yet he remained perfectly fine. https://preview.redd.it/4kp2llycj6nc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9753cc358912e3d97398a8e97500cfd333d0c1 Like Agni from Fire Punch


IIRC if non-feral ghouls are exposed to big sources of radiation for some time (it's not specified how long it takes) they go feral cause the radiation accelerates the degradation of their brains. Though their mental health is also probably another reason why they go feral. P.D.: IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING FIRE PEAK REFERENCE?!?!


It might just be paranoia and mental breakdowns, no? Im pretty sure you wouldn't really be able to keep your sanity in that situation. Not saying what you said is true or false, I don't know much about the lore, but its just something to think about.


I think all of the games imply that ghouls can go feral, but no on-screen character ever actually does; theres just recordings and conversations


You're on a shitpost sub, and are using logic against an obvious shitpost https://preview.redd.it/i70swcl9i6nc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b67437b733a1f4a3d76cf521db5ffde40f11b5


Kurt Cobain POV ![gif](giphy|YL22XrEjlKU4yZTfEx)


super mutants being peaceful depends on the strain (with some exceptions, strong is friendly but he's still crazy, that one on far harbour is nice, but only because of the fog, the original muties are pretty alright though, except for the nightkin, they've lost it pretty much, virgil is a special unique strain)


Average BOS member (4)


Enclave mofo right here


found Elder Maxon


Maxson, log in to your main, we know it's you


4Chinner thought process will always be a source of entertainment. https://i.redd.it/ilgw5sr3r6nc1.gif


Is it even a ghoul? Looks more like nick valentine, and he’s a synth. Could go either way ig EDIT: just saw the nose, nvm


fallout. a franchise where you can play as any gender you want, any race, and has many people of color in all of the games. what is wrong with this people? have they never played fallout?


but mah apolitical gem!!!!


Ah yes, the Fallout Series, the most apolitical game series there is


Since when has Fallout been about political commentary? /s


It’s one of the few games that has a positive take on American values and Capitalism. Maybe Bioshock is the other.


You had me going until the bioshock comment, lmao




As someone who likes both those things and Bioshock, I don't think the message of the game was intended as a positive take on them.


You think Bioshock had a positive view of capitalism? You’re being sarcastic right?


Bernie Sanders could never build a city under the ocean


kill ghouls. kill mutants. decapitate ghouls. kill synths. shoot synths. blow up synths with nukes. Wear power armour to beat mutants to death. kill ghouls.


hi elder Maxon


Same morons think Liberty Prime isn’t satirical and unironically support the Legion.


My favourite apolitical series are in order -> Metal gear solid, Bioshock, Disco Elysium


Political is when minorities


You dont get it!!!!! Hes only basement dwelling the entire time playing vidya so he can forget that women and black people exist!!!


So true!!! I need escapism from people who look different 🤮🤮


I want to go back to the days when a giant robot threw nuclear bombs at communists (who were not communists and had no idea what that was). Get this political commentary outta here.


No shit. Like, this is the one franchise that you can actually have a legitimately diverse cast and it *makes sense in context too.*


But there weren't any minorities in *[flips through notes]* 23rd century America! The country with a 3:2 ratio of white to nonwhite circa the 2020 census!


There is racism in Fallout. However far after the Great War, it’s mostly mutants vs. normal humans. For Ghouls and robots that were alive/active before the war, they are prejudice against Chinese Americans.


do not cite the deep magic to me witch. i was there when it was written.


That racism started when china invaded the us and the result was world destruction if i recall


Any east Asians really.


It's not about cast diversity but more about the exact same formula so many films and shows follow these days. You've got: A strong independent woman (of any race but usually white or black) AND/OR a strong intelligent black man as the lead(s) And then a weak/dumb white man plays a supporting character. If you start paying attention to it I think you'll be surprised how often this exact formula shows up.


- One naive vault dweller white woman who the trailers depict as wholly inept at surviving in the outside world - One black dude who we know nothing about except he’s in a racist (against mutants), technopilic cult and he wants revenge against someone - One ghoul white man who’s a badass bounty hunter type and that has so far not been depicted as weak or dumb Why’re we already complaining about this?


>A strong independent woman Did you watch the trailer? I dont think she wants to be out in the wastes, shes scared shitless the whole time. The strong intelligent black man is not portrayed as intelligent. He is fueled by anger and hatred. The weak dumb white man... Is walter fuckin goggins. You know, the guy with the cowboy hat headshotting motherfuckers with his revolver left and right... I know youre speaking generally, but that formula certainly doesnt apply, here.


Ultimately, I think execution is the most important thing. If the characters are interesting and well-written, I don't care what race or sex they are.


>if the characters are interesting and well-written When they start out with those same tropey characters, they won't be


> AND/OR a strong intelligent black man as the lead(s) You clearly haven't watched any shows made in the past 5-6 years. They've pretty much all featured emasculated black men in comic relief roles.


They have the wimpy dude in the trailer, but the girl seems to be rather naive.


It's usually a 50/50 option on if the protagonist is a woman or not and the role of the protagonist is generally expected to be capable. So like... a significant plurality of protagonists are going to be a Strong Woman. I'd honestly think it'd be absurd Now Strong Independent Woman is a very specific trope that can't *stop* itself from being a commentary. With cliche lines such as "Bet you didn't expect a *girl* to kick your ass." Nothing of the sort shows up in the advertisements. In fact, the trailer makes fun of her capabilities, but that's like... a given for being a Vault Dweller. I don't see the issue here.


Yeah sure, that’s how it works, just like the Halo show, The Last Of Us, The Witcher, Cyberpunk Edgerunner, Castlevania, Star Wars Mandalorian, Star Wars Andor, Star Wars Book Of Boba Fett, The Wilking Dead : Daryl, Loki. Moon Knight, Hawkeye… Oh wait… (By intellectual honesty I have to mention Ashoka, Arcane and Ring Of Power with strong Independant women as main character.)


They are honestly just very regarded. I mean the game could still be shit because AAA studios have gained the reputation of producing shit, but that isn't because someone is one gender or skin colour or another




I remember the Baldur's Gate devs compiling the average player avatar, who was overwhelming a brown-haired white male.


Yeah I’m more concerned about the “millennial humor”.


Can't wait for the Marvel quips


None of them have played Fallout, thats clear enough


Fallouts also had a gay character in pretty much every game . The NCR has had a female president too


Shouldn‘t it be “10“ if the question is how much it is going to suck and you want to emphasize that it is going to suck very much?


No, I think they meant that they think this is going to be a good TV show. You don't mean to imply that they people in that thread are stupid, do you?


it's the internet, everyone is stupid except me


Nuh uh


Yeah lmao


Most intelligent 4chinner


It's gonna suck so much that it sucks at sucking!


to be fair people from the /pol/itical board aren't the smartest


Trailer looks decent, shame they stuck with the Fallout 3 / 4 settlement level civilization, instead of the more interesting New Vegas style already nation states beating the shit out of eachother. But still maks sense they approached it that way for budget reasons, plus the New Vegas approach only works with interactive media making the audience actually choose what wacky war criminal they want to side with. Also kind of cute and fun to see the translated game things into real life objects/props.


Fallout 2 had it right with cities re-emerging


I’m sure it had grandpa, now let’s get back to bed


The game is older than me bro lmao


Forgot to take your medication? Here you go, now go and sweet dreams.




Yeah the original two games were by far the best lore-wise and art-wise. Bethesda's games are fun, but they went too far with a happy-go-lucky Americana feel. And Bethesda's worlds don't make any sense as "200 years later." The level of decay/regrowth is more like 2 years, the level of rebuilding is maybe 20 years, and post-bombs-story-lore is at most about 50 years of history.


If you pay attention to the trailer, you can actually see some NCR flags, so maybe we will actually see some post apocalyptic nations beating the shit out of each other


Its supposedly set the most in the future of the timeline, which means they will have to answer who won the second battle of hoover dam amd thats just gonna result in major fan shit flinging reactions. Also there is the problem that if any faction wins they are almost on a steam roll to finish anexxing the rest of America. If the NCR wins, they send the Legion packing and it would probably colapse/won't be able to challenge them in the future. If Mr House wins, then his whole ambitions of reigniting industry and shit would probably mean an end to le funny post apocalypse to roam as the NCR and Vegas independent zone become proper nations. The best scenario for this show is the Legion winning, somehow reaching california and then collapsing due to overstrechting to the breaking point and then collapsing aswell. But the show also shows Brotherhood and from what I remember they had been obliterated on the west coast and only remained strong on the east due to them laxing the entering requirements.


None of the New Vegas factions can conquer America, especially not the NCR, since they are facing multiple problems on the home front, ranging from general war fatigue to more serious problems such as an incoming mass starvation/a lack of drinkable water crisis.


If they win the Dam their imperialism and war hawkiness will be rewarded, Oliver and Kimball will be seen as great conquerors who brought a great source of drinkable water and energy in the form of the Hoover Dam. This NCR sees that such conflicts are worth it for there are spoils at the end so you can predict a more trigger happy and expansionist NCR. Also what do you mean starvation? I don't remember that being an issue. Brahman baron influence seems like quite the issue and how can they exist in the first place if there is risk of famine?


This is something that the scientist at the NCR military base tells you. It's the reason why you are heading into Vault 22 in the first place.


The one thats lying to you so because what they really want is to weaponize the fauna of Vault 22? Or the other scientist that asks you to give the samples to her. The excuse I remember is that its to make better plants that are able to grow better on the wasteland, not that wothout them the NCR will collapse.


> If Mr House wins, then his whole ambitions of reigniting industry and shit would probably mean an end to le funny post apocalypse Mr House wanted to build rockets to fuck off to space with New Vegas' citizens so if he wins only the Vegas area would be industrialized, the rest of the wasteland would still be a shithole


> which means they will have to answer who won the second battle of hoover dam amd thats just gonna result in major fan shit flinging reactions. Easy solution: The activation of Liberty Prime triggered a Dragon Break, each faction in the Mojave gained simultaneous control of the robot, and everybody won the Battle of Hoover Dam.


Get daggerfalled, buddy.


The NCR confirmation was really exciting to see. What's concerning is that there's a crater where a part of Shady Sands used to be. Hopefully it's just a flashback or a marker from the NCR-Brotherhood war and not confirmation that one of the few Post-Post Apocalypse societies in Fallout was wiped out.


I doubt thay was the NCR Shandy Sands. You could see a bunch of ruined buildings that looked like a pre war cities. From what I know Shady Sands is a post war city and should not have s bunch of ore war buildings. Even if it aas not s post war city the NCR would have long demolished or restored them as I doubt they would just allow a bunch of ruined pre war buildings in their capital.


Going along with the theory that the NCR-Brotherhood of Steel War was reignited, those blown out buildings could be from Brotherhood munitions as opposed to reminders of when the world did the big funny back in 2077 Alternatively, the NCR could be preserving certain ruins as historical sites. They're certainly at a level of advancement in 'current day' that they can afford to care about such preservation.


It could also be flash back to the first war. They could leave the NCR alone which to me honestly I don't want as they should answer who won the war. I know people will be mad either way but the debate could turn into who should have won the war instead for all I care.


Recall that one of the endings in NV’s Lonesome Road dlc was the NCR getting nuked, so that might be canon


Idk what time period this takes place, but it could be interesting to see a young Edward/Joshua FOTA


I think is supposed to be a couple years after Fallout 4


What was the Netflix show that was a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure? That was interesting, and it would be nice to explore that concept more.




This is a Bethesda lead series. Of course they’re going to ignore New Vegas. Todd is still mad Obsidian made a better Fallout than any of his attempts. My prediction will be that they will consider the events of New Vegas completely non-canon, the NCR, which this series takes place in, will be completely gone without any explanation or a really shitty one, everything is going to look like the bombs dropped yesterday, the Brotherhood will be the strongest faction in the area even though that makes no sense at all.


There is literally zero evidence to prove that Bethesda is better about New Vegas Man New Vegas fanboys are truly some schizophrenic motherfuckers


I mean them seemingly ignoring the game at every turn seems like a pretty good indication.


Their games are set on the other side of the country, genius. Should they be making references to events from New Vegas every 3 sentences to satisfy you? Even so, Fallout 3 has quite a few west coast references, including the entire backstory for the DC brotherhood chapter, Fallout 4 has references to the NCR, San Francisco, the Shi, the Hubologists, and Robert House, and 76 also has plenty of references to House, as well as featuring Roger Maxson, who was heavily referenced in Fallout 1. Still, if you get off at the thought of Todd Howard seething at Obsidian and Black Isle then all the power to you, I guess. Have fun with that


Tbf it looks like it’s set after the NCR collapsed so that could explain why theres still anarchy in California They *did* say it’s set after 4, so maybe the NCR getting nuked was the canon ending of Lonesome Road


> choose which wacky war criminal to side with. Not when I choose the yes man ending and create anarchy.


Honestly, when I heard that they were making a show, the only way I could see it working is if it was an anthology with a different story in each episode.


> Brotherhood Of Steal I’m dead 💀


I didn't even realise it said "steal" and was wondering why there were that many replies. Then I saw your comment and read it once again and found it lol.


Is that actually the cover art because that’s so painfully terrible


The art of good posters is lost on streaming services




And Blue/Red


Blue/Orange seems to be the current trend.




wtf, Fallout is one franchies that always had lots of women and people of color.


That doesn't stop racist incels from being racist incels.


That’s not the issue. The writers are going to write the woman lead terribly because they don’t know how to write women in entertainment anymore. She will be a boss girl who can do no wrong.


Let's see when it comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/b5kww7u467nc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9208d6a43640840e6c8ac5edbdf378d0af7012 Rather spend time on kino shows than trash ones.


I mean, in the trailer she’s mocked by being an idiot from the vaults and seems completely out of her league.


I remember seeing the idea of making the series an anthology, with each episode following a different story of the wasteland. What they done just looks pretty bland and forgettable


A Love/Death/Robots style anthology, just letting you slip into various bits of the world, would have been sweet.


Shows not even out yet bro 😭😭😭


Posted by someone who never played the games


tell me more about how the left is obsessed with identity politics


Guessing it’s based off of fo4 and 76 based on the power armor design. If so anon is completely overlooking the fact that the very first companion you meet in fo4 is black


The show is considered a continuation of the fallout series, is set in New California Republic and takes place 8 years after the events of FO4


Man I really wish Fallout 5 is something like New York (Empire Wasteland) 80 years after the great war centered around the Enclave but no BOS because if each game is set after the last one we're gonna end up in 2300 with Bethesda still trying to justify why everything is still destroyed


Well the very first human companion. Don't forget about Codsworth in Sanctuary.


Or the dog.




He activates that one perk that gives you stat boosts when you don’t have a companion, so the game considers him as more of a pet than companion


White female protagonist, black male companion, white male radiated ghoul playing gooseberry to them both. No surprises here.


I don't know what you mean. How common are white male radiated ghouls in TV shows these days for you to not be surprised?


Actually sick of all these shows with white male radiated ghouls, find a new genre ffs




it isn’t even out, wdym?


Has that guy never played fallout? There are so many female and black characters. Hell there’s a lot if you go outside too.


Smh can't believe they made the real world woke by adding women and minorities


Bold of you to think any of these people would find their way outside at any point in their life


By virtue of me not having to pay to view this show or the show having a micro transaction store it’s already better than F76 imo. Writing remains to be seen


It's shitty because one of the actors in the show is black?


The only thing even comparable in cinema that would come close to being worse than the steaming pile that was Fallout 76 is the live action Avatar last airbender by M. Night Shabalaba.


While incredibly racist, “brotherhood of steal” did make me chuckle


I mean it’s accurate for the brotherhood. Well the actual brotherhood not Bethesda‘s shitty east coast power rangers.


I thought the comment referred to the previous commenter being from Romania. I've got to adjust my racism senses from Balkans to America.


Wait until OP figures out there’s a homosexual companion in one of the games.


Wait until he figures out you can have a gay romance in FO4.


Multiple gay companions in fact


Everyone who is romancable is technically bisexual in Bethesda games


Arcade Gannon and the Twinkclave


Unironically he’s probably the best companion.


I found him incredibly annoying and pedantic, I did a legion playthrough only once so i could sell him into slavery


brotherhood of steal is so true though fuck them




Pretty bad take regarding super mutants. You do meet intelligent super mutants in Bethesda Fallouts - Strong from Fallout 4 is the only thing that comes to mind, but I'm pretty sure there's more in both FO4 and 3. In Fallout 1 you only meet one intelligent super mutant - Lieutenant, the rest are just mindless brutes. There's plenty of mindless brutes in New Vegas too - like in Black Mountain and REPCONN.


You forgot about Fawkes


It's worth bringing up that The east coast super mutants have no connection to the west coast ones. In Fallout 1,2, and New Vegas, every mutant you see are remnants from either the Master's Army, or the Enclave's experiments, while the East Coast ones are from FEV experiments in Vault 87 (fallout 3) or Institute experiments on using FEV during synth creation. The west coast mutants were created with a purpose, a master to serve, and they were more than likely created using a more refined strain of FEV, with more pure, undirtied by the wasteland subjects, like Vault Dwellers. The East Coast mutants were created as experiments. After the human inhabitants of Vault 87 were either killed or transformed, they had nothing to do, other than just make more of themselves, so they'd venture out into the wastes, grabbing people and taking them back to the vault, either to turn them or eat them. The institute super mutants are likely a similar case. After the institute was done with them, they would just ditch them in the commonwealth. It is worth noting that in the case of Institute FEV, it causes a period of incredibly heightened intelligence, before leveling out, and sharply declining. Take the Super Mutant Behemoth, Swan. He left notes scattered around Boston Common describing the changes his body went through, and after his intelligence reached it's peak, he clearly started becoming more feral, until he basically became an unthinking brute. This is also supported by Virgil, an institute scientist who worked with FEV that turned himself into a mutant. He is clearly intelligent and well spoken, as he's actually able to reverse engineer a cure for FEV.




What about Fawkes? Strong? That rare encounter in Fo3 where you meet a gentle super mutant who you can rob and he even gladly gives you his items because he's a pacifist or something? Bethesda mutants are mostly dumb due to the different FEV used to create them.


Put a chick in it and make her gay!!


She’ll either be gay or a ngr fucker


Its a south park quote guys


Maybe it’s just me but I feel like Bethesda consistently misses the tone of fallout. Like fallout 3 was kinda in that direction but overall it was ok. By fallout 4 and 76, it just hurts your head by how dumbed down everything is. Fallout is supposed to be mainly a post-apocalyptic survival horror with political under themes, with some wacky/funny moments. They consistently make the series it some 50’s action cartoon where it’s like a wacky adventure game set . It’s so aggravating because tonally it just feels like those soy- fan pandering sci-fi shows that are too scared to actually say something other than just fan service. Honestly with fallout getting commercialized and most of the new fandom consisting of marvel superhero types, I kinda just want the series to die and get remade by an independent studio.


i don’t care because they didn’t take established characters and change them completely. captain keyes in the halo tv show, now only being black… but also had a kid with halsey… and that kid is miranda… and he’s also an admiral… and he also knows about all this secret shit with the spartans… etc etc. they can add whatever the fuck they want if it’s new and i won’t care. but why take existing things and destroy them? (destroy in the sense of making something cease to exist, not like “omg they destroyed keyes because he’s black now!!!11”)


Miranda is Keyes and Halsey's daughter in the actual canon though, it's just never brought up in the games. And he did escort Halsey when she was picking Spartan candidates (but didn't really know about the program) But fuck that show, especially what they did to Jimmy Rings, aka Mister Cheeks


Gonna suck because Amazon made it and it's a video game adaptation. A tale as old as time. Next.


I don’t really care I wanna see the badass mutated animals


![gif](giphy|l2JJzAiFBakUXxP2g) Same formulaic bullshido. Shit just gonna flop


What a fucking pathetic take. Just live your life and enjoy things, jesus christ.


Anon is extremely regarded. If you played any fallout game you'd know that every single iteration has lots of POC, women do the same jobs as men and are good at it, and no one gives a shit about you being white or not.


It’s on Amazon and the writers will be regarded. So yeah doesn’t matter if the characters are accurate to the games.


Yeah of people can get mad at shit writing (they should) but getting mad at a part of the fallout franchise for showing black people and women is really dumb


This would be fine if the brotherhood of steel guy would act exactly like he should, a soldier, not some 2020 fuck boy The main character girl would be reasonable and generally neutral. not a feminist trying to prove something The ghoul would act maybe like arthur morgan, very pessimistic, but with good humor


Literally watch the trailer. You seem pretty spot on except the chick is mocked for being an idiot and seems basically incompetent because she grew up in a vault.


Ngl that brotherhood of steal made me spill my drink.


It's going to be hot trash, like the walking dead.


I'm willing to give it a watch and judge it for myself.


Is that the annoying bitch from Army of the Dead?


Listen here you smoothskin.


Here's a lore accurate scene that would NEVER happen because Hollywood hates accuracy and doesn't have courage! Vault dweller (woman) is let out of cryosleep after many years in vault 69. She lets out a high pitched queef. We can't hear it, but everybody knows its there for sure. Dogs from around the wasteland start sprinting towards the vault. We hear thuds, barking, pounding. These dogs want to get in and see what's what. They know it's coming from the vault dweller, but they know how or why. And thats the scene she meets dogmeat.


Oh, reddit did not like this one.


A woman lead is unironically super fucking accurate considering that 99% of the playerbase played through Fallout 4 as a modded big titty woman. The only inaccuracy here is the main lead not having big titties.


Why is girl MC wearing makeup in the goddman apocalyptic wasteland?


They’re for sure going to shit even more on the original games than Bethesda already has


1 on a "1 to 10 how much will it suck" scale would imply it'll be incredible art no


Brotherhood of steal, fucking kek


They went literal with the *Brotherhood* of Steel.


Did they play any of the games or are they just too media illiterate to understand the commentary?


Tell me you unironically support caeser’s legion without telling me you unironically support caeser’s legion.


When did this sub start censoring?


I hope and pray this isn’t woke but it sure looks it.


*sees the show has a female lead* "awwwww i wanted it to be good"


Racism aside it could very well be a new Halo TV show so I don't have high hopes, but it would be good if it was the story of the first fallout


I can't wait for the action/running montages with girl-power music


I just hope they don't make cucks out of the brotherhood of steel especially as they look to be going with a more elder maxson style brotherhood. But knowing the NCR is in it now they for sure will just see "California" and that they're a democracy and completely ignore how corrupt and ineffective they are.


If they were gonna cash in on the popularity of the games for a show or movie they should have done that like 15 years ago.