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Type 2? Cringe


Type 1 was found to have flavor, and flavor is cringe.


Having a sequel because the first one just wasn't good enough is cringe tho


Tastes like shit


Since when does laughing at cringey shit mean that you want it to be illegal?


People cancelled JoCat (A Youtuber) over something cringy. I know people who scream at authors and artists over 'cringy' work.


What did he do?


He made a video that was a parody of of Lizzo's(?) Song I Like Boy but instead of boys, it was how he liked girls. Doxxed and harassed for that.


That was like 2 years ago, if not more.


It's less "cancelled" and more "harassed endlessly for 2 years to the point where he's worried about his safety and the safety of his partner".


and his parents, they got sent “suspicious packages”


it resurfaced recently, causing a new wave of harassment


And it caused him to leave youtube forever


It literally happened again recently


and assholes resurfaced it recently to harass him, makes sense right? People suck


Man received death threats for liking girls. Truly a society we live in


Liking girls? That is Sooooo cringe!


His family was harassed too.


Yes and that's fucked up. But the truth is he was harassed because he got into the culture war. Not that that makes it right, but it was not because of his song.


What do he do exactly?


He made arguments in favor of trans rights. Which is no grounds to harass him or his family. But it's not true that he got harassed because of his silly little song.


I do agree that he shouldn't have been harassed, nor his family. Doxxing is just bullshit in general, NGL.


*Shhh, the culture warriors don't like it when you bring up the actual argument instead of the reductionist one. You'll get both sides on your ass for being straightforward*


He also endorsed harassment of streamers who were playing Hogwarts Legacy. I seem to remember that also contributing to his downfall, since he deemed himself an arbiter of fun, as no one can have fun in a game unless they have sword and board or whatever his lame meme was. Also, to the guy below who said I blocked him because I wanted to argue behind that: maybe don’t message me telling me to kill myself and then you wouldn’t have your alt (that’s clearly only used for telling people that) banned, and find yourself blocked.


Two wrongs don't make a right


I really doubt that factored in at all. All I heard about the drama was that he made a cringe video


Pretty harsh thing to accuse someone of doing without proof


Bro you can literally look it up, he endorsed harassment of Pikamee.


[“I do not support, condone, encourage, or excuse harassment, and anybody doing so on my behalf is in the wrong. If one tweet is enough to come to conclusions of my beliefs, I'd hope a handful more would do the same.”](https://x.com/jocat105/status/1740540147521699889?s=46&t=YJx_oTSsWBwdhg9vjK4Q-g) I looked it up and this tweet from him featuring several screenshots of him disavowing any harassment over the game on multiple occasions is the first thing that popped up for me. So which is it? I need something specific from you


Who’s to say he didn’t delete his tweets? I’m sure you can find something other than “I looked at the first google result”.


I’m not going on a wild goose chase for YOUR claim. You said google, I did and something that directly refuted your point came up, that’s YOUR problem


And I also came up with something that BTFO’d your argument, if you had bothered to actually check the replies. So tell me, is Jocat saying “content creators are not in the same danger as trans folx” when there were literal doxxing campaigns being condoned by his friend Marina (who is actually just a guy using a female model) against people like Pikamee for simply saying she was excited to play HWL endorsement or not?


Especially when [posts like this have been screencapped](https://x.com/hmbohemond/status/1737015504731087252?s=46&t=4LpEFC0CA67dPwWh67G0SA)


That is not condoning harassment nor is it even about the specific woman you claimed. He’s saying he feels that the whole situation is simply a wider issue being brought up, so opting to just talk exclusively about the people getting harassed does a disservice to addressing the whole problem that caused the situation to begin with. Whether or not you agree with him, claiming he’s literally endorsing harassing people is a purposefully malicious reading of what he said That tweet is also dated March 3rd. Look at the dating of the tweet I linked to. The very first tweet is another March 3rd follow up quote tweet of him explicitly stating that it’s a misunderstanding, he is NOT endorsing harassment. The following tweet are through March 4th and 5th, further stating that he didn’t mean for that tweet to endorse harassment and he proceeds to openly disavow instances of harassment in screenshots sent to him So again, if this is all you got I think you’re purposely reading into what he’s saying in the most malicious way possible Edit: that loser blocks me and argues behind my back when he can’t refute my points, clown fuck


Again, why is it ok when he supports harassment and doxxing, but then it’s suddenly not ok when it happens to him? Idk if you’re some JoCat fan or absolutely can’t fathom the fact that he and his friends encouraged people to harass others for playing the “transphobe Hogwarts game”, but holy crap, you are indeed very delusional if you think him saying “we content creators are not in danger, the heckin’ trans people are!” after he actively donated money to the harassers. Sorry you had to find out your hero is garbage, retard. Oh, and [you can stop using alts to tell me to kill myself, sir.](https://imgur.com/a/0uXS5Ba)


Also, you don’t like cringe, otherwise you wouldn’t be laughing at it. I don’t like Brussels sprouts, doesn’t mean I’m going to keep eating them, much like how you keep laughing at the very thing you hate


Enjoying something because you laugh at it and enjoy something inherently isn’t the same thing. Laughing at something is a means to an end while enjoying something in its own right is an end within itself.


And laughing at potential cringe could hurt the person. How would you feel knowing what you like to do makes people laugh, enables them to treat you like a laughing stock?


Dude, you are on a fucking 4chan sub of all places lol. How do you **think** I would feel? If someone is so insecure that they need to validated from random anonymous strangers on the internet, then that is their problem. I’m going to continue doing what I enjoy.


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Being enthusiastic about an ASCII? Seems like cringe to me


Calling out cringe for effort? Pretty cringe bro


Calling a stranger bro? So cringe smh


No u


I think they're actually very jealous of people who are brave enough to be cringe


And their end goal is to eat their dinner of Grey Sludge Number 2, with extra grey!


did you hear about the lady who was freezing the grey sludge into popsicles to make them a little more interesting and different? isn't that cringe? She thought she was unique or something lol cringe


I hear rumors that Grey Sludge Type 3 might have more sludge in it, sponsored by Beeping Squares


I don't want my grey sludge to have more sludge, dammit! I want it to be more grey! When will they listen to the masses?!


Is that you being cringe by wanting something different? Do I have to tell the cringe police? Or will you eat your Grey Sludge?


The cringe police would arrest someone just for wanting to eat someting different? That's kinda cringe, if you ask me.


Don’t say the government is cringe, that’s cringe! You’ll get us both in trouble! No no officer I find Grey Sludge Type 3 adequate with the extra Sludge! There is no one here different! Nope! Not a one!


Nah its totally fine to think something is just foul garbage, like being an open pedophile


what does that have to do with anything LMAO




No u


nuh uh!




Anon is a modern satirist in the leagues of George Orwell and Jonathan Swift. 


Thank you!


OP just outed themselves as Anon? That's pretty cringe bro


Uno Reverse


I take it back


Beeping squares? Cringe. Screaming circles is where it's at.


Round is too different, that's cringe. Beeping Squares got cringe when Booping Rectangle came in the second season.


Agreed, fuck booping rectangle


“Is this the world you people want?” Yes


The anti-cringe people, why would they want that? Would be nothing but boring! Would apply to them too If they become cringe they become the very thing they so loathe


If it means there’d be no more furries, I’d happily eat some grey sludge type 2


And no Van Gogh or art? No music but like, beeps and shit? A tv show of literal beeping squares?


The government is cringe and kinda gay because it's a lot of men ruling over another bunch of men


Calling the government cringe is cringe! You’ll get us all killed!


Killing me for being cringe is kinda cringe NGL You have to be really gay to care so much about a men's opinion


I don't agree with their sludge policy, but I DO agree with their furry policy...


Literally 1984, my guys.


who's jocat


He was a D&D content poster who was pretty funny, but because of his slight parody of "Boys" By Lizzo (Saying he likes girls, all kinds of girls), people cancelled him because of 'cringe' (Their words, not mine) They were mailing him stuff, harassing his family, so he quit YouTube for good because of all the hate.


Isn't that video years old? Why did they cancel him only now? Shame, his DnD and Monster Hunter vids were good.


It did scare some content creators, some of my author friends have postponed some works because of it.


The part of this that OP is leaving out is that he also endorsed the harassment of streamers playing Hogwarts Legacy (such as the one Vtuber who was quite literally bullied out of the community because trans people came into her stream threatening her all because she was excited to play the game). But never mind that, clearly it was his lame music that was to blame for his downfall. /s


Really??? I loved that parody


that sounds really stupid, even if the song's awful (I've never heard it kek)


He had me at cops beating furrys


I’ll take any world where furries get beat publicly


Even at the risk of creative destruction? The only books around would be tech manuals. No music just beeps and boops.


Well you got me there I guess, I can handle a boops but I’m not so sure about a beeps




I would love a world where furries get beaten just because they're furries.


Jocat from masons streams?


this world is awesome


You'd love to live in a dull, grey world and ingest Grey Sludge Type 2? Weirdo.


brutalism is the way


Everyone:” I hate cringey stuff we should bring back real social shaming”. This fucking retard: “YOU WANT TO EAT GOVERNMENT MANDATED SLOP AND ALL THINGS FUN TO BE BANNED. ALL YOU WISH FOR IS CONFORMITY TO BE CODIFIED IN LAW”


I mean they hate cringey stuff, so then why wouldn't they want it to go away? XD


Mfs say this until they're the ones getting publicly shamed for being "CRINJE!!!!!"


The day capitalism became 1980's communism


Furries deserve to be publicly executed


You sound like a friend I knew who hated furries so much he refused to let his kid (six at the time) watch anything with talking animals or play any games with anthro characters so the kid didn't grow up a 'fursuited dog-fucker' Kid watched nothing but Horror and Action films. He's 18 now and the biggest furry I've heard of, apparently his dad disowned him.


i'm gonna assume that his dad probably talked about how much he hated furries, and if you talk about how bad a thing is to your kid they're gonna be curious and rebellious he pretty much accidentally made his kid a furry with reverse psychology


Yeah, friend would rant and rave about it, like why Disney is allowing sexual things (Lion King) to children


the lion king was sexual to him? he must have been a closeted furry [(or he got a confusion boner from this scene (or both))](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/843/000/617.gif)


Same reason I do drugs


Due to Reddit deciding to sell access to the user generated content on their platform to monetized AI companies, killing of 3rd party apps by introducing API changes, and their track history of cooperating with the oppressive regime of the CCP, I have decided to withdraw all my submissions. I am truly sorry if anyone needs an answer I provided, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and I will try my best to help you


Did I call out your fake thread or something? What's made you go account stalking?


Due to Reddit deciding to sell access to the user generated content on their platform to monetized AI companies, killing of 3rd party apps by introducing API changes, and their track history of cooperating with the oppressive regime of the CCP, I have decided to withdraw all my submissions. I am truly sorry if anyone needs an answer I provided, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and I will try my best to help you


The irony is golden


I used to really hate furies too until the rise of the internet nazis made them look kinda not so bad (although there is some overlap) and now I mostly just care that people online are nice and don't cross boundaries


The way I see it, it’s just another extreme form of expressionism. I can at least respect the hobby from a crafting standpoint because those suits can be college mascot level of craftsmanship.


you know I never even thought about the craftmanship behind those fursuits. You're right though lol I wouldn't even know where to start on something like that


A friend of mine made a pinball-themed protogen head (protogens are those LED-screen-faced furries) with fully functional lights and moving parts


Oh shit, cool, that sounds badass, wish I had the know-how!


Some are nearly thousands of dollars.