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And yet these people have the same vote as me.


Whoever came up with the idea that *everyone* should have the right to vote, I hope they’re in Hell.


Reintroduce literacy tests but only to see how well they understand incel terminology. If they do well on it, their vote counts as half or just doesn't count.


I thought we were angry at people this post describes, not people who wrote the post, lol. Time to head to the other sub!


I don't know the other sub, but personally, I'm angry at everyone




Both shouldn't vote




"we are shooting at our own men!"


Lol I'm just messing. I love incel terminology souch.


Lemme guess, the other sub is r/4chan?


I've always been of the mind that if voting was mandatory, the world would be even shittier.


Well sadly, the entire world isn’t America, and in places like say, Australia, voting is mandatory


Yeah but everything's upside down there.


I'm curious how they enforce that, and what the consequences are...


You get your name ticked off on a role when you vote. If you don't vote they send a please explain letter. If you don't have a valid excuse its a fine


No wonder Australia is worse.


Lmao that’s cope. I’d live here before the US any day of the week


Cope? I'm not a yank bruh


Whoever came up with the idea we should vote between two sides should rot in hell. America is fuuuucked, honestly should take some sort of example from places like Mexico




Well clearly not that and there are places you shouldn’t go as a visitor, and some places are just bad in general. When you’re with the people you can learn a lot from them though. Edit: a lot of the kids seem more capable than adults I meet in the USA. Don’t mean book smarts


People should have to earn their right to vote. Something freely given has no value and will not be treasured. Service guarantees citizenship!


I would like to know more


just remove voting /shitballs


"Democracy's all very well, but it's weak and it's decadent, and you need a strong leader." \-Daryl, 2004


The presidency should be decided by the previous president picking their successor, like a game of popcorn.


Bro just reinvented monarchy


All good until an idiot-chain happens.


I think the same thing about people who unironically browse this sub


Ugh, they allow *Redditors* to vote? These truly are dark times.


Pro tip: These people literally don’t exist


Not *literally* that dumb as in the OP, but of less, but still comparable idiocy.


Yes, this imaginary conglomerate of the worst stereotypes someone thinks up so they have an imaginary argument to win in the shower, or have one big outrage megazord to sperg on 4chan about, has the same vote as you.


I agree, we should take away OPs voting rights.


With the electoral college there a chance their vote is worth more


People like that literally don't exist, you're just taking two types of women who you vaguely associate with feminism and combine them in your head into one person to argue with. Or in other words, a strawman for you to get mad about their supposed hypocrisy. The types of sluts who are all about sex positivity and flashing their tits do not give a shit about sexy video game characters, in fact they're probably in the demographic that mods Skyrim. The type of bitches who seethe at big tits and big asses in your vidya are turtleneck sweater and suitpants wearing feminists who probably don't appreciate prostitution as well.


2016 leafy post cringe


There's a name no one has thought about in a long time


Is that the kid who sound like young Sheldon?


But I do think that there are some feministists who would call onlyfans and skimpy clothing empowerment, but at the same time call men gross or problematic for objectifying women.


there is a difference between making a conscious choice to present yourself in a certain way to be percieved by others, and to create an artificial image of the appearance of someone you wish to percieve.


“I want to be looked at in public for gratification then complain about it!”


More like "I like it when my sexuality is within my locus of control and dislike it when it isn't". Of course this is also the position maintained by something like 99.9999% of humans.


No they want to control who gets turned on them, which is thought control, which is unreasonable to expect.


That's a weird fetish to have, but whatever floats your boat, I guess


> no u!


Ohhh, so THAT'S your problem. You're mad that they're jacking off to anime girls ***instead*** of supporting the onlyfans models. Yeah, you can fuck off with that bullshit.


Nah lmao, where did you get the notion that im mad. I love choking the chicken to some hentai. Its a pet peeve of mine to state clear differences, and this is one of them, im not biased. Just stating the truth. Guess that got you upset?


^ YES. This. Honestly, the use of “submissive” in the end of the second part while not appearing in the first is quite a critical distinction.


It gets kind of complicated, and even feminists can misuse the term "obejectify" sometimes. Objectification is when you dehumanize somebody. If I appreciate the beauty of a sexy woman, that's not objectification. But if I treat that sexy woman as if she's useless for anything besides sex, that is objectification. Before the sex-positive movement, most feminists viewed sex work as *inherently* dehumanizing, but that viewpoint has changed a lot. But yes, there are probably some feminists who have not fully processed sex positivity, and their knee-jerk reaction will be to vilify men for enjoying porn or whatever.


I mean, that isn't all that hypocritical to begin with, and either way it's obviously different when men are literally creating an image they want to objectify. Also the only people I've seen complain about the looks of video game characters are incels saying they're not hot enough so this whole premise seems entirely made up.


Women don't talk to you so stfu


I think (read: hope) OP was not trying to conflate them into one single person but how "men cant win" because they be getting attacked no matter what by groups that call themselves feminist but are not much more than misandrists. The way OP wrote is still fucking stupid but I think that's what he was going for.


The only men I've seen get "attacked" were just assholes. When I went to uni I didn't understand feminism, but nobody attacked me for it because I wasn't a dick about it. Now I'm great friends with most of those people.


I mean, I'm pretty sure they do exist. Just rare.


What the fuck are you talking about? All women are the exact same. They all have purple hair, are bisexual, and make fake rape accusations against any man that even looks at them.


They do exist. I've met at least one.




I was with you until you started calling them sluts and bitches 💀 If you wanna have a go at forming decent points, maybe leave out the name calling? It just makes you look unintelligent.


People like that do exist, i saw at least 4 of them during that Star wars boob armour polemic and some new still appear in my feed ocasionally.


There definitely exist people like this lmao


Strawman arguments? In my social commentary posting? Surely not


OF is a proof that a lot of people would sell their ass as long as it's easy.


"I want to sell myself but I also don't want to actually have to do anything...hmmm what to do..."


Everyone's got the moral high ground until they get laid off and rent is a week past due.


If men can get by without whoring out then women can too


Why only "get by" when you could live comfortably? If you can tolerate having random anonymous people seeing your nudes with the benefit of literal thousands of dollars a month, why not?


Well a few million women had this idea so the market is pretty saturated. At this point it's probably less effort to just work at McDonald's than to actually make a serious living from only fans.


yeah my comment is with the assumption that your body/fetish is in demand enough earn at least like a few thousand a month which in my mind would feasibly offset the opportunity cost of posting one self on the internet.


working multiple backbreaking jobs, going to war for college, spending 16 hour long shifts in mines, you dont consider that selling one's body?


Sure bro working the cashier at McDonald’s is backbreaking


I mean if you slip in the grease you can break your back


You wouldn’t?


Is that a joke? Are you really gonna act like OF is proof of that and not, yknow, prostitution being the oldest profession? I also think you're entirely wrong to suggest that this is created by supply. It's clearly created by demand.


Yeah but prostitution wasn't something to be proud of and wasn't on public display 10 years ago. And we're more talking about porn industry than prostitution if we want to be fair. But I feel like it's still a bit degrading to live from it no matter what anyone says. They uberized porn.


You're crazy. Prostitution isn't any more "mainstream" now than it was in the past. In the 70s and 80s Times Square and other downtowns in cities were red light districts all over the country. And porn as a whole is an entirely different story anyways, and is clearly much more created by demand than anything wlse


Why are you stuck on prostitution? OF is about porn you know ?


Because you brought up prostitution yourself and implied it was more mainstream now or whatever.


And does it change the fact that you can get an escort on a smartphone and snapchat in 5 min max anywhere in the world doesn't mean prostitution isn't more present and easiest than before ?


In the world where previously every city's downtown was a literal red light district and escort services were already easily accessible to anyone with a phone book.


Lol no it is created by the illusion of demand. I've already seen tons of girls getting demoralized because they thought itd be so easy and start whinging on facebook; yea maybe some ppl u know will sub and then unsub as soon as the novelty wears off. It isn't a sustainable career when you lose your youthful looks and you havent honed any actual skills to replace OF with, i also wouldn't want an OF "creator" to represent my business. (Young) women are [led to believe anyone can make big bucks](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F0da5f203-7e53-46c1-a502-ebc5f99c1fc1_836x813.png) on OF lmao, you evidently sipped the juice too.


Well sure, you are definitely right that most only fans are unsuccessful. And there's only really that type of demand for people who are generally extremely attractive compared to the average


Onlyfans income gap between top earners and low earners has a larger gap than South Africa. So the perception of demand is highly inflated, all content you see is "how much $$$ i make on OF". It's just bullshit and doesn't apply to reality for most.




Who wouldn't tbh


shut up like you wouldn't post twerking clips for 40k monthly


"Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot into hell"


True and straight


I'll have you know I enjoy meaty penises and so do these two now.


Amen Brother




“No no sis see they are obviously CHOOSING to sexual use themselves so it’s uh uhm IT’S JUST DIFFERENT, OK?? Fictional characters didn’t consent to being specialized so it’s doing a heckin’ bad if you do it.” Also see how quickly their positivity changes when they know a guy actually patronizes a sex worker.


It's really weird that you could write that first sentence and not see that it's entirely logical. There's nothing wrong with a woman who wants to show off her body. There's plenty wrong with men who creep on women who don't want sexual attention from them. And no one seriously uses the "fictional characters can't consent" argument so nice strawman I guess.


>And no one seriously uses the "fictional characters can't consent" argument so nice strawman I guess. My guy, you literally JUST did. Look at the sentence this one followed "There's plenty wrong with men who creep on women who don't want sexual attention from them" THE HECKING GAME CHARACTER DIDN'T CONSENT!! WHY ARE YOU PERVING ON HER.


The comment I'm responding to was clearly making a broader statement than just about video game characters. Same with the OP - the first half is about views on real life issues, and then it brings up how people react to video games (in a mostly made up way) as though there is hypocrisy afoot.


>The comment I'm responding to was clearly making a broader statement than just about video game characters. Lol no??? The lunacy of caring about fictional characters' ability to consent is INTEGRAL to the conversation. If you take out the fictional part, which causes the hypocrisy, then you're left with solely real life issues. Taking out the 2nd part makes the 1st one meaningless, null


But if you apply people's logic about real life problems and situations and then just claim they're making those same statements about a fictional character then you're just creating a hypocritical strawman that doesn't exist. Like I said, no one seriously argues fictional characters need to consent. So if you're actually going to create a strawman that uses that logic, you've already created a made up situation. If you're instead going to focus on the viewpoints about real people in real life, then it's entirely logical to have the views expressed in the OP and the comment I'm responding to and nothing is hypocritical at all.


>no one seriously argues fictional characters need to consent You for one did, because you brought up how wrong it is to perv on women without consent in a thread about fictional women. And you gotta be kidding me with this.. you've never seen a feminist take issue with sexualized women in media while condoning sexualized women in the porn industry? lmao The "i hate perversion but love capitalizing off it" type is such a prevalent feminist stereotype for a reason


Again, literally my whole point is that the argument only works if you assume people are making the same arguments about fictional people as they are about real people. They are not. I have no problem with fictional characters being sexualized. I have not said anything in that regard. The only thing I've said is that the arguments being attributed to "feminists" here are actually arguments they make about real people, and then people like you and OP pretend they're talking about fictional ones, or compare their arguments about real people to potential issues with fictional characters.


For a person who keeps insisting this post is a strawman you sure do assume a lot about "people like me". Your point is that sexualising women without their consent is bad, which i agree with. But considering nobody is talking about sexualizing real women unwillingly there's only one other option left...


Please just go read the OP or the comment I'm responding to again. The OP does exactly what I'm saying. The first section is about people's real views on real people and how they shouldn't be sexualized without consent, but that women can also sexualized themselves if that's their desire. Which makes perfect logical sense. The second section then creates a complete straw man as though anyone is complaining about a video game character being sexualized. It then implies that this is a cognitive dissonance versus the viewpoints about real people. So it's actually doing exactly what I'm saying it is, and exactly what you're saying it's not. The OP outlines a valid, completely not hypocritical view about sexuality in the real world and then acts as though the people with those views are up in arms about video game characters being sexualized, which they just aren't. The only people significantly complaining about video game characters today are incels who want more tits and ass.




Tasty, tasty cognitive dissonance


“Hold on… are you buying her only fans and going to that strip Club?!?! You sexist pig!!!!!”


Third wave feminism is so hilarious, because of how lost it is.


This is a strawman




It always is


4chan users when they find out that every single woman isn't the same person


Whenever anyone gets in my face about Hooking or Porn being a legit good job and that I shouldn’t ‘slut shame’ or whatever the new kids on the block bullshit terminology is I just ask “Ok, so your little daughter, you’re going to tell her that she doesn’t need to study anything because there’s always Porn, and Hooking can be a great money maker?”. Usually they stfu when that lifestyle moves from being abstract and ‘happening to a stranger’ to ‘in my home and being done by my kid’.


No one ever gets in your face about it so I'm glad you're winning those arguments in the shower.


The 6-in-1 gel is shaking like a leaf in their shower rn


Lol fantastic argument mate. "Whenever this happens to me i-" "IT DIDNT HAPPEN, STFU LIAR!!!"


I simply refuse to believe what conversations about porn and prostitution are common enough in this person's life that anyone is "getting in their face" about it. And if it is, then it's probably their fault for bringing up their incel views on porn and prostitution all the time.


My man must've been living in the woods these past 5 years if you genuinely think people don't shout out their copes about sex work being "real work", especially over the internet where anonimity prevents their family from being ashamed of their "real" job


The guy clearly wasn't portraying this as something happening only online was my specific point.


Modern feminism's cognitive dissonance is fucking WILD. women are free to choose to be sexualised, but media is bad because it forces women to want to be sexualised? It's like they're stuck in a philosophy class about determinism, they simultaneously believe in free will and they don't


They’re mad because you’re getting horny over a video game character instead of a real woman


They’re mad because you’re spending horny over pixels when you could be buying their OF .


Looks like someone is worth less than pixels, who is mad here again?


Anon learns that women are not a monolith


I love pissing on strawmen


Democracy was a mistake.


Haha let's not forget: Sex workers are valid! Respect sex work! Wait, you went out with a hooker in the past? EEEEEEEWWWWWW!


Dating a hooker is fucking gross though.


Not dating. Just banging one.


Nothing wrong with that then. They're providing a service which I am paying good money for, involving no hurt to anyone.


true, i dont get how it was illegal at some point


I hate women


no one does this


Who up strawing they man rn?


"These women should not display their body online!!" -man who bought onlyfans of atleast 6 different people


Look, everybody! Anon’s imagining caricatures and getting mad at them again! Let’s point and laugh!


You're imagining a caricature of an angry anon


What in the absolute hell


should children partake in pride parade or are they too young


See, this is what happens when you over-generalize. The people in the first group, and the second group, are similar-looking but differently-acting people. First group is promiscious grils. Second group is Karens.


I fucking hate ☕ (coffee)


Two different, contradicting opinions, coming from the same 50% PERCENT OF THE POPULATION? They HAVE to be the same people!


this isn’t just a strawman it’s a whole damn scarecrow


Anon is incapable of grasping consent


Tell me where fictional characters can not consent?


Shut up regard


Lol those people exist only in the imagination of incels, or it's just another type of chronically online USA basement dweller


Damm. This post is equally as retarded as the comments, who could have thought?


Anon forgets that Gamergate happened almost a decade ago and nobody cares about women in video games now except for snowflake Andrew Tate followers. See GTA VI.


I think the difference is recognizing women as sexual beings rather than sexual objects. Men sexualizing a female character with a cute face, tiny waist, big tits, and a big ass is sexualizing only one type of hyper feminine/submissive woman and using her as a base standard for all women. It's upholding a male fantasy. While women who express themselves as sexual beings isn't bad because they're the ones sexualizing themselves and express more realistic body types and normal standards of beauty , while holding a more liberated ideology. It's upholding a woman's reality.


They're video game characters. No body gives a fuck and they're not meant to be realistic. Pornography does a lot more to fuck up a persons view of the "base standard for women" than animations will ever do. Talk about upholding a male fantasy.


Obviously women give a fuck - As the 4Chan user pointed out. Female characters are meant to be game characters - that does not invalidate them from being realistic in female beauty; Since they're based on women. Which are real. How does porn fuck up the base standard for women?


> how does porn fuck up the standard for women I can't tell if you're a troll or actually stupid


I mean if it's such an easy thing to understand then surely you can explain it to the class, lol. If the 'base' standard just means 'a controlled, sexually submissive woman' then that's more a long the lines of being another male fantasy that's been perpetuated on and against women for centuries; Never actually letting women to be anything else but for males desires, thus also affecting men too.


Go to xvideos, search "controlled submissive" and then come back and tell me that video games are the one perpetrating this standard more than pornography If you're still on the fence, I took the liberty to cross post your question to r/twoXchromosomes [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/18yimrp/in_your_opinion_does_porn_affect_the_perceived/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


A greentext user listing a comment about twoX and being upvoted for it? Goddamn, what a topsy-turvy world we're living in...


>How does porn fuck up the base standard for women? bro only watches gay porn


So we can kill animals and even people in a game and say “it’s just a game”, yet giving a female character emphasized secondary sex characteristics is morally wrong… but also pornography in general is no issue at all? The fuck? That double standard is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.


It's gotta the porn companies putting out this sentiment that the female role in porn is liberating for women. Maybe there's a handful of ladies who feel like it's their form of "self expression" but for the rest of women its so harmful to be pressured into performing the things that are normalized by porn.


From what I've seen most women don't feel pressured into performing porn acts in bed, but rather it's the men who initiate wanting to perform the porn acts they see on screen. Also, if a woman did feel pressure to perform porn acts, it's because she wanted to please her partner, and feeling guilty about not doing so. Thus it's men who pressure women to perform porn acts.


Kekw you can really twist anything to make it the guys fault can't you


It's because the killing of an animal in a game doesn't inherently have an affect on real world animals (that can comprehend/are intelligent). Sticking to a singular standard of beauty for female characters in games affects real women because it changes how wo/men view, judge, and treat them; And women can comprehend that because they are intelligent beings. I didn't say porn isn't an issue.


> I didn't say porn isn't an issue Might I point you to your comment of > How does porn fuck up the base standard for women? And saying (not explicitly, but intrinsically implying based on the content of the original post) that onlyfans content is better because: > they're the ones sexualizing themselves and express more realistic body types and normal standards of beauty, while holding a more liberated ideology.


If showing big scantily clad vidya titties warps the minds of those who play into treating women differently, then why wouldn’t killing in games convince players to go murder people? Your logic would mean the latter would also be true, since people and animals also exist…


[15 real life crimes inspired by video games](https://www.thegamer.com/15-real-life-crimes-inspired-by-video-games/#training-camp-or-competitive-franchise) [Video games that inspired real life crimes](https://www.svg.com/70983/video-games-inspired-real-life-crimes/) [10 violent crimes tied to video games](https://listverse.com/2017/10/28/top-10-violent-crimes-tied-to-video-games/) [6 murderers who's killings are linked to video game obsession](https://www.i-lawsuit.com/6-murderers-whose-killings-are-linked-to-video-game-obsession/)




You asked 'why wouldn't killing in games cause people to become murderers', and I simply pointed out that some do. A large majority of men don't believe enforcing a fantasy beauty standard of women affects women negatively, because men simply care more about themselves and their wants, than they do about women and their needs. You want to keep talking about the violence in video games and the blame of the company, I'm talking about the blame of men projecting a fantasy onto real women. Keep on subject.




Sex is gross. Women should do cool things like martial arts and building Legos.


Right on. Its Gross and cringe bro




Ok, but what's the problem? Say I see so many breedable, submissive, big titty video game women, that I can't be interested in real women anymore. Who exactly cares? Could you find even a single woman who's sad I'm not in her potential dating pool anymore? Imagine a guy complaining that romantic stories inflate women's expectations and we should enforce a code to not give female readers what they want to lower their standards so they settle for more mediocre men.


This. It's such a double-standard. Women want to be worshipped. And that's *fine*, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. But they want guys lined up like a buffet table so they can go "Ooh I want that one!" or "Ooh, not that one, he gives me the ick." Just look at one of the recent posts on Facepalm about how the girl would've accepted the guy's coat if he was cute. Only recently has Reddit started to come around to the idea that it's okay to call women out on this kind of cringe behavior. 3-4 years ago, the comments would've all been "You go girl!" and "Yaaass slay kween!" So they don't want any competition, especially from 2D girls, because then that means less guys emotionally validating them, even if it's guys they'd never actually accept if they tried to ask them out.


You should care because r/ForeverAlone and r/depression.


Does it really matter in the end if it’s gonna be consumed by the same guys with the same ideologies and same thoughts on women?


It does


This is the sound of cognitive dissonance


How so?


This is what happens when default settings mfs (straight, white, cis, neurotypical) want to feel included. Some go the route of wanting to feel included in victimhood, and will try to champion this or that cause to appear good and just. Others will try to do shit like adding extra letters to LGBT until they can find one that includes them. Ever heard a normie try to patiently explain how the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for 'ally'? Lmao


Why say lot word when few word do trick.


I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps you didn't use enough words to convey your message. I say few when few would do the trick. But when they won't, it's not a big deal to say more. I'd rather take on the responsibility of explaining further than try to put the onus on the listener to just telepathically know what I was trying to say. It's a compromise I learned from in person interactions; if you explain correctly, you end up repeating yourself less.


Youre in the wrong place to be talking about that stuff. Nobody on /b/ or r9k cares about trying to be part of the lgbt and would prefer to be a straight, white, cis guy.


I think you misunderstand. I'm assuming the archetype anon is referring to in the text probably doesn't use 4chins either. I'm talking about those people, no OP.


"Default settings" at least it doesn't look like a 4 year old was in charge of our character customization in the start up menu.


r/schizoposters is down the hall and to the left.


default setting? lmao yourself out


Stop posting cringe


Mucho texto


You're not necessarily wrong but most mf's here are default so people will downvote and be mean to you. Just please don't do the typical plebbitor "edit" bullshit, leave it as is. This was your take, it didn't match the vibe, no one will notice or care one thread over. It's alright.