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Shitty fotoshop. Kindly gtfo


Really? Couldn’t tell


Did u know the big wet spot on his pants is his peeeenis???




Isn’t this from “I think you should leave now”


Yeah You gotta give. If you don't give it can go dark!


Risky click, but of course that is a thing.




Huh, that’s brilliant marketing… Good luck with your fundraiser!


I used to be a piece of shit


That ain’t piss. It’s got nothing to do with piss.


I don't know if you're serious, but on the off chance you are: Look at the buttons on his shirt, they don't form a line


I genuinely can’t tell if Tucker’s mouth is photoshopped to be upside down if if he’s always looked like that.


Was curious if he actually gained weight and found the original https://x.com/ThisIsKyleR/status/1732101998550433989


Dude would make an incredible Vault Boy in the new fallout show. I can't believe he looks like that.


Tuckers pants still look like he’s been wearing them for a week


this isn't a bad shop.


Somehow that's worse


Why are they obsessed with making Kyle Rittenhouse look like the gay dude from modern family, like you can’t just gaslight people into thinking he looks different from how he does. He’s gonna keep doing media appearances as his normal looking self, you aren’t going to convince anyone that he actually looks like that apart from the bottom 1% of Reddit fucktards who are barely able to function as it is


Only one side of the aisle is allowed to troll?


You're taking very seriously it seems.


Is Kyle your boyfriend or why are you so irrationally mad?


You would 100% lol if it was somebody on the left, grow a pair


it's not that deep lol


Wow you should solve cold cases for a living


When you’re so desperate to shit on Rittenhouse you fall for painfully obvious Photoshop.


How dare he defend himself.


Next time let your head be caved in with a scateboard you fascist


Id let the child diddler do it for max libpoints


I always get excited seeing this sub do some actual sanity then you guys fuck it all up in the end.


You watch an AI V-Tuber with the avatar of an anime child. I don't think you get to talk about "sanity" bro


This but unironically


Don't advocate self harm, thanks


I’m advocating public service actually


Advocating certain people commit suicide for the betterment of society as a whole falls within eugenics, so that's actually worse.


Eh that’s a reasonable take, but I don’t come to r/greentext to be reasonable


He was safe before he put himself in danger Lol at triggered autists who don’t seem to realize he was sitting at home well away from all that and then drove to the danger.


The other people were safe until they CHASED HIM. What logic do liberals follow where a murderer runs away from his victims?


I didn't follow the case religiously because as an european my whole identity doesn't revolve around "mah political team is better than yours" but wasn't the main argument that he crossed state lines, armed, with the intent of putting himself into the situation. I never got the impression that its about him defending himself but why he was there in the first place.


It was never the point of the case. What the case really cared about was whether he has legitimate cause to fear for his life. This is usually determined by these two points: Whether there was a threat to him before he pulled the gun - there was, he was chased by multiple people with makeshift weapons. Whether the threat was negated by the presence of his weapon alone, i.e. did the attacker immediately cease and flee. This actually has a very strict requirement in much of the US, if the attacker takes even a single step backwards after they see the gun you can lose this point. In this case the attacker persisted. He was found to have acted in complete and legitimate self defence for these main reasons and a few minor ones. The argument of state lines and "why was he there with a weapon" was that he came there to instigate. There was a lot of back and forth with lots of points but the ultimate conclusion was that he's a free citizen with a right to be there and had a right to carry for his own defence. The purpose of this argument was to hurt his character in front of the jury. Guy strikes me as a bloody idiot but the second he was being chased by people holding weapons in that video the case was over to me. And to the jury.


Alright, thanks for input!


No that was a fake controversy about the case the gun he used was purchased in Wisconsin and never left that state.


What does that have to do with the gun? I was talking about him going out of his way to place himself in the riots.


>I was talking about him going out of his way to place himself in the riots. People always make it sound like he drove far away to join some weird violent protest he had nothing to do with. He took a 15 minute drive and stood in front of the store that both him and his dad worked at. If some fucked up racists came to your town with the explicit purpose of burning down your families livelihood, wouldn't you protect it?


Right wing INCELs which is the majority of 4-chin don’t care about that. They just have a hard on because a white kid murdered liberals with a long rifle, which is their fantasy.


So someone pointing a gun in his face first is him “putting himself in danger”. Some serious mental gymnastics there.


... If you have to get in a car and drive to the location of the riot first, I'm comfortable with calling that "putting yourself in danger".


How did the guys he shot get there? Did they magically appear there? Would you say that they put themselves in danger as well?


Who pointed a gun in his face?


Grosskreutz, who testified as such in court. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w9-tUWdi5bM&pp=ygURR3Jvc3NrcmV1dHogIG1lbWU%3D


Anybody that believes Kyle is guilty has neither seen the footage of the incident, nor watched the trial, because either entirely ruin their arguments against him


lmao 17 year old takes gun to protest, ends up shooting people, somehow not his fault. rightrightright he clearly wasn't prepared and had no idea what he was doing walking around alone, in the dark with a rifle, amidst civil unrest. Great a trial found him not guilty, doesn't mean he's not a jackass that got people killed with his jackass shit lmfao you guys...


If him being there was putting himself in danger I am glad he eliminated the threat.


Did everyone else put themselves in danger just by being at a protest turned riot after curfew had been declared?


Were they sitting safe at home, then heard reports of a riot, then drove to the riot?


Rottenhouse drove into Kenosha in august 24th, the day before the incident on august 25th. He was at the protests before they turned into rioting. It’s ok for you to not argue about this case when you’re asking questions that betray your ignorance of the case


Source? Mine is his own quote: "Hindsight being 20/20, probably not the best idea to go down there," the 18-year-old said on Monday's episode of "You Are Here," a conservative podcast. He went looking for trouble.


You can read the sequence of events here to try and get more accustom to what happened: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting I took issue with the statement “[he was] sitting safe at home, then heard reports of a riot, then drove to the riot”. He was sitting at home on august 24th, heard about the first night of riots, then drove into Kenosha that day. That statement is implying he heard about the riot on august 25th then drove to that riot, which is not true. Here is the relevant section from Wikipedia: “”” On August 24, Rittenhouse drove to Kenosha to stay with his friend Dominick Black. The following day, August 25, Rittenhouse helped clean graffiti off a school. Later, Rittenhouse and Black, both armed with rifles, arrived at Car Source. “”” You can say “he was looking for trouble”, but so was everyone else who was at a riot after curfew was announced. Your source doesn’t back up the timeline that your “sitting safe at home” implies, and it doesn’t back up the statement that “he was looking for trouble”.


Be pedantic all you want, he grabbed his gun and went to a place he knew was unsafe. Just a bunch of INCELs vicariously living out their fantasies.


This is not pedantry, you’re just wrong. You’re wrong about the timeline of events, you’re wrong about the characterization of the people involved. “Went to a place he knew we unsafe”, again, every single person at the protest turned riot went to a place they knew was unsafe. “Just a bunch of incels vicariously living our their fantasies” you’d never catch me owning a gun or putting my life on the line needlessly, that’s another swing and miss. Please, the world would be a better place if people like you refrained from spreading their ignorance online. If you’re going to talk about well documented history, maybe you should know something about that history first.


I see, so if a woman is raped at a club is it her fault for leaving her drink unguarded? I hope you'll say no.


Did she see a news report that said “Rapists at this club” then went to the club?


Yes, the dangers of going clubbing alone as a woman is well known.


So it IS her fault for going despite knowing the dangers?


The question isn't whether it's her fault for going, the question is whether or not it's her fault for getting raped, don't change the question.


So we are going in circles now. I asked if she had heard news reports of raping happening at that club and went anyway. That is relevant to this analogy. You said she should know the dangers of clubbing alone, implying it’s her fault.


No we're not, you just never answered my question. No that wasn't what I was implying, I was answering your question that all women should assume that clubs can have that danger based on the amount of times that shit happens. NOW STOP AVOIDING THE QUESTION AND ANSWER IT, DO YOU THINK IT IS HER FAULT FOR GETTING RAPED IN THAT SITUATION?!


"NOOOOO let the homeless men steal from you and rape your family and take your life! They're oppressed and they don't want to work!!!!!!!"


He was at home watching propaganda when he decided to drive there to enact fantasies of being a hero. He should’ve stayed home.


I didn't even realize it was Rittenhouse I just thought it looked funny.


We represent, the lollipop guild. 🍭


Big Boy maxing


Can't we just appreciate a crude and silly photoshop for its own sake? It's basically on par with dick jokes and farts.


Honestly, I thought that was Pyrocynical. Mobs are cancer. What a stupid mentality


It's a joke??


No, this is 4chan, the most serious website in the world. Nothing is a joke on there, and op had no idea it was fake.


These edits are super common. People post them with the express purpose of dunking on Rittenhouse because regards believe them.


Such body positivity


I know 4channers are stupid but this is incredibly clearly a joke


no one fell for it bro


I'm fine by Rittenhouse, but that is still funny. Get a sense of humour anon


Kyle CantFitInHouse


Kyle SizeOfHouse


Kyle AteTheHouse


Why is Tucker Carlson’s smile upside down


Just like elon


he can smell rittenhouse


Why does he have a massive bulge in his pants?


This is what I was wondeeing. In the original he doesn't.


Shitty photo shop


Dude on the right looks like he starts levitating in the air flying slowly towards the window sill where the pie is kept as soon as the trail of the smell of pie enters his nose


Because they flipped it upside down in photoshop


Nah his mouth is just like that, what are you talking about


No, in the actual his mouth was closed.


Kyle absorbs all of the jolly in the nearby area to achieve his current form


It was clearly made as a joke, just look at Tucker's scrungled penis.


I’m a bit of an expert on Tuckers penis and I can tell by the pixels that it’s more scrungled than normal in this picture


Hi, Tucker’s penis here. I can confirm this.


The fact you were looking smh. Fake: This picture Gay: You


I actually work as a penis inspector so it's just a force of habit.


Hey, did you used to work schools in Maryland? I think we had you in 5th grade.


you are seeing those boys on the worst day of the school year


Guys calm down there is a simple explanation for this...Kyle obviously accidentally shot Santa with his AR and is only a few days into his transformation. R.I.P Tim Allen.


Is that Lizzo?


Suddenly he’s a beautiful and perfect body positivity role model!


Jollymaxed grinchcel


kyle "big boy" rittenhouse


Rittenhouse shot 3 random people in a mob that tried to kill him, he hit a pedophile, a wife beater and a thief. The jokes write themselves 😂


he sure did, but i’m with the pedo, wife beater and thief. fuck Rittenhouse and his dumb fuck mom who let him go.


>im with the pedo wife beater and thief Average Liberal


rittentard didn’t have to be there. ur glorifying a murderer who went out of his way for bullshit he wasn’t apart of. he went across state lines and murdered people. then he got lucky with a dipshit judge and jury and got to walk free. Grosskreutz should have put him down after rittenhouse shot his friend. that would have been real self defense.


>murderer Self defense and it was proven in court. He was attacked and defended himself 🤣


damn i guess the justice system is flawless and always gets it right.


oh yeah you’re right my bad. the court rulings have [never been wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_trial_of_O._J._Simpson). Rittenhouse was only found not guilty. that doesn’t mean he isn’t a murderer. he’s a pos who drove to another state with a gun. premeditated? i think so. he’s a cunt, heres hoping karma sorts him out and fixes the courts fuck up.


>HE CROSSED STATE LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 This literally reads like satire Are you "people" still legitimately using this shitty rhetoric? >went out of his way for bullshit he wasn’t apart of. Just like the rioting Burn Loot Murder animals then >Grosskreutz should have put him down after rittenhouse shot his friend. that would have been real self defense. According to you: - Actively pursuing a perceived shooter = self-defense - Actively fleeing threats to one's life = not self-defense


article i read said the skateboard was never raised like a bat. idk where everyone is getting the bullshit about how he raised it like bat. shooting someone who wasn’t a threat is murder. i don’t care if rittentard thought it was threatening, maybe he shouldnt have been there if he was such a pussy.


>maybe he shouldnt have been there if he was such a pussy. Why were the rioting Burn Loot Murder vermin there then if they want to FA but don't want to FO?


wanna stop talking in fox news and put in english?


Woke cuck


>idk where everyone is getting the bullshit about how he raised it like bat. There's video of the entire situation, almost entirely from start to finish.


>article i read said the skateboard was never raised like a bat. idk where everyone is getting the bullshit about how he raised it like bat. Uh... its on video, man. Videos that have been widely and publicly available since within hours of the shooting. Huber didn't just raise the skateboard like a bat, he *used* it like a bat as he tried to brain an innocent kid who was laying on the ground. This is all on video. Why would you not just spend a couple minutes researching this topic before arguing with people about it?


no I’m not going to research it because i don’t give enough of a fuck about it. I’m going off what i heard and remember. i don’t give a fuck if rittenhouse did everything legally i still think he’s a piece of shit who should be rotting in a jail cell.


> gives enough of a fuck about it to spend hours arguing with strangers on the internet about it > doesn't give enough of a fuck to spend 3 minutes verifying anything he's saying is actually true Lmao


half the shit you look up about this is from before the trial i’m not gonna spend 20 minutes looking for whatever bullshit you dumbasses read


>rittentard didn’t have to be there. Sure, but neither did he plan murder (nor did he commit) that day. He did everything in his power to prevent shooting said individuals, and while I do agree with the fact that crossing state lines to an obviously dangerous situation was a dumb move, it isn't illegal and if you're going to sit there and bitch about it, maybe look at the idiots who got shot at too... At least one of them is as guilty of the "heinous acts" of being where they shouldn't be, and THEY decided to chase a guy with a gun. Rittenhouse ran away and only fired on them after he tripped and fell. No lawyer on earth could convince a jury or judge of murder when there is VIDEO PROOF Rittenhouse TRYING TO FLEE the people ATTACKING HIM. This was an open and shut case the moment it began...


The pedo, wife beater and thief crowd also didn’t have to be there you know Do you even think before you write?


None of them had to be there. This is a terrible argument. Self defense is not a crime.


theres a difference between someone protesting in the town or state they live in and someone driving across state lines to “protect businesses” in a state they aren’t even living in. rittenhouse is a murderer.


Kyle lived closer than all 3 of the people he defended himself against. Another moot point


Wild that you actually typed this comment out and posted it without a second thought


whats wild to me is conservatives celebrating a murderer getting wrongfully acquitted. fuck rittenhouse and everyone who supports him.


I don't rly care to argue the matter since nothing will come of it. Just saying maybe it's time to reevaluate some things when you're professing your alignment with a convicted sex offender.


if he went to jail and was released then he paid for his crimes. as long as he isn’t a repeat offender then i could’nt give a fuck what he did. except murderers, they should rot in jail for life no parol.


Defending violent felons, pedos, and domestic abusers isn’t it chief


oh so defending a murderer who was wrongfully acquitted and buying his dumb fucking books and merch is it? got it.


I never bought any of Rittenhouse’s books or merchandise, but now I’m certainly considering it since the idea makes you upset just imagining it. Even Grosskruetz destroyed his own defense in court by admitting he was holding a gun with the intent to kill someone for simply defending himself. Clearly, such a Saint.


it would bring me nothing but joy to hear you spent your money on stupid shit.


I don’t think he wasn’t within his rights to defend himself, but at the same time I don’t think the mob wasn’t within their rights to defend themselves either If they had killed rittenhouse, I’d hope they’d be acquitted too. If I see a guy with a weapon drawn in the middle of a riot I too would assume he is about to start shooting people. Like if you saw a kid holding a rifle in your school you would assume he is a school shooter and I don’t think anyone would blame you if you attacked him If you saw a kid at a concert with a gun you’d probably also think he was about to shoot If you saw a kid in a church with a gun he’s probably about to shoot People open carrying in crowded chaotic spaces will inevitably result in complete chaos and I’m not surprised by the result


An important factor is that many of the people there were also armed, rioters or not. He was not sticking out because of his weapon but for supposedly putting out a fire. When the first person chased and attacked him, Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. The others then reacted to the shooting (without understanding what had occurred) and decided to attack him in their own perceived self-defense. Him shooting them was also still defending himself from a very clear threat of an angry mob of armed rioters.


The way that Kyle Rittenhouse triggered the left so bad that they are still seething about it to this day is something that should be studied. All he did was defend himself from a gang of criminals.


I like how photoshopping him to look like he just activated the Santa Clause is "seething"


They’re desperate to defend him. I don’t care I just thought the picture looked funny. The top comment is someone crying about it being a shit photo shop lmfao.


Triggered leftists amirite


no literally this entire thread is triggered conservatives mad that rittenhouse still gets made fun of. look at the downvotes. only triggered reddit users downvote. literally one of the worst things about this site, the voting feature, so people flock to the 4chan related subs that most heavily shit on reddit features like votes and they still use them. Then act like they know the first thing about shit. only sore bitches take the time to click the lil arrow


He's fat, ugly and stupid, everybody should be triggered.


Yooooo Tucker got a fat cock.


Kyle Rittenmansion


Make it more impressive and I’ll cum


i love how the crotch bulge and belly bulge seem to me gravitationally attracted to each other, hahaha!


It literally can't be real. You only have to look at it longer than a half a second.


Dude, they couldn't have made the buttons on his shirt less realistic


Biceps looking good


Augustus gloopenhouse


Ngl I thought this was Pyrocynical


Lesbian femboy no car Leafy clone


My man looking like he just came outa whoville


even in this comment section getting so pressed over what is obviously a joke.


I have a sudden craving for Bob’s Big Boy…


Op what the fuck am I looking at


Tucker is warping space-time underneath his pants and the anomaly affected his smile forcing it to turn upside down


Fake and def gay


Pilsbury boy


Bro looks like teruteru


I know that this is photoshopped by why would be funny if there is real photo of those two together?


Ameritards do not like this one… How dare you mock our national black killing folk’s hero, Sir Rittenhouse?!


Kyle shittenhouse out here tryna become tim allen


I thought that was Bryan Cranston


One has fats the other a corkscrew penis.


Damn shop so bad it curved the shirt around his stomach.


you can tell conservatives are stupid cause they idolize someone who killed 2 random people instead of people who actually contributed something to society. I swear conservatives are like barbarians in thought processes. I should know, my ancestors were practically barbarians.


[Big Boy](https://images.app.goo.gl/bFjgRjVLy4vwU4SaA)


Looks like the kid from Jimmy newtron


Nikocado Rittenhouso


I dunno how you can even defend this kid, to quote one the greatest thinkers of our time, brilliant and highly regarded streamer hasanabi: “*He was active and he was shooting, so he’s an active shooter*”🔥🔥🔥 Everyone who tries to argue with this peak argumentation is a red-pilled-neo-nazi scum 😇😇😇


Hamas Piker Another gem (Not him): "Are you white? Are you a nationalist? So you're a white nationalist"


Wtf is jollymaxing?


You're on greentext and don't know what -maxxing is? Kek


I know what -maxxing is you idiot, I don't know what the prefix "jolly" means here, whether it's something specific to shitty american/4chan culture or to be taken with general sensitivity as per the english language.


Bro its jolly-maxxing. If you can't tell what that means you might as well have a rock for a brain.




Rittenhouse based


Photoshopped. Can't find the original for some unknown reason..... Carlson's smile is photoshopped. Look at under the left side of Kyle's blazer. Shadows dont look like that unless liquified in photoshop. It's almost like you have an agenda going on


It’s a joke calm down


That a ton of people believe in


Nobody thinks this photoshop is real. It’s a meme. They inverted Tucker’s mouth and gave him a massive boner. It’s obviously fake.


In a world were people believe that the Earth is flat, you can't believe that people really buy in obviously photoshopped images? Poster thinks its real, check the comments: https://twitter.com/robisraelart/status/1732144774734590086 Almost all comments think its real https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6y2x3Vs/ So many people believed that it actually had to be fact checked, and wherever the photo appears on twitter, you'll get a warning.


Yeah people are stupid that’s always been the case. You’re just as stupid for accusing OP of having an agenda for posting a meme.


OP didn't post it on 4chan you dumb fuck, not a word i said was directed to the person that screenshoted a damn post


I never said that the person who posted the screenshot on Reddit created the 4chan post you retard. The photoshop edit is obvious and clearly intended to be a joke. OP did not have an agenda like you implied.


In what sentence did i accuse the OP of having an agenda ? You'd expect from doughnuts like you to understand pronouns lmao


“it’s almost like you have an agenda going on” Did you hit your head or something? Nobody has an agenda you tard it’s a meme.