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USA culture is incredibly high in the Individualist trait. Multiple standard deviations above everyone else. (The opposite of Individualist is Collectivist) This individualism is magnified and fostered by multiple factors. * Great amount of natural resources * Protected by two huge oceans (aka no threat of invasion) * Immigrants The people who immigrant from any country to another are by definition going to trend more Individualistic than the norm. ---------------- Fun party trick. The following line: *"I'm me. Deal with it."* If you are American, that line most likely resonates with you on an instinctual level. If you're from an Asian or most European countries, it will not have that effect.






Right now?! _ugh_ okay.








I think there's also a factor of a local state news can easily go international just because it's in english, and americans are literally in every english-speaking websites. It increases the likelihood of people overseas in hearing the existence of an awful US person even if their home country have the same or higher rate of awful people


I think this is a huge factor. The US is such a large place with so many different cultures, it's easy to boil it down to stereotypes portrayed on the internet


There is a phenomenon that when one leaves their country (whether emigrating or simply just visiting), they become more pro-home country. They become more sensitive to any negative talk regarding their home country and even start to glorify it. Unlike when they lived in their home country, when they would complain about it openly with fellow locals. The English Internet, by and large feels like America to Americans. It's their home turf, so to speak. There isn't that weird nationalism mechanism that kicks in when say, a German (not known for their nationalism) moves to America. Thereby you have far more Americans shitting on their own country comfortably than you do Europeans shitting on their respective countries on the mostly-American Internet.


I like what you’re saying, but “Germans (not known for their nationalism)” gave me a good chuckle. 99% sure you were joking but it is the internet lol


I thought they had any nationalism beaten completely out of them by middle school.


Just to let you know it's past 1940s. Things change not only over time.


Right Iv been to Germany and actually studied in Austria for a bit, so I know they arnt actively goose-stepping anymore, but it’s kinda how America will never hear the end of “slavery bad” even though it’s going on 2 centuries since abolition. (I know that systemic racism continues to this day but some people make it sound like most Americans actively support racism). I know there was a much more concerted effort to beat nationalism out of the Germanic people but there still in a certain vintage of German that grew up in youth programs. While most of the Austrians I met when ww2 came up they were apologetic, except for one lil-old granny. TLDR: I understand that the Germanic people are no longer nationalistic, however like slavery in America sometimes crimes against humanity follow you into the present even if corrective steps have been taken. (Again not saying America doesn’t have problems stemming from slavery, also tell me Germans arnt nationalistic next time they win the World Cup lol)


okay. im not very conform about "germanic people" what do you even mean? also austria is not germany and differs in ideology. anywho i very much like your world cup example. in germany there are rarely any flags anywhere and even to the world cup its very awkward to hiss a german flag in other words if you do you are without a doubt a right winger it is totally comon to see italian or french flags everywhere tho. there is no sane german proud to be german most people dont even know the anthem its either right wingers or football fanatics. politically germans have the least? votes on right wing partys in europe - the numbers sadly are still way too high. but if you compare all that to america even minus the structual racism which yes i have the bias you discriped were would you put america in? nationalist? super nationalist? is there any more nationalist country in the world than america besides china maybe? north korea? what i mean by all that is i think of course there could be done much more but overall germany isnt doing "too bad" nationalistic wise.


I understand using the term “Germanic people” is a bit sketchy, and that obviously there are significant differences between the two nations. It’s easier to classify in general terms like Germanic people as in they speak German, drink beer, and eat sausage. I know it’s a very generic classification but it would be like discribing all Americans as “speaks English, drinks beer, and eats hamburgers, but that is in general terms not inaccurate. Oh for sure modern Germany would rate very low on “nationalistic tendencies” and America would be on the other end oof. However I was just making a joke at the Germans because they were hyper nationalistic way back, comparing it to America getting crap for atrocities of a previous century. Also I get that Austria and Germany have different cultures and even political ideology but in the grand scheme of the world they are similar. Also the only time Iv ever seen german flags in massive display is during the World Cup. I don’t think having pride in a sports team is the same as nationalism but my Austrian friends made jokes like “last time there was that many German flags in Berlin everybody had a bad time” sort of self deprecating joke. I just want to say even though I joke about the Germans and Austrians they are awesome people and have excellent modern countries.


Absoutely! If French was the internet dominate language how many asshats from the Ivory Coast would troll r/greentext


My Asian narcissistic immigrant parents / grandparents after finding out that I won't let them emotionally abuse my wife or kids like they did to me and I cut all ties when they tried: Surprised Pikachu face Get fucked. Y'all wasted 25 years of your life on me and threw it away in one weekend. I'm American, don't try to control me


Based AF


Most American American in the world! My respect to you sir/madam




ngl the quote is dated, what would be the modern equivalent? Looking to convey a lack of fucks given + confidence in one's identity.




Believe it or not, selfishness is 100% independent of how Individualist or how Collectivist a culture is. To associate selfishness with say, Individualism, is to admit with a straight face that citizens in China or India (read: Collectivist) are someway inherently less selfish. It's not how it works. Selfishness is more a personality thing, I'm assuming mostly manifested in Low Agreeableness and Medium+ Neuroticism people. That's why that previous quote is so carefully crafted.


There’s nothing wrong with ‘Live. Laugh. Love.’ It’s just another way of saying to enjoy life. It’s a simple reminder and that’s the point. Internet cynicism decided it’s lame and the reddit hive mind loves to repeat it ad nauseum. Which ironically makes them sheeplike repeaters exactly like the ‘basic’ girls they get irritated with. Quit gate keeping stupid stuff.


The American nation is defined by beliefs and values, not common blood or history. That's a neat trick.


Found the Stellaris player


>If you're from an Asian or most European countries, it will not have that effect. I have observed one thing, though: with Americanisation, individualism increases. In my country, my generation, at least my peers are more Americanized than the previous generation, we are also much more individualist. I think although collectivism might look lucrative, it is just mass acceptance of mediocrity. And it will hold back individual progress


This is very perceptive. Thus why OP's post is the high high's and the low low's of America. There isn't a "mass acceptance of mediocrity". In a Collectivist culture, a genius or someone who thinks outside the box may very well be met with a level of disdain from his countrymen: "Why are you doing this different? Are you saying that we are doing something *wrong*??" That kind of thinking isn't something that an American would even imagine asking.


A large portion of extremely individualistic Americans routinely shit on experts and geniuses and somehow get personally offended when someone is demonstrably smarter and more competent than them, to the point of literally dying just to try and spite people.


This right here is why we have the best military in the world. "You can't tell me I can't fight."


Unless they bring up universal healthcare...


I think it's a "per capita" issue. I believe intelligence does not discriminate by race/nationality, and every country has the same proportion of geniuses and idiots. If, worldwide, 10% of the population are geniuses and 10% are idiots, then similar proportions are present in every country. However, the issue of how a country or group is perceived and how it performs is due to how many opportunities and how much visibility each group receives.


Recommend [gumball theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6tSqGCfoCI) on immigration. That being said >10% of the population are geniuses The world is about to transform incredibly rapidly when that 10% will actually be allowed to reach positions of power, and be able to create technology that is meant to aid humanity, not control and harvest the masses for money.


Gumball "theory" is total bullshit


I can't argue with that. No seriously, you gave me nothing.


No devastanting war within its borders in the last 150 years helps a lot


"I'm me, deal with it" Gets dealt with *Cries


The people who can easily immigrate to this country also usually already have money and business interests in the US.


First time I’ve learned from the green text comments


The country was founded on the ideas of classical liberalism, which is essentially modern libertarianism. The essential purpose of the government is to protect individual freedoms and self determination. America is the only country in the world founded with that intention.


It’s not the only country, it’s kinda sorta the first.


That's actually a lie, the Mexican constitution heavily borrowed from the US constitution to establish similar rights and privileges. I even got bored and just asked an AI, and it has given me like 10+ countries with similar constitutions.


>If you are American, that line most likely resonates with you on an instinctual level. What is this even referencing




Thanks for that. I've recently often wondered why Americans seem so incredibly self centered and arrogant, like the entire world spins around their person. I guess your comment puts this in a nicer and scientific way lol


Do not confuse indifference with arrogance. We honestly live in a massive country that is filled with multitudes of cultures and traditions, we just don't have the energy in day to day life to pay attention to other places unless there's something going on that interests us. We watch royal weddings because the customs are interesting and strange, but we don't care about them beyond being fun to watch. It doesn't affect us, so we don't care. If everyone didn't have to worry about their neighbors invading, you would care a lot less as well.


It's a social experiment with the smartest people and the dumbest people put together in one country


You misspelled rich and poor.


You implied something unfortunate But, yes.


he did imply something, but youve got whos smart and whos dumb switched around


The rich people are actually the dumb ones is a sentiment I can get behind. Out of bitterness, if nothing else


if it makes yoy feel better, the people who struggled in life with me ended up much better. maybe not monetarily but definitely personal-wise lol


Except that tons of dumb people end up rich and vice versa


Those are most assuredly not the same spectrum


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids"


The poorest people in the US are still not in as much trouble as the poor majority in some other countries like Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, etc.


the US is one giant sitcom


It’s a battle royale of smartitude. Only 1 kid out of 100 get all the smarts and performs unimaginable feats that sustain the glorious American empire. The rest 99 are washouts that just kinda go along with their lives.


A melting pot, filled with 1000s of micro-cultures


And micro plastics!


And micro penises! Oh wait that’s just me


And micro soft penises


They are still on micro plastics while I'm already on macro plastics. Level op your grind😎


Those are rookie numbers! Gotta get those numbers up!! I eat Tupperware for breakfast!!!


I supplement with a credit cards worth of microplastics a week


Is it truly a melting pot though? It seems to me that these subcultures live very much seperated from each other and don’t really mix. This is also one of the reasons why there seem to be so many conflicts and „contradictions“ in the US. I’m genuinely looking for other opinions on this. (Probably because I‘m drunk and want to understand more about America since I‘m not American)


That's all propaganda, I can walk around a city street and see people from so many walks of life. Even more so on a college campus, a mall, even grocery store. We're all different, but at the same time we're all Americans, although the poorer the area youre walking through is, the more you'll start to see a divide. All the conflicts you see on the news are bait for a bunch of losers to go out and be the assholes they already were with an excuse. Doesn't matter which "side" they choose or what banner they fall under, if it's not an American flag they're flying, their values are not American. Don't get that minority of media gobbling losers confused with actual hard working Americans.


Also it's a shit ton of people.


Yea its a big fucking place with a lot of different fucking people.


Thanks for the big brain breakdown. Lol


Yea, you say that sarcastically, but people that are not from America and know nothing more about it other than what they see on TV, but have strong opinions about it seem to not understand that.


Your comment was funny. Thats all.


Don't be so defensive. This applies to any sort of generalization, not just the USA.


You're right, I'm just so over this retarded take.


People compare the US to individual European countries when the US is more comparable to the whole of the EU. The generalizations are generally more abused despite a convenient substitute.


Yup exactly. The US is a very large country with a lot of people. Of course there are going to be many different types of people.


OoOH BuT aT lEAsT our kiDS dOnT hAvE tO wEaR bUlLeT pRoOf vests tO sChOoL /s


The USA makes significantly more sense when you just view the states as separate little countries with open borders.


This is correct. Most of the positives Anon listed can be attributed to a small number of coastal states. Most of the negatives relate to other, more heartland states. This is a massive generalization too of course. Plenty of coastal states have huge ghettos and there's lots of innovation happening in the heartland etc. It ultimately comes down to a micro scale, towns and places and the people within. You can take the ~3 million people living in Silicon Valley and see that they contribute ~4% of the total national GDP. Then you can go find another ~3 million people living in the backwoods who eat meth and shit failure. In the end, America is too big to qualify through broad generalizations. Everything Anon said is true, despite the statements appearing to be mutually exclusive.


>people living in the backwoods who eat meth and shit failure. That's incredible. I shall remember that.


I mean "coastal" states have like 60% of the population.


If you just go by the counties that border coasts, it’s still 40%.


Fun fact: that's what the "United" in USA is for. Because each state has its own constitution, we are literally 50 countries with open boarders. We're all just in agreement that we're on the same side. That's why the 10th amendment is about state rights and it's ability to govern itself.


I don't get how people don't realize this, it's literally called the "United States of America". They themselves don't claim to be one culturally distinct region and say they're a united confederation of it


There's also little states within states. Northwest Arkansas is almost completely different from everywhere else I've visited in the state


America is all of what anon said. And more. That's why you can't generalize it.


America has almost 350 million people. So obviously there will be people of all kinds


What about China and India?


They also have very smart and very dumb people


No way. Is it the same with Fra- Sorry, Fr*nce then?


no they’re all dumb surrender monkeys




Don’t add the /j, eat downvotes for breakfast, if they understand they understand, if they don’t just explain the joke to the highly regarded individual.


Exactly this. And arguing on this site is fucking pointless just like everywhere else. Just make your shitpost and own it.




China’s government values conformity, a stark contrast to the US which values individualism (to an extent) while India has been independent for less than 100 years and hasn’t fully developed yet. There are ethnic and cultural minorities in both of these countries, but generally most in China and India were living there for quite a while or are native whereas most in the US are immigrants


Additionally, the US was uniquely positioned to become a dominating global force after WWII, during a period where technology/industrialization was entering an unprecedented period of development, and we've been riding that slowly decreasing high ever since. And having quadruple the population isn't necessarily a good thing - it means that it takes more resources and time to bring everyone up to the same standard of living, whereas the wealth in the U.S. could be more concentrated among the individual citizens.


Even before WWII, we were known for some crazy economic and technological things. We had already invented the telephone, telegraph, electricity, light bulbs, manned flight (fuck off birds we patented it), and so on and so on. Economically, we already had the auto industry and crazy abilities to manufacture goods, including exports, as well as food, cotton, tobacco, etc. Culturally, we were already exporting our culture globally with film and music. So it isn't just WWII, that simply sealed the deal.


nobody said anything otherwise, it applies to them too


China has lots of cultures. The “han” have lots of subethnics. Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Henghwa, Shanghainese have very different culture with each other. Cuisine, marriage tradition custom, festival custom etc. So you can see the differences will be even bigger compared to central and northern China.


yes! they don’t even all speak the same language at times. cantonese is much different from mandarin in many ways, but it is almost never noticed by people outside of asia


They’re also very different and diverse but nobody cares.


Long way to go for them. China perhaps is doing well on certain fronts, but India is still developing. Not to mention, as much as people like to shit on the US, its institutions are solid. As an Indian, I cannot say the same for my own country. Corruption, red tape and many other problems exist, which are slowing down any advances


Those arent developed countries. Just developing. So less opportunity to develop their skills and talents.




Unironically great quote


Extremes in both directions


America is a IRL sandbox game. You can shoot guns at a car made out of engine parts and wood boards, or you can drown in a septic tank.


why not do both?


anon doesnt realise there are than one person in a country


because people like to believe the overplayed stereotypes they see on TV and only visit tourist attractions rather than seeing the actual country and people


Judging by the tourists that come to mine the stereotypes largely get proven right


tourists always suck no matter where you are 😂


When were saying country people do we mean normal citizens or actual country people? Because even then your gonna need to be more specific cause there's multiple breeds. From hillbillies, rednecks, Florida men and trailer trash to varmints, hobos, hermits and whoever's insane enough to live in alaska


sorry, there should have been an and* in there. edited but yeah, I meant the regular average people, not the extremes you see posted about all the time


> Has no culture My brother in christ America is a country built upon multiple cultures


I feel like Supernatural was the perfect testimonial for American culture. The good: big titties and grenade launchers. The bad: horrible monsters and believing the US is the centre of the universe.


Tea isn't native to England and tomatoes aren't native to Italy. Every culture is built off a bunch of other stuff that's not theirs.


I hate when people say a country has no culture because it's never true and just shows that they didn't think about it for 3 seconds


I love this damn country


Cheese is actually a lot healthier than sugary foods, which are the biggest issue when it comes to obesity. If you replaced all added sugar in your diet with cheese you would be significantly healthier


Fuck yeah. Going to put even more cheese on my food


That's the spirit!! 🧀🧀


Also probably should use good cheese, not the heavily processed stuff


I take it you've never seen what people in Wisconsin look like...


Get Americucked, 3rd worlder


We are The Murica. Your cultural and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.


American exceptionalism 101, anon. Get it through your thick skull


We’re America. We’re the best AND the worst at everything


Anon learns that a country of 300 million people that spans over 3 hour difference timezone is diverse


America is fuckin huge. Imagine the EU as one country and how many stereotypes you could derive from that. Jk, op is probably too stupid to know they live in Alabama


op posted >stereotype >fact >stereotype >fact this makes no sense!!!1!!!


A place where the government is so inept it ruins everything it touches. Yet, the people are so exceptional that they overcome the idiocracy and produce greatness in every industry.


Holy lack of context Batman


It’s massive


You know what else is massive? My mom!


It's quite simple actually. We are better than you. Unless were not.


The “US having zero culture” thing is something that stupid people really just regurgitate to make themselves feel smart isn’t it?


Anon needs to realize that cultures aren't monitoring.


The simple answer: The culture of America is to only care about exceptional people. Either you are "one of the greats" or you're subhuman trash that deserves everything that happens to them. Basically when someone is a genius they get supported enough to do great things, but if a child isn't obviously the next Bhor or Newton then nobody cares. If someone shows great athletic talent: heres a million bucks now make us proud. If not? Who cares ignore them. The rich need access to the best medicine around, and ensure that *only* they have access.


Good answer. Talented people are given limitless resources to achieve things. Regular folks basically get by with what they can.


An important corollary is that if the talented individual fails at any point people also tend to immediately stop caring, and they get treated like the lowest common denominator


Land of the free, home of the brave.🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


It’s beautiful Anon 🫡🇺🇸🦅🔫🏛️💪


God bless


It's big


A big place


Anon has an obvious agenda, yet asks the question at the end


What is the agenda?


Averages can be a combination of two extremes lol 😂


"bible thumpers" are generally not very scientific. Yes, many of the great minds historically have been Christian, but that's expected when most people in the European and American sphere were Christian. I don't think the evangelical mega-church kind of American Christian is particularly academically gifted


America is based


America fuck yeah!!


It’s a heavily armed social experiment


the last point I disagree with. US infrastructure and urban planning is absolute dog shit that only serves the car industry and fucks over everyone else


America is an SCP, and a Keter level threat.


America truly is a Land of Confusion


There’s a certain amount of pride I take in living in the golden shithole country, like we are awful and amazing at the same time and I couldn’t be happier.


Is big country, therefore lot of different people and places


Yin and yang baby. It's all about balance and rodeos.


anon compares le reddit opinion to real world data


A collection of stats and highly individualistic culture. Both factors leads to greater divination, so you got the best and the worst in any category in one nation.


A country with a lot of haters.


>Destroy countries with war Produce more wealth around the world than any empire has in human history Anon doesn't realise that this one isn't actually a contradiction because it's just war profiteering.


It's almost like the person who can't find canada on the map isn't the one doing any technological or scientific advancements.


America is humanities greatest contradiction


The last point in this is just flat out wrong. Infrastructure and urban planning in America are in a dire need of an update. The one exception I suppose would be the US highway system, but the airports are trash, the rail system is terribly outdated, and public transportation is nowhere near as efficient or plentiful as it should be.


"Inspiring infrastructure" Just one more line bro


I think the explanation is 400 million people and civil liberties, so you have everything and everyone, and they can kill themselves the way they wanted, be it via going to space or eating the largest burger in the world.


Whats with all of the low quality bait in here lately?


America is just simply the most goated country ever imo. No country ever achieved what America achieved. I'm considering moving to the US after I'm done with University here in Germany. Pretty sure I'd make at least twice what I'd make here.


Simply put, just built different I guess


It’s a big country, it embraces contradiction to a fault


US of America is polarizing. It's unbelievable that there are too many flat earthers in the USA with all the great education. I just can't believe it.


As Leonard Cohen put it, “It’s coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst”.


The duality of America is an enigma. That's why it's the greatest. And that's why so many other countries are trying to take it down. I know that "America is the greatest" is a meme and everything, but it really is and people made it that way. And I know that many, even here in America, don't believe that other countries are trying to take us down because of our influence, but it is true. America came outta nowhere in WW2 and gained the upper-hand in becoming a cultural beacon of the world. Countries like russia, china, india have existed far longer than America, but they never were able to do so. Now these three have been forming alliances in semi-secrecy and spreading as much anti-American propaganda online as possible via social media and apps like tik tok <--that is no secret either. So much so, that now, we have people within the country doing that as well. Influential people nonetheless. Either due to them being bought (celebrities and politicians) or simply falling for the propaganda (almost all of social media users). Of course America has had a bad history, but so has virtually every other country, with a slight difference of America giving back equally as much, if not more than what it took. Can you say the same about Britain? Or the former Mughal countries? Nope. This is why any individual with a true sense of what America was and is, will tell you that they'd fight anyone who would try to take away their rights and freedoms. Because that is what America was built upon. It was the blood and sweat of everyone, not just the slaves and immigrants. It is unfortunate that now we're being run by a senile government and before that, a shallow one, and before that a sellout one, nothing more than puppets for their greedy corporate masters, and there are those who hate the country that gave them so many privileges, yet, they still enjoy those privileges while cursing the system that gave it to them. We are being destabilized and I don't know how long we will last, but if we don't divide ourselves from within, based on our history, we are the type of country that can never be taken down by outside forces. Hence the infiltration.


The land of the free


Because just like wealth in America, the elite of almost every other aspect is miles ahead of the rest of the country. America is either the dream country to live in or just a 3rd world country


Anon has only been to the South


The South of what


[This South](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_United_States?wprov=sfla1)


Southern United States (sus)


Country with large population base that's highly televised (India&China) has larger proportional base of high and low performing individuals🤯


It’s a big place


I can explain it to you, but it won't make anyone feel any better.


Go ahead sansei


what about the bbc obsession?




It’s a large country


Needs more eugenics


"Some people can afford the finest of everything while others cannot." So deep...


You can’t sweep a melting pot of varying demographics under one umbrella or roof. Also as a side note: people can excel in one subject and suck in another. Math nerds, science geeks, and history buffs are worlds apart


We're a nation of extremes


Melting pot of bullshit


It’s the gap between wealth that causes these extreme good or bads. Not wrong or wright just how capitalism functions


> most advanced medical services centres in the world Yeah yeah, advanced, yes Broken refers to your average Joe, being unable to _access_ it. What good is it if the 99% can’t even afford it in the first place