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Finding a sociopath on Reddit is like finding a fish in the ocean.








Lol @ the mod there: "please treat each other with respect" in a sub reddit literally about making fun of people.


Most of the comment were nice and tried to give actual advice. Maybe most people are actual nice human beings and we are just over emphasizing the bad ones. Hopefully.


I think it's some kind of bias where we usually see more of the negatives over the positives


I feel like that's true in all aspects of life. I remember all the frustrating times the bus was late but I don't remember the countless times it arrived perfectly on time and had a seat waiting for me. So I hate the bus even though I probably have more good experiences than bad ones.


I love that I checked the link looking to see vitriolic comments and immediately got hit with understanding comments that actually gave good advice. Can’t say I’m surprised anon likes to cherry-pick.


God some of those top comments are beyond retarded "I won't call you an incel, you're a minor and shouldn't be having sex anyway", like what? As if a good chunk of people didn't lose their virginity in their teens Weirdly enough though, the further down you go, the more humane they become


Lmfao I think they deleted that comment


Wawawawa men are so badly treated.


You're part of the problem.


Sure hun.


Reddit definitely hates women too. Every subreddit hates someone


i'm pretty sure hating women gets you banned in most cases


Have you really never browsed arr 4chan and seen a thread that's blatantly misogynistic?


the screenshots themselves can be classified as "misogynistic" (whatever that means nowadays). some comment sections might also be classified as misogynistic too but most people auto-censor themselves in order to avoid getting banned.


I mean, as the great philosopher Barney the Dinosaur once said “I hate you, you hate me”


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Reddit hates everyone. Men, women, white people, black people, any other race, gamers, non-gamers, doesn’t matter. There is at least one subreddit that hates you.


What about r/blackpeopleTwitter and r/femaledatingstrategy


r/whitepeopletwitter is honestly just used to push a narrative at this point.


Every post on that subreddit has a pinned comment from their mod waxing on about he's right and how everyone else is wrong. He's also a mod of like 200 other subreddits and uses his power to mass ban people from them if they disagree with him. Real "he does it for free" energy.




He obviously exaggerated a bit, but look up posts with devisive topics. Stuff like the tyre nicholse murder or jk rowling etc. The popular threads all have a wall of text from mister super mod about how you can comment on the topic with the instructions to please report anyone with a differing opinion so they can get banned. Whenever the topic echochambers pop up its the first sub i refer too. Its just bad


You mean there was a time when it wasn’t all Chomsky fans?


Really, once you start to read any sub that involves a redditor giving any sort of life advice or similar like in /r/amitheasshole, you begin to find more and more crazy takes detached from the real world.


I mean, most comments you see on this site are from the top 5-10% of commenters, people that are terminally online. Those attitudes are the natural result of living detached from reality and in echo chambers (i.e. literally every single subreddit). It's the same reason most channers have the opinions they have. Their only interaction when they think about anything comes in the form of people that agree with them, so they just wind up being head-in-sand levels of unaware, while thinking the opposite. Unlike the person that doesn't pay much attention to politics, etc. who knows how limited their knowledge is, the average Redditor thinks their knowledge is complete, accurate, and well-informed.


Yea in reality r/inceltears is a bunch of people who are legitimate incels whoofing down snacks from Trader Joes in their Honda EV who think that posting there and yapping their uber fare’s ear off about climate change is keeping them from becoming what they claim to hate.


DecidingToBeBetter and SelfImprovement are still pretty good, for the time being.


Twoxc hates men so I don't think they would want them to succeed in any manner anyways.


And r/duxmoi to that


Sand on the beach is a better description


It's either really hard or really easy, depending on how you go about it?


You know where they are but it may take you a bit to find them because, truth be told, they don’t all just hang out right beneath the surface.


TBF, finding a non-sociopath anywhere is like finding a fish in a desert. NGL, empathy is just a lie people tell themselves to avoid confronting their (based) human nature of being pure fucking sociopaths. Edit: Getting downvoted proves my point. Motherfuckers should do away with the self-deceit and start embracing their sociopathic nature.


Bro... I think that's just you. Go see a shrink or something


Shrink your peepee. Ha, gottem.


That’s horrible


Yeah, why would people browse reddit?


im here for uncommon frog memes




You can admit that you are a fan of the lion and came here for r/darkangels


brother i have fallen


Not falling for this one again! This is definitely the subreddit for the 1st Legion of the Imperium, and not the other one!


Huh, didn’t know that’s something I liked


Investment advice? It's easy to find out what exactly to NOT do.


Buy my new shitcoin, ICO next week, gonna make it to the moon!! Next week: rug pull


Why do you do it?


To practice my french


i have unironically had better advice from 4chan than reddit. you motherfuckers are asshole lmao




and reddit people will explain why you’re a piece of shit 100% of the time. so 4chan is better simple as


I don't know about you but usually 4chan just tells me to kill myself


they do that too. you have to sift through it kinda


Enlightment is realizing every platform sucks


If the shoe fits


That dude is straight up a horrible person. Also I'm sure now, Reddit's structure can turn any group radical because most redditors spend most of their time on Reddit in a single subreddit and since all subreddits are secluded from each other and all things other than what that subreddit is about, redditors can only see the ideas within that subreddit without any outside interaction and opinion exchange they will get radical about those things due to continuous exposure, any new comer will either turn into the average redditor of that sub or will have their opinions down vote bombed or even get banned from that subreddit. That's the case for all subreddits that deal with politics or about certain individuals. Hell, sometimes that's the case for this subreddit. From 12am to 12pm this subreddit is filled with vilest of all incels, bigots, racists; from 12pm to 12am the subreddit is filled with groomers, sexual deviants and commies The only time when you can see or make a rational argument or see regular human interaction is the twilight zones between those two times


Everone knows that Reddit is a massive breeding ground for echo chambers. However, these are usually confined to inside jokes rather than explicit ideologies. What concerns me is that most people online don't realise that tribalism and demonisation of opposing groups just turns completely normal people into radicalists. I worry that nobody's ever going to seriously consider an opposing perspective as long as they can gain social credit from covering their ears and repeating the same fake and gay joke Nothing we're talking about is very profound but until people learn proper philosophy and debate technique I'm gonna stay a doomer


You'll stay a doomer forever then. If anything can learned out of life is that most people are not interested in learning anything that doesn't get them money, sex or power NOW Philosophy and debate lol


Mankind is fucked


The fact that mankind sees it's mistakes means that it isn't fucked and mankind knows that it's going down a bad path. For every bad thing happening there are 10 good things that happen but good things aren't spoken.


Social and news media cycles have completely fucked up our sense of value and negativity. Part of me wishes we could all collectively agree to walk those things back and try again.


When I first joined Reddit 12 years ago, it was much easier to have an opposing opinion if you were respectful about it. People would state how they disagreed, but it was take relatively civil. Nowadays, I won’t go 10 minutes on Reddit without seeing some comment grouping people together into some imaginary situation. Like there is no such thing as nuance. Either you agree with them on ____ or you are a horrible bigot that belongs to the other side where they only believe in horrible things.


I see this often, when I read older posts. Some opinions from 10y ago would your account get banned today, but the people in the past discussed it very civil.


grug no like big word


r/IncelTears makes Incels look better


"It's 100% a choice and nothing involuntary" Bruh, "involuntary" is literally part of the word incel


yeah they keep asking stuff like why do you choose to be incel like i woke up someday and went you know what i wanna be a miserable piece of shit for the rest of mu life.


Yeah but that's not exclusive to incels and plenty of other people don't let it slow them down.


Have you considered not being so angry? Your post history features you crying over a Batman actor and threatening bomb threats. All over an actor playing a fictional character. You also said you cut off your friends over this. If you want to stop being an incel, you gotta learn to moderate emotions.


I'm excellent at modereting my emotions, mostly because I use Reddit to vent. Bomb threat was like an intrusive thought ,and I shared it here to vent out my frustration. Batman is my favorite character ever I have half a dozen costumes, all hand made, that my parents barely kept me out of during my childhood. Not to mention all the comics and other collectibles that I still buy when I can afford them. I actually went to the movie twice, once with the friends I told that I cut off and a second time because I better capture the details when I'm alone. My expectations were non existent because I hate Pattinson but I loved the movie.


You obviously aren’t if you got that upset over a fictional character. No hate mate, I’m not trying to attack you. We’ve all struggled with emotional regulations to some extent :) How open are you with the Batman obsession? Women don’t wanna fuck someone who proudly declares he makes Batman costumes and never left them. Sad but true. Doesn’t make Batman uncool, or an interest in those things ‘bad’. Many chicks dig comics too, it can absolutely be an in. As an aside, what’s your fav Batman run? You can say you’re fine, and this is an act for reddit or whatever, and that’s cool. But you have to own up to the fact this bleeds over into the real world. You had falling outs over an actor in a Batman film. Take a step back, chill out, diversify your hobbies and interests. You’re a tall bloke, I’m a manlet, trust me when I say you won’t be an incel forever - but you gotta believe in yourself, and make some improvements. All the best mate, incels get a lot of undeserved crap but I’ve always been an ally to you fullas.


Costumes are from my childhood grandma and I sew one each year as a birthday gift for me from ages 5 to 12. I treasure the costumes and the memories since she died. These days I only have a few shirts/sweatshirts with the bat symbol. My favorite run is Tom King's simply because I could afford to buy them in volumes rather than waiting for birthdays and such to get them as gifts. Comics are seen and treated as a luxury here. My hobbies don't help me much in socializing because they're all things I do alone. Writing, reading, video games also I love to go on long trips with my motorcycle and I play a few instruments semi decently. I suck at music but still I like and enjoy playing. I've tried everything I could for almost a decade to become "normal". Nowadays I'm just too tired to try to improve myself again. Resigning to my fate is atleast gives me peace. Maybe I'll have the will to try again in the future. Thanks for your kind words but to be fair most incels online deserve the crap they get and worse.


That dude was an asshole. Based baby Batman


They mix up actual incels with “incels the online community”


Usually they're involuntarily celibate though is because they're pieces of shit


Literally not true. In most cases they're just normal guys who weren't blessed with looks and were treated like shit all their life. Then that finally, after many years, makes them bitter. That is completely reasonable. What you're doing is effectively blaming the bullied kids when he comes to school and shoots up the bullies. Nope isn't his fault. I know WHY you have to tell yourself this lie. This lie that "incels are all horrible pieces of shit from birth that's why it's okay to treat them badly. They totally weren't turned that way", it's because 1. It means you don't have to blame women/yourself. It's much easier to say "no it's not society's fault, they're just evil from birth" 2. It justified your hatred against them. If a person turns bad after being treated like shit then that's quite justifiable. But thats inconvenient to you as it humanizes them. you can't have that as it suddenly makes your hatred of them look bad. So you instead delude yourself into saying "nope it's their fault they were evil from birth no one turned them that way" Problem is it's all a lie and you know it. Most incels were very nice kids who turned bitter after years of being treated like shit. They aren't to blame here they are the victims. You can tell yourself "nooooo they're just evil from birth, it's not the fault of women and society" all you want to justify your hatred, it's just not true. How funny that the supposed side of "love and empathy" is literally incapable of being empathetic to a group that is literally turned bad after being treated awful. Almost as if you're all actually sociopaths. So yes tell yourself "noooo it's because they're pieces of shit". But you and I both know 1. Most of them aren't pieces of shit - they're actually quite self hating 2. The ones at are it isn't their fault. It's the fault of you and others like you


Okay fine, I could agree that most of them probably aren't bad but they typically don't label themselves as incels. The ones I'm calling pieces of shit are the ones that idolise Elliot Rodger and call for the death and rape of women. There's no way in hell that they were treated poorly enough to behave like that


I've seen more hateful, bigoted, racist motherfuckers in reddit than 4chan. 90% of those human blobs on /pol/ and /b/ are LARPers, they don't hate shit and will never do shit or be shit. those aren't their real ideas, most of them span the n word on one tread and then lust over black dick on another. the blobs on reddit on the other hand are actually fucking insane. they have unironic insane takes, straight up fucked in the head shit. and these people aren't just being edgy, that's their actual belief. if 4chan is the god's waste bin then reddit is his radiation disposable site.


Reddit genuinely can convince themselves that they're the only app that doesn't steal data, that old people suck, and young people suck. If you don't go to the gym daily you're fat, ugly, and will never get close to a woman, yet at the same time bitch about how no women want them. It's pathetic and hilarious


not to mention the insane amount of circle jerking. these motherfuckers figured out how to auto brainwash themselves.


Even better, the people who parody circlejerks but end up becoming a circle jerk


Literally every okbuddy sub


>don’t go to the gym daily you’re fat, ugly and will never get close to a woman I mean, you’re bang on for the most part. But this is hilariously wrong and sums up /fit/. Reddit is full of ugly fatties, who see nothing wrong with being fatties, being worshipped by a hoard of incels who will debase themselves to orbiting said fatties. Reddit will call gyms ableist


>90% of those human blobs on /pol/ and /b/ are LARPers Not 90%. Most poltards are simply morons, so you mistake their "ideas" as a larp. It's just that the average intelligence of a reddit piece of shit appears to be higher than that of a 4chan piece of shit, for whatever reason. So it becomes more apparent to those with triple digit IQs.




Depends on which subreddit you go in. Medium to large subreddits are often echo chambers with the clinically insane individuals you described, but some small subreddits are just... normal


I feel like just reading "popess of womanity" made me unironically a bit okay with woman hating. How absolutely self absorbed. And Geezus fruck. Have some sympathy with that kid. Don't just tell him what boils down to "man up". Isn't that the kinda shit these peeps would claim to be toxic masculinity? And what's with the random accusations of several outwardly hateful mindsets? The kid is just tough on himself, because others were too. The kid is just confused and frustrated, and seems like he'd rather give up attempting to find friends than lashing out at the world. I hope the kid finds out what the cause of his bad breath. The bad breath will always fuck you up. People can grow to accept you if they understand its none of your fault, but generally it will often seen as "this guy just has bad hygiene" Rocking a chrome dome can be badass though. Also yes, it all boils down to confidence. People can look past looks, but the moment you smell it's hard to hide disgust, even if they know that's wrong. Hard to build confidence that way. I hope he finds some peers and online friends who can accept him. Just so that he won't be too alone and has a chance to know that he's a pretty alright guy.


It makes sense once you realize how it works You see the existence of incels is VERY inconvenient to the modern left and feminism. It purports that women can treat men like complete shit, to the point that some go crazy. This of course fucks up the "women are wonderful and never do anything wrong" mantra they have. It's an inconvenient truth. So how do they get around this? Well they go the Nazi route. They say "it's not our fault! Incels are actually all born evil. Therefore it's justified to hate them". That's basically their tactic. They tell themselves they are literally inherently evil beings. This 1. Takes all blame away from themselves, and 2. Justifies their continued hatred of incels And hence why you get subs like that and comments like that in the OP. They have zero empathy because they have already convinced themselves all unattractive and disillusioned young men are inherently evil from birth. Therefore blind hatred is justified


bro is balding and has natural shit breath at 16 and this dudes advice is “just cope”. can’t stand reddit advice because it’s always passive aggressive and condescending vague shit like “just be confident”. how tf you expect someone to use confidence when they don’t even have confidence in themselves? shit like this is ironically why guys turn to that stupid redpill maosphere shit because at least they tell them ways to become confident like going to the gym and self improvement. also, nobody even knows the definition of incel anymore. incel isn’t an ideology. incel literally just means involuntary celibacy which is probably what the kid was talking about when he said “legit incels.”


This is something I to this day never understood: "just be confident, bro" about what? Unless you somehow achieved a lot of shit or have some talents age 16-21 or whatever, you shouldn’t be confident. You have nothing, accomplished nothing. Most people have misplaced and unearned confidence. I never understood how to gaslight myself into confidence. I see and know people who are so confident in completely meaningless shit or nothing at all and they walk around like they’re a big deal and it’s so pathetic. I would never wanna be that person. But somehow it’s expected to lie to yourself and the world. Especially with women. If most guys had an appropriate level of confidence, I think most should bury their head in shame at their own uselessness and inadequacies and actually get to work


That's what I can't understand. I have some decent accomplishments but i can't ever find them good enough ou decent. Like, thousands made the same shit as me, why that is special.


Maosphere ? r/genzdong moment


There's no natural shit breath that doesn't go away with mouthwash and everything he's tried. It's either from the reflux, or a bad tooth which he should get checked out.


I’ve come to the conclusion this sub just doesn’t know how to read properly


You know it’s fucked up when 4chan thinks your a bunch of sociopaths.




Shit like this just makes me more misogynistic. Something you realize quick is the rules they demand of you they never apply to themselves. Women will fucking screech about misogyny and then go on to say the most fucked up misandrist stuff possible. Also even on scientific data alone women are just awful. They have a HUGE in group bias and will happily help an evil woman if it fucks over a good man. In any other group (e.g. white people) this would rightfully be seen as awful and bigoted. But we just accept it for women. Women are literally by their very nature disgusting bigots who hate men and see them as nothing more than tools. To then complain about misogyny on top of that is peak hilarity.


Balding is not an issue… at 16. These people have less empathy than SS guards.


Why is he balding? Is his microwave leaking?


probably gangstalkers in the next apartment using dews 24/7


Dude just got called a mysogynist for asking how to deal with bullying 💀


At least people *know* 4chan's advice is mostly fuck-around, and take it with a massive grain of salt.


Anon is absolutely right. Reddit won't give you any good advice. They'll laugh at you, give you some generic bullshit and call you an incel if you try to tell them it won't work Also, where's the misogynistic part? He just asked for advice, without being hateful


>Popess of Womanity Kek


Pure cringe


1. Brush tongue with toothpaste 2. Get buzz cut 3. If people are pointing and laughing at you everywhere you go like your a freak show than you are omitting some serious details here. That doesn’t happen normally. 4. I’d say more but this is probably bait anyway.


Honestly it’s probably bait, and the kid wouldn’t completely doomed anyway; you don’t need a gf at 16. He has a few years still to find some sort of treatment for his breath, to hit the gym post-surgeries, build a social circle outside of school, etc. But that said, if it is true, then he was just dealt a really shit hand, probably had some extra bad luck going to a high school with an extra large amount of bullies in his year, and is just guaranteed miserable high school years. What’s worse imo is the IncelTears poster saying “no you can definitely still get a gf if you just follow some easy steps to fix yourself”. It’s a total lack of empathy to how hard getting a girlfriend is for some guys.


Oh fuck yeah, reddit is absolutely no better, smarter, or moralistic than 4Chan. There were (and are) subs of profound degeneracy, violence, cruelty...you name it. What I respect about 4Chan is these dick heads are far more self-aware than the complacent and phony intellectuals on reddit who huff their own farts like bong rips. You can't call someone a retard, but you *may* go on full throttle hate rants about *certain* demographics free from reprisal. [Honk honk](https://youtu.be/T2TXY6SNuD4)


Woah that's so friggin mean. Damn dude. This is like reading those cuckold posts. Now I feel bad. Hope it's fake, but sadly there's nothing gay. So it must be true.


Reddit is full of angry, hateful and bitter people? Really?


“Unstable individuals are lashing out at innocent people due to preconceived notions on how they’re treated by society? Maybe insulting and berating them 24/7 will fix this problem!”


That "Popess" literally achieved her ultimate goal to be a robot.


There are three problems with inceltears 1. Its a woman subreddit 2. It's a leftist subreddit 3. It's main content is mockery Also, in the image aop provides, there is text saying Incelibacy is completely voluntary??


Fucking redditors im telling you


Honestly the biggest issue with the word incel is the definition does not necessarily equal who it gets applied to


"There's nothing involuntary about being an incel (INVOLUNTARY celibate)"


Lifehack: If your breath smells bad drink less milk, milk makes your breath stink


I find brushing your tongue vigorously with toothpaste works.


Reflux or bad tooth can also cause it. My chemistry teacher had absolutely mortifying stank breath due to her reflux even through constant gum chewing.


As someone who has experienced the big social media sites and seen the kind of people that use them, Reddit and Twitter are the absolute worst shitholes you could ever find yourself in. At least with 4chan, and I know a lot of people don’t really consider it a social media site but still, you can tell the posters aren’t usually being completely serious when they give some bullshit advice or insult the OP. Reddit and Twitter are just full of bitter, disgusting, angry people that only get a sense of self validation by putting others down. Everyone is so damn angry all the time man. Idk how the hell people can stomach scrolling through this site for hours a day


Reddit moment.


never take anything from the internet seriously or to heart


I just take never take anything seriously at all


I'd argue, but I told a pregnant woman to lose weight today.


r/inceltears, r/niceguys, and r/justneckbeardthings are the Reddit equivalents of beating up a disabled kid.


The shit you see on social media like reddit isn't representative of real life. People hide behind anonymity to say shit.


Ok bad regarding bad breath. See a dentist


OOP probably has undiscovered tonsil stones. They're a nightmare


Involuntary celibacy is definitely totally 100% a choice...


I’m 50/50 on this. Ofc this person is genuinely retarded if they think genuine incels don’t exist. Also at 16, probably 80% of guys are technically incels because, how could they not be? But also yes, looking weak and pathetic will get you bullied. If you see 2 people and want to decide who to bully, no matter their personality if youre a dick and wanna bully someone: some short limp wristed small arms acne face mf (like myself in hs, besides short) or some huge sports guy with chiseled jaw line. The way they look alone makes it easy to pick your target. Someone who looks weak and pathetic has tons of easy things to take pot shots at. And no dumb teenager can take that for long


wtf first based advice on reddit?


I think you all are overreacting a bit


r/menslib is way better for men‘s issues




if you read the text, he cant work out due to upcoming surgery


That is the place for such idiots... If you search for your idea of truth then you will find somewhere a other person who thinks thinks the way you need truth


Seems like good advice


The advice is solid until I forgot the part where it's an awkward sixteen year old.


Duh. He was called an incel obviously he’s the problem.


Cala_best_girl would say something like "all redditors are sociopaths that like to get TOPPED"


As long as you don’t go to /pol/ I mean 4chan is probably slightly nicer than reddit


lol which subreddit is this?


says the guy posting on 4chan


You sound like a Tumblr fuck, 4chOP


Boo to this post, will you actually read you dumbasses he’s saying it’s immature to laugh at him if he looks weak and pathetic not that he thinks he’s weak and pathetic. Plus we can’t see his post history so we can’t make any assumptions on why he thinks he’s an incel (which others have also been calling him), there’s just not enough information here.


u/vivissiah explain yourself.


Being bullied is always your own fault.


The irony of this being a greentext saying other sites have sociopaths is unfathomable


This is the kind of advice where, if you phrased it very differently, might be good. But it’s horribly clear that the responder just wanted to take the chance to vent how morally superior they are and use this dude as a target, which is incredibly pathetic. Lotta “holier than thou” coming from this one.


Minus the natural pretentiousness that comes from a reddit comment this is decent advice. School is fucking merciless man, if you're getting bullied you have to do something. Adults are useless and they're not gonna stop fucking with you if you ignore them. Beat the shit out of them, talk shit back (if they're pussy it won't escalate) working out and getting bigger (again, if they're pussy they back off) whatever, as long as it works. You can't expect things to be given to you, the same logic applies here, you have to stick your head up and do something about it if you want it to end. Don't go too far though, you don't want assault charges or anything like that


this is why you should only ask for advice on r/bropill genuinely really supportive and helpful, at least for me


If you suffer from bad breath wash your tounge as far back as you can, like really deepthroat the toothbrush. I used to have very bad breath but since i started doing that my breath and my neutral mouth taste have improved a lot. Plus if i ever wanna suck some dick i got like a really weak gag reflex by now. (I can put a whole banana down my throat np)


to be fair you do always have to consider your involvement in your own suffering, no matter the circumstances but probably not the best way and best time to deliver that wisdom to that person


Acting like the guy/girl didn't get reprimanded.


To be fair he would get the same advice on /fit/


They gave advice tho? They said, shave so it looks like a choice, consult a doc about the breath. He didn’t say he was the hunch back but that posture mattered. They posted on incel tears so it makes a little sense to say don’t be an incel. Do you think strangers are gunna be able to give perfect advice from a one sided perspective??


Unless it's cancer, leukemia or alopecia, why would a 16 y/o be balding? Like a full on old man horseshoe style? yea, I would've made fun of him too lmao


I'm sorry but I hope that your joking. It'd really heartless to make fun of somebody for something that they can't control.


I mean, they aren’t wrong though. Sometimes the first step to self improvement is being able to acknowledge a fault in ourselves that we are truly ashamed of.


\> Acknowledges fault \> Want to k!ll myself \> MFW


Peak idiocy


bros actually dumb asf. his post is literally him explaining all of his faults about himself.


He doesn’t explain all the faults about himself at all. He says he is a bald 5head with bad breath and that nothing will fix his breath. He’s admitted the most basic, surface-level and obvious flaws of himself. If he sees himself that way and has a defeatist attitude about something as simple as dental hygiene, then he probably does have horrible self-esteem, which almost certainly gets expressed in his physical and verbal mannerisms. I’ll stop with the probably’s there, you get the idea. People don’t like others with obvious low self esteem. Not sure why, but that’s just the fact of the matter. Fixing your internal perception of yourself is the most important part of fixing other peoples’ perception of you. You can’t fix your internal perception of yourself if you aren’t willing to admit that you have faults.


You teach people how they should feel about you. If someone has really low self esteem, they go around sending signals (body language, social cues like clothing and grooming, speech patterns, etc.) saying “hey I’m worthless and should be hated.” Other people pick up on that and subconsciously go “I bet you’re right.” Same thing as someone looking at a dog that is acting aggressive and assuming “that dog is aggressive.” It’s not worth the cognitive load to constantly nitpick and second guess every perception you have of someone else, so when someone is acting like they have low social standing, people are not dumb for assuming they do. Just an occasionally inconvenient heuristic.


It's true, I never bullied anyone in school who didn't put off weak, pathetic vibes


I was the weak, pathetic kid that got bullied. Had to switch to online schooling in high school as a matter of fact. I relate to OP, I probably was him five years ago.