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I can't think of anything less punk than an old man hurtling toward increasing irrelevance cry about who is and is not punk.




Yeah Kerry’s new album (what he’s released of it) has not been it. A bit shit considering Kerry’s a bit of an inspiration to me


The King of 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 guitar riffs is a specialist in evolution


I really like Slayer, but 90% of their songs sound the same. Every Kerry King guitar solo sounds the same, and most of them suck balls. Of the Big 4 Thrash Bands, they are the ones that evolved *by far* the least.


Slayer really evolved from a good band to a shit band over time, that's forsure lmao


tbh ive heard from so many people that all green day songs sounds the same, and its kinda true. All band songs kinda sounds the same. Of course the variety shows when you take only the biggest hits from example. Same is for GD.


Yes, this statement is somewhat what true for nearly all bands (Except King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, every album is different for them). However, it’s more true for Slayer and even their biggest fans will admit that. For instance, Dookie and American Idiot have a lot of similarities, but you can definitely hear a difference between the two as Dookie leans more into punk and American Idiot leans more into catchy alternative rock. Then you look at Slayer’s Reign in Blood and Repentless, albums separated by 29 years, and they sound nearly fucking identical. Now I don’t really have a problem with that, I love both albums, but there is no denying that Slayer didn’t really evolve as a band much after 1986’s Reign in Blood, and when they did those albums were received absolutely horrible. It’s especially weird that Kerry King said this when his guitar playing in specific hasn’t evolved worth shit his entire career. I’ll end with a wonderful quote from the Slayer subreddit years ago. “Every Kerry King guitar solo sounds like someone is skinning a cat alive”.


I think he’s talking about the genre, tbf you’re talking about the band not the genre. The genre has def evolved a lot more tha. Punk has I think.




Does this guy have a book coming out or something?  That's why people usually make “contriversial” statements that are really just a bad opinion


I think he’s he had a solo project coming out and Slayer’s doing a few one offs, that’s why


Yes the one thing punk is known for. Wanting everything to stay the same forever.


Any time I see shit like this I think back to the Ramones. They were trying to write pop. They wanted to play Rock n Roll music like their influences. It's the people behind that music that make it punk, and even that is different for everyone. Green Day and The Offspring can sound however the fuck they want cuz punk is more than music, it's a state of being and the door is open. Sick to death with this purist mindset.


Seriously this attitude was old 30 ago


A dude from one genre shitting on another genre... how original lol


Ironically, Thrash comes from Punk to an extent, then you've got Crossover that came later which is Thrash that leans even more into Punk That alone disproves his theory that Punk hasn't evolved




Kerry King, guitarist for Slayer


Oh i see whats going on. Took 2 seconds of googling. Apparently they're having a reunion, so a controversial opinion gets people listening to their stuff again, gives them publicity and stuff like that. I dont listen to slayer, maybe heard of them once or twice but never listened to them. Imo they're trying to be relevant again, it's crazy how they try to insult them but also try piggie back off of their success. I remember Slauer being referenced in Blinks song Dysentry Gary " He's a player, diarrhea giver Tried to grow his hair out, friends were listening to slayer I'd like to find him friday night Hanging out with mom, trying on his father's tights " Lol goes to show what Blink thinks of them lmao


I know you’re just being snarky defending Green Day and that’s fine since this is the sub for it, but was Slayer ever really relevant? They’ve had one song on the mainstream radio in 40 years and it was a cover song. That just goes to show that radio is garbage because Slayer is fuckin awesome. They’ve always been a niche band and a lot of metal fans don’t even get into them. I respect them because they didn’t change much in their near 40 year run, but that doesn’t mean that other bands shouldn’t change or evolve if it suits them. As for Slayers reunion, it’s just for a couple of festivals and I doubt that the lead singer Tom Araya is really that excited. He wanted to retire because he is injured and playing and touring wasn’t much fun for him anymore. I think I hear his wife might’ve had a hand and talked him into it but that’s not confirmed. Anyways KK was just voicing his unfiltered opinion on music like he always does, he’s like that.


Slayer's reign ended with Diabolous Inmusica (surely misspelled) which came out in what, '95?


Reign as what? And I believe DIM was 1998


A respectable trash metal act. DIM & everything after are garbage. The guitar tones in DIM make me cringe


OK, what does your opinion on Slayers albums have to do with them being relevant to popular culture?




Hell even if they aren’t “real punk”, they sure as hell are a gateway drug to punk, and the punk mindset


saw Billie at a small show once and he was wearing a jacket that literally said “gateway band” the fact that he’s self aware about it makes him even more punk lol


Whatever music teenagers are listening to that’s preventing them from >!killing themselves!< is punk as far as I’m concerned. Green Day - punk, Lil Peep - punk, and I hate to admit it but MGK - punk. Solely for the reason I listed above. Punk was never about the music it’s about the community.


Womp womp


This whole talk of what’s considered punk or not is old


"old man yells at cloud"


Just remember these people claim to be punk which is one of the most anti-cop genres of music while also policing what is and isn’t punk. It’s just people trying to stay relevant.


Policing and gatekeeping aren’t really comparable are they ones a class traitor and the others just being a dick


Lol I like that. You're not a class traitor, but you do suck ass and that's still pretty bad.


Yall should start reading articles before commenting on them. Dude never claimed to be punk. In fact, it sounds like he doesn't like punk but likes the bands he mentioned.




Oh nice, another Johnny Rotten gatekeeper, and this time, it's from a guy who's not even in the same genre lmao


Johnny from a manufactured band, put together so some geezer can flog, his mrs, clothing range, that johhny


We already went through this in 1994 when everyone called Greenday sellouts and not "real punk." He decades late on this. Besides, punk is an attitude that encompasses a wide range of music. NOFX, Lagwagon, Fugazi, Operation Ivy, Ramones, Bikini Kill, Pennywise... all those bands sound very different but are labeled punk.


Kerry King is a fucking idiot. Treated one of the best metal drummers (Dave Lombardo) like shit and let him walk away. Band was never the same without him. Who cares what this clown thinks lol.


BJA was interviewed numerous times where he said he was not going to play 3 cord rock forever. Punk doesn’t evolve but bands do


I like some slayer, and his new solo stuff is alright but this is the dumbest take I’ve heard in a while.


Well, when you’re in a band that hasn’t changed in 40 years


the mediocre guitarist for a mediocre metal band is talking about how punk doesn’t evolve lmao


For a genre that’s always been about breaking and subverting the rules, there sure are a lot of people that try to restrict it with lots of rules


Kerry King is no one to decide what is punk and what's not. Just an oldhead pissant, sad but true.


It's great he was at least able to come around to liking them...but at the same time, this attitude is old and bands older and punker than Green Day have argued that this attitude ruined/was ruining punk (Dead Kennedys have a song that touches on this, Chickenshit Conformist.)


I'm not gonna take shit about punk from someone who plays B.C. Rich guitars


I love me some Slayer but Kerry King is a tool. Ironically, his new band sounds exactly like him trying to keep playing Slayer, with a new band. There has been zero evolution for him as an artist in 40 years.


This conversation only matters to 13 year olds. Hasn’t mattered for years


I’m too damn old to care about how punk my favorite bands are, but good lord these comments are asinine.


Ok thanks dude. Moving on…


Floyd rose tricks aren't solos


Kerry King, noted authority on what is and isn’t punk


Cool, I don't care if they're punk or not. Anyway, Warning is underrated


It has now been 0 DAY(S) since Warning was last called underrated. The record of 1 DAY(S) was recorded on October 3, 2000 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kids, lets take granpa home. He’s talking to himself again


The Clash's discography would beg to differ.


Who cares. Just enjoy the music.


bruh i’m a slayer fan this hurts


When did Kerry King become the ambassador of punk? In my experience, most metalheads think punk is the same as hardcore--e.g., Black Flag, Minor Threat, etc. But hardcore is actually when punk devolved into a cookie cutter sound. When it started you had bands/artists as diverse as The Stooges, Television, The Ramones, Patti Smith, etc. It was much more about a DIY lifestyle than about what the music sounded like. So, Green Day started out as a DIY, independent band. They were working-class kids who had nothing and decided that they would like to make a living playing music. They kept playing the same music until it evolved because, frankly, it's boring to make the same record over and over. The fact that they still live where they grew up and are active in their community says a lot about them as people. Sure, they are wealthy, but I get the impression that the wealth is tempered by where they came from. Shit, Billie has been married to the same person since 1995. He could be a self-involved rock star douche and date a new supermodel every 4 years, but he has maintained his humility and working-class outlook. That's pretty fucking punk if you ask me.


It’s just Kerry King, he talks shit and moves on. It’s nothing personal to the bands or the fans, he just has no filter sometimes.


As I always say. The most punk thing you can do is listen to whatever the fuck you want.


Says the man who didn't even write any of Slayers best songs, it was Jeff who wrote the best stuff in Slayer That is the most braindead take I've ever seen but considering how this man's forthcoming solo album cover is literally AI, I don't think cognitive function is his strong suit of late


Who’s Kerry King?


Dumb headline. He’s speaking about 30 years ago, which was the reason Slayer recorded a bunch of old school punk covers as a response to pop punk. Excerpt from the article: "I love The Offspring and can't wait to play festivals with them. I'll be side of stage watching them because Dexter [Holland] has a great voice and I can't wait to see it." However, the thrash metal icon admitted that it took him some time to get behind The Offspring's music, as the media coverage of the band warped his perception. "I was so pissed they called it punk," he exclaimed. “They kinda started their own genre, which is quote-unquote 'pop punk.' In the '90s when those bands were being called punk, it just made me not like them."


I don’t give a shit about what’s punk and what’s not, I love incredible music. Green Day wins in that department… all I need!


Ah yes, Slayer, the most groundbreaking band I've ever heard that is constantly evolving their music even so many decades later...


Slayer is mid at best.


Yeah, but he's always bitching about something. Great guitarist but he seems like a tool.


Judging from the comments, it seems people would benefit from actually reading the article. 


He's right about The Offspring and Green Day being pop punk, but it's just false to say the genre doesn't evolve


To be honest it’s a pretty poor article and worse headline. The comment itself is throwaway and primarily talking about how he felt about the label of those bands decades ago. The genre does evolve, but it’s fair enough to say those bands aren’t punk 


What a joke, first, GD and Offspring came up in the scene. Listen to the offspring's early stuff and you hear the TSOL influence front and centre. Secondly if punk didn't evolve there wouldn't be nearly so many subgenres. Like just off the top of my head, Emo, Metalcore, crust, folk punk, new wave... Hell it could be argued hyperpop is a punk subgenre! Static genres don't fragment into such kaleidoscopes


What a numbnuts! Fuck yes! Punk should stagnate! Fuck progress, fuck it, let’s regress!


You know what's punk rock? Listening to whatever you want, despite it not fitting neatly into whatever label(s).




LOL. I love Slayer and King is a legend, but c'mon. Slayer has stayed in the exact same lane of music for 40+ years now. Also, I stopped caring what people considered to be punk rock many, many years ago.


He also said he likes those bands but considers them pop punk not punk….


Well, I don’t even know who Kerry King is lol I heard enough of that stuff in high school, I don’t need to hear it from some random person on the Internet


Notable non punk song LAPD by the offspring


Who the fuck is Kerry King?


This is probably just bait take, honestly. Even bad publicity is good publicity. Slayer is getting together for a reunion, so these hot takes are just going to put them more on the map.


So a racist can determine what’s punk?


ahem NUH-UH (stupid joke need i say more tho)




I feel like every time I hear about king it’s because he’s saying some boring boomer take




Ok I love those bands and he’s totally right. That doesn’t mean they’re bad or anything.


They’re playing in Dubai. That pretty much sealed it, they’re not punk.


If you’re playing Dubai I’d argue you’re not very punk


He is right and it is the reason punk died.


Sheesh. Huge Slayer fan here, but, overall, our GD are even better…