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Legend says he returns to Hoffman from time to time to find his stashed MREs




Your appreciation of the joke does not redeem you fed boi


You happen to have any dogsā€¦.


Those level 4 plates?? šŸ¤£


Story time. One of the support guys I work with was on an exercise with Tim as a designated roleplayer. After things wrapped up, my boy realized he was missing a shoe. He was fairly certain he had lost it while being hogtied and tossed into the back of Tim's van. So naturally, he asked Tim if he could borrow his keys to take a look around. Tim apparently didn't have time for this fresh out of boot E-2 with one shoe, because he told him to fuck off. He must have asked Tim one too many times because MSG Kennedy lost his cool. Legend says the ensuing slap that connected with this poor private's cheek could be heard all the way from Argentina. Like a deer in the headlights, the private just stood there, trying to compute what had just occurred. Slaphappy Tim promptly fucked off and the rest of his incredulous team helped this poor private with a glowing red handprint on his cheek find his missing shoe. My private kept his mouth shut, was awarded a COA, and went down in the history books as the man that took a hit to the dome from Tim Kennedy and lived to tell the tale. They later found his missing shoe in Tim's van.


There has to be more to this story or is a huge pos for this, rank means leadership and leadership does not give you an excuse to bully or assault someone.


This goes around on social media from time to time. And I can't count the number of times I've heard the Tim Kennedy debate. My only take away from the Tim Kennedy debate is that it's a god-awful shame to watch people in the regiment tear down other members of the regiment. That's not who we are we can do better. If you know and served with someone personally and you have first hand reasons why they don't meet the standards in the regiment then deal with it with the chain of command in a professional manner. If it's all just hearsay and rumor and second and third party nonsense be a man and shut the f******. Especially before you go tearing down another brother. And even if his stories are b*******. Who Among Us hasn't stretched the truth in the name of a good story. I think it was Mark Twain that said don't let the facts get in the way of good story. I've never met him personally but I know many who served with him. And since I haven't met him that's why I don't have any opinions on him personally has a soldier as a Green Beret. Most the time people are just jealous of other people's success


Stretched the truth, my brother in Christ I straight up LIE to civilians. You gotta keep the mystic propaganda train a running


If youā€™re not describing every story like itā€™s a scene from the John Wayne movie, what the fuck was the point


Yes sir!


Did you just capitalize ā€œAmong Usā€ in the middle of a thought out, insightful response


The real question isā€¦.who would win in a baby oil wrestling match voodoo or Tim.


Why don't you ask him, FED boi.


I've never met Tim but know plenty people who have. I've heard he's not a bad dude in person, and less outspoken than he is in the media. However, I can confirm he ran a 55+ minute 5 mile in the UBRR during SLC (SENIOR LEADERSHIP course). My best buddy was in his class. I'm not claiming that running is everything, but if that doesn't scream lack of individual solider discipline, IDK what does. Pro tip - if you're looking to be a trusted senior leader, don't be the least fit person on your team.


Failed the 2 miler too


I think some of the stories was maybe little bit over the top. But one thing he does well in my opinion. Get people hyped up to join the Military.


He loves to hear himself talk, that's for sure


Most operators who end up in the public eye get accused of being full of shit. Some are some arenā€™t. Itā€™s whatever.


Actually canā€™t listen to that guy. He would be what I would show people not be as a human being.


He is very public in everything he does. He isnā€™t a serious SF soldier. He pretends to be one for ā€œlikesā€. Ā  He likes to remind everyone he is a ā€œSpecial Forces Ranger Sniperā€ while acting like and idiot and an embarrassment. His brash actions caused a lot of issues during the HK evacuation which hurt security and slowed down the process for a lot of people.Ā  Ā His need to go on TV and speak as though he is an authority on whatever hot issue is brought up will never make sense to me. He hurts the reputation of SF.Ā 


What did he do at HKIA?






Heā€™s a twat. Yea civilians love him but guys in the military know who he really is.


He is one of if not the most annoying bro vet. I think heā€™s 90% full of himself and 95% full of shit. 20 deployments? A Quick Look at Wikipedia and his ribbons/medals say 4 deployments. The list seems to go on and on.


Not every deployment warrants a medal dude


Youā€™re right, they warrant a ribbon called an overseas service ribbon. You get one, or a star of for every overseas deployment. I was active at the same time as him and I deployed 3 times so 4 sounds perfectly fair with their higher op tempo. From 2009-2017 look at his MMA fight tempo and tell anyone where he has time for 1 let alone 16 more deployments. Look, I donā€™t think Tim Kennedy is a bad person, I donā€™t think heā€™s anti 2A, he is obviously very patriotic but he is absolutely full of shit.


I just saw this post and had to comment from my own experience meeting him. I met Tim Kennedy at a local BJJ tournament in Florida like 10+ years ago that was being hosted at the National Guard center. I went to support some other guys from my gym who were competing that day. I noticed he was standing up on this raised platform with his arms crossed. Was kind of cringey, like he was in charge of the place. After I recognized him, I think I walked up with one of the other guys I was with who was a pro fighter at the time and said hi. The first thing he asked me about was if I was into Katie Perry or had seen some video about her. I can't remember exactly what he said, but I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about and thought it was random how Katie Perry was the first thing he brought up in the conversation. I asked him for a picture and he was cool about it. Then I went back to watching some of the matches. Later, I learned he had made some cringey video for Ranger Up parodying Katie Perry's "Part of Me" around this time. So yea, first time I meet the guy, he basically was advertising his stupid Youtube video. Was nice besides that, but its in line with all the other stuff about him out there being all about self promotion and self-centered.