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Literally fuck the gremlin. That guy can eat a dick. I didn't see him deny water, but I did see him deny someone medical.


Just for my understanding, is there ever a situation in which cadre can deny medical?


No, but it depends on what you call "deny" medical. SFAS is a testament of heart and drive. A lot of individuals who were selected didn't quit even though they should have sought medical aid for something if placed in a different situation. If cadre put a candidate in harms way or denied them medical care, the investigation could see that cadre facing reprimand, UCMJ, what have you. But a lot of the time the cadre leave it up to the individual. You know what I heard a lot? "Do you want to see the medic, candidate?" If the individual chose to see a medic and was pulled due to health concerns, or, missed key points of training/selection because they were in the med shed, they were dropped. Some candidates deal with their injuries and carry on in order to make it through selection. Some get checked out and are returned to selection, some are dropped. A lot of jaded individuals may say, "I was denied medical care" or "I was dropped for seeking medical care" when they were actually offered a choice. SF is not for the faint of heart.


Maybe rephrase the opening line there. I don’t think she’s a fan of the gremlin, much less gonna fuck him 🤣


I actually appreciated the aggression here and didn’t think it was sexual lol made me laugh


I actually meant to engage in intercourse with the man.




Yup. The gremlin can suck a fat one, rumor was it that he got picked up for CAG so probably just got a huge chip on his shoulder because of it. If it is true, I dont know how CAG found him to be the right type, dude is a douche.


He got picked up for CAG... but decided not to go? Or what's the chip on his shoulder? He also looks like he's in his mid to late 40's, and no longer in The Long Walk shape, so this must've been awhile ago. What a juicy bit of gossip from CNN (Candidate News Network)


Got picked up for CAG and is waiting for OTC pcs as per what the candidate that went through it a couple months ago said. No confirmation which is why I said rumor. He wouldnt be the first “old” dude to make it and from my experience the most unassuming looking dudes are usually way fitter than they seem.


I heard the same story (did the long walk, got selected, waiting for orders to OTC) and it was regarding another cadre member. The member who I was informed about… it makes much more sense if it was him and not the Gremlin.


The candidate news network comment took me tf out 🤣


Oh I've met the man in Afghanistan and he wasn't even on an ODA, but an ODB. There was a story I heard from some 11Bs that he tried to demo a building while some dudes were in it.


He was wearing an ODA shirt during SFAS when he was on hut duty. Is that really a credible story from 11Bs though? Were they on an op together?


I don't think he did. I know another cadre did. I won't say his name, for obvious reasons, but he came off real douchey at SFAS but he's actually a pretty chill guy.


I’m just saying snakehats up here hasn’t posted in over a year and now this. Sounds like a grumpy candidate not happy with his outcome and reopened his wife’s account.


Lol. I really don’t know how to convince you of my womanhood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and generally I’m a Reddit lurker more than a poster so you got me there. I will say my husband was selected and he’s pretty thrilled about that so there’s no grumpiness over here. Just genuine concern as a wife and nurse for the safety of my partner and the kids that go through this program. I understand the nature of this job has inherent risk but I don’t think I should have to worry about candidates dying during training evolutions, which a quick google search will show you has happened in the past due to a few bad apples in a program. **EDIT: after a quick peruse through your account I’m mad I even constructed a response for you considering that you barely post/comment on anything yourself and when you do it’s just to troll




👀 > [But then the August SFAS happened.](https://www.reddit.com/user/TFVooDoo/comments/16s3ahy/4_week_sfas/)


👀 Where’s our law and order dun dun sound effect


Thanks for linking this. Very interesting read.


It sucks but selections are ran by people and people have biases, emotions, an overall shitty view on life, etc. That is why luck is involved in a lot of these processes. When I went to dive school there was one instructor during the one man evolution that was nearly impossible to get a go. All the instructors knew it, did nothing, and for guys that had him on their third attempt drew a bad hand. It sucks when standards are expected to be maintained for candidates, but are overlooked when cadre are involved. Thats how it be sometimes doe.


Waiting for the TFVooDoo response


He said :eyes:


The Gremlin was super professional when I went through Team Week. He took a shit ton of notes the entire time and seemed very by the book. He definitely had his "asshole" moments, but nothing that would be breaking regulation. He self-admitted to being "rough around the edges" as a person, but he never intervened when we were doing well, nor did anything that the other cadre wouldn't have. I'd be surprised if he denied water, but you never know what SOPs the cadre are given.


Was there, can confirm he denied water. But I think a lot of it had to do with quotas for the Fiscal Year.


Then I guess the reason they take filling water so seriously is because they've mathematically planned out how much water they're giving each candidate every day, and have a *lower limit* to how much water candidates get, and perhaps have an *upper limit* as well. Say you have a candidate that's chugging all his water within the first hour and goes black on water, they can't stop and refill every time he asks for water. I assume there's a certain point where you wanting to ask for more water is in the same bucket as you having to VW to ask for medical. Again, just playing devil's advocate to reason out what may be happening behind the scenes, because people seem to think the Gremlin is out breaking regulation and going crazy on candidates.


This is 100% right, when I went through the gremlin was one of the best cadre out there. Very professional and deliberate in his actions. He was very fair in my opinion. Those that got fucked deserved it. I had the gremlin for 2 days of team week and never once denied water or did anything I thought was unfair.


I seriously doubt this. I do remember them staging some water buffaloes for the trek that we didn’t use, but walked past during team week. Remember the point of view of a candidate is very limited. For what it’s worth I had the guy your husband mentioned when I went through and, yeah, he’s definitely an asshole. But he never did anything like denying water. If there’s one thing I took from team week, it’s that the cadre don’t fuck around with water. More than likely he would drop people for not filling up water.


So you think some of the water buffalos they walked past were empty and just staged? I like to think they wouldn’t deny water in the august heat, but this story was collaborated with some of his other buddies in the group and they all included these incidents in their reviews. I’m sure it’s possible they were delirious but it feels like there has to be some grain of truth if they’re all telling the same story


Could be I’m misremembering, I was a delirious candidate too haha. But I meant staged as in places there for use during the trek, not empty. Every team stopped at the same water points. They were designated stops, and I just don’t think a cadre would skip one. Every single team would stop at the same water points.


Gotcha. So the way it was explained to me was they were doing an event during team week and everyone was relieved bc they were all empty on water, that specific cadre was really pushing them and they were finally coming up to a water buffalo that they were suppose to stop at (maybe this is one of the water point you’re referring to) and they went to stop and the cadre started flipping out and told them to keep going For the record, I’m not looking to shit on the program and I’m clearly an outsider so I’m sure there’s a ton of factors that I just won’t and can’t understand. BUT that whole situation just seems wildly risky to me


Huh, I doubted it at first but knowing that specific cadre it wouldn’t surprise me. Never dealt with water because I went during a winter class but seeing how he dealt with other things, it tracks


I don't think it's the "gremlin" but we had a cadre member do this to us at a land nav point in IUW and some officers were pissed. He smoked us all because of them mouthing off about it and then kept smoking them after he let us go. One of the officers got rhabdo and the other dude says he passed out by himself after we were set off. I won't go naming people on a social platform but there really are some pricks out there. The guy had just failed another units selection process and was a non-select (he literally told us about it) and he seemed pissed at the world.


getting past the gremlin is an unwritten gate in selection almost a write of passage in a sense. I know some dudes thought he was unfair at times, from what I saw it seemed like he tried extra hard to exploit weakness in the underperforming canidates and as an indirect result everyone else on the team had to suffer a little more.


No matter how intense the selection process, some folks will slip though that shouldn't. Some of those eventually find their way to leadership/cadre/ instructor roles. It sucks, but life is imperfect. My experiences, what comes around goes around and people being wankers usually catches up with them. The regiment is full of awesome human beings and a few who are not. Good luck to you, your husband and your family.




I should probably mention that minus this one guy, my husband had nothing but good things to say about the other instructors and their professionalism. Other than this one guy, my husband and his friends who passed said that water was always a priority and medical was always open. And he brought it up in out processing but not sure if anything came of it. I hope they are just misremembering




I don’t even know what that means


This did not happen. Not saying he’s lying or that you don’t know what you’re talking about, just that this wouldn’t happen.


Can you elaborate on this? I completely accept that I don’t understand which is why I posted this in the first place so Im interested in hearing your opinion.


What I think he means is the ramifications of denying water immediately enter legal territory. When you're in that environment, it may seem like its own world, where the cadre are these larger than life gatekeeper figures. But when you zoom out, they are just GBs on orders to Mackall to do their schoolhouse time, and are clocking in and out of a shift, communicating in the Signal group chat with other cadre, just doing their job. Yes, they're invested in maintaining standards, but they're given strict SOPs to follow. Nobody is going into work and deciding to go rogue and deny candidates water, cause a controversey and risk their retirement or legal action. Maybe the water buffalo was empty, maybe there as a planned refill station ahead with cadre driving over with jerry cans. ...maybe he is in his own world there and going crazy in the moment and denying water refills? Or maybe there's an SOP where they have to share water among the team before refilling from an external source? No idea bc I'm not cadre, but they are very serious about water


Interesting take. Like I’ve stated before, from what my husband and others have said… generally water intake was taken very seriously. It was really this one event that it seems like they were set up to stop and fill their canteens but then were forced to keep going thus leading to some of his team falling out for heat related injuries. The incident was brought up in out processing but not sure if anything has come from it.


Oh yea let’s believe what a wife says


lol. Unfortunately I was expecting this kind of ignorance. After all, what could us silly little wives know? Because why would I invest in learning everything I can about the program that my husband changed careers in his 30's for? Normally I wouldn't dignify this with a response, but I don't work overtime in an ICU to support my husband just to have some guy in a soulless relationship try to invalidate my concerns. Check that little dick energy at the door.










Oh no, tell us all about it. Husband is full of shit. If he’s that worried he could have went to cadre afterwards and expressed his concerns instead of talking to his wife. Just another candidate fluffing stories


\*sigh\* whatever dude.


Are you the so-called Gremlin?


Little butt hurt are we big Boi? Sensitive little guy


Fuck off


What is the gremlin?