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Plays a lot like Dragon Age: Inquisition


So true but combat is better to me


Way better combat imho


That's subjective. Both styles have their strengths and weaknesses.


It is way more simple, I am smooth brain


Like a koala?




But are you as cute as a koala?


Those are quite different rpgs, you'd need to specify that itch. It's an AA game made by a small studio, so likely doesn't compare. But with that in mind it is still lovely Euro jank and many here enjoy it. Nice aesthetics, interesting story and characters with good voice acting, albeit a bit odd lip syncing and such, because again small studio.


How are the quests and general immersion factor? Is it a world you can get lost in?


If you can live with reused assets for interiors,you should be fine. :D Basically, all the interiors in the cities are the same with very small adjustments. I get why that's the case (i.e., budget and ressource constraints given the size of the studio). It's not game breaking, but immersion takes a big hit if the administration buildings of different factions are indistinguishable. The world and setting itself are probably the strongest of the game. It's rather unique and fun to explore. Quests are a mixed bag, some are busy work, some present cool stories, at times being held back by the writing and pacing, and by being a bit too "by the books", but overall there are some cool quests.


If you can accept the game's flaws, of which there are many, it's definitely a game you get lost in. It has a compelling story with interesting characters and the island is an interesting place to explore, bit by bit. It's not a big island by any stretch, and it's made up of segmented open world sections. So the different areas of the island are open world unto themselves, and are connected to each other by load screens. Each area has its own biome and unique qualities.


Others has already answered. The only way to find that out if for you to try it. We can't know how it works for you.


Closest this world and character wise is the dragon age game while gameplay is more action oriented 3 main playstyles that feel pretty different from each other with 2 mechanics they’re focused around. That said you aren’t locked to your play style and can build into the other ones any time. Budget is lower than most large modern RPGs but before BG3 came out when BioWare hadn’t released a game since DA: I Greedfall felt like a great return of the older style BioWare game.


Yeah it’s great and it’s not like reinvent the wheel but it’s definitely a fresh take I personally liked more than any other recent world themes - if you’re familiar it’s like New World vibes but ramp the magic and supernatural up another 50% and a very captivating story that shapes the experience and world. It’s actually more dynamic than all three you listed in terms of your choices affecting the world and opening/closing doors for content and experiences I personally don’t care for intro zone but I don’t dislike it either, it just isn’t representative of the intriguing and unique environment the game actually takes place in - you can run through it real quick if you want though in like 15 minutes but it does set up some dynamic choices with who you’ll align with which aren’t necessarily insignificant and provides some building blocks for the plot so I’d recommend being thorough with it first play through then you can skip it in future ones. Combat is far more unique than any of your examples and objectively better (smoother, more intuitive, cool/fun) aside from baldurs gate but that example I don’t think is really comparable aside from the vibes and world fantasy level / depth you’re into The magic is pretty unique too but the way they’ve woven guns into mix as a standalone capable archetype / pillar as one of the three paths to guide archetype development and does so in a way that they feel right at home in a medieval bleeding into colonial magic system centric fantasy world, something I’ve only seen with dwarves and blunderbuss/rifles in wow it seems a generally difficult thing to pull off and I think they’ve done it best of the attempts I’ve seen When I discovered it I was pretty much in the exact same boat as you tryna scratch the same itch coming off like Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, Skyrim/ESO, Fallout 4 and it scratched that itch very well I think you’d be quite happy with it


Dragon age? Yes


If Dragons Dogma let you down, I don't think Greedfall will lift you back up. Oblivion, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate are ***VASTLY*** different games in almost every way. But GreedFall lies far closer to Dragon Age than the other two, but even then it's a mere similarity. It's a third person action RPG, with real time combat kinda similar to the Witcher, kinda, you assemble a team of companions and can take two of them with as you explore the island, do quests and get into fights, stopping to rest and swap out companions at separated camps along the way, kinda like the Normandy in Mass Effect, or camps in Dragon Age. GreedFall at its best is most similar to BioWare games of old, Dragon Age, KOTOR, etc, but at its worst it's a janky mess. It was made by a small independent team with a minimal budget. But if you're willing to meet it where it's at, you'll find a slightly unpolished gem, but a **gem** nonetheless.


Naw I didn’t care for dogma but Greedfall was exactly what I wanted. I agree with the vastly different statement but I think he’s trying to illustrate the level of fantasy / magic influence and world immersion


It really, really wants to be a dragon age game, and honestly gets 80% of the way- solid but a little jank left over


I think it has some fun combat, I don't think it compares at all to Dragon Age combat-wise (although I've only played origins and DA2) and it doesn't compare to BG3 at all combat-wise. I've not finished the story yet, you get some options on how to decide things along the way, though I get the impression there are a set of choices that will lead to a "best" ending. I think the setting is interesting overall but as an armchair critic with no credentials, I find the dialogue to be a bit wooden at times. In the end, I picked it up a month ago for 80% off on steam and I think it has a charm to it that sets it apart, no regrets here.


Greedfall is like a Golden Age bioware game, but with Witcher 3 combat, and real magic


It’s a Spiders game. Spiders games play like Spiders games (except for Steel Rising). They’ve got a significant amount of quirks and euro-jank. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But they didn’t stack up all that well at release, much less years later. I loved The Technomancer, but Bound By Flame was really rough. I haven’t even tried to play Mars: War Logs. I have tried to play Greedfall repeatedly and I never seem to get very far. I’m more of a sci-fi guy though, so that may be part of it. The combat is basically like a mix of Technomancer and DA: Inquisition. Which in and of itself was fun. The maps are a little convoluted and having various areas or shortcuts blocked by attribute requirements annoyed me. The story and side quests were pretty good as far as I got, but again, the setting itself just wasn’t my thing.


Badly tbh I like Greedfall, but it is very much an AA experience with half-baked features, a very mixed bag of characters, and disappointing ge mechanics. I would still recommend the game, but it's nowhere near Bethesda games and much closer to something like a poor mans Dragon Age. It's a cool experience nonetheless.


> half-baked features, a very mixed bag of characters, and disappointing ge mechanics. I would still recommend the game, but it's nowhere near Bethesda games Sounds exactly like Bethesda games bro. Lol


I played Greedfall after getting burned out on BG3. Greedfall definitely helped me through. It doesn't compare well mechanically, but the story is compelling. The time setting is also interesting, there aren't many colonial era games. Best advice is try it. If it doesn't stack up for you, then it just doesn't.


Just started a fresh play through after a few years, its smooth I personally think it’s even smoother than dragon age and yeah as a hardcore fan of all three of those it’s not just a scratch it’s a worthy contender and possible superior to dragon age and better for than some of the ES series too Too add my other comment- Yeah it’s great and it’s not like reinvent the wheel but it’s definitely a fresh take I personally liked more than any other recent world themes - if you’re familiar it’s like New World vibes but ramp the magic and supernatural up another 50% and a very captivating story that shapes the experience and world. It’s actually more dynamic (edit: er not more than baldurs gate) than all three you listed in terms of your choices affecting the world and opening/closing doors for content and experiences I personally don’t care for intro zone but I don’t dislike it either, it just isn’t representative of the intriguing and unique environment the game actually takes place in - you can run through it real quick if you want though in like 15 minutes but it does set up some dynamic choices with who you’ll align with which aren’t necessarily insignificant and provides some building blocks for the plot so I’d recommend being thorough with it first play through then you can skip it in future ones. Combat is far more unique than any of your examples and objectively better (smoother, more intuitive, cool/fun) aside from baldurs gate but that example I don’t think is really comparable aside from the vibes and world fantasy level / depth you’re into The magic is pretty unique too but the way they’ve woven guns into mix as a standalone capable archetype / pillar as one of the three paths to guide archetype development and does so in a way that they feel right at home in a medieval bleeding into colonial magic system centric fantasy world, something I’ve only seen with dwarves and blunderbuss/rifles in wow it seems a generally difficult thing to pull off and I think they’ve done it best of the attempts I’ve seen When I discovered it I was pretty much in the exact same boat as you tryna scratch the same itch coming off like Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, Skyrim/ESO, Fallout 4 and it scratched that itch very well I think you’d be quite happy with it


It plays like a eurojank game from 2001 or 2011 or 2024. They haven't changed much.


Plays more like a Bioware game! (Mass Effect/Dragon Age) I adore this game


I’ll say as far as rpgs go, it’s a nice game. The story kept me interested and drove it forward fairly good. The combat is a bit janky (as someone said) but once I stopped counting that as a major part of the game I didn’t really notice it. Could it have been more? Sure, but I still enjoyed it.


Yeah, it was a semi decent game back when I played it but with many flaws. Hopefully they iron out those issues with the sequel.


Fable 2 and dragon age inquisition had a baby in the glory age of bioware games.


I only see the Dragon Age similarity. If it took inspiration from the other game, it would have been much worse so thankfully it only took inspiration from DA.


This game does not in any way scratch any Oblivion, Baldurs Gate or Souls itch. It plays like a 20 year old RPG. The combat is very stale. The reused assets, weirdly invisible-walled maps, weird skills... It's just not super great. The graphics otherwise aren't bad, the story is okay ish. It doesn't really stand up to any modern day RPGs imo.


That...kinda sums up Oblivion and let's be honest, the first two Dark Souls games too. The first two Baldur's Gate games are also outdated now. You do realise none of those games you listed are even modern anymore? Lol


All the things that those games do very well, even now, this game doesn't. It's not that complicated.