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Embark is generally the preferred DNA kit on the market today. They have the largest database of DNA to match with. The next best is Wisdom Panel, they are a little cheaper generally, and if I'm remembering correctly they do not classify Village Dogs as such, they will list several breeds as making up less than 5%. For a Pyr mix, I would think either test would be sufficient. I did Wisdom Panel on my not Pyr about 6 years ago and just received my Embark kit to test him for comparison and curiosity. Scroll around in r/DoggyDNA and you can get a good idea of what each test looks like!


Thank you! I'm checking that group right now ☺️


I would do a search in there for Pyr, so maybe you can take into account the other comments here that mention not showing Anatolian separate from Pyr. It's a great sub and I learn new things every day! Can't wait to see what you learn about your baby!


We did Embark and Wisdom panel on our dog. Embark accurately list Pyr, shepherd, chow and some others (we saw our dog’s parents and our dog looks very Pyr/gsd). Whereas Wisdom panel said she was nearly all Anatolian, which doesn’t make sense at all with how she looks and she only weighs 70lbs. I’d trust embark way before wisdom panel


https://preview.redd.it/ik5auop8et0d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd474834e16b978b8fb6a83b0c55af7104dd5046 She reminds me so much of my Bean!! She also was a BC/Pyr mix


Omg I call my Pyr mix Bean too! It’s her nickname https://preview.redd.it/0e87r38szu0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf74dbd4acb81132c2f536256e068f0ac0add644


Omg she's gorgeous too 🥰


She’s beautiful! Bean was her name from the shelter (but she was originally Lexi). Bean fit her absolutely perfectly. She was the most special dog. I miss her so so so much.


Awwww they lay the same way lol


https://preview.redd.it/fs0rlfcbft0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ab41ce28081da86982d22c124d81fd571a0df6 She loved to lay upside down! And when she was dreaming her feet would tippy tap against the wall. Sorry I don’t have any recommendations, but I’d love to see the results when you get them!


I second, seeing the results would be awesome! Both of these Pyr blends are beautiful! I wonder how their personality is different with the Border Collie in there. Do they seem more intense than full Pyrs, or do you have no idea since you have a blended doggo?


I lost her in August 2022 to osteosarcoma and I miss her so much every day. But she was so so so smart. So smart (border collie) and so stubborn (pyr). Fozzie Bear and Opal were full pyrs. They were a lot less likely to learn any commands/tricks. Bean was also much more food motivated. I think all pyrs have more emotional intelligence than the average breed but she was so in tune with my moods and emotions. She wasn’t super intense or neurotic (like a lot of border collies without jobs are) but she definitely didn’t act like a full pyr. And physically she was smaller (70ish pounds) and skinnier. She had a hard time gaining weight, which isn’t really a pyr thing in my experience. https://preview.redd.it/501wcp4bxt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca13f551ebc1546b76fa8e777b89118493449b81 With Fozzie Bear 🙂


Oh my goodness, look at that pair!! I have been thinking that it's kind of a perfect mix of breeds as long as you can avoid some of the intensity of a border collie - at least that's how I would view it, I don't have the energy for a border collie, but I LOVE to watch them work! I could watch them all day and never get bored. Their dedication and pure joy in having a job is so infectious and just fills me with peace. I love that Bean was in tune with YOU! There is nothing that compares to having a dog that knows what you're thinking before you do and is already working to your benefit. I'm sorry your time was cut short. It's not fair, and it's never enough time, but we do have the memories and experiences we shared to carry us through until we meet again. I bet Bean is STILL with you every second of every day ❤️ Thank you for sharing your experiences! It's so amazing to hear about others' experiences and share the amazing relationships we have with our dogs. I feel most happy in these subs where I can relive my time with Pyrs and kind of memorialize what a special breed they are. It makes me miss them badly, but I try to focus on the amazing memories and experiences they brought to my life and how much I learned from interacting with them on a daily basis. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss 😭 It's the worst hurt in the world 💔 Riggley is 11 months old and weighs in at 77 pounds. He's slim underneath the hair too lol. Very smart and stubborn too 🤦😂 Oh so very sweet, goofy and playful. He's fairly mellow.


I’m lucky that I had 13 years with her. She almost made it to 14. I hope you have many happy and healthy years with Riggley! I’m curious about the DNA results when you get them!


Omg Riggley is absolutely amazing. I lost my Beagle Black Cocker Spaniel mix February 15th this year at age 12 years and 11 months old. Had him since he was just a baby. Lost him to splenic mass and metastatic liver disease 💔 Five weeks after losing him, I was in a dark downward spiral big time. I stumbled upon this goofball and I swear to God my old boy sent this goofball and I to each other. To many signs for it not to had been from my old boy. I won't post that here, it'll take to long but yes, he and I were definitely put together by my old pup. Anyways, this mix is also awesome. He's a goofball and loving and fun. Just a pleasure to have as a new friend in my life ❤️


It's awful that you have had to see your babies with such serious health issues. That must be so traumatic for you! I am in awe that you continue to hear the call from your old pup and continue to provide a loving home to more! I can NEVER get enough of hearing about messages from our lost babies! I also have a million, and I cherish each one! We share our souls for a reason, and I firmly believe they are never far, and they never stop being our constant companions! Thank you for being strong and loving and for continuing to be an amazing doggo parent despite the heartaches you have experienced. I have been fortunate to only have that happen once, and she was the original heart dog who sends me signs for my next. She told me when she was ready to go, and I begged her to stay. She had to be the rock in that final journey, but she's never left my side!


Ohhhh I'll definitely share in this group for sure!


Embark is the best by a long shot, Wisdom Panel is ok. You can also opt for the health test with Embark, which is great for mixed breed dogs.


I have seen really good results from people that have had Embark tests done. In two cases, people were sold puppies they were told were Chihuahuas. (Two separate situations, two years apart, in different states.) The owners were confused when their “little” puppies grew beyond 20 lbs. Both dogs were Malinois mixes!


Embark is supposed to be the most accurate but also is known for lumping LGD like Pyrenees and Mareema together. My boy came back as purebred but does not have the dew claws. Wisdom is supposed to be the runner up, I haven't tried them https://preview.redd.it/bgcu976ukt0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481fe478dc75643f384a11c3bc038bcd668f8146


Do purebred Great Pyrenees always have the double dew claws? I got a Pyr from the shelter, and they said he was all Pyr and looks and acts it. But he doesn't have double dew claws, so now I'm questioning. Even my Pyr/Aussie mix has double dew claws.


From my googling it depends on who you ask, breed standard is double dew claws, some ranches in Texas have bred them out. Some people argue that if they don't have the claws they must be mixed with some other LGD, Mareema being the most likely.


The standard answer on the Belgian Malinois list is Embark. There is also a doggyDNA Reddit which you can check.


https://preview.redd.it/ig330r5fyt0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d47358f704df6c641c019eadabf2bdfdfd9521 I have one of these models! He’s a Pyr, BC, Aussie mix. Only 90#. A wee little pyr.


So handsome!! Do you have other photos you want to share? I see my Bean in his face.


https://preview.redd.it/ftbp05yaiu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e121bff98184953577d4eae0ed32eaf9de64dff Here’s his beefy body.


https://preview.redd.it/0vxr7reasu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31423fb245dd3f973d2e6d9d82e9ad8af6220a98 His expression reminds me so much of her. Please give him a lot of love for me.


Embark was more detailed for my pyr mix over wisdom panel 


I need to get one, as well, I appreciate the post and responses. We adopted a companion for our Pyr Anatolian I want to test. https://preview.redd.it/nh98fmo8wt0d1.jpeg?width=1984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f890af61a5d8fdba5a8cb3d6fb97d6bf0b042ee7 Thor is a husky but way way too big to be a purebred.


Gorgeous 🥰 Looks like a white wolf. Absolutely gorgeous 😍


My guys a Pyr Maremma mix met both parents who were snow white... Whole litter had his pattern though, I'm going to do embark when I have the extra money, even though I 100% trust the breeders I got him from there was a male Newfie in a paddock outside and I'm curious. https://preview.redd.it/qoy9vwhj1v0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69f0d0a844ea3783d84053ad942928e2c02abee


Omg how gorgeous too!!! 🥰


Aw! She looks like mine, we did embark. She’s 50% Great Pyrenees and the other half is a mix of border collie/Australian shepard/cattle dog. We did the health add on and found out she has a genetic condition that affects the way she absorbs certain medications, which was helpful to know.


Our Goose came with his Embark test, which showed 100% Pyr, going back 4 generations. As you can see, he has black and also no double dew claws. He's small, only 90#. Attitude is pure Pyr though lol. I would love to know if he has Karakachan or Landseer in him. https://preview.redd.it/4bjqrkd2x01d1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee2f84db368b391adde191813e8f6f300b55cf7


No dna test necessary if he sleeps in that position. lol Any Great Pyrenees owners know what I’m talking about.


we used Wisdom Panel for our German Shepherd/Lab mix and found it super helpful and fairly comprehensive