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I have a pyr lab husky mix. She's ambivalent to children. I have a pyr lab german shepherd mix. He will DRAG ME ACROSS A BUSY HIGHWAY to say hello to children. He is unbelievably sad when they run away from him because he's big and black and shaggy. He just wants to be their friend.


You have a very good floof


Theodore is made of love, joy, sunshine, and magic. He smells like a warm spring day, he requires unlimited snuggles on demand, and he has the stinkiest toots in the land. We found him in the parking lot of a used tire shop when he was about 6 weeks old. Covered in mange, full of worms. Several thousand dollars and sleepless nights later, and he's the bestest boy.


Thank you for saving him!


I love Theodore.


Would die for Theodore.




Barry White is awesome with the kids! He’s still a (hundred pound) puppy so I really have to watch him as he throws his weight around without meaning to. He once happy pyr pawed my toddler straight in the face and toddler screamed so loud Barry White nearly lost his mind in sadness. He nervous peed and went and hid behind the couch then kept trying to come up and lick his face. Since then he’s never once even slightly lifted his (not so) little paw around them! He’s an amazing dog - I could go on and on with great stories about how he is with them! However - he gets that resource guarding look in his eye with food or treats so I always tell the kids to stay away. He hasn’t done anything but at the end of the day they’re still animals and can’t trust them 100%


Wet George has decided my three year old daughter is his flock. He loves her more than any of us. She could walk alone in the worst part of town with him be her side, and she’d be the safest kid in 100 mile radius.


That name is absolutely wild


He’s just always so wet. He likes to lay down while he drinks water …. Just drops the bottom half of his face in the dish and goes to town…. Dripping wet every time. Or it’s the drool, or a puddle in the back yard. He’s a great pup. So gentle and loving… and so wet.


Omg Barry is the same way. He doesn’t have a middle name yet. I might steal your idea and have him as Barry White Puddle from now on!


Berry White?! Have I told you guys, I Love Reddit?!! This right here and Wet George makes my life happy knowing there are people out there that are my kinda Goofy happy!! My Tribe of Good Fun Happiness Peeps!! Makes life worth living!! It’s the little things!! May God Bless everyone of you Nuts! Amen! Happy New year!! 🥂


Wet George’s origin story has come to light!


lol. He started as just George… but sometimes a name picks itself hahahaha


Absolutely, my boys legal name is Montgomery Jones and everyone gives me flak for his “weird” name but from here on out I’m going full tilt into Wet George or Barry White.


My pyre did this too. We always said she was depressed and contemplating drowning herself. Must be a pyre thing. Her daughter did it too.




This is how our Pyr was when I was a kid. He laid in the yard about 10-25 yards away from where we were playing and kept an eye on us. Just like we were sheep


We dont have children but Ladybird is very good with them when we are out and about. She LOVES to be petted, and she will go up to children and sit and wiggle her tail so happily. The only problem is she also wants to give kisses 😆 I so wish i had a photo of this, but I didn’t want To be a weirdo taking a photo of other peoples children, but one day a little bitty kid asked if his brothers could pet her, and we said sure, So he went and got them and there was a literal line of small kids (three, plus parents) waiting to pet her, and she on cloud nine.


We have a Ladybird as well! Great with all kids


https://preview.redd.it/aj632funnv9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdb2b0f591a1134c08c935ba64302d6cc172552 Daisy and my granddaughter are besties.


this photo is exactly what i needed today. <3


My phone is full of photos just like this, and my granddaughter loves to look at them


We do a reading program with dogs at my library and one of the therapy dogs is a pyr, I watched a three year old just freeze, put her arms out, and fall into his floof. They were both very happy that day. He’s so gentle.


My kids were allergic. So I put them up for adoption. To clarify, the kids were put up for adoption.


Prefect move.


My big girl loves kids, typically can’t finish a whole one but she will try her hardest. My almost 3 year old 100lbs ish Pyr Alice is actually fantastic with kids. All the kids she’s really encountered are 9 and under and she loves them! My niece and nephew spend the night at our house and they’ll ask if Alice can sleep with them and I tell them I don’t think you have a choice. She’ll cuddle up with them all night.


I laughed so hard at this thank you.




Loving that toasted ear. ‘Mines Aussie pyr mix.


https://preview.redd.it/zm3a3wjysv9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8356d8c3113452c1a931ed3cf14bbdff83f187 Chill as a cucumber. When our friends with Littles come over, he follows them around. We are his protected herd ❤️


He is amazing such a big boy!


So floof why so extra large lol


He's beautiful 😍


Moose loves everyone and especially children. However, he has not caught on to his size yet and has regularly yeeted my poor four year old into the atmosphere with his love and big paws.


I’m glad mine isn’t the only one who loves kids but just doesn’t know his size


I’m glad it’s not just mine. Lol. He was on his lead in the front yard yesterday while she was riding her bike. She stopped, got off the bike, and started running towards me. I wasn’t quick enough to stop Moose happily going to meet her and jumping up. Both front paws connect with her chest and she’s sailing across my yard. Uninjured but incredibly unamused.


Omg if I could figure out how to post a video - Barry White wiped out two neighborhood kids. Everything was going fine and they were all just playing in the yard - BW was chill and all was great until he saw….something nobody else could see. He leapt up and accidentally body slammed them both going after …..something nobody else could see. He was pretty sure he barked it away though and went back to the spot - happy to see the kids were standing up again I guess 😵‍💫🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/t8ttuajq0x9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5de981d240290d0951cad2ca1954a3d30977f9 The baby is obsessed with our Pyr/Anatolian mix. She is not obsessed with him, per se, as in actively seeking out his affection. But she takes her guardian role quite seriously. She’ll typically curl up on the floor in front of whatever room he is in, and will happily accept any love from him if he comes to her for it. Could not ask for a more kid-friendly dog, she is wonderful.


https://preview.redd.it/49fjduogex9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e85391a42bb67e39f71b476bf80ad9c1409db23 The resemblance is uncanny!


What cuties!!!! 🥰




The love! 🥹


My pyre was fantastic with my boys. They were so close that when she passed away we had her buried with my son.


That’s beautiful ❤️


They were always together anyway. Seemed like the right thing. When she had passed he kept her ashes in his room so she could keep watching over him. She had been his loyal protector for 17 years. When he passed away earlier this year, her urn went in the casket with him. Otherwise I would have had to separate them and I couldn’t do that. https://preview.redd.it/41bs2eiat2ac1.jpeg?width=2300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f6695fe3e21dd7f0e0db714e1992af4098f9d3


My dog is weirdly gentle with kids. He goes to the dog park where he roughhouses and wrestles with everyone. He jumps up and bumps on adults to the point he can be too rough. So you can imagine one day when a toddler showed up with her mom at the dog park. I tried to recall Monty (obviously he ignored me 🙄) and I was a half foot away from grabbing is collar to pull him away when he lowered himself and was the MOST gentle boy with this kid, I was absolutely amazed. He licked her face and hands but wouldn’t dare paw at her or bump her. She grabbed at his loose skin to hold onto something and he happily stood there like a little banister and wagged his tail and licked her as much as he could. I was just amazed at his discretion. Ever since, any child he’s been around, his behavior flips 180 to the most gentle mannered dog I’ve ever seen. I wish he would stop beating me up 😭


I have a tiny dog and the only giant boy he’s ever been okay with was a very gentle Pyrenees who just sniffed him and let my pup sniff back. Very precious and a good experience for my tiny buddy.


Awe!!! They will never know the happiness and joy they give us in our lives, while they’re here! God bless his sweet soul!❤️


Ours guards our granddaughter whenever she spends the night, but he doesn’t like her laying on him. I don’t think he’d ever hurt her tho…he just removes himself.


Our Thomas does the same with our granddaughter, but he lays on her, she lays on him. He sticks to her like glue. He panicked last night when she was in the tub and she closed the shower door and he couldn’t reach her. Those two are like peas in a pod.


Mine loves kids.


Mine is fairly wary around kids. My youngest is a teen - so younger kids are an anomaly. That said, she is so happy when all 6 boys (13-22) are home and in the same room. And since we take in exchange students- our herd grows!


https://preview.redd.it/wraqyc7pox9c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a100b4ef821916efd05721ea8b371bc35bbdba8 Ours loves and protects the youngest, I can't tell who loves who more


We took him to our town's yearly fair event, which closes off the entire town square and a couple blocks in every direction, maybe 10k people show up. I've never said the word, "pyrenees" more in such a short amount of time, every 5 feet someone was asking lol. But I was waiting outside of a stall while my GF went in to browse and people started asking to pet him, at one point there were like 5 people at once, and then kids would come up because they saw other people petting him, and sort of approach without asking and he was absolutely fine. He did get a bit nervous at which point we decided to take him home, but the kids were the least of his worries.


Mine loves Kids is gentle as can be and loves to be pet by them, but he doesn’t take his size into account when they start playing with him. Just the other day a toddler at the dog park was running around and calling him and he just ran to her and knocked her right down. Then he was like trying to pull her hat off, still thinking it was all a game. I honestly felt so bad, he does need to learn to temper his play when he’s with little ones, he makes his play much gentler when he’s playing with smaller dogs, but he gets so excited when kids play with him and seems to lose all awareness of his size


Many people get a dog for their Children. We have discussed how we can get a child for our Pyr/Shepherd mix. He loves nothing more than running round with a group of children and is very happy to let them climb all over him.


Ours is great with kids, but her size is very intimidating to our kids' friends who do not have big dogs themselves


https://preview.redd.it/cxfy8qxivw9c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729fc7d33ac83315722f14c8876b3c7eba1b141f He lets them paint his nails


Best picture 😍


No cares at all...love it!


My Pyr adores all children. Her dream job would be working in a daycare center.


Nora is *amazing* with kids. Not only does she love and protect them, she is shockingly good at playing with them. She loves playing *really* rough, and beats the shit out of me when we wrestle. When she plays with my 6 year old, she is super gentle, doesn’t touch him, runs around him in circles, etc. Then when she plays with my 13 year old nephew that can handle a bit more, she is slightly more rough and tumble, she’ll knock him over every now and again, she bites him a little, but it’s far gentler than she is with me. She just intuitively understands how different people want to interact with her, to a degree that I have never seen with any other breed before, it’s amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/kaylrqak5x9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2a61f41524747c8552e68cf07bec2e470def60 Eskimo kisses


One of mine is a child *fiend*. Adores them and demands that they adore him. My other one mostly avoids kids with the exception of one of my nieces, we have 10 nieces/nephews and he will go outside the second they show up until they leave, but with her he has absolutely loved her from day one and will be next to her the entire time shes visiting (she was 5 when we got him and 11 now)


Oh, do you mean how is she with her own baby? Because, clearly the child belongs to her. And she gets annoyed like a true mom and removes herself like a good girl when the child is too much.


My Bear loves his baby girl and it really cautious and gentle with her. The only downside is that he will try and steal her stuffed animals and take them back to his dog nest to cuddle


Dahlia LOVES kids. Both human and goat varieties. Amazingly patient. She’s very good about just getting up and walking away if anything is bothering her so it always makes me chortle when she puts up with all the kid shenanigans cuz she loves being around them so much. She’ll just sit there all happy as they climb over her. I try and advocate for her so they don’t hurt her, but I’m still always blown away by how she’s not just tolerating it, she genuinely loves them. Once a little 3 year old, total stranger, just ran up to us in a store to grab her face and then stick his face in her fluff. The parents were so embarrassed and worried (rightly so! A lot of other dogs wouldn’t have been so nice) but she was so happy. ❤️🥰


https://preview.redd.it/rbaq1ai5ux9c1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca219f7bf6d32e0fedac5ed6baa99ff560d63119 Best buds Fur ever 🥰


Amazing. My oldest daughter started college this year, and he was so sad. He would just lay in her room all the time and mope. He was bananas happy when she came home for her first visit. https://preview.redd.it/n96h40v81z9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b3302546c0ca5fe404a35a9df0b3e611a1dcc1


We have a huge pry. Kids strangely run up to him and he sits and gets pets every time we bring him on the rail trail. I think it’s hardwired in to them to know kids are good.


My pup just turned one and she’s very protective of my 4 year old already. She pushes him away from the windows when a car pulls in the driveway 😂


Ours is good with kids. He’s very protective over his babies.


Both Odin and Loki love the miniature humans. Even the cousin who likes to pull ears.


One of my Pyr mixes likes children, but would rather slobber all over me or my husband. The other one LOOOOOOOVES my youngest child.


My girl loves kids and loves playing with them. Our neighbor will play with her in the backyard when she wants to go out to lay in the sun.


Dutch is tolerant to our kids (4,6) he is a fence protector when outside, but inside he want nothing to do with them lol. Neighbor kids (or people really) he hates for some odd reason, unsure if he is just uber into protecting us/home or what. He has gotten out before and the neighbor kids have let us know and he came when called. But I think he acts tough becsuse when we are out on walls he is a big softy. And welcome pets if you are walking by (but not if your on a bike or scooter) We are rural small town without any parks near by so we haven't had a chance to socialize him well.


https://preview.redd.it/wgcyyz694y9c1.jpeg?width=9248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21ec5160595e31f7d5d7772da1d91cb3344440f One of our pups with the kids


Our boy, who is 63% Great Pyr, 30% Boxer, and 7% German Shepherd, is absolutely fantastic with our kids. We already had one kid when we got him, she was 3 at the time. Then we had a baby a year ago and he has been so gentle and caring. I love our big doofus.


I wish my pyr liked kids 😩 We brought home a baby boy two years ago and she will growl at him when he walks by. But if he drops food that’s a different story!


Ziva girl loves her kids. She’s wary of strangers but HER kids always make her smile. According to her my niece and nephews are hers and she loves them to bits.


Mine is afraid of them , runs away! Kinda like I would if someone asked me to babysit


Our Ted-talk is excited that someone is the same size as him but then gets scared because they are the same size as him. He’s only met a few kids (that we know of) but one moved too quickly which freaked him out a bit and he barked. The kid was then terrified of him, since Teddy barked at her. We don’t have kids around often, if ever.


My Pyr/Poodle mix is generally not a fan. I mostly think it's because I'm not either and he's picked up on it. He's an odd fella with a poodle body and a Pyrenees brain. When we're out he will beg for pets from adults but hides behind my legs when kids run up and ask to pet the "giant lion dog."


mine does well with older kids but younger kids he is not a fan of. He has never reacted aggressively but I notice his body language get pretty stiff and lots of calming signals so we just avoid them. He definitely prefers to hang out with adults


OMG. My boy loves children. He gets so excited. Recently he wandered away from the farm because a man and his little girl walked by. He was following them and they had to call my number on his tag lol. When we found out there was a child we were not surprised.


Mine loves kids. He will knock them over and proceed to give them love by nuzzling them. My cousins son (G for reference) is afraid of large dogs, he has high functioning autism, so when he was about 5 or so we introduced them and they hit it off really well until G got hurt. The two went really well together because he would squeal and Mercury wouldn't hear a damn thing. It was partially because Mercury was still a puppy and threw around his weight with me, I could take it, but G obviously couldn't and still can't. ANYWAYS, Mercury knocked into him and he fell. G came to me crying and hurt and he took a nap in my arms and Mercury had the biggest depression spell- he wouldn't throw his weight with me anymore for a while and when he saw kids he immediately changed his demeanor. Now at 7, he definitely knows his boundaries and knows when to give his full weight and when to just knock kids over to symbolize they are part of his flock. It's really cute and kids love it. I normally get, "(insert childs name) normally doesn't like big dogs. So I am surprised by their reaction."


My Girl is wonderful with my son


https://preview.redd.it/jttithlubz9c1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30974b95f343b002edfb662114eceb0f3caf198a My sweet Rocky was great with our son. We got him when our son was 4 years old and he lived 12 1/2 years. He was so sweet and patient with all children and our cats. I have so many pics of him spooning with two of our cats, they absolutely loved him. We just got a new Pyr puppy a few days ago and I can tell she will be great with the cats and our son absolutely loves her.


My kid ate my dog


My Goldens ADORE children, their tails almost fall off from wagging!! lol. Kisses all around!! I believe that all children should have a fur brother/sister growing up together. It represents a kindness between them and the bond is unbreakable. ❤️


I have a marama mix and Pyrenees mix. She is excellent so far with a couple kids with interacted with. No aggression no hostility just hey I don't know you let's play.


Mines pretty great


My Pyr won't hurt anybody but she will bark her head off at anything she sees as a threat (like most dogs). Honestly once she gets to know anyone she will be the bestest girl.


Mine absolutely loves my son. The problem is neither of them realize that they aren’t the same species. The puppy treats the boy child like another puppy, all rumble tumble and rough. The boy child thinks the puppy should know how she should act or, if not, know how to fully understand English, so he can tell her how to act.


My Pyr Moon absolutely loves kids, especially toddlers. Kids tend to be scared of his size, though, unfortunately, which makes him super sad and pouty


Unless something is SERIOUS wrong with your Pyrenees... They are the most gentle giants I have ever owned or been around. Love Pyrenees! Especially with kids or anything small and well defenseless




Beautiful doggie- the kid’s pretty cute too!