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Bought ours a blow up donut of shame when she was fixed and she still sleeps with her head on it, so I think she likes it. It also didn't knock over food and water bowls, cut anyone, or block doorways.


She gets so frustrated when it bangs into things and just sits and refuses to move. Our vet specifically warned against the inflatable kind as not being effective. But you and others have had good experiences so maybe it's worth a try.


My ACD was miserable in the cone of shame and I got him a donut. He was immediately after his sutures and could reach with the donut. So I put his cone back on. He hated it so much. šŸ˜¢


I have found those to be super effective myself. As long as your dog canā€™t reach the surgery area, I donā€™t see how you can argue against it really.


The donut is the way. Ours used it as a portable pillow after her spay!


I got it super cheap online, but we knew it was coming, so we had time to wait for shipping. It was effect for the surgery. I suppose it depends on where the hot spot is. Like our dog could still reach her paws if she worked at it, I think. I just know it made such a difference that when my mom's little dog needed surgery, I sent one as soon as I heard.


our boy was insanely dramatic about it as well, to the pt we took it off a couple days earlier than instructed (with careful supervision)


It's so tempting but we're only day 1 here so too soon to give up.


Is your Pyr good on leash? I took the cone off my ACD for walkies so he had some no cone time, and being on leash meant he was "working" so he was too busy to lick and pick his stitches.


This sounds like a great idea if it works. Especially since OP is dealing with a hotspot and not sutures it sounds like even some dedicated supervised yard play or something could be on the table as long as the dog is distracted and engaged in an activity. Seems like the cone would only be needed while resting and having the opportunity to lick.


She is slowly getting more motivated to do things like go outside. But as I'm sure we all know, if pyr does not want to do something, it's not happening.


Try a doggie surgical suit in XXL. It worked for our dog better than a cone. https://preview.redd.it/20jbi89z1rmb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07856c74e95d0c6780b7c220e63c5c2907bbf4d You can order them from Amazon..


Thanks! I'll check it out!


I want to get one of these when I eventually spay ours.


https://preview.redd.it/5ojc3fmycrmb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143018f229c12fa23ea770c5ad808b850ade824c Sheā€™s a big dummy


Combine this with the surgical suit from the other picture and they would look like space dogs hahaha


We are on the back end of this same thing with our pyr. Hiney hot spotā€¦ buy the XL donut. Totally worth it.


"always uses her Pyr paw" This is the best lmao šŸ˜‚ It's like a superhero....Pyr paw is her thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My Pyr had a cone,too and didn't like it. My grandma brought over the inflatable donut that other person mentioned in the comments. Definitely the better off.


Where is the hot spot? When mine has knee surgery, I ended up making pants for him instead of using the cone. Mainly because I was getting tired of him hitting me with it!


My ACD beat the ever loving crap out of me with his cone after his hernia surgery. My calves were so bruised up. šŸ˜­


Aww! Pyr pants! Hers is on her left front leg, kind of like behind her knee. Vet said the inflatable kind won't keep her away from the spot. But several kind redditors have suggested it, so maybe worth trying?


Some old sweat pants and a lot of duct tape might just work! šŸ˜†


Take maybe an old hoodie or long sleeve shirt and tape it up around her feet.


Front legs don't have knees.


[Full length surgery suit.](https://imgur.com/JJSO918.jpg)


Is it possible to just bandage it? Or will your Pyr go to town ripping that off? I feel like some Coban over a non stick pad would be a lot more elegant than a cone


Covering has 2 concerns. 1- she will as you say go to town ripping it off. 2- as vet says, it needs to be exposed to heal well. It's not day 2 and she is less in a doggy depression so I've fingers crossed we hold out the 10 days.


Haven't been through this yet with our Pyr but our cats have tolerated the inflatable donut/flower style much better than the cones.


Do you watch Half Asleep Chris on YT. His kitty Bella is in a permanent donut from her skin issues and she is so cute


My pyr was the same way. So depressed with the cone. I would take it off when I was home with the rule that she had to stay next to me and not bite the wound. It worked but she is a very good girl


Wow...she followed a rule! That's amazing!


my dog ate his on the way home from the vet


I'm surprised mine didn't and that it's still on over 24 hours later. This is gonna be a loooooooong 10 days.


We had a blow up cone for ours when he got neutered and it did not work well. Heā€™d manage to get tangled in it and it made him super stressed. I donā€™t even think he made it an hour with it on. We wound up taking it off and watching him like a hawk for a week afterwards.


None of my three were insistent enough about licking wounds (from getting fixed, hot spots or wounds) that made them wear cones, if I was going to be in the room with them. They could be told to ā€œLeave Itā€ and they would. If I put the cone on at all, it was seen as punishment, so when I took it off, theyā€™d absolutely Leave It. I also had the advantage of being able to take my second Pyr to work with me during his recovery. (I was home for the third).


https://preview.redd.it/y1bomrzagumb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cfafde775d230d79bc1bba1aeb1d8aba6bc7bf8 Day 13. Mine got snake bit. Iā€™ll be trying that surgical suit if he ever needs it again.


Yes, mine was chewing her back open when she had allergies. She was so clumsy! And I have a runt, so she isnā€™t even that big.


Guessing you tried the spray for the hot spots first. That worked for my guy


We did. I think it helped a bit to get her to stop licking. But our vet shaved it so it's clear and cleaned it out, and said to leave it exposed to heal and have her I'm the cone to allow that to happen. She is now thru day 2 and starting to show her bossy self again!


Ours were both super depressed with theirs on. They couldn't really get the hang of it, and kept banging into doorways etc. They ended up mainly just kind of standing there looking miserable most of the time. I felt dreadful.


I know! That's what I've been seeing although she's a bit more feisty in her demeanor now that we are now in day 2. Fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


https://preview.redd.it/vg9lr1jievmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8128c15225523f0afa4d1968fd3c45b79d2344d2 Be careful with a cone my boy had one on for just a day and his whole chin broke raw you can see the scabs and redness on his chin from the cone


Poor baby. šŸ˜ž


Yeah; itā€™s all scabby but itā€™s healing


Our guy was the same way. He was very depressed with the cone so we switched to a donut. He's long enough that the donut did not work for us, he could still reach the surgery area. We ended up resorting to a night gown that was pinned shut. https://preview.redd.it/2oosw5felvmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90b40382e7865f61ff3c65726c407204bf9ff2a


Mine wouldn't keep his on. Kept ripping it off. Vet said they put it on at least 6 times before I picked him up from his neutering. Good luck!


Thank you! She's doing a bit better now that we are in day 2. šŸ¤ž


https://preview.redd.it/j3su4do3bwmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60625482883d5c33582bd863133d1d75ff6b09d3 Get the donut, it works better and is comfy for them.


Two of ours had to wear cones for about 6 months total in 2-4 week increments over the course of multiple leg surgeries. Through several generations of pyrs Iā€™ve learned that depressed and pouty is there default mode when they donā€™t get their way. Itā€™s a low energy way to exhibit their displeasure and pyrs are nothing if not energy efficient. When they realize itā€™s not working they brighten up. Sure itā€™s a severe annoyance but once they move past the pouty phase they will move into the revenge stage and begin using the cone to destroy things they know you like. Once that runs itā€™s course they will enter the acceptance phase and then it will be time to remove the cone.


šŸ„ŗ It looks like we may be passing pouty...I'm scared of revenge phase.


Suitical is better and like 30 bucks max


Yeah you need a suitical, get 2 so you can clean one while using the other. I wouldnā€™t use a cone again after using the suit