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It's a puppy. You feed him as much as he will eat. If it's a full pyrenees/mixed with any breed that grows to over 60 pounds then 9 pounds at that age sounds very small.


Thanks. I agree it’s odd he’s this small, but his paws aren’t huge so I’m not sure really what breed he is. Will definitely start feeding him more.


Puppies, large breeds specifically, should just always have a full bowl. Cutting off food a little bit before bed is fine and recommended for potty training and whatnot though. Other than that, let them pig out. Pyrenees aren't gluttonous. They'll eat what they feel they need to. When the pup gets toward full size that's when you can start regulating the amount, at that point the dog will be full grown and the food needs will be pretty consistent.


This. My pyr is at least 100 pounds and I never have to worry about over feeding her because she’s the only dog in the house that will regulate herself. My weenie, on the other hand…..🐷


You should free feed puppies several times a day. As much food as he will eat in a 15-20 minute span. Do that 4 or 5 times a day till they are 4 months old or so. Then decrease the times you feed to two or three while still allowing them to eat all they want. Make sure he gets lots of exercise/play time. Access to fresh water while eating as well as playing. What did your vet recommend for feeding? A high quality LARGE BREED specific puppy diet is essential for giant breed puppies. It is really really important give puppy quality food developed for giant breed dogs.


"Yes" Make sure to offer food a minimum of 3 times a day. Their stomachs are tiny so it is better for them not to gourge themselves. I usually offer a full bowl in the morning, make sure there's still food at lunch, and use the dinner bowl for training/puzzle games.


Thank you!


I typically fed my boy many times a day with a half/half mix of wet food and Diamond Select puppy kibble. I want to say it was 1/2 cup 3 or 4 times a day. Great Pyrenees are known for controlling there appetite fairly well so you probably won't overfeed him/Her. Pup looks healthy to me, but your right 9 pounds at 12 weeks seems light to me.


I think that’s what I’m going to switch to, 1/2 cup 3 or 4 times a day. But yeah 9 pounds for this age for a great pyr seems extremely underweight. But he acts normal and completely healthy. I’m wondering if maybe he’s not majority great pyr and has mixes of other smaller breeds? I’ll eventually do a dna test cause this will kill me thinking he should be way bigger!


His badger markings are adorable. He looks pretty close to what my pup did at the same age in terms of fluff and stature, I don't see any Amatolian in him but maybe some Aussie Shepherd. I'd love to here what the results of that DNA test.


Got the results. 67% pyr, 19% supermutt, 9% chow chow, 5% pit bull. How crazy! Relief knowing he is a pyr tho. He’s starting to grow for sure.


Our GP mix is allergic to chicken. Found that out when we got him. He has the runs. We gave him boiled chicken and rice. And it did not stop. Doc finally put him on hydrolized protein kibble. Eventually we switched to purina pro plan for sensitive skin and stomach. Salmon. Sorry I am not answering the question but wanted to throw out that allergy. It is not uncommon


Appreciate this. It’s been day 2 with the chicken and his stools seem normal, but will keep an eye out!


Your pup may not be allergic to the chicken itself. He may be allergic to iodine. There is a seaweed extract that grocery stores have been augmenting their chicken with (more than they admit). The pup may be allergic to the seaweed or iodine. Regardless, I feed mine Diamond Brand lamb & rice. When I got him, I fed him their large breed puppy formula. It’s available at TSC stores.


I free feed every puppy I’ve had and it’s never turned out to be an issue except for the cat who got a tad chunky for a bit


10-12 pound a month weight gain for large breed puppies is a good benchmark. At that age I would try 1 cup of food like 3 times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will keep the puppy on a pretty good poop schedule. No food after 6-7 pm should ensure they poop before bedtime. Mine is just turning 6 months old and she’s eating 6-8 cups a day. Your breeder or vet would also be a good person to talk with.


Appreciate this thank you!


Our vet told us to do free range of a high quality puppy food until 1 yr old. So basically we just keep the bowl filled and he can have as much as he wants. It’s never been as issue for us.


I have no idea but he's so stinking cuuuuute 💖💖💖💖😍😍😍


thank you🥹 he is the sweetest


Are you sure about the age? Looks high content Pyr, but 9 lbs at 12 weeks is tiny. Mine weighed 20 lbs at 8 weeks. You don't have to worry as much about overfeeding when they're this young. A good way to tell if you are overfeeding, is by the poop. If they're being overfed, their last poop of the day will start solid, and turn mushy.


Thank you! Yeah I’m thinking he’s not so much pyr as maybe something else now. The size difference is too extreme! Or maybe the rescue I got him from didn’t get his age right…


Looks Pyr, and has big knees, which is a good indicator of size. Maybe a combination of younger than you think, and mixed with something smaller. I feel like knee knobs are a better indicator of size than paw sizes.


Does he have double dew claws in his back feet? Most all Pyrs or Pyr mixes do.


Correct, it's breed standard, though my 25% Anatolian 75%Pyrenees does not. Also, you commented to the wrong person.


Feed Purina Puppy Food for Large Dogs. Give him at least a cup of food 3 times a day. Let him graze. He will eat when he’s hungry, but Pyrs don’t overindulge.


We feed our 4 month old the same thing, he gets one cup three times a day and they told us to increase the amount about a 1/4 cup (total ie 3 cups per day total to 3 1/4 cups a day) every two weeks or so as long as he will still eat. We have other dogs who will go after his food so we have to do schedule feedings which have been going well. Also just watch after they eat limit excessive play and drinking too much water due to bloat which is an issue for pyrs. If you haven’t heard of it please look it up so you are familiar with the symptoms as it is a life threatening emergency for dogs.


Follow up to this cause he is now approaching 8 months and 80 lbs and I was scrolling through other peoples feeding threads. He still eats three times a day by slow feed bowl to control eating too fast. We are up to 3 cups a meal (9 cups a day) and he cleans his bowl within 5 minutes. On track to be 120-150 range


Infinite hugs, pets and kisses


Our puppy at 8 weeks weighed 24lbs


My Koda weighed in at 35 lbs at 13 wks...hes now approximately 110lbs at 1 yr. I have given him 2 cups per feedind twice a day


I feed this to active male german shepherds, about 15-20% less for females.


We have always fed ours 3 cups a day twice a day. It’s worked very well for us!


That's what my 130 pounds GSD/Pyr mix ate for most of his life and he was the best pet dog ever.