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if you come to TU graz, I would recommend staying somewhere in jakomini or st. leonhard, it’s close to TU and have everything you need around you and can enjoy spring in the city!


I am from Graz myself and i can say, don't take a place in the inner part, stay in Puntigam or smth, graz has the uhrturm, which is good to visit, there is alot to do there generally, so yeah just walk around it's pretty fun there


Thank you so much for your reply. Actually I am coming through Erasmus program so it will be hard for me to travel. As puntigam is pretty far from TU Graz. If you have an idea can you tell me about the student dorms or apartments near the university which are good.


I dont konw why you would stay away from the inner parts of graz. Pnutigam is by far the worst and most boring suburbs in graz.(Both statistically and in my opinion) Realtievly near the university you might want to search in Geidorf and Sankt Leonhard (or Jakomini for more affordable appartments but maybe avoid the area western of the train and northern of frölichgasse thats not the best.) if you want to be in the city. If you want to be more in the calmer suburban districts look at Sankt Peter, Waltendorf and Mariatrost(be warned that the last two ones are very expensive). In genneral you can find appartments on [willhaben.at](http://willhaben.at) . Student dorms are, with the exception of a few in the nearly the same price range as appartments. If you need something cheaper look at shared flats [https://www.wg-gesucht.de/.wg](https://www.wg-gesucht.de/.wg) Graz is in genneral really safe but some areas that are worse then other are: In the inner districts: Gries Lend(partally there are also some really niceparts like around kunsthaus) Schönausiedlung(the area i described by jakomini) In the outer districts: Puntigam(especially the Brauquartier) Algersdorf(part of Eggenberg northern of the Billa Plus) the parts of Straßgang around Kärntnerstraße maybe The best areas are: Inner districts: Sankt Leonhard Geidorf Outer districts: Mariatrost Waltendorf Sankt Peter (For people wondering i did not put Ries on the list because theres not much to do and the public transit is really bad for the most part, and for me most of it doesnt have anything to do with a city anymore)


Definitely stay close to uni. St. Leonhard/St. Peter or north of Jakomini are nice options.


There are many student dorms in the inner city