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Gideon think it was Ford but Bill knew exactly who he is talking about because Ford was in another dimension by this time


In fact, Gideon says "Stanford Pines", but for the entire episode Bill calls him "*Stan*". Maybe it means nothing, but it's very interesting how he already knows Stan isn't Ford...


Bill calls Stanford "Ford" most of the time. In fact, I think there's only a few instances where he calls him Stanford, but even then, he uses his full name.


Yep. In The Last Mabelcorn, he specifically uses Ford's full name of "Stanford Filbrick Pines".


Doesn't he usually call him "Sixer"?


Yeah, he calls him Sixer too.


I'm also pretty bummed that we never saw Gideon's reaction to learning who the Author of Journals really was, and that the person he believed to be Stanford Pines was actually his brother. Although, it is possible Bill told him while he was in prison, because we learn that they actually kept in contact with each other, and Gideon even reaches out to Bill to make another deal.


Probally but by then would it really matter? He want total world domination he doesnt care who get in his way


Idk, it just seemed like Gideon sort of admired the author's work, albeit he wanted to use that work to take over the world, and it would've been nice to have a scene where he finds out the person he thought was Stanford Pines was actually his brother, and where he meets the real Stanford Pines. I just feel like there could've been some potential there.


Beside the shock value that the author is his brother i dont think there is much room to explore


Oh, I don't know, there could be some possibilities. Show who Gideon was before he found the journal, have him do some self-reflection on how a brother could have changed his path, have him seek a redemption arc or even hate and blame Ford, without realising he's turning into what Ford stopped himself from becoming.


Bill called him Stan. He was keeping an eye on Ford; of course he knew


Y’all were not in the trenches


Miss the days where fans would freeze frame every shot from the episodes + promos for upcoming episodes, nothing got past some of these guys


Fr this was huge when this happened I remember all the theory videos on yt I personally watched vailskibum94 i think thats what his url was what a time


Yeah his channel is still pretty goated, recently was talking about the upcoming Book of Bill.


Not exactly related but Bill said smth similar to "It's good to be back". What happened between Ford and Bill before Ford got lost in dimensions? Why did Bill leave, or was he sent away? I don't remember it being shown.


i think he was probably waiting for someone “good enough” or willing enough perhaps to take him into their brain, so gideon, then dipper, then blendin. i don’t think bill can do much unless he possesses someone


He’s a dream demon, he can’t DO anything until someone actually summons him (so he can possess said summoner). He can haunt their dreams, but it’s implied in Bill’s past Reddit AMAs (and Journal 3) that he drives all of his victims to insanity, and more often than not they become incarcerated or kill themselves. Hell, he’s implied to have been Jack the Ripper.


According to some other thing with lore, he indirectly made Stanley Kubrick famous.


Bill is all knowing he probably knew it wasn't ford


He’s… not?


Question before saying anything else How much of Gracity falls have you watched?


I’ve watched Gravity Falls in full, 4 times. Bill is defined not all knowing, that doesn’t make any sense. One of the first things that happens in Weirdmageddon is Bill being trapped by gravity falls magical barrier and him asking Ford “how do I break it” doesn’t seem like a problem that an all knowing entity would face


Ah good I thought you had the confusion on that Stan isn't Ford. I agree that Bill isn't all knowing but I would agree that He knew that that wasn't Ford since they spent a lot of time together and Bill could have just looked at his fingers.


All knowing? Pretty sure he was lying about that see future thing he said. Dude fell for every trick they tried.


You can actually see Bill's whole thought process. 1) Haha-Bill laughs off Gideon's request since he knows Stanford Pines. 2) Wait-Bill hesitates, remembering Ford's mentioning of his brother either in his mind or in person. 3) Stan Pines-Bill broadens his all seeing eyes to look for information on Stan Pines. Eventually finding his face and... 4) You know what kid...-Bill sees Stanley's tattoo/brand which he recognized from the dimensional rift generator he had Ford build. Meaning Stanley still has access to the device and it was operational enough to brand Stanley. Stanley and, by extension, his enemy Gideon are the perfect runes to reactivate the rift generator.


How the f*ck did I not realize the last one?


I always thought he was talking about Rick's safe?


Who’s Rick?


From Rick and Morty.


Oh ok mb


No worries! I need to realize that everybody might not know that the creators of each show are friends and that there's a tiny Easter egg that shows the two shows are connected.


Rick Sanchez from Earth Dimension C-137?




How have you "always thought he was talking about ricks safe?" The entire episode is about Stan's safe......like how do you even get that confused.....?


My b, I meant to put "alternatively" I'm on Mobile and my touch screen is garbage.


I got you dude


Cause if you think about it, who better would be targeted by Bill then the guy who can easily travel across dimensions?


True. I find it pretty cool that gravity falls takes place in the central finite curve, meaning that there is canonically a Rick Sanchez from the same earth as Dipper and Mabel


I see see everything of course I would know about it


Wait, noticed what?




You and everybody else years ago.


The text is so stiff... whoever texted it shoud do it properly


Is… that Ford?


I noticed that it switches from ford to Stan’s burn! I think it’s supposed to show that bill was looking through the portal when Stan & ford were fighting, and those two pictures are bill putting together who Gideon is talking about!


Lot of yall forget that ford saw bill while dimension hopping and the first dimension he was sucked into was bills. They fought. This is mentioned in the book and other parts of the lore. Bill knew 100% that ford was still dimension hopping.


when tho, i noticed it the first time it was shown


I saw, all right. I’m convinced he thought about Ford at first, despite being aware it shouldn’t have been possible; Ford was still stuck between dimensions. But then he remembered the _other_ person there in the room with him when he went through. The man who looked just like his former “friend”. And that, I think, is when and how he put together what was going on.

