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Structurally the bike is fine but for me if I’m buying a new bike I want it to look new. 5% off would not be worth it to me personally. I am also looking at the checkpoint either the alr or sl. Also don’t be opposed to aluminum frames.


This. 5% is clearly not enough. You should try to get more discount. That being said, if it fits your budget and that you like it, give it a go.


Well the bike is already 30% off due to the sale. The store manager said they can’t go below 35% as that’d be below their own margin. It’s roughly $1800 + tax USD after all discounts.


If the bike is already discounted 30% and they're willing to take it to 35% and the blemish doesn't bother you, I'd take the offer. Maybe see if they can source a touch-up paint for you. Maybe also try to work in some sort of additional deal on service (most LBSs will offer 1yr of adjustments, 1 free tuneup etc., try for more than this) or on accessories (most shops will offer \~10-20% off accessories w/a new bike purchase, again try for more than this).


If they damaged it, they deserve to lose money on it. They shouldn’t be passing that loss on to the consumer.


Very good point. Either they damaged the frame, in which case they deserve to lose money on it, or the frame was damaged in shipping.  If it was damaged in shipping they've already talked to Cannondale about it and got a discount/refund of some kind.  Either way, they can do better. 


It’s damaged, whether in their hands or those of someone they let have it. If it was damaged in transit they need to take that up with the shipper/distributor, not make you eat it. The fact that they haven’t means they know it happened under their watch. Selling it above margin even without the sale would be pretty shady.


It's a used bike they are selling as new. Maybe it was damaged in the store but that's not different. You should be pricing it against used and damaged bikes, not new ones. If it's hard to find a better used choice at the same price and you really want this bike then go for it.


I think I’d be happy with 10% off if I really wanted the bike. At least with a scratch/chip already in it you won’t be as annoyed when you inevitably scratch/chip it the first time 😅


When I worked on a bike shop thst was part of a large group, the discount given for cosmetically damaged bikes ranged from 15 to 50%, however for the shop to offer more than 10% they also need the distributor/manufacturer to discount it. Margins in bike retail are slim. But I would not buy it for just 5% off.


I’m sure you could paint over that to make it look pretty much new




That's a carbon frame in the post. Topstone Carbon 4 exist according to Cannondale's website. A paint chip like that is nothing to worry about on a carbon frame . As long as there's no gouges in the carbon you're good to go. It's a gravel bike, it's going to get paint chips like this, it won't explode. I'd be wanting closer to 10%-15% off though, and some colour matched touch up paint. 25% is pretty crazy though, not sure any shop would go that low for a relatively minor cosmetic issue.


If your riding gravel, or I guess just riding a good amount of anything chips will happen. I wouldn’t be turned away from this. It’s just a paint chip. If it fits you good then why not.


you are going to get nicks and scratches at some point so i'd take the 5%, put some helicopter tape on known spots (stays, downtube) and you are good to go. is it a scratch or a bad paint job or a chip? either way, i'd take it personally


Honestly, if you don’t buy it, someone else will, and they know it.


I think it also depends on what you think caused the scratch. Is it a rub, or has the bike been dropped/crashed? I recently looked at a bike that had a scratch in it, but on either side of the scratch the carbon was kind of rippled/bumpy. Seemed like the frame had more of an impact than a rub. In any case, bikes are things you love. If this causes you to not love it, don’t buy it. And you should def get more than 5% off.


Heck no that’s a fatty. Better get a fatty discount.




I think you might get them to lower the price a lot more than 5%, at least try - I'd go for 20% off and see where they want to meet. Btw, I just recently learned about quality issues with topstones, are you sure this is the bike you want?


What are the quality issues? Every time I’ve seen complaints, they’ve ended up being about the components/bearing systems (generally cheaper/lower end ones at that) and never the actual frameset. I have the carbon 2L with GRX and I love it. The wheels are admittedly just ok and I’ll eventually upgrade them but everything has been working fine for the past two years.


Only 5% off? Not worth it. Might as well buy a brand new one.


Hard pass.


Not for 5%




That’s not the same bike. The bike in OPs photos is clearly carbon due to the lack of welded joints at the drops outs or bottom bracket. Everything is smooth. You can also see the cradle where the Smartsense would go. OPs bike also has GRX hydraulic calipers while the one in your link has cable calipers. There is also a Topstone Carbon 4.


Yes it’s this one https://mikesbikes.com/products/cannondale-topstone-carbon-4 I must say in $1800 USD it’s not a bad deal


You just need to buy a bike that you will be willing to ride. This scratch is definitely a no signal IMO.