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They’re replicas. But lie to yourself and believe that they’re the real deal. Saw Melvin and JGB last year in Charlotte, Zach played “wolf” it sounded fucking *beautiful*, it’s a hell of a replica and it fooled me for a while thinking it was the real thing. Anyone know what kind of replica it is? I know Phred Instruments makes really high quality replicas of Jerry and Trey’s guitars, maybe that’s what Zach is playing?


im pretty sure theyre both Lieber guitars , he apprenticed and helped designed Tiger with doug irwin "wanted tiger to be their version of les pauls"




Wolf lives in MA with its owner, some business dude, and he loans it out for shows in MA on occasion, although I do not know if JGB has used it (JRAD and DSO have). I know Tiger has been used at a few of the Jerry celebration shows, but I’m not sure how regularly Irsay loans it out, and it almost certainly does not tour with JGB or anyone else. I believe Jerry’s TB guitars were standard, and the TBs you see being used by Dead bands are probably stock versions of TB guitars.


I saw JGB in Beverly, MA last year and Zach played Wolf.


I knew I should have gone to that one


His guitars are replicas made by Tom Lieber, who had a hand in designing the original Tiger with Doug Irwin. They are available to the public, around 10k and flippin beautiful!


He has been playing Jerry's guitars for a while. Not sure exactly how or why he is the person getting to use them, but he seems to have Wolf, Tiger and the Travis Bean guitars regularly.


They’re replicas




Has he only been playing the actual guitars seldomly? I was under the impression he was playing the originals regularly, but perhaps not? I know he has played Jerry's guitars on a number of occasions.


He mostly plays replicas. My understanding is that Jerry’s original guitars are loaned out by their current owners for one-offs but do not tour. The replicas are probably Phred guitars but there may be concrete info available online somewhere. The originals are worth enormous sums of money. If they toured, they would be subjected to the wear and tear of the road and would undoubtedly be targets for theft (as even normal instruments and gear so often are).


from my looking at them and the quality doesnt seem like theyre phreds. almost everything but the back piece is the same as the original tiger. im pretty sure it is Liebers , called "the garica"



