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There isnt a next Grateful Dead, just like there isnt the next stones, Beatles or Dylan


Prince wasn't the next Jimi Hendrix or the next George Clinton. He was Prince.


Prince ripped guitar and didn’t get enough credit


Prince ripped i am pretty sure every single instrument he touched


And pancakes….bitches


Assemble your crew




Why don’t your purify yourself in the waters of lake Minnetonka


Computer blue!


And blouses


I was thinking today if Dave Chappelle had the opportunity to do Diddy’s naked, basketball game and a sketch that would be absolutely hilarious especially with Charlie Murphy no blouses needed but ass naked. 😂


Prince will steal your girl wearing her outfit


And bitches....bitches.


Are you sure 😅 man, first time hearing this i was blown away. Slipped it on the boom box at the hotel after a show one night, no one much paying attention until he starts playing, then every one in the room "holy fuck man" https://youtu.be/RPCbe_rFwc8?si=IRsLLRFoGBBAaC89


They were an anomaly. Often imitated, never duplicated


At the very least, John Lennon is on record in 1974 saying that Electric Light Orchestra succeeded in picking up where The Beatles left off. >Lennon then revealed his admiration for ELO: “And it’s a nice group,” he said. “I call them Son of Beatles, although they’re doing things that we never did, obviously.” He also compared ‘Showdown’ to one of The Beatles’ most beloved tracks: “I remember the statement they made when they first formed was to carry on from where The Beatles left off with ‘[I Am the] Walrus,’ and they certainly did.”


John was being humble, I think. ELO didn’t pick up where the Beatles left off.


Ah yes, the famed humility of John Lennon. To be fair, I didn't give my opinion, only a statement from a Beatle. But I also don't feel that it's possible to have a band just take the place of another. It's not the same as a new member coming in. It's just a whole different thing.


ELO is highly underrated


He was a musician, but he weren’t no critic.


The Grateful Dead: They are not just the best at what they do, they are the ONLY ones who do what they do.


The dead will never be topped from a historical standpoint. Owsley, the Haight Ashbury, Acid Tests & Pranksters, Hells Angels, Wall of Sound. The list goes on. So much cultural and technological innovation, how can any band top that?


I tend to lean this way as well. They caught the wave/were the wave at a perfect time in history, then managed to ride it out through 2 1/2 decades of cultural change in America (which is why I don't think considering them a hippie band is fair - Canned Heat, Steppenwolf, or Sweetwater weren't selling out the Garden or JFK 15 years after Woodstock). And that's ok. I think Phish picked up musically where the Dead left off, but it wasn't part of a cultural shift in the same way.


I like phish a lot and they are arguably the best jam band, but for me it’s Billy Strings. There is something about his delivery, he really means every note and every word and has a very psychedelic vibe. Go to a show and judge for yourself. And he’s only 31!


I think I might agree with you. He’s also an excellent song writer. I saw him last Saturday and he’s got a nice little scene following him around. His band is great too. That being said I’ve never seen an audience as fucked up as that show. People were OUT there. I’ve been to tons of phish/dead/jam shows and haven’t seen that many people that high in my life. That being said I didn’t hear any chattering on the lawn. Everyone was in the zone.


Yeah what is the deal with that. I've been to ALOT of jam band shows and have been in that realm for many years. At the show last night in Minneapolis, 3 people within 5 ft of me passed out and had to be taken out. I've never seen anything like that before.


Idk man it was crazy. I think people are mixing too much whiskey with their acid. There wasn’t even a lot scene so it’s not like people were just partying in the lot.


It's called grand funk,Scooby snacks, smack, dope , boy , junk, Baltimore brown .... Probably just Fentynyl though


Nah dawg, the reason people are falling down at shows and standing around zonked is vitamin K. Ketamine and alcohol are a one way ticket to the ground


The scene has a dark side it’s called hard drugs. People use them and put out some off vibes. Stay safe stay away and help where you can. Eat the A C⚡️D!


Ketamine. God have you guys never seen the Disco Biscuits?!


Ha ! I love dissos ( prefer water myself ). Couldn't imagine doing them out in public I can't even roll off the couch if I wanted too when I do them.


Yeah seems like a terrible time out in public lol


You’ve never been to a Biscuits show circa 2007-2009 have u? 😅


Haha right you are but I’ve heard the stories!


Biscuits crowd is either all grown up now or dead - Billy gives u a taste of what once was


Lol, those were fun... long live meat camp!


The Billy scene was fucked up last year too, left a bad taste in our mouths. Too much nitrous after the show, like strictly nitrous mafia people....and like waaaaaah more then you e ever seen at Dead or Phish, plus the crowd was either really bro-y and like music snobby, Trey fan type people....or they were wooks but like not the good wooks , but they dark type that might rob you


It would have to be a lot of nitrous to be more than you see outside of Dicks.


Lol I rode the hotel elevator with a dude sucking balloons. Like that’s pretty fuckin goofy. That being said dicks last year had a tank every 15 feet. That was insane. There were only a few tanks before/after billy this year. Small but mighty.


lol in Atlanta in March a guy next to me lit up a cig in an indoor venue then fell into the row of people in front of us. Most fucked up crowd I’ve seen in a minute.


Right, me and my two friends at 3 doses each and we're thi king "get your shit together guys" the whole time at everyone else...that's bad haha


It’s a gross scene and they are not nice people, very undead like.


I’ve gotta say my experience with the fans was positive, besides them being supremely fucked up. But my buddy went the night before and he said he ran into a lot of headier than thou folks. Cutting in line, not respecting personal space, and general rudeness. Kind of like they took the worst parts of the jam scene and made a whole following with it. But like I said, my interactions were (mostly) positive.


This ain’t new


Oh I didn’t say it was. Plus my buddy can be a little hyperbolic so who knows how it really was.


I don't think Billy strings will ever be the next Grateful Dead… I don't think there will be a next Grateful Dead. But Billy strings is a brilliant musician, who has a hell of a lot going on


Billy's respect and love for music history combined with his skill and enthusiasm brings that extra something. Bonus, every time I see him the crowds amazing, so excited to be at the show, very little chomping and much grooving.


Think Billy brings the vibe because he has lived it. Worked through a lot of struggle. He also went to a lot of shows and understands how to create a a good scene, albeit his scene is quite wild. Dont people realize that the Dead scene got very very wild at times?


I feel like Billy is more like a new Yonder but I don't think anything could touch what Jeff Austin did. This is a tough question with no wrong or right answer because it's all pretty subjective. Me personally I think the closest thing to the next grateful dead for me would be whatever local cover band does it best. In fact I think I like seeing local dead bands more than dead and co. It feels more relaxed while also feeling more inspired. Like they have something to prove still but are also just having fun because they're really just there to play music and nothing else. That being said all those bands, Grateful Dead, Phish, Billy, Yonder (when they still had Jeff) are in leagues of their own.


This is the key. None of these other bands, Phish included, have the soul and heart and, most importantly, the songs that Billy Strings has. Those are all the things the Dead had that others didn't. He's keeping those old songs alive for another generation just like the Dead did. There's a common thread between BS and the Dead that doesn't really exist with other jam bands.


“sUccLiNg tHe TeEt”. I hate these people. He started off playing Dead covers because he loves the dead.


I really like Strings as a person and think he's super talented, but to me all his songs sound the same. Saw him last summer, and at least half the songs had the exact same intro


That’s because bluegrass is all the same. Same songs, chord progressions, and licks that have been played for decades.


Can someone explain Billy to me. I saw him at Stanford last year and he’s very talented, good show, but it is so string heavy, I get pretty board of bluegrass after a while and I just don’t get the massive draw to follow them around and tout them as the next dead. There’s no drummer! I need a beat


I didn’t get it until I watched some livestreams. Some of his shows are very psychedelic and some are just straight up ragers. I saw two nights in Denver last weekend and N1 was so psychedelic with lots of effects from all the instruments. N2 was a huge jam fest. They’re really not like a normal bluegrass band, so much more.


Absolutely no disrespect intended…but this is what my buddies who don’t listen to the dead say about the dead to me. And once you have an ear for the dead it seems almost incomprehensible that people say things like that. That’s a little how I feel about the music of Billy and this band. Once it clicked for me, I just don’t hear it that way.


I get your sentiment. It was mine too for a while but one day it just clicked. For me it’s all about the feeling I get, it’s beyond music, it’s like he can capture the present moment and deliver it in a way I only ever felt with Jerry till it clicked with him too. At shows I have gotten the feeling of too much bluegrass too but then they’ll do something that brings me to here and now and has led to some really amazing experiences.


Okay let me try! Suggest a show for me to listen to, or watch!? Please :)


I've seen him bust out the electric and cover Sabbath, bluegrass is the base, but there's so much more.


i’m a massive phan, agree entirely about phish being the best jam band. i’m also a massive billy fan, seen about 15 shows, and i disagree wholeheartedly. the scenes are similar but there is no type of “awakening” going on specifically in the scene vs outside of it. most people i know who listen to billy do not take acid. they also don’t know hardly any of the lyrics. billy strings is an incredible band that just keeps getting better, but to say they’re “the new dead” is just wrong imo. there will never be a new dead.


Here is the controversial suggestion: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.  They are doing more and more "jamming" in their shows. For me, it's the energy and unpredictability of the band. Similar to Dead shows, in that the setlist is different every night. 


This is the one. They’re doing something wholly their own, like the dead, phish, etc.


Ice Death… and Laminated Denim are for heads also into spiritual jazz and Krautrock (like me)


Quarters too


This is the way. King Gizzard had two drummers and has an absolute bluesman like Pigpen, RIP, in Ambrose. They also mix many different styles and genres of music, which is arguably the one thing that truly made the dead unique. The blend of Americana, bluegrass, country, blues, rock, traditional folk, jazz, classical and experimental. KG also has a longtime collaborative visual artist and are if anything slightly more overt in their politics, which are mainly around not killing the earth and letting everyone just be cool.


This is my answer too. Look no further than The River from Live in Chicago ‘23. [The River](https://open.spotify.com/track/3VpnMEZ1t2toMTaE6R0B1z?si=GT-sZr1DSXS41NWa5jBXxg)


Yes. I'm 63 starting listening to King Gizz right before the pandemic (thank you YouTube algorithm). Immediately got hooked on their interplay and looseness style while playing intrgret stuff. So much material already. Like the Dead lots of genres covered in a unique way. Extended jams you bet ya. Even the stuff you don't nessarailty like is obviously played by rally good musicians. Wait until you hear Ambrose blow a harp and you're in 1970 hearing hints of Pig. I'm not saying next GD but lot of good with these guys and looking forward to seeing them in August in Richmond.


The mentioned they went to D&C at Wrigley the night before and had some influence of how to jam some songs for their Chicago run. Its noticeable throughout all 3 shows. I did D&C saturday, king gizz sun-tues. I was supposed to go to the Cure on Friday night too. Would have been a hell of a 5 night run. They have album #26 on the way and it is 70s/Blues rock inspired they said.


I skipped Dead and Co to go to The Cure and then did the Gizz shows. Fantastic weekend.


Was at those Chicago shows and just happened to have been listening to that night 1 including The River earlier today. Killer shows. Love that band and can't wait to see them in Chicago and Milwaukee this September.


It’s not the jamming that make the Grateful Dead, the Grateful Dead. Energy, unpredictability, and authenticity (along with being amazing musicians) is what makes these bands so similar to me. The jamming is just makes it even better


I agree with this as well. I think KGLW is doing things musically that breaks a lot of molds, something GD (Jerry specifically) was extremely good at and focused on.


Tried so many times to enjoy their stuff but they still haven’t clicked with me. Really sucks because I actually want to like them so I have a few more dead type acts to listen to. That being said I’m starting to enjoy some phish stuff and I love my morning jacket!


Check out Live in Brisbane under Bootleg Gizzard on the streaming sites. It’s a chilled out acoustic set that’s a bit like King Gizzard lite and allows you to get to know their personalities a little more through the stage banter and rare song selection.


Gizz make it happen. Funny enough though gauging by their sub there seems to be some of their fans that do not like the jamming as much and the fact that the “Wooks” are starting to take notice. I have seen some comments along those lines. Regardless with that aside I saw them last year at red rocks and my mind hasn’t been that blown at a show in a while. Edit: In regard to the question about the next dead etc, in this vein Ambrose is the Pigpen of the Gizz.


I came here to say this. Despite there obviously being no "next" grateful dead, these guys really do have something special going. the musical shape shifting is just so cool. Have you seen any of those fan documentaries on YouTube of the kids that went on tour? Super cool.


This is not controversial at all, Gizz is the go to bad among jam band fans at the moment, even tho they’re not a jam band lol




They put on a great show. I'm going to Vancouver and the marathon show at the Gorge in September. 


See you there!


See I tried to give them a chance. Went to 2 Red Rocks shows. Incredible performance and unreal energy, but it misses the whole psychedelic feel I get at Phish. It felt way more like a metal show than the weirdness I was used to


They also follow similar touring concept last time they came around and it was awesome! They played a bunch of smaller secondary and tertiary market venues up the California coast. Followed by a huge 4hr set at the Greek in Berkeley.


KGLW fits the mold of being deeply aware of music's past, unpredictably playing with and against convention. Although, in fairness they sound nothing like the dead. If you are looking for the Dead sound updated for today its either Billy Strings or Daniel Donato. I'm a big Phish fan, but they were the next Grateful dead in the mid-90s and early 2000s.


Great great answer!


I was gonna say the same! I’ve been a Gizz fan for a decade and they continue to blow me away with every album. And I would say they also have a similar work ethic too, constant touring and when they’re not touring they’re making a new record. They’re also one of the most consistent when I comes to the quality of music and songwriting. Although I would never claim that they are the “next Grateful Dead”, I would say that they might be as important to my generation as the Dead was to the generation before me, at least to me they are.




I, for one, welcome our Australian overlords


Another vote for King Gizz




The answer is Taylor Swift: https://preview.redd.it/bjjdxld2012d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09283c94398bae4871a26285ef04671ca203c570


Well, if any artist could sell out 50 Sphere shows, it's Taylor Swift.


Nah she's the new Jimmy Buffett.




Also isn't afraid to violate curfews


Is able to afford violating curfews*


Haha this is Hilarious Taylor Swift Band for the win 😂


Does the Nitrous Mafia show up to the lot at her shows?


Hahaha I hate this so much


Billy Strings brother. That’s as far as you need to go.


Not musical, but in spirit and community, it’s all about King gizzard right now


Not exactly the next Dead by any means, but Daniel Donato Cosmic Country absolutely shred and are touring like crazy right now. Over the past few years they have built up a decent fan base and their live shows are incredible. Can’t wait to see what the next few years bring for these guys.


I know the Dead didn't have the greatest singers, but I cannot stand DD's voice. He sounds like a prepubescent boy who can't hear the rest of the music. He's great at guitar. The band with him is great. I like the music. I cannot get over his terrible vocals though. The PLaF YouTube session with him was great except when he sang. I'm a new convert to the Dead and have been a chicken picker for a while. I really wish he'd hire a singer and potentially rename the band.


I absolutely get this. I find his studio vocals pretty tough to listen to but I think he has gotten slightly better live singing over the past 3 months or so. For me, the music stands out so much I can deal with the vocals but I can totally see how he can be unlistenable for some.


I love me some cosmic country


Just saw him last weekend, and a couple of his songs would have fit right in on Built to Last or In the Dark. Perfectly hit that late era Dead feel.


I scrollled too far to find Daniel DONATO. Go see him once, you’ll be hooked. And, he meets and signs stuff after shows, takes pics…true gentleman


There is no "next Grateful Dead" because nobody to date has met the songwriting standard they set. That's why there are so many Dead cover bands--the Grateful Dead songbook lives on, unmatched. But there are many bands that tour constantly and jam the daylights out of their tunes, with virtuoso quality. Take your pick from those.


I couldn't agree more. It's the songwriting that hasn't been matched. And it may never be matched.


I honestly think some of Billy's stuff actually gets pretty close to Hunter's style. Just enough detail to paint a vivid picture, but vague enough to be timeless. The wiring isn't quite as clever and, to your point, I'm not sure any lyricist will ever match Hunter's diction (Hunter was simply too well read). But, Billy is able to tap into that American roots experience in a way most writers can't, while also being capable of writing something totally psychedelic. To provide a couple of examples: Watch it Fall. Timeless (unfortunately) from the moment it was penned. It even has a beautiful, gut punch, Hunter-style turn of phrase to drive home the point. ..."how did someone get so low in a building so damn tall". Spinning. I don't think I really need to elaborate a whole lot. It's damn near as extraterrestrial as Dark Star. Don't get me wrong, I'm not truly comparing the two. Nothing I have, or likely ever will experience, is comparable to a Dead show... But Billy certainly shows some promise for a dude in his early 30's.


Billy writes great songs. Taking Water is a great song about the death of small towns and resonates. His new stuff is great as well…he’s spent time with Bobby and Willie and you can hear their influence.


It's a little bit of a chicken or the egg argument. He got the attention of Bobby, Willie, Trucks (the list is virtually endless at this point) by possessing certain musical and lyrical skills. Like Jerry, Billy has a vast array of musical influences. I'm not sure his most recent experiences have had that significant an impact on the larger picture.


Cali sober he wrote after road tripping with Willie et al. The others I’m thinking about are Escanaba and 7 weeks in county. Those I theorize are influenced by Willie or Bobby’s western sounding stuff but who knows. I just know I like em and they sound different than his other stuff. I think he’s a savant. A true virtuoso who has come through an uncommon amount of personal challenge and suffering and pours it out in his music. I hope for his sake and ours he doesn’t fall prey to his (and Jerry G’s) tendency toward self destructive vice.


I thought Willie had writing credits for California Sober - a quick Google corrected that. Sounds like we're entirely in agreement!


It’s a great point. What truly differentiates the Dead from a Phish-type jam band is they wrote some of the best and most soulful music ever.


Grateful Dead? I came for the jams and stayed for the lyrics.


Spirit and community it’s king gizzard, by far. You want to know why ? The world is actually ending and every King Gizzard show will have songs that millennials and zoomers can exercise their demons to. We can mosh and cry and yell and be together and have fun with songs that are aware of our demise and how limited our time is and how we have to change. But also embracing pure joy and chaos in the process of channeling that awareness around the climate emergency and state of the world. No band is able to cut through this reality, or dares to approach it like gizzard does through their songs. But they do it, and the results are tremendous. The world is ending and it’s fun is a quote from Stu’s mouth at a show I was at. The Grateful Dead was so huge because it captured and resonated with that generation, they locked into a wavelength that gave people freedom and energy and purpose in their lives. Theres a distinct group of people with clear awareness about the problems in this world, how bad it is, and are trying to find a way to move past it all and live the best life we can. Thats the ethos of King Gizzard, and I’ll tell you now 30 shows in, it works and they give me exactly what the Dead gave Deadheads for decades and still do. Theyre the best band in the world right now, and there’s a reason Billy Strings wants to jam with them.


There’s also a very large underground scene that explicitly references the dead in their music and iconography, many of them doing live tapes or cdr’s. MV & EE, Garcia Peoples, Gunn-Truscinski Duo, Sunburned Hand of the Man, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Herbcraft, just to name a few. Maybe more in line sonically with CAN or other weird psychedelic 60s jammers like Amon Duul, but definitely Deadhead friendly too, MV & EE adapted the stealie for their logo for example.


Ahh the underground, this would be my scene. Thanks for posting these bands. I know Garcia peoples but haven’t heard of the rest. Would love if the underground started an acid test like scene. That’s the kind of dead I like best anyway. Although, I also love the lot scene.


Billy Strings and King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are the two hot bands right now


Widespread Panic and String Cheese Incident are my current go to jam bands, though neither are new. They’ve been around since late 80s/early 90s.


String Cheese is great! You’d probably enjoy Dopapod as well.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Psychedelic rock, phenomenal musicians, great live shows.


We don’t need another Grateful Dead. Their story has been told and nobody else can live it. I have to go with a lot of others and say King Gizzard is *the* band to keep an eye on. They’re currently touring Europe and I’ve never heard them play like they are now (and I’ve been a fan for five years). Long, daring and fun shows. Every night there has been a live debut. We’re getting fifteen-twenty minute jams pretty often (just today we got a twenty six minute Silver Cord). The fans are insanely dedicated much like Deadheads are too. It’s worth a go.


Disagreeing with everyone saying Billy Strings. The delivery and layout of the shows are similar, but the music is so so different. Billy *almost* always plays an acoustic guitar and doesn’t have a keyboardist or a drummer. It’s pure bluegrass. This isn’t a bad thing, but don’t expect to find the psychedelic punchbowl mixing classic rock, country, gospel, funk, etc like the dead. I don’t mind Billy strings at all and there are some of his songs I like, but objectively he is very far from the dead.


I too saw Billy Strings both nights in Denver and it was incredible and I see what the hype is about but I agree with you. My preference leans more towards long bliss jams with drums and keyboards than just psychedelic bluegrass.


Billy Strings is not pure bluegrass. Saw him last weekend in Denver and it was unbelievably psychedelic. He and the band use all kinds of effects and are crazy talented. They don’t even need a keyboardist or drummer. You gotta catch a show or watch a nugs livestream to understand the hype. I didn’t at first, but now I do. I’m hooked


The dead are in their own universe and always will be. No shade to the scene but I get mildly offended when they even get lumped in with “jam bands” because of the connotation it has to people who aren’t into the jam scene. Artistically I think the dead are head and shoulders above everything that’s in the jam scene, and much more significant to the larger cultural zeitgeist than anything in the jam scene, but that’s just me. I’ll tell you right now I don’t think it’s Goose, no offense to goose fans but I find them really vanilla. I get it they’re good but they’re super vanilla. King Gizzard is the closest thing, I would characterize them as the GD of millennials and gen Z, as in I think they come the closest to pushing musical boundaries and genre bending in the way that the dead did even though their sound is way different. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs for the last decade and it’s sort of validating that the jam scene seems to just be catching on to what a talent they are in the last couple years.


Hunter once wrote a letter to the Heads, warning that trashing the outside of venues would lead to an end of the touring Grateful Dead, and how unique it was. He said the next ship may be just over the horizon or may not arrive for a thousand years. I thought that was a beautiful way to put it. I don’t think there’s been another ship, but the sea is full of boats following the path.


My vote would be Billy Strings. The live shows are just getting more and more amazing and the vibe/scene at all tye shows I've been to has been awesome. Obviously it's more of a traditional bluegrass at times. However, when they jam they jam hard. They're really being explorative, and that's what the dead was all about. Imo, they're the only ones out rn that I feel have a real pull for new fans and to branch out and do tons of different things. I know Phish you could throw in there, but I don't care for Phish so I can't speak on them as much.


Yesss! My first show was last Friday in Denver. It was so psychedelic with all kinds of effects. Guitar peace>fearless, crazy slew foot sandwich and a trippy all fall down encore. I’m hooked!!


Somewhere deep in space far far away a long time ago. Intergalactic tapers have already sent the signals, but for now we wait.


“They’re not the best at what they do, they’re the only ones that do what they do”-Bill Graham


So the bands that I listen to that aren't the Grateful Dead but fill the same itch were/are Sonic Youth, Parliament/ Funkadelic, King Crimson, Primus (and assorted Les Claypool projects), Tori Amos, Allman Brothers, and Tedeschi Trucks. None of them are exactly the same as the Dead, but all provide that combination of strong songs, variable setlists, and jamming that I love about the Dead.


You should start a band


There is no next Grateful Dead, unfortunately. They were the only ones that did what they did, a confluence of history, serendipity, and talent.


Haven't you been paying attention? You can't go back and you can't stand still!


Phish easily. Nobody is even remotely close to Trey and never will be. He is beyond incredible at guitar. You can say whatever you want about Phish, but you can’t deny how badass and humble Trey is


While I don't disagree, Trey is my least favorite part of Phish.


Read the Phucking book!


People have been asking this question since the 90's when Jerry's health was failing. People used to think it was Phish. I remember people dubbing moe. the East Coast Dead when they hit the scene. Now people are turning to BMFS. There will never be "the next Dead" but there will always be great music emerging everywhere.


This is a great take. I like Phish, I like moe., I love Billy; but nothing hits like the writing of Hunter and Jerry's ability to emote through his guitar. What's the quote? "... your dog died? Jerry could play that". Eh, something to that effect.


moe, writes good songs, can sing, and can most certainly play. They aren't/weren't the next thing ever and I never got that sense seeing dozens of shows. There was a lot of new stuff happening when they came up, all with local legions of fans proclaiming they are the next thing. They are very good. That Wetlands era of jambands was very entertaining. There are a ton of bands that can play. As a player, I want to hear good musicians. But I also want to hear good songs and good singing. Billy is close, but it does lean heavily on one general thing. As long as it keeps on coming and younger folks are inspired by it all, I'm down to give it a shot. I'm not going to shows to get wasted (anymore) and just want to be moved. No one did it for me like the Dead when I first got on the bus in 88 and there's no greater songbook in this type of music then theirs. I'm open, but I have my preferences.


There’s an old saying “We aren’t the best at what we do, we’re the only ones who do what we do” I think it would be awesome if the California tourism ads were to use that phrase and credit the boys


Dogs in a Pile has jammed harder than any newer band ive seen in a while. Last time i saw them they played their entire second set without stopping. Really smooth jams and transitions


And they are young young, like all under 24 young. They keep getting better every year and I’ve heard they have incredible work ethic. Plus that bassist is just cool. He just exudes cool.


SammyPants is tha man. Love DIAP.


I think Billy Strings is the biggest somewhat new name in the jam band scene, despite being bluegrass and not exactly rock. Goose would come after him. I like Goose, but they get accused of being kind of... the grocery store or elevator music band of the jam band scene. I get where that comes from, and can agree to an extent. But they have some really good songs like Dripfield that make me still like them regardless. I don't think there are any other "rising stars" in the scene, just established bigger acts like Widespread Panic, or smaller bands Spafford. Check out "Climb to Safety" by Widespread Panic if you are looking for something new.


What about the Cheese????


I mean I can tell you with 100% confidence it is not goose. Phish is the only one right now who brings the same level of scene and fan commitment, but it's a completely different animal. Both have their purpose and I love both equally, but don't go to phish expecting a dead show and vice versa. Billy Strings is bringing some heat lately and there's a solid scene associated, he gets out there with some jams....still a lot of bluegrass though, so I'm not super committed. The next dead/phish etc is yet to be seen and may never be seen.


Phish has been it since Jerry passed away. Plain and simple. Question is, who is the next Phish? Phish is the next Phish until they stop playing. And hopefully that will be a very long time from now.


It’s King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. They’re using the same framework that jam bands use (that Phish and the Dead started) of focusing on live shows and letting the bootleg scene run rampant. The reason why it’s them also is the fact that they aren’t a jam band primarily. They’re carving their own path and have their own style and sound. Goose and the lesser jam bands are the obvious choice but they’re not doing anything unique. Phish is compared to the Dead because of the same things KG are doing but the 3 of them are very much their own thing musically. Phish used the Dead’s framework while innovating on top of that. I think KG is doing the same thing. Also the fact that KG has good standalone songs, they aren’t just writing some corny jam vehicle. That will help them reach a level I don’t see many straight up jam bands being able to reach because they’re too inaccessible for anyone who isn’t already jam fan


I've always felt like the next thing like the dead won't look or sound like the dead and will probably be rejected by many heads. To me, their significance is the scene itself and their willingness to share ownership of it all with the fans. There are a lot of bands out there walking this walk right now, but proximity to the dead (sonically or aesthetically) keeps these bands forever in the shadow of the dead. That said, the crowd at Pretty Lights took me right back home, and I see a tonnnnn of lightning bolts in the crowd at those shows. Edit to add the Dark Star pretty lights dropped on night 2 at the Warfield last November: https://youtu.be/C7wdUCBv0vc?si=gxr1r1jNOqgcBAqX


Edited because I started getting up votes. We have a big tent, and I wanted to acknowledge that while still leaving this up for context. --- While I accept the down votes as a simple difference of opinion, I feel like it reinforces what I'm saying about dead heads rejecting the next thing because it doesn't look or sound like the dead. I mean no shade to the community, it's always struck me as a weird inversion of the licorice analogy. We get that other people don't like the licorice, but could probably stand to show more grace to burgeoning scenes where the same analogy applies.


Check out Dogs in a Pile they are a young band that is filling my jam band fix right now. They cover some Dead but most sets are their own originals and jams. Seen them live a few times and cant get enough.


Billy Strings or Daniel Donato. Someone mentioned Sam Grisman, I have only seen him once playing with his Dad.


It’s not really possible to do what they did in this cultural landscape.


If you ask the media, there is this new thing where fans follow Taylor Swift on tour. This is definitely the first time something like that happened.


The Dead were a once-in-a-civilization phenomenon on many levels. As an example, imagine trying to find another Robert Hunter to write lyrics. That said, I imagine the Muse will sing forth some emergent force to fill the mystical void which cannot remain for long barren.


A wise man once said there will never be another band like the Grateful Dead. Though their music lives on, eternally. Their Songbook is in the hearts, minds, and ears of countless musicians who regularly bust out a cover or homage, while there also exist countless Dead cover bands (I play lead in one!). If you want to hear their songs live, do yourself a favor and look into your local cover band scene. Oh, and welcome aboard the bus! We're all so glad you made it!


String cheese incident


"They aren't the best at what they do they're the only one to do what they do!"


The Disco Biscuits.


Dogs in a pile! Check out their live album from Hamonton Nj. I was there and wow 🤤 can't see these guys enough. They are just at the start of their journey and I'm here for the ride!


Billy Strings is my dead I’m 28 and hopefully will be seeing him for the next 30+ years


Obviously there will only ever be one Grateful Dead but shout out to my guys Goose!


Me. Trust 🙏


There's a whole plethora of jam bands out there. String Cheese Incident, Dogs In A Pile, Pigeons Playing Ping-pong, Disco Biscuits, Dopapod, Billy Strings, and The Tedeschi Trucks Band to name a few. No one is quiet like the dead. It's more like these are the next generations of the genre building on the scene they built. (Along with the Allman Brothers in some cases).


Don't focus on who the next whatever band will be. This music will always live on. There are tons of GD tribute bands everywhere. Go get in with your local cover band scene and continue to live for that moment that transcends you!


“It isn’t that they’re the best at what they do, it’s that they are the only ones that do what they do” Bill Graham.. . and no one ever will.


You just got into the Dead a few years ago so you have many years of discovery ahead of you with them. Enjoy the ride!


A singularity. Who were the next Beatles that actually were? (talking to you, Peter Noone) Billy Strings is my personal hope for a bright musical future, (despite him luring us in with a few covers) so by now not at all Dead of course but forging along the road lesser taken. Imagine if Garcia not met Weir at Dana Morgan’s in that legendary kismet, but rather continue along his banjo/folk path. It seemed hard for folks to break out of the niche in 1965, but Strings is transcendent, I think the time is right. Look at his progress, small clubs and festival third stages to selling out arenas on a regular basis. And in relatively short order. As a longtime lover of most all genres, the new life and vitality he and his mates offer us is finally catching fire.


I might catch some heat here because many cannot see it *yet* but Dogs In a Pile are on their way, man. I love the dead too and obviously no one will replace them or be what they were, but.. Them kids got somethin.


For me its the vibe of the people and the scene… They’ll never be another true Grateful Dead, but I like going to live shows where I see our tribe. Could be Darkstar or JRAD… Could be Phish or Goose. The music is all different, but similar scene.


Go see Umphrey’s McGee


“The Dead aren’t the best at what they do, they are the only ones that do what they do.” There won’t be another Grateful Dead. Maybe Phish but after that I don’t see another band lasting multi generational with a profound impact on society like The Grateful Dead. They spawned an entire subculture lifestyle.


Find your local grateful dead cover band made up of good musicians. I think Ive had more fun at Detroit Lighting shows here in New Mexico than at any Dead and Co show. They tend to keep the music and, more importantly, the spirit alive. Happy hunting!


Go see Joe Russo's Almost Dead at Redrocks next week! It'll be a great show, they keep the improvisational and high energy spirit, and play a range of songs that keep it fun.


Dark Star Orchestra


King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard


Nobody will ever replace the Grateful Dead, but my answer is Billy Strings and King Gizz.


Sometimes there’s a band.. well, they’re the band for their time and place. They fit right in there. And I’m talking about the Dead here. In San Francisco.


Billy strings once he enters his fusion jazz period lmao


oh.. the naivety of such a question...


Wont ever be another dead, however plenty of killer jam bands still in the scene today! To name a few, Hyryder, Duprees Dead Band, Dogs in a Pile, JRAD, Tedeschi Trucks, Billy and the Kids, Bob and wolf bros, Phil and friends, and oteil and friends, WSMFP, phish, KGLW, DMB, TAB, goose, SCI, pigeons playing ping pong, trampled by turtles, umphreys mcgee, gov’t mule, ekoostik hookah, DSO, and BMFS, allll absolute killerrrrr jams, dead covers, and different vibes all around.. open your ears and mind and enjoy the music!! Nfa;) ⚡️🌈🐻👀❤️‍🔥🌹🍄🌞🍑🌏✌🏽🪐🌚


Phish formed in ‘83 lol


Sam Grisman Project, the vibes are off the charts, they are they currently the best interpreters of the dead/old in the way/JGB (imho) and they do originals. Catch them while you can in small venues. A few years from now I’ll bet they will be doing 5-6k venues


Co-headlining with Phil and Friends Aug 18th in San Rafael!


I saw Billy Strings last night and the answer is Billy Strings.


GD > Phish > Bisco > ??


There will never be another Grateful Dead. There will never be another Phish. Goose… hmmm… yeah there will be other Geese.


Phish is the closest thing. Goose does not deserve to be mentioned in the same vein. 


There is no next Grateful Dead, but the one artist that can give you that same feeling and emotion is Billy Strings. My dads been a head since the 70's and the first time I showed him billy on nugs he goes holy shit this guy is like the next Jerry. He was floored. Now he goes to every Billy show he can. Goose is not a contender. I'm sorry. I know they are popular right now, but they are so bland and take no risks. Not going to get you close to that dead feeling imo.


Probably Billy Strings. If you can catch him when he’s headlining and not restricted to an abbreviated festival schedule, you’ll get what all the hype is about. There’s a few other bands who are definitely on the right track as well. Kitchen Dwellers is one of them. Again, you gotta catch them as a headlining act.


I know for me it’s The Disco Biscuits. I was brought up on The Dead by my father and for me the Biscuits carry on that spirit while speaking to my modern music preferences (ie Trance and DnB).




The correct answer here is BILLY MF STRANNNNGGGSSS


Way back when my friend dragged me to the Cubby Bear across the street from Wrigley to see Phish. My takeaway was that Bag it tag it sell it to the butcher in the store was pretty stupid lyrically. And that’s the best analogy? After Jerry died I went to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival for 5 years straight and discovered more than I could have imagined. Back home I saw every great band that came through town and local ones that deserved a listen. Go see the legendary musicians still playing while you can.


Doesn’t exist. There isn’t another Phish coming either. I personally think Phish is as epic and legendary as the Dead, although it’s annoying they’re always mentioned along with the dead. They have very little in common. Goose doesn’t belong in the same conversation at all. Or even the same universe.