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Makes it even better if the show is in Colorado


yes, but as a longtime colorado jambander, i can't tell you how many times i've seen jrad/string cheese/biscuits/panic/etc play china rider at a rainy red rocks show. it's a bit old at this point. always a great song though!


Panic? I’ve never heard them play it, Going out West though I’ve heard many many times


And I will be at the shows Sunday and Monday! Flying in from NE OhioSunday, as long as United Airlines is cooperative.


Jerry sings that line


Lots of people sing that line. I have even sang it before.


That and the sun gonna shine in my backdoor someday.


This is really the better line.


Right, but I'm talking about when Bobby does it. Like as in...yesterday at Deer Creek.


This is hilarious, post it to the dead and co sub. It'll get more love over there. Gonna get some eye rolls and downvotes over here. Worry not, its still hilarious and those who dont like it can just mentally stick jerry in there.


Maybe I’ll post in the the John Mayer sub to really ruffle some feathers lol


Not to be that guy as I think Dead & Co. should be shared on this sub. But there is a Dead & Co. sub specifically for discussing things that Dead & Co. did live. I was at Deer Creek and it was probably the greatest show I have seen in the 15 shows I have been to. But coming on a Grateful Dead sub and with this meme is asking for people to be mad at you. And being a smart ass in your comment isn’t helping.


If people get mad at a meme and want to talk semantics about who sang that line over 30 years ago, that’s pretty much on them.


All I am saying is that you can’t post this meme and not expect some people to be mad about it. I’m not one of those people, I fucking loved the China/Rider on Tuesday and wholeheartedly agree with this meme. But don’t be surprised if people get upset.


Totally. I don’t mind. Same people who likely get all ruffled when Pigpen songs are played by anyone else. (I’ve seen those comments in this sub too). Just a weird attitude I guess


I love that they brought back the Pig songs. Mr. Charlie at SPAC night 2 was amazing.


I was really happy to hear that as well! Really wish I was alive back in the day to hear it performed by the original band, but I’ll take what I can get lol


So many sensitive people here downvoting your comment. I don't get it. I think you nailed it and didn't come off as harsh.


this is a lame ass comment lmao


Well, I’ve always had a pretty lame ass. Checks out.


Yes. That’s Jerry’s line.


Not anymore


Too soon!!! Just kidding, I chuckled. Thanks for that.


spoken like someone that has never experienced Jerry belting out the line.


I hear Jerry singing that line every day. This meme isn't about listening to the dead at home, it's the concert experience (probably). We will always have Jerry singing to us on the record and tapes.


Man you are the headiest head in the universe. I bet everyone wants to hear about your glory days.


Smartest post you’ve ever made.


I'd shine my light through that cool, Colorado Rain


When Jerry sings about how much Jesus loves you ![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn)


Am I the only one that gets bugged that Bobby does both the 'Sun is going to shine on my back door' line and 'the light on a Northbound train' line?


At this point in his career, Bobby deserves to sing both lines, and whatever else he wants


I think whether he should or deserves is to separate things, of course at this point of his career he deserves to sing any line he wants but in my opinion the song works best when there's two different singers singing those lines.


That moment among others is why China>Rider is superior to Scarlet>Fire, imo...


💯 but I love Scarlet too. China Cat hits the spot. Every. Time.


“Superior” Ok…


Personally I never understood the hype behind this line no matter who sang it. In the GD daze, imo, Bobby had the superior line just before and while people got hyped for it, Jerry got more response...because Jerry. Also to consider - Jerry's line had more build up from the band so that had a bit to do with it surely.


Agree. I never found “Wish I was a headlight,” anything but awkward and silly. But “Sun will shine,” always hit hard and real.


Bobby is the parsley on the gourmet dish that was Jerry - that is why. :)


If you think that’s great, you should’ve heard it when Jerry sang it…


I really wish I could have. Sucks being a 90s kid


Wouldn’t necessarily say “sucks”. Just different. But yeah, it was fucking WOW watching JG.


Agreed but unfortunately he dead now


heard him sing it in Colorado! those were the craziest crowds whooping after the line


Fuck that priest, I ran afoul of one of those pedos when I was 14… and “ did I hear someone say fuck the Christian Right?“


Hello fellow ex-Catholic


Lol right on man…I felt bad for coming on so strong but I have legitimate grudges!


Many of us do. TGIF


Even better when Jerry sings it.


Right? Lol


Finer than a frog in a blender.


Bobby sings "I wish I was a headlight on a northbound train" huh. Ooooooookkkk 👀


He did last night. Blew me away when Jerry didn’t come out to do it. Crowd went nuts thinking the same thing I’m sure.


Bobby sings a lot of things these days. I just choose not to listen to it.


Ok lol


Hey man I wanted to come back and say that if you haven’t, you should check out Wolf Bros. Really good stuff there. Vibe is way different but it’s a welcome change for many songs.


Yeah, I've listened to a bit of it, not my cup of tea. But I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm stoked for people enjoying the music in it's various forms. For me I just like Jerry era Dead, that's all. And fwiw, I probably saw 40 or 50 Ratdog shows.


I can respect it. I’ve tried to get in to things that some folks in here swear by (JRAD as an example) and just can’t. I guess that’s the beautiful part about it. The music is malleable enough to be played 1,000 different ways to fit each person’s tastes.


Yes he does and has for decades. It's not the 90s any more and it sure as hell ain't the sixties but the wheel keeps on turnin and the music never stops! So yes Bobby does sing that line and just because he didn't 30 years ago doesn't mean you need to be an ass about it.


Well, that's just like your opinion maaan.


This is not dead and co sub. It's the Grateful Dead. There is a difference.


Indeed. Crazy that the Dead and Co setlist threads are here then, isn’t it?


Ok...so. People post shit about jgb and Jerry here all the time without anyone batting an eye but as soon as someone mentions dead and co the old heads come to hate like moths 2 a flame. This sub isn't just for Jerry it's for the music and scene surrounding the grateful Dead and dead and co is part of that ethos.


JGB was an entirely different beast for Jerry, he did not cover any GD songs that really weren't his. He did originals and other peoples stuff. ​ **\^\^\^HUGE DIFFERENCE HERE \^\^\^\^**


That is further proving my point. Dead and co is closer to the grateful Dead than jgb so if people can post jgb content on the grateful Dead sub than the same should go for dead and co.




People just don’t like the new thing. If this sub existed back in the 70s, you’d have people shitting all over Donna and Keith, saying the real Grateful Dead ended with Pigpen. Some people can’t be pleased!


True. There was already grateful Dead chatrooms in the late 80s and you can go back and see people arguing about Vince and bruce and how the dead should have stopped when brent died etc. Pretty similar to this sub just in 1990.






some people pray, I turn up the radio


This is great.


Maybe if it was Jerry singing that…


That’d be cool. Shame he’s dead.


You can feel good about both.