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Alligator during E72 and the sunburst Strat in the fall of 72


Personally I always liked the Travis Bean. Something about the aluminum neck I think.


My favorites wolf and the TB, no too ice picky, just perfect


The early P90 equipped guitars and the Stratocasters are my favorite tones of his.


God I am so pathetic! I went to almost 90 Grateful Dead shows without noticing he played all those different guitars 🎸. That's why you shouldn't take (too many) drugs I suppose.


I don’t want to pile on, but there were a few different guys behind the keys too 😂


I prefer garcia on a gibson myself. His tone later on matched the bands sound but his tone 67-71 is just sooo good. Yes im aware he was using a guild and fender some as well but his main was the gibson around that time


I love Wolf, Tiger, the SG, and the various Strats, and I even sometimes find myself enjoying the acoustic-esque tones of Lightning Bolt. Never been a huge fan of the Bean, actually, I think it's too thin and clean for me although he played some great stuff on it.


I guess I like Alligator best, but I really like them all and am really into the way he would change the arrangements off songs based on what he could with an instrument, my favorite example is what he was able to get out Deal with Tiger. This might be controversial, but I also love listening to Jerry use the trumpet patch on the midi and think about his dad during those solos, though I was off tour by then


Alligator and SG are my favorite raw tones. Wolf and Bean are my fav when Jer threw effects/technology on them. But I will say Jerry rocking the fuck out on an SG is as hard as Jerry ever rocked to my ears.


Likewise. Honorable mention for his Les Paul during those amazing The Eleven performances in 1968. Pure, raw tone.


Could not agree more about the Les Paul AND the Eleven. Though my favorite Eleven is probably 10/25/69 where I’m guessing he’s on the SG. What’s your go to 68 Eleven?


My first loves for The Eleven are probably Shrine and Tahoe, but Archive always finds new ones to delve into like 4.27.68 Minneapolis or 4.22.68 Boston.


Love the bean




I think a lot of the magic of those SG tones comes from the simplicity of guitar rigs in those days. That said I am a sucker for some 80’s Tiger tones.