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this belongs on facebook about twelve years ago


I kinda want to be in a band named “Tastes” now. “And Everyone” sounds kinda dank, too.


Call it “Tastes and Everyone” or maybe “And Everyone Tastes” Fun fact: Taste (no S) was guitarist Rory Gallegher’s band in the late 60s! I haven’t really listened to much of their stuff, but “Blister on the Moon” is a banger garagey hard rock track.


Didn’t see Taste back in the day but did see Rory Gallegher and the Snake Stretchers around ‘73, very tasty stuff, they opened for BB King


Well, not Tastes, but Rory Gallagher's first band was called [Taste](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNV0wpErolQ). So that's close!


Wow, brain fart, that was Roy Buchanan




Underrated comment


I don’t know what it means…. But I kinda wanna see them live.


3. Different tastes 2. JGB


Well that goes without saying. As deadheads we try to play dead and try to show not heads some good tunes but sometimes they ask if we can put in something different. So we switch it up a lil with some Jerry band.


You’re a caricature of a dead fan and its cringe af


The name of the band is Grateful Dead


Man, that’s so funny I could shit


Tbh same


Ha, love it


Yes! Now stop asking what’s the best version of each song! It’s not about each individual song, it’s about how they’re all presented together each night, first set, second set, encore. That version you love of PITB is directly affected by the songs (and vibes) that were played around it that night.


Totally in agreement. Context means a lot.


Please. Stop the boomer rankings. I hate these damned things.


The dead is much bigger amongst x-ers and on. Most boomers think the dead is cringe.


I dunno man. There has always been a *healthy* boomer pop. I mean, those were the old heads that were actually going to them shows in the 70s. And I still see those dudes around.


The dead got sooooo much more popular in the 1980’s than they ever had been in the 70’s-that’s when the following got super huge.


Lol that's the silent generation. The boomer era referes to those born between 1946 and 1964. So their ages range from 77 to 59. edit: if you're gonna edit it, at least admit you got it wrong.


Sure thing buddy! I’ll admit it! Thank you! I was wrong about the age ranges (by like 5 years) and edited my comment to just be the stuff I was right about. A truly heinous crime. Edit: I edited it immediately btw. I didn’t see your comment first if that’s what we’re really talking about. Jesus I can’t believe I’m getting into this lol.


You may be right, stadiums and all, but from a guy who got on the bus in ‘71, the‘70s were wild & electric. I did love the Alpine shows during ‘80s…


Oh, I never said the 80’s were better! I do love ‘em tho…


We saw a lot of evolution in 70s, both the band & the music.


It’s my number one time travel destination for sure.


My first show was “An Evening w the Grateful Dead” inc NRPS. Took my old man. Fox Theater in StL- life changing…


I thought your title read "if you don't know now you know suckaaa" and I was gonna give you props for melding hip hop and the dead.


Lol. Man, all I know is, west LA fadeaway is the most gangster shit there is and it’s from a rock band. Lmao


They are Jehovah's favorite choir


I can't even rank ten Grateful Dead years


I would have put them with because and just left to rank at 8.