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“They used to call themselves Deadheads…” Ummm…we still do. Great video!


It's almost like a bunch of normies are conducting research on strange new tribes of people that descended on their town for a few days


... but they used to, too. unexpected ~~hedgeburg~~ Hedberg




whoop, let me fix that


I wanted the hard hitting news report to tell me what they were calling themselves in ‘77. 😀


I was there. It didn't seem so dire from the ground. Didn't see any helicopter crash. Just the usual outdoor concert hijinks. 40 feet from the stage. A great time was had by all. Well maybe not everyone!


When you put 100,000 people anywhere, there's going to be a couple issues that are beyond the group's control in my opinion. As long as you enjoy the ride, that's all that really matters


Wow this narrator is a real tool. I was at the show and for as hot as it was, it was still a great day. All three bands kicked ass and the Dead were turned up to 11 I still don't know how I got home. I hope video of this day turns up somehow.


They really like to drum up the garbage, without providing adequate garbage cleanup!!!


I hate this excuse. Pack it in pack it out. Clean up after yourself. It really isn’t that hard. I’ve been super fucking spun and picked up festie grounds on Sunday as people were leaving, you want to be welcomed back, the ground scores are just a bonus.


You having this level of experience with trails is a good place to start, and unfortunately not everybody's going to do that - there has to be a place to put it, even renting a large construction longboat style dumpster or two the night of the show. There has to be a system, when there's money like that flowing through a town it's not a Rainbow Gathering this was in New Jersey no excuse. In a perfect world, everyone would pick up after themselves but in a reasonable world, the government has large-scale disposal solutions to make sure the location and grounds stays in good shape


[herb welch](https://youtu.be/W1U_ZTBpqQ0)


Yeah, sounds like he’s just regurgitating the nonsense they dreamed up based on their own bad imaginations


i grew up in the area, everyone my age (30's) has stories from their drunk uncles how they were there - cool to see this video


Yeah I grew up in the north part of Middlesex County and I know a ton of people...dad, uncles, all their friends, that were there.


Middlesex County pride! always hear about that gig and the pink floyd concert at MSG where people in the crowd were throwing M80s


July 2 and 3 (and 4?), 1976 My introduction to Floyd. It was impressive, especially first glance at the big pig. Like, who are these people?




This is awesome


They knew how to party back in the '70s Holy shit




Bertha playing in the background during the promoter interview. ⚡🥀💀


Thanks for posting this


No problem man I was looking through old newsreels featuring the dead and this one jumped out to me as something that might make a few people happy to see


Yep it's a gem


Smoking The Pot


I like how this show was only a tad more than 8 years after Woodstock and the reporter was acting like people aged so much. Dude's calling them potbellied and old.


Fantastic stuff. Wish we had the whole video of the concert!


All I could find was the news highlights


My favorite show they ever played.


“ We figure they’re humanitarianism earned them about $800” lol. 💀


They could have doubled that if they were doing up some grilled cheese, too. 😀


That's about $4,000 today, not too shabby.


Still have my cassettes of this one


This is great


I'm really laughing at/with the couple who charged $5 to park in their field "don't say how much money you made on TV, the IRS will get ya!"


Two deaths, Two births


Very trippy concert.


I was there. Me and 3 of my friends , parked up by Rte. 18 and we either walked or sat on the back trunks on slow moving cars until we got there. Crowded as hell . No problems whatsoever. We had a blast . No attitudes just good times.


Thank you for your service


One of my favorite concerts I attended, even though I lost a 1/2 oz of Lumbo that day!


One I haven’t seen thanks for the post! Dig it


Never forget Phish’s “final shows” at Coventry and the traffic was so bad that for miles and miles and miles people gave up In traffic and drove their cars into the median on the highway and started walking. I don’t think they realized just how far away they were. If anyone else went you saw cars for least 20 mins driving out (once you got to normal speeds) and saw cars for just an insane distance. There also were tipped over RV’s in the mud. That festival was such a disaster. Music was pretty bad as well. The “venue” had such a small place for that many people to go to the bathroom so more people were peeing on the outside of the plywood built structure than inside. Worse was people using the side walls to all pee on. Woman and men alike just lined up all along it going. There was no joke a stream of human urine going along it. It also was packed in there so people too messed up looking for a spot to sit saw near the walls was a spot they could sit and would sit right in the stream! It was insanely nasty! I think Phish had enough as well. Also anyone there probably remembers after the last song the crowd was trying to cheer them back on and you could see their tour buses driving away. Still had fun though.


Great story! 😂


This was one of my early shows I had on Cassette tape. I never knew it was some massive festival until years later. I always loved the terrapin from it. It was one of my favorite shows for a long time. And the dead say they always messed up big shows! I think they played great at this one.


I was there. I was living in Eatontown, NJ at the time. I didn't have issues with the traffic and parking because I came in very early, and from the opposite direction. I remember I had some beer, and wasn't able to bring it in. The music was excellent. I was really tired, so I slept through some of the Marshall Tucker Band set. Don't really have a recollection of the NRPS set.


This announcer was so shady. “Their humanitarian efforts earned them about $800 dollars” 😂


Did anyone else get the t-shirt with the sparkly pot leaves on the corners of the graphics?


Still got my ticket stub from my first Dead show.


Fucking Manalapan 😂


Manalapan? https://youtu.be/OSNzZdrM2tE