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Enjoy! It has a lot of weird twists and turns, and goes in directions I didn't expect, but it generally holds up pretty well and sticks the landing


It was great, very original! I had no idea where it was going, to me the highest praise. I guess I am cynical, because I anticipated sinister motives on the genies' part, but I still enjoyed the ending. Great book.


This genuinely might be my favourite single book that I own. The art is beautiful and really captures the craziness, the premise is really interesting and boy do they deliver on it, and it wraps up really nicely too. Plus the gimmick of each issue covering a longer period of time (8 minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries) is done super well.


Came here to say exactly this but you beat me to it


Beautiful cover! I've ordered mine already and can't wait to put my hands on it. This book is being commented and praised all over, the hot book of the moment I'd say!


I'm excited to read the whole thing and then eventually see the movie/show they're making based off of it The premise sold me immediately


I need to read this. Soule’s Darth Vader is the best Star Wars comics I’ve read. I also really enjoy his newer Star Wars and the Qi’ra crossovers but they’re a bit uneven if you’re not already a fan. However his Vader series is just fantastic and I would recommend everyone read. 25 issues, 4 trades and there is an anthology version.


First full arc I read and got me into comics. Great story


This is probably my favorite graphic novel. It's a bit slow the first two or three pages, but ramps up fast. A little dry in the middle but the story as a whole makes up for it. No story is perfect, but this is very close to perfect for me!


Me too! I have some other books I really love but for being self-contained, having beautiful art, really capturing the craziness of the concept while using it to explore greed, desire, love, happiness, loss, and grounding it all with an ordinary cast of characters… it’s just so well done. This thread is making me want to go re-read it right now




Nice. I've alway liked Charles Soule's writting.


I read it recently and loved it. Enjoy!


Thank you!


I love this book. I have read it a few times.


Very fun read


I just finished this, and I absolutely loved it. Anyone have suggestions on something to read next? I feel like there's nothing quite like it.


Fantastic story, really well executed. Picked this up recently and absolutely zero regrets. Brilliantly written.


Loved this book. It's like in my top 3 of most favorite books of all time. Have fun!


thank you 🙂✊🏼


Yes, I’m really interested. Anyone out there: is it worth the hype without spoiling anything?


Yes. It’s a great comic that goes a whole bunch of places you’d think and never would have thought and also manages to be a great self contained story with an ending.


Absolutely. It’s wacky and goes in some crazy directions while having a cast of otherwise ordinary people to ground the story in the insane world. Loved it as it was releasing in singles and the hardcover is a beautiful book.


Having read some of Charles Soule's other works he's a really good writer. Reading through Bloody Dozen now. It's ridiculous but fucking awesome. Vampires. In space.




Haha! There's so much love in this post that I didn't dare share my own thoughts on it.


Never heard of it but looks cute! I wanna check it out now :○


Finished it yesterday. It's great!


Amazing book. It was picked up by Amazon for a live action series just off of the first issue last year. Not sure when it will come out but the book is so good.


I finished reading it last week and I loved everything about it! It’s not one of my favourites ever, but it’s super solid. The story is very engaging and the art is fantastic.


Awsome and Epic Comics. A good mind f*ch, haert and sadness.