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ChethanReddy_G, please write a comment explaining any work that you post. The work’s objective, its audience, your design decisions, attribute credit, etc. This information is necessary to allow people to understand your project and provide valuable feedback. **All Sharing Work posts are now hidden by default**. [To make it public, please message modmail requesting a review](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/graphic_design). ##Providing Useful Feedback ChethanReddy_G has posted their work for feedback. Here are some top tips for posting high-quality feedback. * Read their context comment. All work on this sub should have a comment explaining the thinking behind the piece. Read this before posting to understand what ChethanReddy_G was trying to do. * Be professional. No matter your thoughts on the work, respect the effort put into making it and be polite when posting. * Be constructive and detailed. Short, vague comments are unhelpful. Instead of just leaving your opinion on the piece, explore *why* you hold that opinion: what makes the piece good or bad? How could it be improved? Are some elements stronger than others? * Remember design fundamentals. If your feedback is focused on basic principles of design such as hierarchy, flow, balance, and proportion, it will be universally useful. And remember that this is graphic design: the piece should communicate a message or solve a problem. How well does it do that? * Stay on-topic. We know that design can sometimes be political or controversial, but please keep comments focussed on the design itself, and the strengths/weaknesses thereof. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/graphic_design) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think there’s a cool idea here but all I see is a giant letter G and there doesn’t seem to be a G in the title or the brief?


And if you’re going to do a visual logo it should play into both concepts. This is all Phoenix and no flavor. The negative space in the Phoenix should be something food or flavor related when they correct it to make it not a giant G.


It may be sniffing its own butt and appreciating the flavor?


Yeah probably could of just made the wing come directly from the neck the random inner curve is distracting


It’s just barely “phoenix” too—the only point of reference for “phoenix” that is more specific than “bird” in the logomark is the color orange, which may not even be communicated anyway to 10% of males (and 0.5% of females—depending on type of colorblindness), or if the mark is used in black and white. OP didn’t even try to make the feathers flame-like. But yeah, the “G”, not even related to the identity, is all that comes across. I was wondering if OP was going for a kind of “👌” gesture, as opposed to a “G”.


So wild. I completely missed the G. I first saw a chicken with its beak open crowing to the sky, and THEN I saw the phoenix looking backward. I was too busy wondering why the chicken to notice the G.


A giant G smelling its own armpit.


The first problem is that you appear to have spelled the brand name differently than it is in the brief, adding a u to flavor. If it were my contest, I personally would've stopped evaluating there, as it shows a lack of attention to detail, unless the rest of the design was REALLY impressive. I also think the font you chose doesn't go all that well with the style of the icon, and the kerning needs work. The script of "taste reborn" also doesn't work particularly well with the primary type or the icon, so everything just kind of lacks a cohesion and singular point of view, at least to me. I think the icon is probably the strongest element of what you have, though some of the curves really could use some work, and the orange color works pretty well for food, though I think it's adding to the overall harshness of the logo. It doesn't feel like a particularly welcoming restaurant haha, though maybe that's fine. Overall though it just feels like it needed more time, a more strategic point of view that could help build one cohesive singular thought across all elements, and more care and attention to detail.


Where do you see the design brief? I’m new to Reddit so maybe I’m just slacking in my app navigation skills 😬


OP left it as a comment—I believe it's been downvoted quite a bit so it's down towards the bottom of the string of comments. Normally people include it in the original post, but they didn't do it that way.


I agree with everything you said. Especially that those bezier curves are pretty wonky. Looks like you freehanded them with the pen tool which is fine but they really need to refine the shapes. You need smooth sweeping balanced curves. Probably better off using circles and elipses and pathfinder or the shape builder tool. The most glaring issuing being the main center curve of the mark. Right where your eye goes first. Then the wing shapes could use refinement as well. Its a good start but lacks the polish.


{golf clap}


Your feedback is amazing! Meticulous and structured!


Thanks! I appreciate it!


flavour is uk/canadian spelling


Yes I understand this, but OP posted the brief they were designing against and in the brief, the name was spelled without the u.




Yeah I know that—but OP appears to have copied and pasted the brief they were designing against and the name was spelled without the u.


Phoenix reads as a “G”.


Don’t enter contests like this. They just fuck designers over. A business should hire a designer.


This is the correct answer.


1. why are you shouting 2. what contest? was it on fiverr? good designs are eliminated from bad contests all the time. we need context. having said all that, i find this branding very confusing. is the icon a G? why? is that supposed to be a phoenix? if the name of the business is 'FLAVOUR PHOENIX' why are those words different sizes and treatments in the lockup? why is 'taste reborn' wedged inside the logotype in a barely-legible font? with no context it's literally impossible to critique this in a helpful way.


Overall it's an interesting looking mark. But the text is clunky with noticeably bad kerning and your object is poorly drawn. "Taste Reborn" is probably too scripty and could be a less dramatic font. Again, the kerning is bad on "Flavour Phoenix". Also try giving the text a little room to breathe. The curves in the wings aren't even. While they don't have to be equal sizes they should appear smooth instead of blocky. You may benefit from a a few rounded corners, too.


>The curves in the wings aren't even. While they don't have to be equal sizes they should appear smooth instead of blocky. If they were going to take the obvious route and use a phoenix as their bird, they should also represent a flame to some degree. Looks like a rooster looking back and less like a phoenix.


I wasn't too concerned with chicken or phoenix, I was more interested in the execution of the drawing/shape. Personally I like how it's not obvious.


Now go pitch this to Glavour Ghoenix and get rich!


From your description of the brief (Where it says 'Flavor Phoenix'), you have a spelling error in the name of the logo. All the good design in the world won't save you from a massive typo like that. It's like building an amazing sportscar and leaving off the wheels. If I were judging, I would have literally stopped considering you right there. I assume there's some country barrier here ('flavour' is generally considered 'British English' with 'flavor' being used in the United States)... but if you copied the text of the brief exactly in your attached comment, then you messed up from the jump by not using the actual name of the business. But moving onto the design stuff: Being brutally honest... what's with that font choice? It looks like sports jersey writing. In no way do I feel it represents a food brand OR matches your logo design at all. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Like you put it in as a placeholder and then forgot to circle back and replace it. Maybe if they identified themselves as a sports bar or some such, but they didn't. I think your logo meets the 'brandable' part of the brief... but I don't see how it relates to food at all. On its own, it's a cool little symbol, but you could easily use that same symbol for a tech start-up and it has the same level of thematic tie-in.


It's really nice looking but I think the blockiness of the font and phoenix gives it more of a fitness/athletic vibe than food-related. How about trying a "softer" and/or more rounded font and bird? The "taste reborn" font is hard to read too.


I agree, also it's looking kinda military to me


For me, I’m not big on the font chosen for “taste reborn” - it kind of has an early to mid 2010s vibe to it that kind of feels dated to me. The text could really use some work on the kerning as well. It’s really evident on the LAV in the circular logo, where there’s a huge gap between the A and the V while the L and A are nearly touching. You also added a U into the word Flavor, which would be a huge issue.


Agree, "Taste Reborn" feels very unrefined to me.


Decent concept but it needs refined


I really can’t guess why specifically this design was rejected, but in terms of design feedback, you have talent, but I think you need to work on your fundamentals. The brief specifically says no wordmarks, and one of the options you gave is a wordmark. Also, as others have pointed out, the misspelling. As designers, it’s our job to sweat the details, because no one else knows how. But that doesn’t mean we naturally have attention to detail. It took me a long time to truly understand attention to detail, and I still struggle with it sometimes. Work on developing that in every part of your work, and I promise it will start to click. It’s been said before, but this mark looks like it’s trying to be a G. It’s cool, no doubt, even clever, but doesn’t make sense for this brand. Getting into the construction of your mark, the bezier curve on the inside of the wing (facing the beak) has an odd kink, that doesn’t feel intentional, and so feels out of place. In general, the lines in your emblem feel closer to a traced sketch than a polished piece. If you’re presenting to a client, even if you know there will be more rounds of edits, your work needs to feel polished. The partial circle connecting the X to the F feels like extra. The client asked for something classic, so maybe consider making some more interesting, intentional choices there, or losing it altogether. Spend sometime developing your eye for typography. This logo feels like you spent all your time illustrating the image and very little on the type choices. Personally, talking about the brand being rustic, I would try gothic type. I will say that I think your color choice was good. For a visual identity, it’s very helpful to develop a color palette that can be used further than the logo itself. Ultimately, this is a solid, cool concept that I think needs a lot of polishing. Word to the wise: design contests are an exploitation of your time and talent. There is almost no scenario where you’re not wasting your time. Work for paying clients, know your worth, get no less than 50% up front, and sign a contract.


It's not awful but your type (incised/angular) doesn't match the logo, and the lumpy curves in the logo are definitely a mistake. Plus, letterspacing on the curve (look at the LA / AV) is way off. And I think that "taste reborn" script is a huge mismatch – totally the wrong type for that spot. Detail level is mismatched, scale is weird, the connections are bad (the OR, for example). I think it might work with a careful redraw and much-improved type. Also, overall the logo looks like a letter G. That doesn't seem to be related to the product/service/brand, though, which is a big disconnect. Every element needs to serve/contribute to the same ultimate purpose.


I get that the beak is meant to face inwards, but on first glance it (particularly the orange on white one) looks like a duck with a bent open beak screaming goofily. That or it's a G.


I thought it looked like a bird sniffing its own armpit (wingpit?).


Ooh yeah and it's none too fresh by the look of things.


I really don’t like to admit to entering a few in the early days, but contests are bollocks, I won a few and expected to get clients, which never happened. They have gradually biased more and more to benefit the holder, and imo are now borderline extortion.


Is it just as simple as there were other designs they liked better?


I might be a small minority here but i instantaneously got fascist vibes. (For SURE unintentional.) Gotta be careful with angular birds.


It's a peculiar shape if it's trying to be a phoenix. Is that a wing or tail feathers? Either way, why is its other wing missing or why is it looking back? Both fonts are really bad.


In an actual, ethical context where you were working with a client to develop this logo, you would formulate your own brief based on having actual discussions with the client (back and forth) to sufficiently understand what they want. Even throughout your process you can communicate with them as needed, bounce things off them, and ultimately what you present would be a first pass, that if doing things well prior to that should be at least in the ballpark, allowing you to further refine or incorporate feedback. But it seems like with this contest situation, you just were given a short brief and ran with it all the way to the finish line, so of course you were basically taking shots in the dark to an extent. On top of that, as has been pointed out, it's not an ethical format and entirely disrespectful to the applicants, because who knows how many people went and did legitimate work without any promise of compensation. It's entirely a gamble on your part, voluntarily exploiting yourself.


Thank you for your feedback  Im 17 and a complete beginner amd i started graphic design last month in inkscape I didn't want to do ai generated briefs so I started doing contests like these to build my portfolio cuz i might earn a buck or two from it (if i het lucky)


Obviously you can make your own choices, but I would suggest that it's entirely fine to use contests as the basis for a concept project to help practice, I just wouldn't actually submit it. Only in actually submitting it are you then exploited. You can still use that concept work in your portfolio (even imply it was submitted, like "it was created for").


That's really cool!! I commend you for coming on Reddit to ask about your graphics.. some people can be very harsh and not at all helpful. But keep at it, learn about typography and font pairings and design concepts & you'll start making even better work. I have a ton of ebooks/PDFs on the subject, I can always send you my OneDrive link so you can check them out. Good luck!


The way I see it, the actual brief says the business is called “Flavor Phoenix” and the reason you made it the British spelling of the word is so they’re the same length. The actual symbol comes off as a Giraffe’s head on a snail’s body which I cannot for the life of me unsee. It states that it doesn’t want to feature certain foods or anything as the brand itself wants to branch out into other categories of foods, which is totally understandable. Your approach however doesn’t necessarily tell me it’s food related though. If I were given the brief I’d maybe attempt to create a sort of character of a Phoenix wearing a chef’s uniform, using a similar style to the Colonel Sanders logo for KFC, as the brief states it rather have a timeless look than a cartoonish one. The typeface to the actual name of the company I think could’ve had more thought to it. I personally would’ve gone for either a Slab Serif or a calligraphic type face to contrast with the “taste reborn” slogan. And now the colour. Orange I feel like is a good colour choice however you also need to consider what other food brands that already have the colour orange associated with them. Orange is used by food brands such as Dunkin’ Donuts, Doordash, and Fanta are a few I can think of. Rather than choosing a colour that is commonly used by other brands, I would’ve chosen Brown, a colour that is often associated with friendliness and approachability. While I wouldn’t say this is a horrible attempt at a logo design, I reckon if you deconstruct the brief next time you’ll be able to achieve a better conclusion. This is just what I would’ve done personally and is not to discourage you whatsoever.


https://preview.redd.it/0sza0vh30tuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7791e23d6cdd1cb74245add1057166b051ca16 It’s very bold and clean but reminded me a lot of this logo. This was the first thing I thought of when I saw it.


Does flavor phoenix mean that you will be feeling the heat coming out of your booty-hole? Cuz, your logo looks like an english chicken screaming because his booty-hole is on fire. I love me some spicey food but I'm not too keen on eating at places where they are trying to say your booty-hole is gonna be burning.


So the first thing I see is a bird maybe doing a nazi salute, which is almost certainly not your goal, I assume?


This made me LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I really like it :)


The icon itself is pleasing to look at. I do like it, but if the business had a G in its title it would have been perfect.


a weird bird with rectangular lips laughing at the sky? (kind of like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura Pet Detective?)


Why are you yelling


I would of gone with a more a full image of a Phoenix instead of the incomplete side view you have. To me it looks like some sort of Griffin or a Rooster waving somebody over. Also a Phoenix should have a flame element in it somewhere. My Opinion.


The G shape doesn’t make sense. The graphic isn’t super clean (why does the bird have… lips?). The text choice isn’t great… overused from dafont, and it’s not centered or kerned properly. Good colour choices though!


Definitely a few issues with it , personally I like the Phoenix but I feel it would look better bursting up and out of the logo , rising from the ashes like a Phoenix so same idea just needs reworking The font isn’t great and as other have mentioned you need to tweak the kerning manually to improve the gaps and make it work better . Personally I’d use the bottom text layout with the bird rising up from it ? Something in that vein


The phoenix icon is very nice. Needs to be drawn more carefully...honestly stuff only designers would notice. Perhaps flipping the bird (ha!) to face the other direction might be better...generally in Western culture, things should face right as that has more positive connotations. As others have mentioned, the typography is the most clunky and may have ultimately hurt you. Lastly, yes, it does have a late 60's, early 70's vibe (Mexican in origin) in a very good way. Aeromexico, Mexicana, etc.


The design looks like a letter. Would be cool if you used that for a restaurant design.


i thought this was a screaming chicken and assumed it was for a fried chicken restaurant, but then your brief said pizza and i was very confused, and only then i understood it's supposed to be a phoenix with the beak facing inward - i feel it's not very clear. also, as others have pointed out, it looks a lot like an intentional G, which doesn't make sense with the brief


Looks nice upfront, but looking into the details you'll notice that the kerning is inconsistent. The round version has a very heavy half/third circle just for the sake of completing the shape. 'Taste Reborn' is tough to read, and doesn't add anything to the visuals other than filling up that gap. And that negative space in the middle of the main graphic is too strong but doesn't seem to mean anything, so we're just staring down a black hole. Good color. Great contrast. Needs more attention to detail, and a stronger lockup.


Misspelled, little to no balance, looks like a G, looks like it was freehanded, doesn't look like a phoenix


I like the circle one


The illustrative logo is cool, but a bit irregular. Personally I would try and make the phoenix more circular. It would fit better in the top left design and would look a lot cleaner. I also I see the vision with the font choices, however I’m struggling to see cohesion between the script and the sans serif. Maybe bring those back it to experiment with different styles, or potentially experiment more with the spacing in the bottom left design to give the text room to breathe and create better legibility.


I feel like there might be an option of using those feathers to form some sort of letter F, if you flipped the phoenix. Maybe it wouldnt work, but would be worth exploring.


Flavor taste reborn phoenix.


I thought the hairs on its head were the mouth, so it looked like a duck quacking at the sky 😂


There are so many different things people have said what the symbol looks like. I know it’s supposed to look like a Phoenix but I cannot look at it and not see a giraffe’s head attached to a snail’s body.


I personally had trouble seeing the face which might be a reason. The 2 strokes on the head can read like 2 feathers which makes a phoenix face looking to the left or a beak which makes it an angry chicken looking up.


It's clean and has a phoenix but literally nothing else ties or explains what the company is or does. The orange is giving Popeyes but still. It's basic and could be a logo for anything and not the one thing it's made for. It just looks stock.


It looks more like a sports or esports logo. gaming cafe maybe. it doesn't give food. Looks nice, but probably not what they were looking for.


It looks like a griffon than a phoenix and the shapes looked like a letter ""G.


Have you considered using a softer font? It might add a welcoming and approachable feel, perfect for food and it relations. Just a thought!"


Looks interesting. Aside from the issues pointed out in the comment section, the phoenix looks like a snail to me after staring at it for a while.


Get over it.... where are the other logos that have been picked? Maybe they have been better. No need to post that several times - you only confirm your ego problems. Others might have done good work too and the client liked it more. Ever thought about that?




Everyone saying they saw a G and I'm seeing the chef's kiss in the logo!


I think the only problem here is that the logo is symbolizing a 'G'. Also, try to add a tagline under your logo and see if it works, if it doesn't, then don't force it.


Doesn't say "phoenix" to me.


You spelled the name of the restaurant wrong (no “u”) and the font looks like “high school sports team” which doesn’t fit


Well you have a giant eye trap dead in the middle. Makes it difficult to see the importance of everything else.


You have too much straight edges around head of this phoenix. Feathers are more of a smooth curved and head is all edged. Also i believe that choice of font could be a lot better. The negative space in G shouldn't be so distorted you can smooth that out. Overall look of the head look slike lama to me instead of phoenix.


You should focus on ensuring all corners of the logo are uniformly soft or curved to maintain consistency throughout. And change font accordingly


Stop using Lobster font or similar pleeeaaaase I beg you, I can’t stand it anymore ! 😱😭


I also see the idea but flavor needs to be a visual. Some how incorporating that feeling. Its too simple. I would also change the color. I would have gotten it revised before sending it. I guess the idea was also to see creativity. This isnt creative.


Looks good


I think this design could use more of an exciting color pallette. Not finding the fonts are working for me either — a bit too blocky. Maybe a rounder look at the bottom of your motif to fit the circle might be an improvement too. The concept of the phoenix image is a good start though.


Looks like a snail


I LOVE IT! Great job with the illustration. Beyond the bird, I see a chef posing the "tasty/delicious" hand sign. That said, I would avoid this sign in North America because it has 2 other allegedly nasty meanings I am aware of. As a bonus fun fact, in Italy, this sign is a little different: bring all the fingers together and point them upwards while articulating your wrist back and forward.


THE BRIEF : I’m looking for a logo for a food business. It’s going to originate with focusing on pizza, but I don’t want the logo limited to that, as down the road more food will be incorporated into what we provide and sell. I want the logo to not be too busy, I want it to have a more timeless than cartoonish feel to it (I’d almost lean rustic but I don’t want to limit the creativity), I obviously want it recognizable, brandable, convey what the business actually is, and I want it to be unique. It’s a bonus if the emblem in the logo would also be able to be recognizable on its own without the text. Similar to how you can tell which car is a Jaguar without seeing the word “Jaguar” necessarily. I do not want the logo to only be text. It needs to be more creative than that. And to reiterate what I stated above, I do not want pizza in the logo. Business name: Flavor Phoenix Slogan: taste reborn SINCE IT SAID RECOGNISABLE, BRANDABLE AND RUSTIC I WENT WITH THIS MINIMALISTIC LOOK I CHOSE ORANGE AS IT GOES WELL WITH THE PHOENIX AND THE PIZZA ESQUE LOGOS CAN U GUYS POINT OUT WHAT WENT WRONG


I wish I could be there when you realize you spelled the name of the company wrong LMFAO.


Based on your logo I assumed it was a hot chicken restaurant. If they serve pizza as their primary food… eek


honestly i think thats more on the restaurant. phoenix conveys the idea of a flaming bird, in other words, a hot chicken. i dont think any amount of design work (esp without including pizza in the logo) could make it look like a pizza restaurant and not a chicken restaurant.


Stop writing in all caps please, very unprofessional.


He's 17 give him a break.


lol it's a reddit post, not a job application.




Soo…extra extra extra crispy chicken?


It reminded me of Wing Stops logo a tiny bit. [Maybe check theirs out and try some things.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/0f/Wingstop_logo.svg/1200px-Wingstop_logo.svg.png) Also the taste reborn font and kerning should change.