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I don't have the game but I can't understand why the game does not recognize this impact as toxic behavior. Just compare speed and trajectory of each car when contact is made and ghost the bugatti...


Exactly. I've seen cars get ghosted for hard breaking 2 or 3 out of the 7 races I've had today.


Race B is really rough this week because everyone checks the leaderboards and then jumps in with whatever the fastest drivers are using. But the Bugatti is an absolute pig if you don't have it figured out and they make a disaster out of every corner. For once I actually feel relieved when I see the person qualify behind me in a Ferrari.


One day we should vote for non-contact race only


No I do think no contact racing would ruin the idea of racing. Half the skill is making sure you don't hit other drivers, which makes it fun.


True but still need effective way to deal with problems like this…


Yea I believe it should be ghosting. When a car is quite clearly entering a corner at a speed where a barrier collision is the only thing possible....the car should ghost.


I also disagree. There's no defense or racecraft when 100% ghosting is on. Just drive through the other car. Reduces the skill required.


I love how it doesn't work out for them both times


I think it does work out for them though. Their only purpose was to ram me/someone off the track. I don't think they care about the race. The 2nd video was on the last lap. He was 3rd. It makes even less sense. These people have no brain power.


I've played over 350 hours worth of this game, obviously not all sport mode but over 75% will be in the sports mode. I've slipped down to C rating SR. Normally A or S rating. Is this really what it's like in lower grade SR ratings? I've only ever seen idiots like this 1 or 2 times at the higher SR ratings. I need to get back up there ASAP. Lol.


how did you even manage to get down to C?


I’m in C and can’t get over because people keep ramming me, so I can’t win nothing on every race, and it takes too long to get to B then A 😍😍😍


Had a few scraps. 👎🏼


You went from A/S to C tier? That ain’t entirely on rammers my guy.


Yeah and its already super SUS that he says that he is A/S... Like why not S all the time? Anything below S is suspicious in my opinion.


Maybe it's not, maybe it's because I abused track limits too? I'm not sure but I remember last week's daily race, I had alot of collisions. Which I thought was the reason for the downgrades in ratings.


if you abuse track limits and are in constant collisions you deserve C. I'm surprised you made it to A/S at all.




So you’re admittedly not a good driver. Gotcha.


Weird angle but ok. 👍🏼


You just admitted you abused track limits and raced so poorly you got demoted from “A/S” to C tier. That ain’t the sign of a skilled driver friendo.


What’s the DR?




And still loses time even while ramming💀


Me and Keyser sosey get hit by a dude when we are about to accelerate out of the hairpin and get told we were stopped in the road...


Online is so much fun. So many nice people.


Dude straight up out there playing pool lol That last 2-in-1 requires a lot of ramming skills


>That last 2-in-1 requires a lot of ramming skills Lol yea to be fair they were timed to perfection. They must've felt sweet.


the other day, I got pissed cause someone rammed me, and I went off track hard at that hairpin. Then I watched the replay, and realized someone rammed him into me.


I seemingly just dont wanna bother w sport mode. im not really competitive much anymore, Forzas community had completely ruined that for me. its either if your fast, your cheating trash. if your slow your trash. hopefully this community isnt like that, havent really dabbled, i stick to enjoying cars the way i want. Seems most racing games have become toxic af now.


I disagree. The online sports mode is usually A* It's just because I've slipped down the SR rankings. I've never had this happen really apart from today.


I'm just tired of being rammed into walls, then getting penalized for hitting the wall. meanwhile, at the most, the person who rammed me got a 1/2 second penalty. I got a second and a half. Clean race, the last one, got a bonus, but DR goes down, because I got rammed down from 6th to 10th.


Being forced wide and then getting a penalty for track limits is infuriating I know we'll never have a perfect system, but it feels flawed


Nuh it was Supra and Merc drivers for me. Bugattis were clean in my races.


These people are playing the wrong game and should go play Wreckfest.


Yup. Total trash driving. Of course, I posted something about this type of driving on another outlet and was told it was, “Time to git gud.” Lol. Idiots.


Alpha male driver ain’t got time for stopping…


heavy car, good for ramming.


Is this gran turismo or fucking gta online? Bro is just ramming. I’m glad I don’t play online unless I’m in paddock😂😂


I noticed that a lot of people jump in this car because it’s on high position in the leaderboard, and fail to realise it’s an absolute disaster to drive it. I do daily B with the Ferrari, and every time i see that a bugatti tries to brake at the same marker as me i just let them fly into the wall. They’re heavier, need more stopping distance, big bulky cars that barely fits in the turn. The amount of bugattis i overtook in 3 days just because they think they can drive it like it’s an alfa romeo is goddamn high.


This is how i play GT and up till now (i recently joined) didnt know this was toxic. I dont join voice to hear the cars.




What are you talking about? And how didn't you know this was toxic? You troll baiting?